Mental Health in Veterans:
I have a friend here in Florida who's daughter was recently a Navy Nuke, discharged less than honorable.
She was in the prototype phase of her training when manditory COVID jabs were implemented.
She refused, was pulled out of training, harassed and pressured with threats to make her pay financially for her training up to that point.
She held, stayed in limbo for several months, then they released her.
That's real bravery and toughness.
And in hindsight the best damn move for her considering all we've learned about those shots and the after effects.
It did mess her up though and she's struggling out here now with anger, disillusionment and depression.
My wife's a trauma therapist and we're waiting for her to come around and see her.
When I was in, I just stood there in boot camp and medical and let the military jab whatever they wanted into me, an obedient, naive, raisin head.
In hindsight, I wish I had the knowledge, self-confidence and chutzpah to research, question and say "No" if I determined I didn't want it.
I recently worked with several young recently departed Navy Nuke sailors,
young enough that when I mentioned cruisers, they just looked at me with a blank stare.
A sub puke friend or mine told me to just tell them I was on a target, and they'd get that. They did. Arrrgggh....
Anyways, I was shocked that a few of them also reported disappointing and even traumatic times experienced while in the service,
and more than a few had no sentimental and positive memories of it like I mostly have, and were glad to get out ASAP.
That's terrible.
I also thought they'd be of lesser stuff, the "rate and schooling turned from a filter to a pump"
as I heard from a commercial nuclear training department head describe.
But, I found them to be solid sharp top shelf people who reminded me a lot of the guys I went through the program with.
It was a pleasure to work with them, get to know them, and it gave me hope about the future of our nuclear industry,
but not for the US Navy that can't seem to get it right for our sailors, unintentionally or hopefully not- intentionally.
Therapy I did for several years after the Navy:
1. Talk therapy, ok.
2. EMDR, powerful but it depends upon psychologist. (Do not do this without guidance, support and controlling the impacts to family and work)
3. Hypnotism, good, was a little helpful, but I only did a little.
4. Reike, Energy work- voodoo stuff, amazing experience. great balance to EMDR which can be dark and stressful by bringing in positive experinces.
5. SE, Somatic Experince, a great compliment to EMDR and better in many ways.
6. IFS, Integrated Family Systems, for me voodoo mind-F stuff, but the most powerful so far for healing and healthy living results.
My advice: Veterans with trauma, and struggles, please don't soley rely upon VA provided services.
Avoid mainstream advice written by journalist ding-bats. Also, realize that there's no shame in getting help in therapy.
Think of it in the way you think about accomplishing any goal and overcoming any obstacle.
If you're struggling and screwing up family, work, your life with personal issues- see the best you can afford, like you would with a personal trainer.
Don't go to Walmart for the most important things: your heart and mind- your life, and family.
Otherwise you'll get cheap Chinese made stuff.
See yourself and what you are- a high end sports car, and take it to the right and best place for tune-up and repair.
It's all just energy muddled, jammed up- mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.
Get it un-stuck, processed, healed, transformed and moving again.
Like software viruses, malware and spam in you, de-bug your system, then operate cleanly, even upgrade your OS software.
I had nothing but overwhelming anger, depression, disillusionment and debt when I first left the service.
Now I have a home, beautiful and awesome wife, two healthy kids... with little and manageable anger, depression, disillusionment and no debt.
Thanks to Lee, an ex-Navy Nuke coworker, and Dave Ramsey for the out of debt and finacial wellbeing I have.
You can do it to, so get on it.