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Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« on: May 12, 2022, 08:29 »
With heavy hearts, we say good-bye to the best Husband to Sharon, Dad to Kelly and Erin (Nathan) and Papa to Zachary and Connor. Pat passed away peacefully at home with his wife and daughters by his side. One of his wishes was to make sure it was known how much he loved his work and loved all his nuke buddies. Your friendships all meant a great deal to him.

Sharon, Kelly and Erin

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2022, 08:16 »
I am so sorry to hear this. Pat was a good man, a good tech, and fun to work with. It has been a long time, but you don't forget men like him. My condolences on your loss.
RIP old friend.
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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2022, 10:38 »
Sharon, Kelly and Erin.

We are saddened by your news of Pat. I first met him in the early eighties with Rad Services. Armed with a razor sharp wit and sarcastic charm he was a natural leader. He made the unbearable fun and we hung on his every story.  I heard it said at dinner last night that Pat genuinely cared for everyone. Even the occasional Sox and Packer fan, a little. He also had a way of seeing the possibilities in people and opened doors others only hoped - many families are better for it - including my own.  Erin and Kelly, I remember going to a Halloween party dressed as your father - complete with the fake fu-man-chu, white button down, blue sweater, Cook logo, Chicago Trib, green thermos, Dikta glasses and southie cap.  Perhaps I can dig up a picture.  He was an icon to many, more then a trusted leader, he was our friend.  I shall miss our chats and emails.  Hugs all around. Please call if you need anything.

You have our deepest condolences,
Bill and Janet Chambers
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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2022, 12:02 »
Rest in Peace my Friend. Working with Pat at Cook and Zion was an incredibly enjoyable experience. He was a good manager and friend. He knew how to make you smile and was a professional.  He always made you smile even when things were tough. We all will miss him. Prayers for him and his family.

Marvin Manninen

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2022, 04:51 »
I'm sorry for your loss. I owe my current job, and the ability to work my home plant to Pat.  He has helped me in ways no one else could.  Please know that he will be missed.

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2022, 10:46 »
I am so sorry to hear of Pat's passing, and I always considered him a friend and true inspiration, not only to me, but to the many many friends and co-workers. 
When I discharged from the USN in 1986, I came to Michigan to interview for an RP Tech job.  Pat had recently hired in to the Plant as a new RP first line Supervisor, and as luck would have it, he interviewed me.  I'll never forget what he said to me.. He looked at me with that funny kind of inquisaitive look and said "with a resume like yours, why would you hire into this place; you should be on the road making big money!"  I thought what an odd thing to say to someone thinking about hiring in as one of your employees!  LOL.  it occurred to me that he was more interested in me doing well for myself than he was in his or the Plant's interests.  I hired in, and have called SW Michigan home ever since (which I'm now reconsidering after having snow in April!)
I'll close by saying that I have many fond memories of Pat, and we are all better men and women for having known him.  I know he is in a better place now, and pray that all family and friends find some measure of solace in this difficult time..
With my deepest sympathies,
Jeff Shirley

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2022, 08:50 »
For those that knew him, words and superlatives are too numerous to mention. Remembrance of classic/ favorite "Hopster" stories on the other hand seems to be a good fit. I knew/worked with Pat since he came to DCC until my departure in 2000. The success I incurred on my new venture was indeed influenced by some words of wisdom and sage advice from the man. I kept in contact with him over the years, and conversing with him was always a highlight of the day. Now for one of my personal favorite Hopster stories. The bus trip to the Silver Dome for Lions/Bears game was a  classic venture to say the least. From organizing the entire event with the accompanying logistics woes, (inclusive of a plumbing failure on the bus), keeping the troops under some level of control, and finally having a bus full of post-game revelers parked in front of the Pontiac police station as Pat was inside trying to rescue one of the flock who ran afoul of the law. If there can be a Renaissance man in the nuclear RP world, then the Hopster gets my vote. RIP my friend. Steve McGuire
« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 08:24 by fiveeleven »

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2022, 01:26 »
I am so sorry to hear of this. I've known Pat for many years.

