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Browns Ferry

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Offline Rennhack

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Browns Ferry
« on: Nov 30, 2002, 07:21 »
Don't forget to vote.  Keep your comments civil.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #1 on: Jan 13, 2004, 04:07 »
Browns Ferry I never thought I would go there, but yet here I am.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #2 on: Mar 12, 2004, 04:05 »
A dry county in the middle of the cotton fields.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #3 on: Mar 15, 2004, 05:52 »
A dry county in the middle of the cotton fields.

While I live in a dry county (and vote to maintain it), I should inform those interested that the city of Athens is now wet. Few Alabama counties that are dry are dry all over today!
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #4 on: Mar 19, 2004, 07:41 »
 If you really like this work, not a bad place to do it. Dirty,dirty, dirty plant but great people. House tech's treat everyone pretty well. Not arrogant like some plants around them. Laid back! Did I mention dirty?  Well, maybe not that bad.
  It is in the middle of nowhere. cotton feilds mostly. Still, everyone here seems to work well together. I'll be back. With a "dish". No cable here.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #5 on: Mar 20, 2004, 02:47 »
I always enjoyed working at the Ferry.  Would go back. Good people, nice area, ok pay, and no snow. Hi to everyone there that knows me!


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Browns Ferry
« Reply #6 on: Apr 08, 2004, 11:35 »
If anyone has a favorite hang out, place to shop, or local information for this area please post it here.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #7 on: Apr 09, 2004, 12:21 »
Some sites you can sum up in three words.
Browns Ferry can be summed up in three letters: BBQ.
It's a great place with some of the best BBQ in the bedroom communities.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #8 on: Apr 13, 2004, 09:11 »
Stanlieo's Sub Villa (2 in Huntsville) has great cheese steak subs (and other subs I hear from reliable sources, but I can't pass up the steak!)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #9 on: Apr 13, 2004, 09:50 »
The Hungry Fisherman-Athens, AL
The Best Seafood.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #10 on: Apr 14, 2004, 02:07 »
Ladies, No matter how good Rome makes it sound, you don't want to eat at Jimmy's Steak House!!!!!!

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #11 on: Apr 14, 2004, 11:37 »
I can't remember the name, (but there's only one BBQ in Town Creek) but a little BBQ place in Town Creek, AL is South of Wheeler Dam on AL-101 about 1/2 block North of Alternate US 72 / AL 20.

They had good white sauce or red sauce for their BBQ. The slaw had lots of vinegar to really make a good sandwich (another SC trait I acquired!)
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #12 on: Jul 17, 2004, 01:06 »
Copelands in Huntsville has great cajun cooking along with seafood and steak. Also Dale's Steak House in Muscle Sholes is excellent. Jimmy's has good steak but not for eating. Well, I guess you coul.......Never mind.
« Last Edit: Jul 17, 2004, 01:09 by idrum4food »

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #13 on: Jul 18, 2004, 01:04 »
I miss my Rome, he dont come and see me at the outages no more, Come back Rome - Come Back!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #14 on: Jul 19, 2004, 12:27 »
I miss you to! I hope to get back there this upcoming outage that is if they release us from here.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #15 on: Jul 20, 2004, 01:32 »
Rome groupies? Are you people smoking crack?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #16 on: Jul 20, 2004, 01:30 »
RomE is the salt of the earth. Do nothing of what he says though because we will all get a good laugh at your expense. And yes, Jimmys is a food joint or is that 'meat market"? Anyway, Mexican is big here too. Can't remember the name but never go to the one right on 72 across from FOODWORLD. The one down town athens near Krogers is best.
 As for The hungry fisherman, good but small portions and a little expensive(relative) The catfish cabin is good too and great hushpuppies. Also much soul food......Hey RomE!!!!!!!!!!!!  Love ya...............mean it.............Give us a hug :P

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #17 on: Sep 04, 2004, 12:20 »
So how many contractors are there working at Browns Ferry these days?

I hear all my old friends have found their own little corner of Paridise down there!

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #18 on: Sep 07, 2004, 07:05 »
So how many contractors are there working at Browns Ferry these days?

I hear all my old friends have found their own little corner of Paridise down there!

Could you clarify what you mean by working?

Quite a few contract HP's here. There is no provision for house techs to cover Unit 1 Restart, so there are enough slots for all the restart work (though there is a little swapping back and forth between house and contractors in between plant lab and Unit 1.)

I can't give you exact numbers, but there are about 100,000 cars in front of me at the gate house each day!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #19 on: Sep 08, 2004, 04:19 »
40 Contract HP Techs.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #20 on: Jan 27, 2005, 11:33 »
2 in the cavity and 2 out of your clothes in the shower maybe! But you HAVE to work there at least once! The plant is rather crapped up (hee hee hee) but the folks there are fantastic to work with. They're used to dealing with hot stuff and pushy project managers. Ask to work the refuel floor with Wild Bill. It'll  be a hoot!

