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Offline tymout

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What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« on: Nov 07, 2017, 10:22 »
I have a 26yo family member that is looking for new job opportunities. And is considering applying at companies that do Nuclear service work. There is some question on whether they may have Unescorted Access granted. They have made some mistakes in the past as many have.

Charges around seven years ago for the following (Net result One Misdemeanor conviction):
   12/22/2010 CREDIT CARD FORGERY (Class 5 Felony) - Disposition: Nolle Prosequi 5/11/2011
   12/22/2010 IDENTY THFT: FINANC LOSS >$200 (Class 6 Felony) - Disposition: Nolle Prosequi 5/11/2011 
   12/22/2010 CREDIT CARD CONSPIRE <$200 6M (Class 1 Misdemeanor) - Disposition: Conviction Misdemeanor 5/11/2011
   01/21/2011 POSSESS SCH I/II CON SUBSTANCE (Class 5 Felony) - Disposition: Dismissed 11/5/2012

Since that time they have been either actively full time employed or in school with a part time job and have had no other issues. They learned their lesson and moved on.

Any advice is appreciated to help decide if it is worth the time to apply at these companies. If not favorable, how long should they wait to try?

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 07, 2017, 11:05 »
First honesty on all paperwork will be a must. I am a bit dated but even some one convicted of murder has a chance to be cleared. From NRC FAQ

I have a DUI/felony/drug arrest or conviction on my record. Will this prevent me from getting access authorization from a nuclear power plant? What if the offense was five years or more ago?

The fact that you have a criminal conviction on your record does not alone prevent you from obtaining access authorization to a nuclear power plant. There are no specific criminal offenses that are disqualifying. However, licensees may not deny unescorted access solely on an arrest that is more than one year old and for which there is no information about the disposition of the case. Similarly, the final determination on access authorization cannot be based on an arrest that ended in a dismissal or an acquittal. But your criminal history information will be considered by the licensee along with all of the other information obtained during the criminal investigation when making a final determination about whether or not to grant you unescorted access to a nuclear power plant. The final determination of trustworthiness and reliability is based on reviewing and evaluating the background investigation, psychological assessment and drug and alcohol test.
« Last Edit: Nov 07, 2017, 11:05 by Marlin »


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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 07, 2017, 11:40 »
His felonies had to do with honesty and theft. The odds are low. Put it this way, I can get lots of guys with no record at all so why take a chance on a dishonest thief?

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 07, 2017, 12:45 »
His felonies had to do with honesty and theft. The odds are low. Put it this way, I can get lots of guys with no record at all so why take a chance on a dishonest thief?

Essentially true statement with the exception of dishonest thief, the current state of his trustworthiness and reliability does not rely on his past if he can demonstrate otherwise. But yes in a crowded manpower pool it is a definite negative.

I know you have seen this before but I thought I would give it a try anyway.


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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #4 on: Nov 07, 2017, 02:08 »
Essentially true statement with the exception of dishonest thief, the current state of his trustworthiness and reliability does not rely on his past if he can demonstrate otherwise. But yes in a crowded manpower pool it is a definite negative.

I know you have seen this before but I thought I would give it a try anyway.


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4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.'s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.

TVA was surprisingly respectful and tolerant there, I'm probably close to #4 with that statement.

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #5 on: Nov 07, 2017, 02:49 »
TVA was surprisingly respectful and tolerant there, I'm probably close to #4 with that statement.

   In Peirs Anthony book "Ogre Ogre" a half Ogre named Smash is tasked by a wizard to guard a half nymph for a year. On a trek across Xanth they encounter and bring along other women on the journey. When the conversation turns to rape the Ogre can't be made to understand so finally one of the women asks Smash how Ogres make love. He responds that the male first knocks the female to the ground and places a large rock on her face. I guess my point would be that being respectful and tolerant may have different meanings to different people but here we do not knock a poster to the ground and place rocks on their face.

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #6 on: Nov 07, 2017, 03:41 »
Marlin: Sorry, I didn't mean to get off topic.

OP: To sum up, your family member has two options if they apply. Either tell the truth or don't.

If they tell the truth, and the application for the job and the background check both ask about charges, not just convictions, there's a place to explain the situation and outcome. If they're honest, they may or may not be offered a job. Like TVA said, depending on the number of applicants and openings, they may just decide your family member isn't worth the time/money for the background check, but if there are more openings than applicants, they may offer the job (contingent on gaining unescorted access).

If they lie, at any point, they will be found out, terminated, probably immediately, and lose the ability to work at a nuclear plant for several years.

Basically, they should tell the truth, as the potential outcomes are much better than lying.

