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Offline Rennhack

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Chat Room Tips
« on: Oct 24, 2005, 11:40 »
The NukeWorker Forum Chat Room Options
The NukeWorker Forum Chat Room includes a powerful set of command-line options, which I call "IRC-like Options" because they have a similar syntax to many popular IRC commands. Please be aware that The NukeWorker Forum Chat Room does not actually connect to IRC servers! These commands only mimic those found on many IRC chat lines.

If a particular command is not working for you, it may be that it has been disabled by the chat administrator. In some cases, it may be necessary to enclose command options with double quotes, for example /kickout "Some User"

Options for Moderators

/kick <user> This kicks "user" from the room. In actual use, you don't include the "<" and ">" symbols. If the user's name contains one or more spaces, enclose the user name in double quotes: /kick "Bill Gates". 
/boot <user> Same as /kick and /kickroom
/ban <user> Bans "user" from the chat. Same as /kickout <user>
/banip <user> Bans the IP address of the user from all chat activity. This will prevent a user from re-logging in using some other alias.
/broadcast <msg> This broadcasts a message to all users in all rooms. For example, /broadcast Hello everyone!
/gagX <user> Gags the user for X minutes. For example, /gag5 joe. If the user's name has more than one word, then it must be enclosed with quotes. For example: /gag5 "Joe Shmoe" 
/alert <user> <msg> Sends a popup alert to the user. If the user's name has more than one word, then it must be enclosed with quotes. 
/roomalert <msg> Same as /alert, but sends the message to all users in the room. 
/chatalert <msg> Same as /alert, but sends the message to all users in all rooms.
/showbans Show a list of currently banned users.
/status Display the current chat status - number of rooms, bans, ignores, messages, etc.
/unban <user> Unban a banned user. Enclose the user name in double quotes if spaces are present, for example, /unban "some user"

Options for Users

/away Sets user as away. Typing this command again sets user as "here". This action may also slow down the chat ping time for the "away" user, depending on the setting of msgRequestIntervalAway, which is set in /inc/config.php
/here Sets user as here. This reverses the "away" and "busy" states. 
/busy Sets user as busy. Typing this command again sets user as "here". 
/back Shows the last entries of the room's chat, including any chat text that was present before arrival to the room. 
/backtime Shows the last minutes of the room's chat, including any chat text that was present before arrival to the room. 
/clear Clears the chat screen. This only affects your screen, not the screen of other users.
/join <room> Switches the user to <room>. For example: "/join The Lounge" 
/part Logout of the chat. 
/quit Logout of the chat. 
/logout Logout of the chat. 
/invite <user> Invites "user" to the room that you are currently in. 
/ignore <user> Ignores "user" until /unignore "user" is issued
/? Display a list of currently available IRC commands.
/helpall Display a list of all available IRC commands.
/whowas <user> This only works when The NukeWorker Forum Chat Room is used in a registered-users manner (not the "free for all" chat mode). Shows profile page for any registered user.
/whois <user> Same as /whowas, but the user must be logged in.
/motd Displays the message of the day, as defined in /appdata/motd.txt
/sos <message> Alerts moderator in the current room of your message. Message text is optional. Message behaves like an /alert
/names Shows a list of all user names in all public rooms.
/showignores Shows who you are ignoring, and who is ignoring you.
« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2005, 11:45 by Rennhack »


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