You can get a lot of really valuable HP experience there. For instance, you can learn how to crawl on 5 RAD smearable shield blocks without getting any on (or in) you. Maybe you'll get to find out how long YOU can go without a bathroom break before you start whizing blood. Like I said, you have to work there at least once. Think of it as a sort of boot camp for HPs. You won't regret it.

As a bonus, that part of Alabama is beautiful! Bring your fishing gear!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #21 on: Feb 03, 2005, 09:14 »
We will be glad to have you. Yes we have alittle bit of that Alpha thing here too on Unit-1. Bust your butt here and show them your a good worker and they might ask you to stay on for Unit-1 restart. Alot of experiened techs here - you can learn alot for some of the old timers. Wild Bill is the man on the refuel floor, that the place to be. Get your self some yellers, get in the zone and drag some smears. See ya soon! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #22 on: Feb 03, 2005, 09:23 »
Been to the Ferry multiple times. Good plant to get HP/RP experience at. Also will help Nukedog with that 2R/lifetime exposure. I won't make this refuel there, so everyone have a good outage!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #23 on: Feb 03, 2005, 01:29 »
Great group of people to work with. It's 60 miles from the house, but I got caught with the 6 - 10's 4 years ago and haven't been back. The bank tellers giggle when they see a 60 hour, no diem check from the Ferry.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #24 on: Feb 05, 2005, 04:56 »
I've worked Watts Bar and Sequoyah and I have to say - never been treated so good.
I mean 2 in and 2 out and they never mess with you when you're out. I would imagine being a sister plant they would treat you as good. Or would they not?

Don't you get spoiled by the plants up the River, Nukedog.   No such thing as 2 in and 2 out here.   It's all shift long!
get a drink, go potty, and back you go. (unless, of course, you need a shower.... >:()  If it's work and experience you want, here you will get!   Come on em what you got.   Don't forget your puppy'll need it!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #25 on: Feb 14, 2005, 01:59 »
Have some friends in Huntsville who recently told me about Browns Ferry expanding.  Does anyone know any details and is Bartlett handling the staffing for most Ferry jobs?

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #26 on: Feb 14, 2005, 02:40 »
I am at Browns Ferry, and the only expansion I have seen is due to the excellent BBQ in the area!
Actually, there is a long-term project to restart Unit 1. All TVA nuclear units were shutdown in 1985, and it took about 10 years to get the rest of them back on line. BFN Unit 1 was determined to require the most work, so it was scheduled to be restarted last. The demand for power is finally high enough to require restart of this last unit.

SWCC has the contract for the crafts, and Bartlett has the contract for RP's. If you want to work as an RP for Unit 1 restart, come in for the Unit 2 Refueling outage and make a good impression. I hear there are still slots available for the Unit 2 outage!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #27 on: Feb 15, 2005, 03:44 »
Per Diem has now been approved for the Ferry outage as well as the Sequoyah outage effective 3/14.  SR Level I is $21/hr $80/day PD; SR Level II is $22/hr and $80/day PD; and SR Level II is $23/hr and $80/day PD.    ;D  You must live >60 miles from the plant and work <60 days to qualify for this PD.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #28 on: Feb 15, 2005, 03:49 »

Bartlett is placing Rad Engineers there as well, do you know if they are now afforded the option of Per Diem as well?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #29 on: Feb 15, 2005, 05:33 »
The Rad Engineer is considered the same as Radcon Specialist.  Rate for Specialist I is $26.50/hr and $80/day PD; Specialist II is $29.50/hr and $80/day PD.    Same restrictions apply to qualify for PD.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #30 on: Mar 22, 2005, 05:29 »
So who gave the outage the slogan, "Quality Work's Last!"?
Wait, it's "Quality Work Lasts!"
I feel so much better knowing there will be a breaker to breaker run after this outage.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #31 on: Mar 23, 2005, 04:00 »
To Funny Roll!

Looks like they may have a slogan maker position open in a few weeks!  I always wondered what happened to Dan Quail?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #32 on: Oct 01, 2005, 02:39 »
Update:  Hungry Fisherman is closed and is now another Mexican place.  Copeland's in Huntsville has also closed under strange circumstances - they say Katrina impacted their seafood chain but the sheriff locked the place for non payment of taxes.



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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #33 on: Oct 01, 2005, 07:59 »
Hey RUMRUNNER...that Copeland's? that an establishment owned by the now INFAMOUS.......MITCH COPELAND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #34 on: Oct 03, 2005, 04:53 »
Hey RUMRUNNER...that Copeland's? that an establishment owned by the now INFAMOUS.......MITCH COPELAND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

<g>  No, Copeland's was not owned by Mitch.  Mitch is in the car business - he owned a dealership over in Corinth, MS, but he sold it and moved back here to work for a BIG Chevy dealer in Huntsville.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #35 on: Oct 04, 2005, 11:29 »
Any info on this?  I heard there were serious injuries when a TCM
fell on some tech's. 
I remember seeing the results of one being "dropped" at DCC, not pretty.
« Last Edit: Oct 04, 2005, 12:07 by PWHoppe »

