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This is the page to turn off the WYSIWYG editor, in your profile settings:;area=theme
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Apr 23, 2016, 06:01 ---What specifically do you need help with?
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Eventually I will Nuke it all out so nothing specific as I said most of it is intuitive. A few of the buttons are new or have a new look.
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Apr 23, 2016, 06:01 ---There is a remove formatting button
There is also a Toggle view button, that toggles between BBC markup code, and the display version.
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What is a BBC markup code?
--- Quote from: Marlin on Apr 23, 2016, 06:44 ---What is a BBC markup code?
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I need to figure out what happened to the karma buttons, and how did NuclearNASCAR smite some one without them.
Nuclear NASCAR:
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Apr 23, 2016, 07:34 ---I need to figure out what happened to the karma buttons, and how did NuclearNASCAR smite some one without them.
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I just hit the thumbs down button on the post a few times and the poster was smited.
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