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Submarine or Carrier?  ELT or stay MM?

Sub + ELT
22 (57.9%)
Sub + MM
7 (18.4%)
Carrier + ELT
5 (13.2%)
Carrier + MM
4 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: Sub or Carrier guys?  (Read 24119 times)

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Sub or Carrier guys?
« on: Nov 11, 2005, 07:01 »
Right now I'm going through NFAS as an MM, and my intention is to become an ELT...well rather, get picked up for ELT school.

My gpa is acceptable, 3.63, and I'm putting in enough hours (15 so far this week) but I'm not a sub vol.

Right now I really can't decide if I want to vol subs, but from what I hear it may be worth it.  So what do you guys, in your infinate wisdom and experiance (hehe) think?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 11, 2005, 07:15 »
This is a topic more hotly debated than Coke vs. Pepsi, Bush vs, Kerry, or MaryAnn vs. Ginger.  For my part, I say subs all the way.  But if you enjoyed Boot Camp and want to play like you are in the military for the next several years, then go ride a target around the ocean.  Just remember that Adm. Rickover once testified before congress that the life expectancy of a carrier in a full-scale war is 15 minutes.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 11, 2005, 07:20 »
Thats a toughie, I guess it depends on what sort of environment  you want to live in. I think those who say the sailors on one are anymore loose than sailors on the other are perpetuating a myth. I was a Sub Sailor and couldn't imagine doing anything differently, yet my two best buds in the whole world were CVN sailors.

Man you have a LOT of time to figure this out. Don't go volunteering for anything until later in Power school, unless they let you decide later. I didn't volunteer until I was an instructor at Alice In Wonderland.


Rad Sponge

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 12, 2005, 05:53 »
Hmm, this is a tough question to answer without potentially offending the sensitive types out there.

Don't volunteer submarines until you are in Prototype, then you can ask the sea-returnee instructors about their experiences.

I volunteered for subs in boot, but that was in the fashion I joined the Navy, one big shotgun blast.

Nuke? What's a nuke? Ok I'll do that.

Machinist Mate? What's an MM, ok sign me up.

Subs? Page-13? What's that. Ok, I'll do that too.

I had no idea.

Best decisions I ever made.

However, was not available to me in 1996, so do some research and find out for yourself.


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #4 on: Nov 12, 2005, 08:41 »
Carrier. Big A4W PWRs. Not wholly unlike a commercial PWR. The work part is cool. Newer carriers are even cooler, especially if an ET -- all microprocessor based stuff. Nukes are somewhat insulated from the rest of the ship.

Waiting on line to board a liberty boat for hours sucks though. Wading though hundreds of morons trying to get some lunch; that sucks. Going ashore in a foreign port and realizing that your ship just inundated a town with 5,000 squids; that sucks. Trying to sleep in a berthing compartment with a couple of hundred others in the aft of the ship when they're running maneuvering drills and you can't hear yourself think -- on second thought; go subs!


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #5 on: Nov 12, 2005, 09:08 »
Here's a good website that talks all about carrier life. It's run by a nukeschool classmate of mine.

It's well worth the effort, even if you just want a hell of a lot of good laughs.

For the ex Navy guys, beware, your wife or significant other will be wondering why you're laughing so loud!



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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #6 on: Nov 12, 2005, 04:26 »
Kid, I think Beercourt said it best.....
This is a topic more hotly debated than Coke vs. Pepsi, Bush vs, Kerry, or MaryAnn vs. Ginger.  For my part, I say subs all the way.  But if you enjoyed Boot Camp and want to play like you are in the military for the next several years, then go ride a target around the ocean.  Just remember that Adm. Rickover once testified before congress that the life expectancy of a carrier in a full-scale war is 15 minutes.

Who wants to ride at test depth all of the time, even next to the pier!

Rad Sponge

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #7 on: Nov 12, 2005, 06:05 »
Maybe I will chime in some stuff, this of course is all heresay from CVN sailors I have worked with, bothe nukes and airdales.

On a Carrier:

1. Officers are everywhere and there are special areas with blue tiles and adornment where enlisted men are not allowed to be without official permission.

2. There are upwards of 5,000 people so all the problems of any city exist on a Carrier: Crime, Prostitution, Drugs, overcrowding, etc, etc.

3. You are a dime a dozen.

4. You are smart and are surrounded by lots of people with higher ranks that are compartitively retarded.

On a Submarine:

1. Officers and Enlisted pretty much cohabitate and work alongside each other. There are "off limit" areas like the CO/XO staterooms and some times the wardroom, but other than that its a big family style environment.

2. There maybe 130 people max on a Trident or Fast Attack depending on the mission and if visitors are aboard. You will know all your shipmates' first and last names by the end of the first deployment and by the time you leave you will probably know their wives and families too, not just the nukes, but possibly the entire crew, especially on a fast attack.