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #36 on: Oct 04, 2005, 02:21 »
A SAM was being moved and something went terribly wrong.  Two workers were injured.  One is still in serious condition.  They aren't RP techs - they work for LE Myers.  Investigation is still ongoing.  It was bad.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #37 on: Oct 04, 2005, 08:55 »
It is not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility.- Homer J. Simpson

I bet Einstein turned himself into all sorts of colors before he invented the light bulb.- Homer J. Simpson


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #38 on: Oct 05, 2005, 10:30 »
The two workers were lowering a sam-9 down a ramp using a rope slipped through a hand rail. The rope broke sending the Sam toward two workers, breaking one persons leg and landing on the second, severely injuring him. both workers were heliported to the hospital. Last word I got this morning is that he was taken off life support; don’t know if that’s good or bad.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #39 on: Oct 05, 2005, 01:26 »

I spoke to a friend of mine who was there. He said it was very BAD! He is a EMT that responded to the accident, it was one of the worst things he seen. But everyone that responded gave him a chance. He said 5 or 6 carpenters used 4X4's and pryed that thing off the guy in about a minute. Then the EMTs snatched the guy up and began to work him. He said in about 2 minutes they had the guy on the ambulance going to the hospital.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #40 on: Oct 06, 2005, 10:25 »
The seriously injured man passed away last night.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #41 on: Oct 06, 2005, 11:17 »
As of 0700 thursday morning, per TVA vice president, he was still alive. but with very little brain activitiy.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #42 on: Oct 06, 2005, 11:53 »
 It was a sad event- everyone involved gave it thier all. I am very sorry this happened, but I am proud how all the craft worked together to save this guy.
It has taught me to apprieciate every moment because it can be taken away from you in a second.
My prayers go out to the family, to Bubba and to all who were involved.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #43 on: Oct 06, 2005, 12:02 »
As of 0700 thursday morning, per TVA vice president, he was still alive. but with very little brain activitiy.

I'm at BFN.  They issued an employee bulletin to us this morning about the man dying last night.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #44 on: Mar 20, 2006, 03:38 »
Charlie's Truck Stop at exit 361 for round the clock killer omlette

Garabaldis Mexican on Oak in Huntsville (Mexican)

Athens has Mexico Lindo/Whitts BBQ

Best Chicken in town is at Jiffy Food store:)


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #45 on: Mar 20, 2006, 03:49 »
Mexico Lindo kinda sucks. It all tastes the same. Casablanca is better and Rosie's out on I-565


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #46 on: Mar 21, 2006, 01:51 »
A close pal of mine runs a restaurant in Decatur -- JW Steakhouse.  Great place to go.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #47 on: Mar 29, 2006, 07:35 »
Just finished an outage there. A great group of people. The house techs aren't your regular techs. They get out in the field and really know what they are doing. Tough outage but everyone comes together to get it done.

Dirty plant but someone said " We are aggressively deconning the plant- one shower at a time ".


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2006, 07:30 »

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #49 on: May 23, 2006, 01:24 »

Your big letters match your big head, HR. Try turning the CAPS lock off when typing.
« Last Edit: Dec 24, 2006, 08:46 by Roll Tide »
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #50 on: Jan 13, 2007, 09:20 »
I heard Browns Ferry is going to have a +40 day outage, I am sure they going to need techs,alot of them. If TVA works these guys like any other outage they better plan getting several different staffing dates. They will be dropping like flys!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #51 on: Jan 29, 2007, 10:35 »
Hello all, I will more than likely be moving to the Huntsville area somewhere in the next 6-12 months when I get out of the Navy. I was wondering if anyone had the inside scoop to any jobs that might be opening up in that time frame. By the way I was a Nuke ET if that helps at all. Thanks

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #52 on: Jan 29, 2007, 10:53 »
You need to look at the employment links very often. Sometimes they post positions for OPS AUO or MIG (Maintenance Instrument Group) for a week, sometimes two. I have seen postings as short as post Friday and close Monday, with one or the other being a national holiday!
It often takes 6 months from advertisement to hiring at TVA, so it is time to look.

And thanks for your service.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #53 on: Jan 29, 2007, 10:52 »
How does one go about earning a job in the control room itself? 

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #54 on: Jan 30, 2007, 09:39 »
The best way is to work your way up within the OPS department. An experienced AUO at BFN should become the best RO at BFN. Similarly, an experienced RO at BFN should beome the best SRO at BFN.

There are other ways to get in the control room if previously licensed at another site, a degreed engineer, or certain Navy Nuke experiences.

Hope this helps Deaz (and others) on the trail of nuclear employment...  ;D
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #55 on: Jan 30, 2007, 09:59 »
Thanks!  Roll Tide Roll!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #56 on: Jan 30, 2007, 11:59 »
How does one go about earning a job in the control room itself? 

There is not an Instant-RO program.  You must follow the path Roll Tide described.

The program is slightly different for each plant.  There are several paths to an SRO license (6?) and they are outlined in  INPO ACAD document 00-003. 

