So I have a pretty unique situation, from what I've come accross, and it's giving me headaches trying to get my instructor NEC from the s8g prototype.So I was one of the top in my class, but wasn't initially selected to be an instructor from my graduating class. Instead I stayed at NPTU after graduation, because I was on hold awaiting the results of my STA-21 package. My hold period was going to be about 8 months, so I chose to help support the watchbill, and I qualified as an S8G instructor. I went to Basic Instructor Training school, qualified as an instructor, went in to maintenance quals and more senior quals after graduating, and was eventually told by both my plant master chief and plant executive officer that since I had already been an instructor for months, that if I was not selected for STA-21, that I would be staying at S8g prototype as an instructor.