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Offline SaucyJoe

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NUPOC DC Interview
« on: Jan 01, 2018, 08:31 »
Hi Everyone,

I'm set to go to DC for my technical interview mid January and had a few questions. I have a few C's on my transcript which will probably become a topic of discussion. There were a few classes where the material just didn't click for me. I'm a chemical engineering major, but electrical circuits were simply something that didn't make sense. I would put hours into studying the material and talk with professors. Would I fail the interview if I said that the grade I received was the best I could muster at the time? I'm going over it again to make sure I can answer circuit questions in DC. I'm curious if there is a way to convey that I put forth my best effort but fell short regardless, without getting hammered over it?

Offline NegligentShotz

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Re: NUPOC DC Interview
« Reply #1 on: Jan 02, 2018, 12:50 »
Hey, i just interviewed in November. the best thing you can do is just be honest, tell them you tried your best, they may ask what you are doing to prevent it from hindering you in the future. when confronted with my numerous poor grades in Mechanical Engineering at my school i told the admiral that I'm always putting forth my best effort, and i think the most important thing about that is that i sounded confident when i said it. i don't let my harsh grades affect me because i know the material now that i use it. i went in with C's in Thermodynamics, Heat and mass transfer, and Calc 2.

Offline BrianScott87

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Re: NUPOC DC Interview
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2018, 12:24 »
My 0.02: 

Do NUPOC instructor, then once your GI Bill fully vests (36 months) transfer it to dependents.  Then you incur an additional service commitment, but this can be completed in the reserves, and much of it will be concurrent with what you already owe for NUPOC.  20 years from now, your wallet will thank you immensely when you don't have to pay for a kid's college!  You won't have any problem getting hired 5 years down the road and will have burnished your resume (and your tan on the beaches of sunny Charleston). 
"That's what it is to be a human -- to always do the best you can, no matter the circumstances."
-Admiral Hyman G. Rickover


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Re: NUPOC DC Interview
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2018, 07:43 »
Hey, i just interviewed in November. the best thing you can do is just be honest, tell them you tried your best, they may ask what you are doing to prevent it from hindering you in the future. when confronted with my numerous poor grades in Mechanical Engineering at my school i told the admiral that I'm always putting forth my best effort, and i think the most important thing about that is that i sounded confident when i said it. i don't let my harsh grades affect me because i know the material now that i use it. i went in with C's in Thermodynamics, Heat and mass transfer, and Calc 2.

I bet he was really impressed with your capitalization skills.


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