Path 1: A degreed staff engineer
Path 2: Navy nuke officer, Navy nuke RO, Navy nuke EWS
Path 3: QA inspector
Path 4: Training Instructor
Path 5: RO upgrade to SRO (Same Reactor)
Path 6: Previously licensed RO/SRO from a Non-Comparable Reactor (Another Plant)

This is off the top of my head and you must consult the INPO ACAD document for the straight answer.  I'm not sure which one of these paths you qualify for. 

You must do six months onsite not enrolled in training.  I've seen people assigned to QA, Maintenance, Licensing, Work Control, etc. during this time period.  I was assigned to an operating shift and stood NLO rounds for 6 months.

After the six months was up we started an 8 week GFE course followed by an NRC GFE exam.  We then worked a refuel outage doing minor task and then classed up again.

13 weeks systems course.
6 weeks admin course
6 weeks startups and shutdowns (Simulator Training)
6 weeks Abnormal Operating Procedures (Simulator Training)
12 weeks Emergency operating Procedures (Simulator Training)
17 weeks on-shift as under-instruction with an SRO (520 Hours)
    This includes a qualification signoff book 4" thick

Initial hire to SRO license => 2 years!

Then your assigned your own shift the first year and allowed to saddle-up in the big chair.  They'll neglect to tell you that it's more like a mechanical bull.  Those that stay on stay on shift.  Those that fall off will be writing procedures or tagouts in the clearance center.

Again, each plant is a little different but what I listed is typical of most plants.  PM me if you have specific questions.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #57 on: Jan 30, 2007, 01:09 »

Then your assigned your own shift the first year and allowed to saddle-up in the big chair.  They'll neglect to tell you that it's more like a mechanical bull.  Those that stay on stay on shift.  Those that fall off will be writing procedures or tagouts in the clearance center.


THAT is so true LOL!!!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #58 on: Feb 01, 2007, 08:01 »
Then your assigned your own shift the first year and allowed to saddle-up in the big chair.  They'll neglect to tell you that it's more like a mechanical bull.  Those that stay on stay on shift.  Those that fall off will be writing procedures or tagouts in the clearance center.

Hey Roll tide it is funny you used the term saddle-up is that a cowboy term in OPs? We also use cowboy terms in RadPro! Coach wouldn't want it any other way.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #59 on: Feb 01, 2007, 09:55 »
What are the qualifications for a maintenance job?  I have HVAC and electrical experience, is that of any help?  What activities are involved with an outtage?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #60 on: Feb 01, 2007, 01:30 »
So if I am a qualified navy Reactor Operator that could possibly open a few more doors? Also I was wondering if I do want to get my foot in the door, what jobs should I be applying for since I have not been seeing any RO jobs popup?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #61 on: Feb 01, 2007, 01:35 »
So if I am a qualified navy Reactor Operator that could possibly open a few more doors? Also I was wondering if I do want to get my foot in the door, what jobs should I be applying for since I have not been seeing any RO jobs popup?

You haven't operated a real reactor yet, you've only qualified on a start up source. There's no such thing as an Instant RO. I suggest doing a search in the other forums on this board. It's all very well explained.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #62 on: Feb 05, 2007, 12:57 »
So if I am a qualified navy Reactor Operator that could possibly open a few more doors? Also I was wondering if I do want to get my foot in the door, what jobs should I be applying for since I have not been seeing any RO jobs popup?

A Navy RO doesn’t mean a thing to here at the Ferry.
The Operations staff is so under manned in the RO and SRO ranks its unbelievable NRC is going to allow U1 startup.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #63 on: Feb 05, 2007, 01:13 »
The Operations staff is so under manned in the RO and SRO ranks its unbelievable NRC is going to allow U1 startup.

By TVA standards, it is skin and bones. That means most other utilities would be laying off!  8)

I didn't post it. However, that does look like a cowboy term. Tell coach to keep up the good work (and whipping those little doggies!) at the Ferry.

SQN doesn't really saddle-up in OPS. The big chair looks like it came from the set of a rejected Star Trek spin-off!
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #64 on: Feb 05, 2007, 01:41 »
Roll Tide, are you at BFN or SQN? Does Tech Spec Minimum mean anything to you! We are very close due to the..... well if you've been with TVA for any amount of time you know!

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #65 on: Feb 05, 2007, 02:35 »
Currently at SQN. TVA has announced they will revise the TS staffing to be closer to the industry norms (2 less @ SQN) per the Goodnight study. Talk to the people at BFN that have been OPS for other utilities; we can scream that we need people NOW, but we have more than comparable plants. If we could only figure out how to get those extra bodies on shift...

Besides, you have 2 simulators! You can pump out new licenses in no time now!
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #66 on: Feb 05, 2007, 03:25 »
Don't want to start a flame thread here, but what fantasy world are you living in that you think "you can pump out license's in no time".