3. You are a commodity and that means you will be worked hard, but can reach leadership positions faster if you want to.

4. You are smart and surrounded by people of a higher rank who are comparitively retarded, but at least there are less of them.

5. I hear the food on a carrier is mediocre at best for the E-6 and below mess. On a carrier, the Officers and the Chiefs eat out of seperate messes with their own food and cooks, but on a sub, everyone eats out of the same mess and the food is routinely excellent.

6. You may have internet and phones on a carrier, but on a sub you have each other and that my friend forms bonds and families. Fast Attacks and Tridents are developing e-mail, and its okay, and getting better as new encryption technologies filter its way to the boats. I am not denying the closeness of Eng Dept on a carrier, but there is something about "those with dolphins".


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #8 on: Nov 12, 2005, 07:28 »
There are upwards of 5,000 people so all the problems of any city exist on a Carrier: Crime, Prostitution, Drugs, overcrowding, etc, etc.

How could you have any of that in a area run by the US Navy ? Drugs I do not see it nor Prostitution. not when they Have those Marines who stand so tall and take care of the security of the ship.
now may be a few card games  of hearts or something like that.
I have heard stories of the Sailors who go under the sea but my goodness.

Rad Sponge

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #9 on: Nov 12, 2005, 08:03 »
There are upwards of 5,000 people so all the problems of any city exist on a Carrier: Crime, Prostitution, Drugs, overcrowding, etc, etc.

How could you have any of that in a area run by the US Navy ? Drugs I do not see it nor Prostitution. not when they Have those Marines who stand so tall and take care of the security of the ship.
now may be a few card games  of hearts or something like that.
I have heard stories of the Sailors who go under the sea but my goodness.

Umm, just ask any sailor nuke or non-nuke. It happens, and although there are stiff penalties for illegal activity, it does not dissuade some from pushing the envelope.

Crime happens. It just tends to happen more the larger the population.


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #10 on: Nov 13, 2005, 09:48 »
JMK is right. I spoke with a buddy who was on the Big E. He said that there was 2 girls an a guy busted for prostitution while he was there. Also something about a secret gang called the spooners. They were identified by a spoon in there back pocket. As a former DAPA I can say with the most assured certainty, that the Eisenhower had >30 drug or Alcohol incidents a month at one point.


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #11 on: Nov 13, 2005, 05:04 »
Having a selection for Sub + ELT & Sub + MM is not really correct for the sub world (at least is wasn't when I was in). Being an ELT on a sub means you're also an MM. I think I was the underway ELT for 2 patrols. Only 1 guy did the ELT when underway. The rest stood MM watches. After that I worked my way up until my last patrol I stood EWS on the nightshift & was the ship's drill coordinator. I also got to go to training for QA/QC, Oxy/Acetelyene, AC&R, (and others I long since forgotten) in addition to many ELT courses. From what my carrier friends have told me, they didn't get to do stuff like that.
So if you get to prototype & decide you like the MM stuff, on a sub you'll get to do both. I loved the MM side (I was also the LELT) especially after I qual'd EWS/EDPO.  ;D Gotta' love 1 in 8 duty section.

Once you get out, there are more options for you too RP, Chemistry, Operations. Most carrier ELT's I know when just to RP/Chem.

Rad Sponge

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #12 on: Nov 13, 2005, 06:25 »
Before the "crime" discussion goes futher, let me position myself by saying that all Naval commands, regardless of size experience illegal activities of one form or another.

Its just that a Carrier is a very unique environment, because almost every nationality, race, and religion is represented by the crew and there can be 3000-6000 people aboard in a confined amount of space, therefore it will experience a level of crime and social pressure that no amount of mentoring or core valueship can ever completely dissuade or mitigate.


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #13 on: Nov 13, 2005, 07:49 »
LOL.. ALL ELT's claim to be mechanics.  We all know better.  In the commercial world, most ELT's in the Ops department will tell you that they were an MM in the Nav.  It's usually through accident and after years of knowing them that the truth comes out.

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #14 on: Nov 13, 2005, 10:07 »
Coke, McCain, Maryann,....Subs
Subs is like a disfunctional family...Carriers are like a bad neighborhood in Philly.......nothin against Philly

This is a topic more hotly debated than Coke vs. Pepsi, Bush vs, Kerry, or MaryAnn vs. Ginger.  For my part, I say subs all the way.  But if you enjoyed Boot Camp and want to play like you are in the military for the next several years, then go ride a target around the ocean.  Just remember that Adm. Rickover once testified before congress that the life expectancy of a carrier in a full-scale war is 15 minutes.
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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #15 on: Nov 13, 2005, 11:47 »
LOL.. ALL ELT's claim to be mechanics.  We all know better.  In the commercial world, most ELT's in the Ops department will tell you that they were an MM in the Nav.  It's usually through accident and after years of knowing them that the truth comes out.

