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Offline FutureNuke26

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Clearance Discoveries
« on: May 14, 2018, 02:15 »
Back in August of 2017, I made my first trip to MEPS. Got scared into revealing a non-problem medical condition that cleared up on its own. Returned back to meps a month later with a waiver for said condition, picked nuke with a 99 asvab and everything was fine from there. Fast forward one months, my parents divorce and I get caught in the middle with little regard for me. My mental health slouched off, and one day in January I stupidly asked the doctor if there was anything to do to help with anxiety from it. My doctor all too happily put me on Zoloft which I dumbly agreed to. I took it for one day and decided that it wasn't for me. I texted my recruiter to let him know about the whole situation, to which he never responded back, even after weeks of me trying to contact him. I texted another recruiter at the office and told him that after a few weeks of trying to get a hold of PO Dickhole that I needed to know if this would dq me as I needed to know what to do when I graduated high school. Within 5 mins of texting the other recruiter, MY recruiter called me and told me he didn't want to text abt the situation bc it could be incriminating. In our monthly face to face meeting, I told him I only took it once and that it wasn't for me, and I made a bigger effort to take care of myself by receiving support from friends and family. He said as long as I don't bring it up and as long as I don't give reason for them to look, the navy will NOT look at my civilian medical records now that I'm past MEPS. My question to this board is wether this is true or not. I've learned my lesson about intimidation and to not squeak at the moment of truth in RTC, but will investigators for clearances search past medical records for this? My sister in law is a nurse and my doctor is a very close family friend at the practice I go to, could I possibly get this removed from records? How would an other than honorable discharge look on me as an applicant to civilian jobs if I was caught and discharged?
I know it's obviously not a good idea to lie, but my recruiter is adamant about not revealing this small mishap. I don't believe myself to be mentally ill, it was purely situational from my family and I'm perfectly fine now. I was never officially diagnosed with any kind of disorder or disease, my doctor just prescribed me Zoloft which I did not take.
In short, would investigators be able to find this information without me revealing it?

Offline MMM

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Re: Clearance Discoveries
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2018, 02:48 »
In general, honesty is the way to go. That being said, if I remember correctly (which I might not, as boot camp was almost 25 years ago), most of what they will look for is illegal drugs. Since it was a prescribed, you should be ok on that front, there's no reason to volunteer the information. The other thing that will be looked at is mental health. I'm not sure what the specifics are for this, but Zoloft might be disqualifying as an indication of anxiety (which will get you discharged). Worst case, you will end up with an admin (within a certain time of enlisting, I don't know how long) or medical discharge, neither of which will have a major impact on future employment.

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: Clearance Discoveries
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2018, 03:22 »
Clearance investigators will most likely not look at medical records.   They would likely get a report from medical if there was anything of interest to them such as prior illicit drug use or something like that.  They won't be concerned with your medical status as thats not their job and will likely just assume you've already been cleared.   You also will not be given an other than honorable discharge because you took a prescribed medication.  The biggest concern would be that it would be nuke or submarine disqualifying which would mean that you would have to get re-rated but you would not get discharged from the Navy.  However I don't think that they will look at your civilian medical records anymore once you're cleared by MEPS.  The only way they would find out is if you were still taking it and popped on a drug test.  I had a sailor on my boat get popped for Ritalin on a random drug test.  He was prescribed it by a civilian doctor and never told a Navy doctor about it.    It disqualified him from submarines and ticked off my command a whole lot but he was rerated and stayed in the Navy.  If anyone asks, be honest.  But you already brought it up to your recruiter so I don't see a need to bring it up again.  You're not the senior man with a secret anymore.  As my old XO would say, don't walk across the street to get your butt kicked. 


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