My career research assignment for my class requires me to interview a few people who works/ed at the career I want to join so I figured I would ask y'all, I would love to hear from everyone regarding of age, rate, rank,dumb,stupid,rich,broke.
[Insert name]
[Length of time in nuclear field (including navy)]
45 years Navy/Commercial/DOE et. al.
YMMV (Your miles may Vary)
I will not tell you that GLW and MMM are not accurate, they are, but there have been generational changes for the many Navy Nukes that have gone through the pipeline. You will need to look at the health of the nuclear industry in 6 to 10 years if nuclear is what you want. On the bright side many ex-Navy nukes did not choose nuclear when they got out, nuclear is not the only industry that recognizes the benefit of hiring a vet who met the requirements of Navy Nuclear Propulsion Program.
1. Is 6 and out the best option, or is taking the 90,000 the better deal, what did you choose and why?
2. What is the hardest part about transitioning from Military to Civilian life?
Getting the smile off my face I enlisted because the draft was still in effect and I expected to be drafted.
3. Do you feel that having have been in the Navy for 6 years has given you a better opportunity in the job market than the kids fresh out of college?
Yes, but long term a degree is advisable.
4. What was/is your starting pay and where do you expect it to go from there?
About $8.00 an hour but that was good for 1978 and OT was overwhelming across the industry. TMI happened shortly after I got out and seismic restraints were being upgraded in all nuclear plants. Semi retired so I don't expect to do more than attend my garden.
5. After the navy did you pursue a Nuclear Engineering degree to become an Engineer?
No, got a nuclear technology degree but normally worked in positions where experience could be accepted in place of the degree. Nuclear is a much broader field than operation of a nuclear power plant.
6. In your opinion do Engineers or Operators make the best bang for their work?
Did not elect to get the golden handcuffs of a utility position (well 3 years but that was an aberration). Happiness was the last facility in the rear view mirror (would not recommend that in today's job market).
7. What are some things you wish to have taken better advantage of while in the service?
Did not have time I served on Fast Attack submarines.
8. How long did your job search last until you found the company you're in?
Job found me.
9. What is the most important thing in life for you?
Family and the Navy said my wife did not come in my sea bag one to many times.
10. How much learning curve is there transitioning from Navy Nuke to Civ Nuke?
Varied but learning never stopped as I transitioned from discipline to discipline and and into different regulatory environments. NRC DOE DOT EPA etc. life of a nuclear gypsy.