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Offline DontGoToNPTU

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Finally taking the POSS for the first time
« Reply #300 on: Aug 29, 2012, 11:10 »
After doing the EEI practice test about every 3 - 6 months for the past three years or so(had to let the questions get out of my memory) I am finally taking the test tomorrow. The only section that worries me is the Math. I'm really good at doing math in my head when it's only integers, but decimals kill me! Anyways here it goes!


P.S. The reason I haven't taken it in that time frame is becaused I'm was waiting for the Navy to rleease their grip.

Offline eaton1981

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Re: Finally taking the POSS for the first time
« Reply #301 on: Aug 30, 2012, 04:54 »
You'll do just fine. Be as accurate yet quick as possible. Don't feel bad if you don't finish all sections. It took six weeks for me to get my results back.

Offline DontGoToNPTU

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Re: Finally taking the POSS for the first time
« Reply #302 on: Sep 05, 2012, 05:40 »
Recommended :D

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Finally taking the POSS for the first time
« Reply #303 on: Sep 06, 2012, 12:46 »
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins

Offline eaton1981

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Re: Finally taking the POSS for the first time
« Reply #304 on: Sep 06, 2012, 09:00 »
Big surprise. Did you get a call back with a job offer yet?

Offline DontGoToNPTU

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Re: Finally taking the POSS for the first time
« Reply #305 on: Sep 07, 2012, 10:06 »
They were interviewing more people this past week and I believe next week too. When I was there I found out that they want to start the NLO class later this year and I don't get out until early next year. They did however say they would like me to come back at some point for an SRO interview.

Offline sawalke4

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Working math section on the POSS
« Reply #306 on: Jan 31, 2013, 06:11 »
Is it allowed to take in scrap paper to do calculations on the POSS test for FPL? Or is it required to do all the math in your head? I write in large letters and was thinking about taking a few extra sheets with me for calculations. Also, can you use a ruler for the graphs portion of the test? Thanks!


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Re: Working math section on the POSS
« Reply #307 on: Jan 31, 2013, 06:23 »
They will provide you with scrap paper and no you can not bring in a ruler, but you can use your scrap paper as a ruler.


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Re: Working math section on the POSS
« Reply #308 on: Jan 31, 2013, 07:26 »
They will give you scrap paper, which you will have to turn in at the end of the exam.

Also, a piece of scrap paper makes for a nice straight edge for graph purposes.

Offline sawalke4

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Re: Working math section on the POSS
« Reply #309 on: Jan 31, 2013, 09:20 »
Thanks guys. how much time do they give you for each question?

Offline reactoroperator74

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POSS TEST 2012-13
« Reply #310 on: Mar 25, 2013, 10:13 »
Hey everyone.

I am a former Nuke ET with a ton of operating experience and training experience. I took the BSMT/POSS at Byron back in JAN 2013. I was recommended on the BSMT but NOT the POSS. I talked to everyone in my testing class and they didn't come close to finishing as much as I did on the POSS. Does anyone have any advice b/c I am lost on how to pass a test for something I more than prepared for and a job I did for over 8 years.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: POSS TEST 2012-13
« Reply #311 on: Mar 25, 2013, 10:23 »
Hey everyone.

I am a former Nuke ET with a ton of operating experience and training experience. I took the BSMT/POSS at Byron back in JAN 2013. I was recommended on the BSMT but NOT the POSS. I talked to everyone in my testing class and they didn't come close to finishing as much as I did on the POSS. Does anyone have any advice b/c I am lost on how to pass a test for something I more than prepared for and a job I did for over 8 years.

Hard to know where to start on your test preparations and test technique. When you searched the Forum search box, what results did you find? (or click under Reagan now)
« Last Edit: Mar 26, 2013, 06:14 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: POSS TEST 2012-13
« Reply #312 on: Mar 25, 2013, 11:26 »
Hey everyone.

