It might help you to know that the site has 3 login databases. Two are for the job board, one of the job board databases is for job seekers, and one is for employers. There is another database for the rest of the site (Forum, Quiz, Photo Gallery, Shop, & Chat).
If you are registered in one, you are not automatically registered in the other. Make sure you are not trying to login to the job board on the home page, that login is for the forum & the rest of the site.There are only a few possible problems you could be having, they are:
1: You forgot your password:Job board Job seeker: board Employer: Rest of the Site (Forum, Quiz, Photo Gallery, Shop, & Chat): You lost your activation key:Job board Job seeker: board Employer: Rest of the Site (Forum, Quiz, Photo Gallery, Shop, & Chat): You forgot your user name:You can use your email address instead of a user name. There is no username in the job board, only an email address.
3: You have changed your email address or can not remember it:If you have changed your email address, the best bet is to forget about that account, and start a new one. Follow these links to register for a new one:
Job board Job seeker: Job board Employer: Rest of the Site (Forum, Quiz, Photo Gallery, Shop, & Chat): use the
Help tab on the site, this question was already answered there.,10.0.html