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Offline Rennhack

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March 30th Minor Update
« on: Mar 30, 2006, 02:02 »
I have updated the look of the "Company Information" screen in the job board.  It looks much cleaner now.


And I added this nifty blog.

In the last day or so, other changes included:

Added a new news feed to the news page.

Minor updates to advertising software, forum, and photo gallery.  The upgrades just fixed bugs and security issues (no new functionallity).

Added some pictures to Yankee Rowe and Douglas Point photo archives.

Working on fixing the location of Kewanee, and adding Bruce A/B and Maine Yankee to the maps section. (Not yet uploaded)  If you find other facilities missing, please let me know.  Preferably, you would give me their gps location in a google earth kml file.  I'd lke to add every facility that is missing.  I also plan to subdivide Europe facilities by country.
« Last Edit: Apr 08, 2006, 05:00 by Rennhack »


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