I've heard it's a little different now, but when I was in, ELT was a collateral duty. We were mechanics first on the boat. We did everything M-Div did plus our own stuff. For a time, all but 1 of the MM1's (out of 5) were ELT's.

When I first got in, I knew BT ELT's & EM ELT's. In fact the NR rep when I was at prototype (SPU) was a BT ELT. He had some good stories.

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #16 on: Nov 13, 2005, 11:51 »
Wow!  I thought I was raising ghosts when I remembered that there were IC ELT's.  Most of the kids here don't even realize that there were IC's in the nuke program.  You must have been in when there were Engineman RO's too.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #17 on: Nov 14, 2005, 12:01 »
Wow!  I thought I was raising ghosts when I remembered that there were IC ELT's.  Most of the kids here don't even realize that there were IC's in the nuke program.  You must have been in when there were Engineman RO's too.

I think I was in about the same time as you. My wife was an ex-IC nuke. They made her switch to EM at some point. (I think when she extended to go with me on spousal duty). I knew of EN nukes. If I recall, there was an ENCM nuke at squadron, but don't think I had duty with any.

One of the techs where I work now was an EM ELT. (mid 70-'s)

I also remember FTB's, FTM's, TM's.  :) From what I've heard, they're all gone now too.
« Last Edit: Nov 14, 2005, 12:03 by Gone Sailin' »


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #18 on: Nov 14, 2005, 01:30 »
The answer is easy.  Internet / payphone's most all the time.  Do like talking / emailing you loved one's.    If not go sink to the bottom and tell know one anything about when you leave and when you'll be back.  Just hope they get the message to come pick you up at the pier. 
As bad as the problems sound on a carrier.  After a week every one get in to a routine and the lines go away.  And for maneuvering drills, there great.  All back full rock you to sleep faster than you know.  After a while you don't even notice the them. 

Duty day's are normally every 3 days on a sub.  CVN are every 5 or 6 day's.  We even did a trail with 8 section duty for six month's.  Worked great untill we changed some chiefs out and they didnt like it.  They couldnt get there old fat ass around 2 plants in an hour.

One other thing,  You can see the evil sun if you want.  Though most nuke's hate it.  Just reminds us that were not back in port.

Rad Sponge

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #19 on: Nov 14, 2005, 06:54 »
Yes this is all true about the sun and e-mail and stuff.

But I did get to surf on the back of a Trident when I was doing swipes back aft topside before RTP.

I mean it was just me standing on top of the sub at 10-15 kts with nothing in sight. Pretty neat feeling.

I have nothing against CVNs, but I guess if you are a small crowd kind of person or someone who likes living in a dysfunctional frat house, then subs are a good choice..

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #20 on: Nov 14, 2005, 11:03 »
LOL.. ALL ELT's claim to be mechanics.  We all know better.  In the commercial world, most ELT's in the Ops department will tell you that they were an MM in the Nav.  It's usually through accident and after years of knowing them that the truth comes out.

Sorry, I have to agree with gone sailin'. When I was in you reported to M-div every morning and typically only the duty ELT was not assigned M Div work for the day. The only other division of labor was that the ELT's tended to do more Primary Plant work so they could provide their own job coverage. Most of my 3.5 R in the Navy was done doing Primary Plant Maintenance in upkeep and the yards. Can't speak for the Boomers or Skimmers but on a Fast Attack we wore a lot hats and if anything it caused us additional work with plenty of time in a MM capacity.

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #21 on: Nov 14, 2005, 06:40 »
I think I was in about the same time as you. My wife was an ex-IC nuke. They made her switch to EM at some point. (I think when she extended to go with me on spousal duty). I knew of EN nukes. If I recall, there was an ENCM nuke at squadron, but don't think I had duty with any.

One of the techs where I work now was an EM ELT. (mid 70-'s)

I also remember FTB's, FTM's, TM's.  :) From what I've heard, they're all gone now too.

So who does all the shooting?
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #22 on: Nov 14, 2005, 07:05 »

Rad Sponge

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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #23 on: Nov 14, 2005, 07:28 »
To be even more specific...

On a sub, the TM rating has been replaced with MM-Weapons.

TM is now only a skimmer rating.

However, the cultural vernacular is still Torpedomen and Torpedo Space and TMOW etc ect.

The only thing that really changed was the rating badge and maybe some bean counter stuff at Millington.


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Re: Sub or Carrier guys?
« Reply #24 on: Nov 14, 2005, 07:57 »
What is a Spooner?
ah oh will like my old Boss used to say when we had a FOB dude you got the Squid  teach how it works out here in the nuke world.
you guys are all cool. 
As for me I hope you all had a good vets day.


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