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Author Topic: Who was Valery Legasov, the Soviet scientist that saved the world from Chernobyl  (Read 4029 times)

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Offline Marlin

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Radiation sickness from 100 REM?

I think they were missing a zero in there (or didn't include anything internal.)
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Offline Marlin

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Radiation sickness from 100 REM?

I think they were missing a zero in there (or didn't include anything internal.)

   It may have excluded shallow dose if he had a "radiation tan" and only documented deep dose. The article said he made many helicopter flights over the site so internal is more than just speculation. It is a Russian news outlet sooooooo....

Just my  [2cents]

It did reference the HBO mini series that I have not watched but hear it is pretty good.
« Last Edit: Jun 05, 2019, 10:07 by Marlin »

Offline scotoma

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100 REM (soviet) is in the ballpark. He most likely had some internal dose as anybody in the area at that time did. It ddin't say if he received any medical treatment He didn't die, he got sick. He was well enough to give a report 4 months later and llived another 2 years before ending it all. It wasn't clear what the long term affects of the exposure was. He died one day before he was to give a comprehensive report. Suspicious? The HBO series was dramatized fiction. A lot of truth, but some drama to make it interesting enough to a common audience.

Offline GLW

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Who was Valery Legasov, the Soviet scientist that saved the world from Chernobyl?

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