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #67 on: Feb 05, 2007, 06:28 »
And by the way as I am sure most people on this site know, no utility can revise their "Tech Specs". They can only apply to the NRC for an amendment. Minimum manning for license's is spelled out in 10CFR50.54. >:(


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #68 on: Feb 05, 2007, 08:41 »
And by the way as I am sure most people on this site know, no utility can revise their "Tech Specs". They can only apply to the NRC for an amendment. Minimum manning for license's is spelled out in 10CFR50.54. >:(

Ya might wanna read up a bit bucko. Your real minimum manning comes from the Fire Protection Report. Might I suggest reading OPDP 1 which is common to all of TVAN?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #69 on: Feb 05, 2007, 09:51 »
Oh I agree that we have other minimums, but if we have to go below FPR requirements all we do is right a PER.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #70 on: Feb 06, 2007, 09:41 »
Don't want to start a flame thread here, but what fantasy world are you living in that you think "you can pump out license's in no time".

Just a little humor attempt. One of the limiting factors for the number of classes you can run at one time is simulator time. I was told by one of the now-retired SROs down there, "We won't have any problem staffing up for Unit 1: We're getting a second simulator."

I have been on shift when manning was inadequate at another utility. The difference is that other utilities move every support person back on shift. Every job previously performed off-shift is divided between the operating shifts. The OPS Sup (the only license not assigned to an operating shift) has even taken some of the SM coverage.

It is no fun to be short-handed. I understand that, and figure that is why you don't see any humor in my comments. But it could just be that they weren't funny. No harm intended either way.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #71 on: Feb 06, 2007, 10:12 »
Roll Tide
Sorry, it's a very touchy subject.
Some of the "now retired" SRO's have been hired back as contractors (making a lot more money than the licensed SRO's) to fill SRO jobs that don't require a license, such as Work control supervisor.
We do have 2 Sims (won't talk about lack of trianing staff to operate them), however the license problem is we can't get RO's to up grade to SRO and instant SRO's
don't seem to have a very high success rate thru the ILT process.
I'm just venting a little, we (BFN) will get thru this and bring U1 online.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #72 on: Feb 06, 2007, 01:15 »
Roll Tide
Sorry, it's a very touchy subject.
Some of the "now retired" SRO's have been hired back as contractors (making a lot more money than the licensed SRO's) to fill SRO jobs that don't require a license, such as Work control supervisor.
We do have 2 Sims (won't talk about lack of trianing staff to operate them), however the license problem is we can't get RO's to up grade to SRO and instant SRO's
don't seem to have a very high success rate thru the ILT process.
I'm just venting a little, we (BFN) will get thru this and bring U1 online.

I think everyone in the country is starting to feel this pain a bit, it's certainly not alleviated in that you can train an SRO and they'll jump to another utility.

As for the FOR you cannot just write a PER, you gotta make efforts to get back into the required manning within 2 hours. What Roll Tide meant about reducing staffing is making an effort to get back into a realistic Appendix R basis in order to allow reducing minimum shift staffing so you don't have to call OT or force people in because someone is ill.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #73 on: Feb 06, 2007, 01:54 »
I had a hot head when I made that post. What I should have said was we write a PER if we go below OSIL Minimum. You are right about the FPR requirements, however at BFN we are fortunate to still have a dedicated fire ops dept and AUO staffing for SSI's is not really an issue.
The problem lies with the LACK OF PRIOR PLANNING of senior managment.
Sorry if it appears that I am airing our dirty laundry.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #74 on: Feb 06, 2007, 08:36 »
Don't sweat it. Remember many of the sins we are paying for today are due to decisions made years ago. I'm newer to TVA than you are (I think). I think they're trying to head in the right direction. Lets remember most Training centers are set up for a class maybe every 18 months with a few months break in between. Currently SQN has My HLC, another in progress for SROs who preeviously held PWR Licenses and another one starting in late March for those who have never held a license or were BWR Licensed. Along with that we have an AUO class in progress and another just finishing up. That's a LOT of trainees and since no one in TVA planned for workforce aging all that well the training staff is stressed too. In the end I think we'll all end up ok, we're getting good people into the company combined with the great ones who were already in it. A few lean years ahead but I think overall we're heading to the right place. We still have Fire Ops too. Great group of guys.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #75 on: Feb 17, 2007, 05:40 »
Hey what's up at Le Ferry!  Heard that they are making Watts Bar's RPM send four techs down for the outage.  Two left Friday afternoon and looking for volunteers from the Bartlett crew.   Word is that they don't want to squeeze anymore than 2 techs from the house staff so it's down the river for 2 Bartlett techs.   :-X  More house techs want to go but...

Industry Event I hear your at the drywell this time...smokin!!
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #76 on: Feb 24, 2007, 06:19 »
anyone have any info about a detensioner rthat got jammed and had to be cut off ?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #77 on: May 16, 2007, 11:56 »
NRC approves BFN-1 restart:

Should be online later this month. Next week?
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #78 on: May 22, 2007, 09:25 »
Browns Ferry Unit 1, Critical @ 0028, 5/22/2007. :)


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #79 on: May 22, 2007, 09:49 »
coolness... guess theres more work for me now


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #80 on: May 22, 2007, 11:19 »
Now let the revival begin!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #81 on: May 23, 2007, 01:16 »
WOW!!!!! Yea for us!!! This is BIG!