I am a former Nuke ET with a ton of operating experience and training experience. I took the BSMT/POSS at Byron back in JAN 2013. I was recommended on the BSMT but NOT the POSS. I talked to everyone in my testing class and they didn't come close to finishing as much as I did on the POSS. Does anyone have any advice b/c I am lost on how to pass a test for something I more than prepared for and a job I did for over 8 years.

Uhhhhhh,,, I hate to point out the obvious BUT apparently not.

Now, to give you some credit you have been doing something very similar.  But your past means very little.  It's a reference point of your past success and a job reference.  Nothing more.

I recommend you spend some time reviewing our EEI POSS/MASS testing area.

If I had to guess.  It would be my opinion you failed to complete enough questions with answers in one section.  This would cause a failure since they require a certain number to be answered for that section to be scored.


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Re: POSS TEST 2012-13
« Reply #313 on: Mar 26, 2013, 05:42 »
and they didn't come close to finishing as much as I did on the POSS.

...but how was your accuracy?

Offline Phillip3364

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Re: POSS TEST 2012-13
« Reply #314 on: Mar 26, 2013, 10:40 »
Well I must have come close to doing as much as you since I was recommended on both   ;)

Offline Stiddmeista

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Re: POSS TEST 2012-13
« Reply #315 on: Apr 11, 2013, 12:37 »
Im guessing your accuracy wasn't as good as you think.  When I took the test I didnt answer 10 questions(5 in math, 5 in tables and graphs) but I was able to answer most correctly.  My advice is to go over the practice tests and look in an ASVAB study guide.  In my experience not much of what they test on is related to past work experience.  They don't care what you used to do, they care what you know and can do now.


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« Reply #316 on: Jun 12, 2013, 08:56 »
I have a POSS test to take on Friday.  I have taken about 10 or 11 practice tests that I can find online. I feel confident about Tables, graphs, Mechanical reasoning, reading comprehension, and Mathematics.  On the Assembly questions, I am lucky to get 5/9 correct, and I usually get closer to 4 problems correct.  I have exhausted all the practice tests that I can find, and I don't think I am going to pass because of the Assembly problems.  Is there any tips, suggests, or ideas that can be offered?  Any other practice test sources? 

Offline daphneblue

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Nuclear (POSS-DC) vs. Fossil/Hydro (POSS-PP)
« Reply #318 on: Jun 15, 2013, 03:15 »
I recently took the POSS and IST test for a nuclear operator position. 

I received two emails from the HR department.  The first stated "you received a qualifying score on the Industrial Skills Test (IST)".  Great!

The second email stated "you received a qualifying score on the Plant Operator Selection System test for Nuclear (POSS-DC)".  Also great, but then came a second paragraph that stated "You did not receive a qualifying (passing) score on the Plant Operator Selection System test for Fossil/Hydro (POSS-PP)".

So my question is:  Was the POSS test set up to be two tests? or were these two separate tests and because I did not take the POSS-PP test it sent out a generic fail message.

My second question is:  Can I fail the POSS-PP for Fossil/Hydro and still be considered for a nuclear operator position? or is it all or nothing?

I've searched the internet thoroughly and can't find any information about POSS-DC or POSS-PP, everything just talks about the POSS in general.

I also sent an email to the HR department to find out if I am still eligible, so as not to be waiting for a phone call that will never come.

Any insights or comments appreciated and thanks in advance for responding.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Nuclear (POSS-DC) vs. Fossil/Hydro (POSS-PP)
« Reply #319 on: Jun 15, 2013, 09:18 »
I recently took the POSS and IST test for a nuclear operator position. 

I received two emails from the HR department.  The first stated "you received a qualifying score on the Industrial Skills Test (IST)".  Great!

The second email stated "you received a qualifying score on the Plant Operator Selection System test for Nuclear (POSS-DC)".  Also great, but then came a second paragraph that stated "You did not receive a qualifying (passing) score on the Plant Operator Selection System test for Fossil/Hydro (POSS-PP)".