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #7 on: Nov 07, 2017, 03:42 »
Also, I love Piers Anthony.

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #8 on: Nov 07, 2017, 03:44 »
Marlin: Sorry, I didn't mean to get off topic.

No apologies needed in honest discussion thanks for your input.

Offline Ksheed

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #9 on: Nov 07, 2017, 04:17 »
I'm too lazy to quote everybody today so I'll just reply and let you sort it out.

I have some recent relevant experience in trying to get contract personnel badged at a few different commercial nuclear plants (2011-Present at 3 different sites with 3 different owners). Those that I have dealt with would most likely tell me to find another candidate for the said position. In fact the probability would be so high that I wouldn't even attempt to badge this person if he disclosed to me the background information.

Five years out from all that mess doesn't necessarily establish that you have righted the ship. Trustworthiness is and would still be a concern for every Access Screening person that I have worked with in the past. The labor pool is huge, so unless you/he/she has an incredibly specific and hard to find skill set I'd give you a very small chance of actually gaining unescorted access.

IMHO, TVA's comment is honest, to the point, and spot on with what I would expect from in-house management personnel. Pretty rare, but I agree with TVA's comment.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #10 on: Nov 07, 2017, 04:19 »
as has bin sayed, charges don't keep won from clearance, butt lying in the paperwork and inn subsequent interviews most certainly due sew. aye have worked wit convicted murderers, as will as those convicted of other crimes, woo served there time and had unescorted access at new clear facilities, both generational n others.
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Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #11 on: Nov 07, 2017, 04:26 »
IMHO, TVA's comment is honest, to the point, and spot on with what I would expect from in-house management personnel. Pretty rare, but I agree with TVA's comment.

...and I agreed to the point of name calling which was my only point of contention, there was no need to call him a dishonest thief.

Offline Ksheed

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #12 on: Nov 07, 2017, 07:34 »
All true and I have as well. I don't know of anyone with a rap sheet getting initial access granted in the past 5 years. To large of a job pool now. Everyone I know of with similar or worse rap sheet gained their access 10 years ago or longer.

I read the name calling as that is what will be assumed by in-house access screening personnel. Right or wrong, the individual will be judged by the rap sheet listed.

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #13 on: Nov 07, 2017, 08:57 »
I read the name calling as that is what will be assumed by in-house access screening personnel. Right or wrong, the individual will be judged by the rap sheet listed.

   I agree from a certain standpoint but I doubt HR would agree in fact I am sure of it. Labeling some one like that could open the utility or service company to litigation and a manager should be aware of that even if they think it is private, there is little privacy any more. Now for use of it on a forum that seeks to be helpful and encourage people to use it, it is very inappropriate and to be discouraged. I can agree that it will be part of the thought process but like many actions one must ask if it is defensible. When all things are equal it would be a deciding factor but then many hiring managers would not see it, only the resume and possibly references from HR. Security Screening is frequently a secondary process after the hiring process and if rejected an alternate is offered the position.

   If I look at this as a moderator (and I am) the liability and health of the forum is what I am interested in. TVA and his previous incarnations have a lot to offer. He has a lot of valuable advice which is welcome. He is terse and honest though annoying can be beneficial. However he is also abusive, intransigent, insulting, and intolerant of those seeking advice that is in conflict with forum rules and not in the best interest of Nukeworker. Yes some are a pain and probably not who they say they are but that can be hard to define.

The forum rules start with:

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law.

If someone wants less restrictive rules there is the GM areas including "PolySci" and the "Bathroom Wall" where posters are warned that less restrictive rules are in place and can avoid what may be contentious or less than polite commentary.

Another excerpt from the rules:

kids visit this site, the NRC visits this site, the Secret Service visits this site, Managers visit this site, I visit the site, good Christian people visit the site, etc.

Anonymity is a tenuous thing and I would be cautious of what I post. Just ask Juli Briskman.
« Last Edit: Nov 07, 2017, 08:58 by Marlin »


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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #14 on: Nov 07, 2017, 09:44 »
Dishonest thief isnt name calling. It's a fact.
HR and Unrestricted access are two different boats. HR can offer all they want and if access aint gonna clear him it's all for naught.
Guy gets angry in a bar and he hits someone who pinches his sisters ass thats a felony.
Someone steals something then it's a felony.
I know which one I would clear and it isnt the thief.
Nuclear Services does not approve access, the utility does and I wouldnt clear a thief.

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #15 on: Nov 07, 2017, 10:02 »
Dishonest thief isnt name calling. It's a fact.

So you would give them a scarlet A for the rest of their life? What was may not be what is.

HR and Unrestricted access are two different boats. HR can offer all they want and if access aint gonna clear him it's all for naught.