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2022, 02:27 »
I am confident that anyone who knew PAt are profoundly saddened by his passing. Smart, compassionate, articulate are how I know Pat with a wonderful love of life. His mentoring and support were invaluable to many people in the business. His humor and ability to coin a nickname for a person and capture that persons personna was a blessing to those receiving a nickname. Thank you Pat for your comraderie. Farewell my friend; cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees. You were loved by many

Offline ScooterB

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2022, 08:33 »
Pat was my mentor for six years. He kept me from joining the Navy. I gave him many opportunities to yell at me over the years. Drilling a hole through his wall, getting too detailed doing a survey when it wasn't the right thing to do. (which ended up being close to an administrative limit). Telling Ron Paul (NRC) too much babble and not enough facts trying to show off when I was a Jr. tech. One of my finest ones was the Statue of Liberty air sample in street clothes while two feet away they were wearing full face. He always gave me advice by talking to me, not down on me. Read Mike Royko from the Chicago Tribune to me daily to teach me the finer parts of life. He gave me many Dad talks which I needed because I wasn't Navy nor was I educated. He encouraged me when I was having a hard time getting through the three years of training. Had Steve McQuire / Jim Center / Mike Dallas / Jeff Shirley / John Bundick / Joe Rambo all help me. I needed a lot of help. I am so thankful to have Hopster as a mentor and a friend.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2022, 08:34 by ScooterB »

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2022, 09:50 »
My condolences on PW's passing. I only knew him through the grapevine and on The stories were great,  but I really enjoyed his postings, especially back in the day when was like the break room. He has a succinct, precise, dry precise, that I thoroughly enjoyed.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2022, 09:51 by peteshonkwiler »
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Offline TENN-1

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2022, 09:16 »
The post is by a friend of Pat’s, Dane Williams, who is an INPO Team Lead.  Pat and Dane worked at Palisades during the early 80s.

From Dane on 5/19/2023: First of all, my condolences to Sharon and the family. I know Pat will be greatly missed. His passing makes me very sad, and while I hadn’t seen Pat in quite a few years, we stayed in touch by email from time to time. Pat was my mentor when I started in the industry in 1981. We worked together at Palisades. What I remember most is that Pat tried to teach me what he knew and since I knew nothing at the time, his mentoring was invaluable. We worked afternoons together and when it was slow, which was most of the shift, he kept us entertained with his stories and ways of saying things that always made me laugh. He always had names for the places he worked or for people, and not in derogatory (at for the least the people) way, but a funny way. One of the few times I saw him upset was when someone on midnights decided to wash coffee cups including his! He must have had 17 years of coffee stains on that cup and he was very proud of it! It was hilarious to watch his reaction! Later I worked with him at Cook or as he would say cookie monster. I very much enjoyed that time with him also. Pat was always willing to listen, to make you laugh and he also took his work very seriously and helped to improve the RP programs he was associated with. Rest in peace my friend.
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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2022, 07:48 »
February 12, 2008, Pat posted Horse, A Chicken & A Harley,...

that joke is quintessential Pat,...

I will miss Pat, we will all miss Pat,...

It has taken me almost ten days to pay my proper respects amongst the others here,...

These respects just get harder and harder to execute,...

Fair winds and following seas Pat,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline fiveeleven

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2022, 04:06 »
"February 12, 2008, Pat posted Horse, A Chicken & A Harley,..."

Personally, I never cared much for BMWs anyhow. In the off chance that a RPT Hall Of Fame would ever be "officially" (as reasonably achievable) established, the first Magenta jacket handed out should be to Hoppe, Patrick W. aka - the Hopster. It would need to be sized accordingly to accommodate an 85' Bears sweater as a modesty top.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 07:31 by fiveeleven »

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2022, 04:17 »
RPT Hall Of Fame

...or the Pat "Hopster" Hoppe annual award based on his attributes.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 04:18 by Marlin »

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #15 on: Jun 21, 2022, 02:54 »
Pat was a classic, and a great man to work for.  I appreciate that he was a straight shooter, and I never had to wonder how I stood with Pat!  I worked with Pat at Cook during my formative years, and then he was on our team later at Zion.  As I recall many Hopster anecdotes, his memory will always make me smile and appreciate his good natured leadership. Taken too soon.

I sign off with his nickname for me

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Re: Pat "Hopster" Hoppe
« Reply #16 on: Mar 12, 2023, 06:25 »
I first worked with Pat at NTS. After I left there we kept in touch. A few years later he gave me my first ALARA position at an outage at Davis Bessie. he was a great guy to work with.
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