So my question is:  Was the POSS test set up to be two tests? or were these two separate tests and because I did not take the POSS-PP test it sent out a generic fail message.

My second question is:  Can I fail the POSS-PP for Fossil/Hydro and still be considered for a nuclear operator position? or is it all or nothing?

I've searched the internet thoroughly and can't find any information about POSS-DC or POSS-PP, everything just talks about the POSS in general.

I also sent an email to the HR department to find out if I am still eligible, so as not to be waiting for a phone call that will never come.

Any insights or comments appreciated and thanks in advance for responding.

Here at, the requirement of high POSS scores vs. fossil has been discussed previously...,36539.msg173355.html#msg173355

Offline NukeTheWhales

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Need to take a POSS test in Ca. for a job in Co.
« Reply #320 on: Jul 09, 2013, 05:48 »
I live in Southern California and need to take the POSS test for a plant in Colorado. I called Southern California Edison to see if I was able to take it with them because they are my former employer. They said that since the position isn't with SCE they couldn't help me. Fair enough. Are there any independent places in Southern California that offer EEI testing for free/money? It would be a lot easier than flying to Colorado for 2 days just for a test. Thanks!

Offline mtb1989

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Re: POSS (Power Plant Operator Selection System) Test
« Reply #321 on: Feb 03, 2014, 09:30 »
Hello forum,
I am studying for an upcoming POSS in a couple weeks. I've spent hours poring over these forums and have gotten a good idea what to expect. However, not time.
Based on the number of questions and the time they say it should take, the EEI practice tests give:
Tables and Graphs section: 7.5s per question.
Mechanical Concepts: 30s per question
Assembly: 33s per question
Mathematical usage: 22s per question
Reading Comprehension:  60s per question.

Does that sound right?

My EEI practice test benchmark:
Tables and Graphs section: 10.5s per question, 17/24 answered, 17 correct.
Mechanical Concepts: 13s per question, all 26 answered, all correct.
Assembly: 26s per question, all 9 answered, all correct.
Mathematical usage: 44s per question, 17/38 answered, some wrong.
Reading Comprehension: 41s per question, all 23 answered, 21 correct.

I have found for the math section there is no time to write the problems out on paper. It seems they must be done in the head.
For the math part I picked up my old elementary algebra book to run through some problems.
Looking at buying this book:
Doing relevant practice exams:

What else am I missing? What else should I do/be aware of? The speed required in the math section is really killing me. Tips? I also read the real exam is much harder than the practice tests. Is that true?

Thanks guys!
P.S. I'm taking it for an OPS job at a nuke plant.

Offline spitzer235

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Re: POSS (Power Plant Operator Selection System) Test
« Reply #322 on: Mar 19, 2014, 01:32 »
I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of the posters here who have imparted such good advice and study tips. I had taken the POSS B about 7 years ago when I started with Duke Energy as an operator but was required to take a POSS C to qualify for a relocation position within the company. Ive always been a good test taker and standardized tests really never have caused many any great concern, but my wife and I very much wanted this relocation deal so it kinda added an additional level of stress to the mix. But after trolling this site and absorbing all of the great study tips and resources available here it made the test a breeze. I concur with everything that has been said on these pages work quickly but work accurately much better to submit 100% correct answers and not quite finish than to rush through and hope they were correct. If anyone is taking this test in the near future feel free to PM me and ill be glad to offer any insights I had on the test. Thanks Again guys you are truly TOPSHELF
« Last Edit: Mar 19, 2014, 01:40 by spitzer235 »