Congrats BFN!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #82 on: May 23, 2007, 06:54 »
They commenced the 1000 psi drywell inspection this afternoon.  Unit 1 was still critical when I left Le Ferry this afternoon.  When I last checked the schedule we were looking to put some Unit 1 megawatts on the grid on Thursday. 

I may have to put out a special edition of my RP Outage Newsletter!

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #83 on: May 24, 2007, 08:29 »
No megawatts today.  Unit 1 was shutdown overnight when an EHC leak developed.  For those of us who went through restarts on the other two units, all I can say is we saw this coming.  Something is going to be out there to put the unit in the dirt.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #84 on: May 24, 2007, 09:17 »
Got my fingers and toes crossed for you guys and gals...

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #85 on: May 27, 2007, 09:46 »
Talked to a friend of mine that works there, He said they went critical again last night and as of 2030 hrs today they are at 10%. He said they still have alot of testing to go. They hope to go sync with the generator tomorrow.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #86 on: Jun 19, 2007, 07:11 »
Unit 1 has been at 100% off and on for the past few days...really just bouncing from 95% or so to 100%.  The big news is that President Bush is visiting us on June 21 to congratulate us for bringing Unit 1 back to service.  The whole site is abuzz!



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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #88 on: Jun 22, 2007, 12:56 »
After working in nuclear power construction for 28 years, I was fired at the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart for reporting a situation that violated client procedures.  As a long time contractor I am familiar with the politics that surround this industry, but, have never been intimidated into ignoring a problem and through the years have played by the rules.  It is illegal to fire an employee for reporting problems at a nuclear plant, however, subcontractor's are well versed on how to compile false allegations against an employee in order to fire them, thus protecting their interests and remaining inside the legal arena.  Sadly, I am just one of the many casualties of this type of action.

Being fired is shocking, especially when it happens to you, however, this is not the issue.  I believe the safeguards in place to protect employees are only as good as the people who administer these safeguards.  In my case, the administrator's failed miserably, from the the point of ignoring me right down to one TVA manager laughing. There was no internal investigation into my complaint. Not even a phone call from the Inspector General's office. My experience shows that you are taking your career on a fast ride down a slippery slope when reporting problems.  It was not a benign error I reported and eventually turned out to be a B-Level PER at this facility.

The scary issue here is that the system in place today at TVA's nuclear plants for reporting problems is cracked just wide enough for you or a fellow contractor to fall through and disappear.  Your loss of income and difficulty in finding work is really just a personal problem to the power company.  The fact that problems at nuclear site's are not being reported for this very reason is the crux of the matter.  We are the builders of these plants and when management fails to back us, as we operate within their established procedures, all you end up with is a problem waiting to happen.  The next time you run across a discrepancy, nonconformance, and/or problem in the course of your daily work, you might want to take a smoke break and think over the possible consequences before you write it up.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #89 on: Jun 22, 2007, 01:29 »
The next time you run across a discrepancy, nonconformance, and/or problem in the course of your daily work, you might want to take a smoke break and think over the possible consequences before you write it up.

Absolutely the WRONG thing to do. No matter what your job function is at the facility it is your obligation to report whatever you think is wrong. The nuclear industry is founded on the basis of self reporting.

There are laws in place to stop retaliation, but I don't know your circumstances and will not comment on your personal situation. However, if you feel you were let go for reporting a non-conforming condition, then I would suggest getting legal representation.
« Last Edit: Jun 22, 2007, 01:31 by PWHoppe »
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #90 on: Jun 22, 2007, 02:29 »
I would suggest writting an e mail to the nrc at or call their allegation or concern line at (800) 695-7403.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #91 on: Jun 22, 2007, 02:41 »
Wow there's a lot of bitterness.... And my guess is....  Oh well.

On a more truthful note I see this weekend BFN 1 is scheduled to perform Major Pump Trip testing followed by initiating an MSIV Closure SCRAM. Last week they actually injected HPCI to the Reactor as a test or so I hear. MAN I'd about kill to be there to see this stuff.



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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #92 on: Jun 22, 2007, 03:02 »
I would suggest writting an e mail to the nrc at or call their allegation or concern line at (800) 695-7403.

There's also a time limit to file.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #93 on: Jun 22, 2007, 05:32 »
Yes, I wore those same rose colored glasses when I was on the job.  I performed my dutes with diligence, honesty, and the same profound ideals that I would be protected.  And yes Mike, there was a lot of bitterness and since you were not affected, who cares, right?  The truth is you might be the next one out the door.  There was a lawyer.  He did his best but just wasn't able to understand the complexities and depth of this issue.  Lawyers are a business and you will find it difficult to locate one that specializes in this area.  Only movies have legal hero's.  The NRC, well, if you don't have a smoking gun it's hard to get their attention.  Keep in mind, the plant owner, subcontractors, NRC, and others are not enemies.  Rather, they are co-dependent.  You, on the other hand, are just an employee of one of these entities and replaceable.

