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Author Topic: Three Mile Island -- Failure Of Science Or Spin?  (Read 2386 times)

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Offline Marlin

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Three Mile Island -- Failure Of Science Or Spin?
« on: Mar 27, 2019, 10:33 »
Three Mile Island -- Failure Of Science Or Spin?


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Re: Three Mile Island -- Failure Of Science Or Spin?
« Reply #1 on: Mar 27, 2019, 07:37 »
Just when I think no one can be any more stupid someone ( not Marlin ) restores my faith


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Re: Three Mile Island -- Failure Of Science Or Spin?
« Reply #2 on: Mar 28, 2019, 01:25 »
I have listened to arguments about what went on, who did what, why was this done, why was this not done, and so on and so on.  Actually being there on-shift, working with very competent personnel (minus some egotistical management), and dealing with the Monday morning couch potatoes who have all the answers, it has become evident to me that the only thing that should be understood is that s..t happens. Had there been such things as lessons learned, better communications between utilities and regulators and less concern over the bottom dollar, the industry would not be where it is today.  Had the politicians and industry experts used common sense and dealt with the actual issues by controlling cost of gut wrenching, money grabbing private contracting companies, and the manufacturing industry we could still afford to construct, operate and maintain our nuclear fleets. Instead, like the medical field, we have allowed profiteering to become the basis for how we operate our industry. Why we didn't take what we learned, taught the public on the reality of our business, and built public trust in our operations is beyond me. No one died, no member of the public was exposed to any levels of exposure of any concern, and no part of our environment were affected.

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Re: Three Mile Island -- Failure Of Science Or Spin?
« Reply #3 on: Mar 28, 2019, 11:00 »
And just imagine if OE...from the EXACT B&W design would have been comunicated after Davis Besse experienced the same issue with the pressurizer valve 18 months before TMI. Of course theirs happened during start up and not 100% reactor power, but Operators were trained to NEVER overfill the pressurizer....which is exactly what their instrumentation was telling them was happening. Great job by the Operators at Besse, unfortunately those were before the days of shared OE....even between the same reactor designs.

The WORST commercial nuclear "disaster" in USA history.......simply ruined a reactor.
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