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Offline Nuclearengggg

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So I was just hired under Southern Nuclear and I start my new job Monday. I was told I will have to do nantel training. Can anyone tell me about nantel? I came from Savannah river Site and was never asked to do anything like this. Is nantel hard? Thanks.

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Re: New job never worked in commercial power plant before
« Reply #1 on: Jun 20, 2018, 05:57 »
So I was just hired under Southern Nuclear and I start my new job Monday. I was told I will have to do nantel training. Can anyone tell me about nantel?.......

.....I came from Savannah river Site and was never asked to do anything like this.....

apparently SRS is in the stone ages of training,....

...Is nantel hard?...



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Re: New job never worked in commercial power plant before
« Reply #2 on: Jun 20, 2018, 06:08 »
Nantel is just a way of saying a bunch of standard computer based training.
You get plenty of time to review material.
Re review it if you want.
You cannot have a phone on in the room.
Once signed into an exam you cannot leave your seat for any reason.
The proctor CANNOT help you. Cannot even define a word for you.
Make sure you have a valid picture ID as it will be required.
If you fail there is usually one retake allowed without having to go to management.
Also most areas will have the lesson plans available on paper.

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Re: New job never worked in commercial power plant before
« Reply #3 on: Jun 20, 2018, 10:48 »
Nantel is just a way of saying a bunch of standard computer based training.

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Re: New job never worked in commercial power plant before
« Reply #4 on: Jun 21, 2018, 06:27 »

apparently SRS is in the stone ages of training,....

At everything.................
« Last Edit: Jun 21, 2018, 06:27 by MrHazmat »
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Re: New job never worked in commercial power plant before
« Reply #5 on: Jun 22, 2018, 08:03 »
NANTeL = National Academy for Nuclear Training electronic Learning

It is an INPO (Institute for Nuclear Power Operations since you are new to commercial nuclear) thing. You will probably hear about them a lot.

Not hard if you pay attention to the lesson (or take the tests dozens of times in your career.) The tests are generally easy even if the material is all brand new to you
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