Thank you for the suggestions but I've been there and done that.  I've been pro-nuke since 1975 and a true believer the system works.  I have found, through my own experience, the system is broken, at least at TVA.  This information is just that, information.  You do not have to believe it or even care about it.  As I said early, a law is only as good as those who enforce it.  And I agree, PWHoppe, with your statement about self reporting and obligation in the nuclear workplace.  I believed that with my whole heart until I was fired.  Until I pursued justice for wrongful termination and the system turned it's back.  Not because I didn't have a case, but for other reasons only TVA can answer.  I am a hard core procedure follower and cannot be intimidated to do the wrong thing.  With that said, it is wise for the employee on the ground level to understand what he or she risks by depending on a system that may or may not protect you.  There are no guarantees and you can be collecting unemployment before you even know what hit you.

You have a mere two years to get someone's attention to your case.  It's not enough time.  Submitting your complaints online to the company that's the owner of the facility is ludicrous.  Submitting your complaints to a government entity whose whole existance is based on continuing nuclear work is beyond ludicrous.  There is no independent overseer of the nuclear power industry.    If the pendulum swings too far to one side, someone is going to get fired.  So they try with all their might to keep it neutral.  When security escorts you to your car and takes your badge, you are completely on your own because none of your coworkers will risk their jobs tesifying for you.  Right, Mike?

I certainly hope no one experiences what I have and works smart, not only to make plants safe, but also to preserve their jobs in order to continue to make nuclear plants safe for everyone.  The corrective action program at TVA is flawed.  Contractor's especially need to be aware of this and work accordingly. 


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #94 on: Jun 22, 2007, 06:54 »
I've been in the industry 23 years now, 6 in the navy, the last 7 as a Shift manager. I've said some pretty tactless stuff to some people who breath air a lot rarer than I breath. I've raised issues at both sites where I have worked. Some of these issues weren't pretty. Some weren't resolved entirely to my satisfaction and some probably had no real resolution. Every Corrective action program has it's holes, I'll grant you that, and we won't always get the satisfaction we desire from it. But I've never felt either at DTE or at TVA that I was at risk for raising a concern and guess what I doubt I ever will.

Guess it's all just a matter of perspective but quite honestly your posts have me thinking of the old adage about what type of beverage you'd like with your cheese.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #95 on: Jun 23, 2007, 07:57 »
In addition to the site programs available for concerns to be brought up (Speak-out or equivalent), many utilities have an autonomous internal group. TVA being quasi-federal government has Inspector General as well.
Of course, the NRC has already been mentioned.

If you really have a concern, and have explored all other avenues, send a letter to your congressman or to Sen. Lamar Alexander (chair of the TVA caucus).

Like Mike, I have confidence that legitimate issues are dealt with. But I do know that sometimes you have to keep pushing to get a legitimate issue recognized. But choose your battles: is this the hill where you are ready to make your final stand, if necessary?

As far as employment, I realize that you have only an outside shot. But any legitimate issue must be dealt with.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #96 on: Jun 23, 2007, 09:05 »
As an NRC Regional Administrator once told me, "The managers at that plant can cost you only one job. I can cost you all of them."

My advice is to be on the square and report conditions, no matter how severe the personal consequences.   


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #97 on: Jun 23, 2007, 12:13 »
Mike as Shift Manager, you can hardly compare your situation to mine.  You are arrogant and outspoken because you can be, due to your position.  Most nuclear workers don't have that advantage.  I choose to remain in the masses where I can utilize my training to do what I enjoy the most.  To insinuate that I didn't get the response I wanted from the corrective action program, therefore, I need to deal with it, is even beneath you. How would anyone in this forum have any idea that all "legitimate" issues are addressed?  You're assuming.  Before I started this conversation, none of you knew I existed.  Which is my point. 

My message here is to contractor's working at my level within the TVA nuclear power division.  I am not saying to turn your back on a violation, just be careful and weigh the consequences of your decision.  Because, like myself, you and your family could pay the ultimate price for that decision,  regardless of how right you might be.  This is the flaw in the system, not the fact I didn't like the conclusion. There was "NO" conclusion because there was "NO" investigation. You cannot depend on a fickle sytem to protect your job.  The OIG should have investigated, they didn't.  Exactly what kind of violation does the OIG want to investigate? The subcontractor I worked for intentionally violated not only a TVA procedure, but a government mandate that no employee suffer retaliation for reporting a violation at a nuclear plant.  Employees have the right to know if TVA will back them up on this issue or the system they have in place is just media fluff for the general public.

Thank you Roll Tide for the links.  Done that.  Rlbinc, the next time you see the NRC in your area give them a copy of this forum. 


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #98 on: Jun 23, 2007, 02:26 »
I was arrogant and outspoken as an NLO, an RO, and a CRS. What's your point? I' ve seen plenty of contractors raise issues both at DTE and at Fermi and they were taken very seriously. It's also been my experience when someone gets dismissed there are plenty of other valid reasons besides the "I raised an issue no one wanted to hear about" Yeah maybe your situation is otherwise but I'd bet a years salary it's not. I never said all legitimate issues are addressed, sometimes what we see as a legitimate issue just doesn't seem to register on someones radar. And eventually it comes back to bite someone. I'll grant that has happened. Virtually every event I've ever been involved in has probably been previously identified sometime previously. No system is perfect. My point is I've seen very little if any retaliation anywhere I've been. I do commend you for following procedures but that isn't the issue here.
In my opinion your outlook is slanted because you were let go. Contractors get let go all the time, thus the term contractor. Sure theres a chance you may have been let go for the reasons you believe, but I have my doubts.

