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Offline momocrazy9

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Nuke in DEP with a few questions
« on: Dec 12, 2016, 12:58 »
First, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to change jobs to EOD while in DEP since my ship out date is so far away. My recruiter told me that it would be almost impossible, but I was just making sure.

Second, How are deployments for nuke? Is it just sitting in a sub all day?

Last, How difficult is the training? Obviously it is going to be challenging, but is it as bad as people say? (no sleep, studying 24/7)

Sorry if these have been answered before, and thanks in advance!

Offline cgr656

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Re: Nuke in DEP with a few questions
« Reply #1 on: Dec 13, 2016, 04:00 »
So first off let me start by saying I am a nuke ET about halfway through prototype in Charleston so I've seen the majority of the pipeline. As far as re-rating, your recruiter won't tell you this but your contract doesn't really take affect until your on the plane to boot camp so they won't like it but you can cancel your contract before going to boot and not be charged or anything. That being said I've never heard of anyone transferring to anything else after signing nuke because it's such a critical billet they don't want to let you go.

As far as training goes it's really what you make of it. A-School deffinetly sucks the most (especially for ET's) but as you go it gets better. Go into it expecting to do 12-14 hour days every single day and to study on the weekends, that way if you get out before colors one day your super excited lol. The pipeline is like this A-School --> T-Track (hold between a and power school, usually not that bad you get out early a lot more)--> Power school (life gets much easier if you work hard at first, I would go in at 0530 and leave around 1600 every day, no weekends)---> Prototype (the first 7weeks is kind of a classroom setting, 12 hour days but it's not so bad. The next 17 weeks you work rotating shift work on the boat which sucks at first but it's a lot more fun then power or a school.)

So many people say being a nuke isn't worth it, I disagree. Your paid fairly well and it's very rewarding to work those hours, it sucks at the time but you'll look back and be glad you did it.

Offline scotoma

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Re: Nuke in DEP with a few questions
« Reply #2 on: Dec 14, 2016, 08:31 »
Your Navy training is a great opportunity. The education you get is good for college credits and what you learn can be applied to many things in your future. You obviously have the aptitude for learning because you have been accepted into the program. The learning will be challenging, but you will get out of it what you put into it. Once you get to the fleet, there will be good times and a lot of boring times. It is not much different than most jobs. You will also have the opportunity to attend fleet schools. Take whatever you can and learn as much as you can. Avoid the temptations (believe me, there are plenty in the Navy) that may get you in trouble. I went through the program forty years ago, so some things may have changed.


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