Offline Marlin

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Re: POSS (Power Plant Operator Selection System) Test
« Reply #323 on: Mar 19, 2014, 02:49 »
I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of the posters here who have imparted such good advice and study tips. I had taken the POSS B about 7 years ago when I started with Duke Energy as an operator but was required to take a POSS C to qualify for a relocation position within the company. Ive always been a good test taker and standardized tests really never have caused many any great concern, but my wife and I very much wanted this relocation deal so it kinda added an additional level of stress to the mix. But after trolling this site and absorbing all of the great study tips and resources available here it made the test a breeze. I concur with everything that has been said on these pages work quickly but work accurately much better to submit 100% correct answers and not quite finish than to rush through and hope they were correct. If anyone is taking this test in the near future feel free to PM me and ill be glad to offer any insights I had on the test. Thanks Again guys you are truly TOPSHELF

Thanks for the feedback  +K

Offline needanukecareer

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Re: POSS (Power Plant Operator Selection System) Test
« Reply #324 on: Apr 11, 2014, 10:14 »
Hi all.

This is my first post. I've been a lurker here for several weeks. I just took the POSS-C for the first time and I passed. I would like to share a few things of note that helped me. Not only my approach, but also some observations.

First observation: The ASVAB is definitely a useful study tool. However, I think it could be more of a teaching tool for a very important lesson. That lesson is: The POSS test isn't for everyone. If you are struggling with the ASVAB and the general guidelines for taking the ASVAB, i. e., the time allotment, etc, you will struggle with the POSS. The questions are roughly the same. The time allowance for the POSS is miniscule in relation to the ASVAB.

Second observation: Statistics regarding the POSS test are somewhat scarce, but it seems that the pass rate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20%.  Understand that the odds are stacked against you, but they can be overcome. 

Third observation: Due to statistics, only a certain type of person, or a certain way of thinking, which is likely directly related to the type of person, will pass the test. I may be wrong, but, that's what statistics are for.

In summary, one can study, follow a routine, consistently meet smaller time allowances during practice, and a whole host of other strategies. But, if you start your practice and you are way off base, not to be crude, just honest, the POSS test may not be for you.

I believe anyone can work to diminish certain weaknesses, but if the basics evade you, the POSS will be very difficult due to the small time allowances and unknown expectations for correct answers vs. incorrect answers.

Understand that it is very likely that most people in the test session can answer most of the questions with enough time. But, time is of the essence when taking the test. If you're not answering the questions on the ASVAB or EEI POSS practice test, the POSS will test you to your limits and your success is not likely.

Also, the stress level is much higher in the POSS testing session. It's your career on the line. It hinges on you passing that test, because without passing the test, you have no chance at an interview. Simply, there is a lot at stake.

So, a bit about my approach.
I bought an ASVAB study guide. Quite honestly, it was of little import to me. I could answer question after question well under the time standards. I took the second test and I completed it in about half of the time allotment. At that point, I said, "well, I can easily nail the majority of the questions," so I stopped.

I started with the assembly/ spatial relations section of the test. I thought that would be the section that got me if any module would. So, I got an idea: I went to my garage, turned my radio up as loud as I could, and started the assembly part of the test. I thought, if I can do this with the distraction of the music and fight the urge to not sing every song, I could think the song and solve the problems with an occupied mind, I could do it in the silence of the testing session. It must have worked.

I walked into the testing session extremely confident. I have always thrived under pressure. I don't know if it's because of athletics or growing up with a dad who always reminded me that my best was never good enough. I looked the room over to get an idea of who was a bit nervous, who was about to pee their pants, who already had, who had a bad poker face, and who was for real. Before the test began, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. After I stated the fact, the bad poker faces melted. At that point, I was thriving. I felt confident that many were defeated before the test began. I don't mean that I didn't want them to do well also. I had an understanding, or at least a belief that only certain types of people will pass this test. I felt like I would, and I rode that confidence from start to finish.

I hope this can help others do the same. I do not mean this to discourage anyone. This is purely opinion with hopefully some good advice to someone inside.

Now, off to the interview...     

I hope someone will find this useful. I hope that it does not discourage anyone, but   


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