So I'm standing CRW for an NRAP drill. I'm in CG upper lever when this girl tells me that someone had been forceful with her the night before. I'm thinking "ah hell, that's a sexual assault." The guy is in lower level, I make a few threats and nick him with a knife as I'm talking. I was waving my hands, that part was actually accidental. Time goes by and I got to summary court martial while underway, my judge was a medical O4 onboard. 60 days restriction and 2/3 pay for one month. Jail time is only given for E4 and below. So I had re-enlisted as a nuke, still serving out that contract. A few months after the court martial is when I found out I was getting my nec removed and I had to pay back $40,000 which I finished this month. $1600 a month out of my pay. All this happens, I get orders to O2N2 school, and I'm on another ship.