I think I said that.

Guy gets angry in a bar and he hits someone who pinches his sisters ass thats a felony.

If he is convicted and that's not up to anyone but a judge and jury.

Someone steals something then it's a felony.

TSK, TSK, depends on value of theft and again a judge and jury. In this case he claims it was a misdemeanor.

I know which one I would clear and it isnt the thief.

Are you Inspector Javert, chasing Jean Valjean?

Nuclear Services does not approve access, the utility does and I wouldnt clear a thief.

I was generalizing for any company, HR is far more complex in this litigious environment and many things are not in the hands of many hiring managers in large companies and even in some smaller ones.

For a self proclaimed smart guy....  ::)   


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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #16 on: Nov 07, 2017, 10:15 »
Access is independent of HR and fact is a contractor doesnt grant access.
The guy asked for an answer. I gave it to him, fact is its about a 47863257999 to 1 shot access would be granted.

Offline Marlin

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #17 on: Nov 07, 2017, 10:19 »
Access is independent of HR and fact is a contractor doesnt grant access.

Again I think I said that.

The guy asked for an answer. I gave it to him, fact is its about a 47863257999 to 1 shot access would be granted.

I agree that the odds are low I think I said that too. 478632257999 to one? Maybe you should be an odds maker in Vegas not an instructor.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #18 on: Nov 07, 2017, 10:50 »
All true and I have as well. I don't know of anyone with a rap sheet getting initial access granted in the past 5 years. To large of a job pool now. Everyone I know of with similar or worse rap sheet gained their access 10 years ago or longer.
wile yore time frame fits, yew got a big pool picture wit know knowledge of sayed candidates professional capabilities and there demand inn these united states. outer professionals are ratcheting up payrolls, n nuclear grade welders are finding grate deals inn refinery repair, carpenter are busy rebuilding huston, florida, n puerto rico. those puddles of the labour pool are getting shallow.
sew, they're is a reason two believe u.a. can bee granted four sum won wit an arrest record.
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #19 on: Nov 07, 2017, 11:00 »
Dishonest thief isnt name calling
butt it is redundant.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #20 on: Nov 07, 2017, 11:04 »
fact is its about a 47863257999 to 1 shot access would be granted.
aye got a buck down on this at those odds.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #21 on: Nov 08, 2017, 05:51 »
Well, the presumptive purpose of career path forums at is to ask, apportion and assimilate,...

so, for anybody just perusing through these back and forths on this and other related threads:

IF your kid gets crosswise with the legal system at that stupid age (between 16 and 22 for most) when the brain seems to disconnect from the stem and stupid actions follow from stupid decisions THEN,....

tell your kid to shut up, the DA is not his/her friend, the system is just that (a system) and get your kid a good lawyer so that your kid does not take whatever "good deal" your kid is being offered and hence your kid is zoned out from several (not just nuke power plants) lucrative employment possibilities once the brain reunites with the stem and they grow up,...

to wit:

nolle prosequi is not the same as dismissal or acquittal,...

in some jurisdictions, and as a practical matter of course in all jurisdictions, a nolle prosequi is homologous to the former terms, and yet the state retains the prerogative to retry pending evidence (and all the life garbage those three last words imply),...

so, for UA at a nuke plant:

IF GLW was looking at it in the current jobs versus labor pool situation -> circular file,...

GLW would not want to get this wrong should the candidate put HR through the whole "misuse of company assets" rigmarole,...

I mean, someone's gotta answer the question, "Who the hell cleared this guy?!?!"

OBTW for all the "tough love" parents:

IF you want your kid (as defined above) to learn a lesson make 'em pay you back for the lawyer bill, plus your personal time and expenses at the appropriate billing rate,...

THEN they'll learn: staying straight with the law is a lot cheaper than getting crosswise with it (as elucidated above),...

PS - Dear Mike R., your fonts are all messed up nowadays!!!!!

« Last Edit: Nov 08, 2017, 05:54 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #22 on: Nov 08, 2017, 09:15 »
butt it is redundant.
I was thinking the same thing.

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #23 on: Nov 08, 2017, 11:41 »
Four hundred seventy eight billion, six hundred thirty two million, two hundred fifty seven thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine to one odds ? Sounds like the odds of being selected to be an ELT back when men were men - and a clinical diagnosis of depression was a pathway to a code red in the eyes of Nathan Jessup and his prodigy.

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Re: What are the chances of Unescorted Access?
« Reply #24 on: Nov 09, 2017, 06:00 »
PS - Dear Mike R., your fonts are all messed up nowadays!!!!!

Odd, they look normal to me.


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