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Author Topic: Seeking Advice on How to be an Asset to the Community  (Read 943 times)

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Offline kingtiger95

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I’m currently holding a BS in Business Management with a 3.7 GPA and am actively working on completing Calculus and Physics. My main concern is my age, as I will be 29 by the time I have all the necessary credentials for the NUPOC program. 

My recruiter is optimistic about securing an age waiver. However, I’m eager to know what I can do now to not only be a competitive candidate but also to ensure that I will be an asset to the community. Any advice for someone like me, who has spent the last five years working in community pharmacy, would be greatly appreciated. 

I understand that many of you are busy professionals, and I truly value your time and insights. I’ve noticed that some threads here go unanswered, but I genuinely seek your advice and am grateful for any guidance you can offer.


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