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License Possession Limits
« on: May 06, 2024, 02:54 »
I have been an RSO for a little over 20 years.  Has anyone every heard of the NRC holding a licensed material supplier accountable for providing a license a license source that puts the licensee over their possession limits?  The individual source and activity is below their license limits for that isotope and each individual source activity limit, but the quantity put the licensee over their total possession limit for that isotope.  This topic came up several times in the last few weeks where RSO's have reported that they are being held responsible for other RSO's exceeding their license possession limits.

The supplying RSO has no way of knowing the total quantity in inventory of the receiver.  It has always been the receiving RSO's responsibility to not exceed their license possession limits as far as I have always known.  Anyone else run into this situation recently?


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