With no experience the only way to get hired is to know somebody. You can get a junior job with 0 experience but it is very hard to do. Usually you have to have some type of leverage. The best way to become an RCT without falling into it is to enroll into a local college that has an agreement with the local nuke plant / DOE site. For instance, Aiken Tech near SRS has a program that sends most of its graduates to DOE as a new RCT. Sometimes they will hire the entire class even if you haven't graduated yet! Depends on need. Some years graduates will languish for a year or more waiting for a job. Find out how close you are to a local college near WIPP before you go after Thomas Edison. Edison likes people who already have experience or a good bit of college already. But if you can't find a local, for sure give edison a try. The good thing about WIPP is it is in the middle of no where so if you were going to catch a break and get a JR job, WIPP could be the place. There may come a time when WIPP needs techs badly and if you are local you might squeeze your way into a JR job when they can't find anyone else. JR contract jobs are pretty rare for DOE sites but they do happen. Usually DOE sites hire senior RP contractors only and the new people they have recently hired house fill any other position. Knock down any doors you have with the RCTs on the site, especially RP managers or supervisors and ask them the best way to get a job as an RP at WIPP.