Well, the presumptive purpose of career path forums at NW.com is to ask, apportion and assimilate,...
so, for anybody just perusing through these back and forths on this and other related threads:
IF your kid gets crosswise with the legal system at that stupid age (between 16 and 22 for most) when the brain seems to disconnect from the stem and stupid actions follow from stupid decisions THEN,....
tell your kid to shut up, the DA is not his/her friend, the system is just that (a system) and get your kid a good lawyer so that your kid does not take whatever "good deal" your kid is being offered and hence your kid is zoned out from several (not just nuke power plants) lucrative employment possibilities once the brain reunites with the stem and they grow up,...
to wit:
nolle prosequi is not the same as dismissal or acquittal,...
in some jurisdictions, and as a practical matter of course in all jurisdictions, a nolle prosequi is homologous to the former terms, and yet the state retains the prerogative to retry pending evidence (and all the life garbage those three last words imply),...
so, for UA at a nuke plant:
IF GLW was looking at it in the current jobs versus labor pool situation -> circular file,...
GLW would not want to get this wrong should the candidate put HR through the whole "misuse of company assets" rigmarole,...
I mean, someone's gotta answer the question, "Who the hell cleared this guy?!?!"
OBTW for all the "tough love" parents:
IF you want your kid (as defined above) to learn a lesson make 'em pay you back for the lawyer bill, plus your personal time and expenses at the appropriate billing rate,...
THEN they'll learn: staying straight with the law is a lot cheaper than getting crosswise with it (as elucidated above),...
PS - Dear Mike R., your fonts are all messed up nowadays!!!!!