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Author Topic: Russian Sub Catches fire - 14 reported dead  (Read 3981 times)

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Offline GLW

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Russian Sub Catches fire - 14 reported dead
« on: Jul 02, 2019, 03:26 »
from the BBC:

as always, fire on a sub is catastrophic,...

godspeed to those who have gone on eternal patrol,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline GLW

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been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Marlin

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Offline Marlin

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Re: Russian Sub Catches fire - 14 reported dead
« Reply #4 on: Jul 04, 2019, 09:25 »
When the ARA San Juan went down there was an outreach from American submarine veterans donating money and toys for their children. When the K141 Kursk went down there was an effort to help by the US and most of the Scandinavian submarine forces. There are frequently members of the International Submarine Association attending the United States Submarine Veterans annual convention, Russian and others.

Why all submariners will mourn the Russian sailors

Offline Marlin

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