Has nothing to do with either my position or where I work. It has everything to do with my life experience. I've never had an issue or problem with calling them as I see them or having someone else call them as they see them. In life not everything gets resolved to our 100% satisfaction but it's been my experience that for the most part TVA tries. They might not get it right all the time (which I do believe is strictly a matter of opinion) but they try. It's been my experience if one is will to put work into the system, and help with the solution the system will work for almost anyone.

By the way, its neither arrogant or cocky if you can back it up.



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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #99 on: Jun 23, 2007, 05:21 »
20kats, if you can specify details that constitute a condition adverse to safety or quality, I can forward that information to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. You can be certain that they will question me for details and I will have to identify you.

In short, we're all grown up in the big leagues and, unlike NASA, we don't keep secrets.

If safety is an issue, you are morally obligated to identify it, own it, and make sure it's corrected.

Otherwise, we frankly don't need you in this industry.

I AM a contractor, I speak frankly with utility managers and regulators on a daily basis.
That's what they pay me to do.

(919) 770-0840 Rob

« Last Edit: Jun 23, 2007, 05:23 by rlbinc »

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #100 on: Jun 23, 2007, 11:04 »
I would suggest writting an e mail to the nrc at or call their allegation or concern line at (800) 695-7403.

20kats, what reply did you get when you called NRC as above, or emailed them?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #101 on: Jun 24, 2007, 02:23 »
I'm living the same experience, 20kats.  I too, am a long time believer in doing what is right.... never steered from that perspective.  I am currently living your experience to this day.  Not knowing yet where this will put me.  I am with you.  My glasses are not rose colored.  Details later.......maybe.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #102 on: Jun 25, 2007, 01:22 »
Thanks Rob, I may contact you in the near future; azkidd, I feel your pain, please mail me at with your story please.  I will keep it confidential. 

I am not, at this time, discussing any conversation I have had with any organization.  Like Mike says, it may just fall on deaf ears, but thanks HydroDave63 for your interest.  I have never backed down from a difficult situation and have reported all violations I have run across in my career.  The fact they were addressed, to my liking or not, was good enough for me.

Mike, I believe I was addressing everyone reading this forum and did not say you made the comment about "all legitimate issues being addressed".  I am not challenging you or anyone to a verbal duel.  I know this information is difficult to believe and cuts to the core of many personal beliefs about the industry.  I'm glad you have such good success in your work but you are too high up on the management ladder and no, people at my level DO NOT have your advantages.  I know many contractors who laughed at me when I suggested they write a violation up.  I didn't understand it then, I get it now.

Procedures are the issue as the instructions for submitting a violation document is contained therein.  If procedures are ignored or circumvented and TVA allows that to happen, the system for reporting becomes mute.  TVA must police their subcontractor's and not just for physical problems in the plant.  Other problems can cause safety issues.

The system has to work for everyone, not just management.  Management always has the advantage but the procedure is written to allow employees, like myself, to report without going through management.  Shortly after I left, my coworkers were told all PER's were to go through management for review before submittal to the MRC.  Naturally, this instruction was never put on paper because that would be a violation of the procedure and leave a damaging paper trail.  So what's an employee to do?

Don't kid yourself, get your employer in trouble and you are marked.  I knew that was a possiblity, but hey, I had the OIG, NRC, TVA Internal Investigations, and least of all Employee Concerns.  Well, I thought they would be interested.  There is a lot at stake when rolling one of these plants online.  All subs are sweating the schedule milestones because there is money to be made or lost.  Throw a wrench into making that milestone on schedule, even if you were only the messenger, and ego's get hurt and managers get angry.  Unfortunately, it's the messenger that gets shot not the perp.  Subs like to keep their dirty laundry in house and quiet while they figure out how to fix the gross problem and keep their bonuses at the same time.

Mike, you said it was your experience that people were fired for other reasons.  No kidding, firing someone and putting on their exit papers.."They wrote a violation against us", is not a popular cause for dismissal.  Nor is it legal.  Is it difficult for an employee to prove?  Unbelievably.  Can it be done?  I don't know.  Like TVA Employee Concerns said to me, "Well, that investigation would take a long time."  So I guess the difficulty of the task is a reason not to perform it.  Or maybe there is the hope that I will simply go away and make their jobs easier.

I don't agree with the airline industry that 250 lost souls per year is an acceptable casualty percentage.  I was shocked when NASA announced that the 2 foot piece of insulation that fell off the shuttle during launch would not affect flight operations.  They had no evidence at that point to make such a premature announcement.  But we all listened and felt relief until a few days later. I don't agree that a handful of fired nuclear plant employees who stick their necks out is OK and just a fact of life. 


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #103 on: Jun 25, 2007, 11:04 »
I have reading 20kats posts, all I have to say is I agree. It is tough to do the hard thing but in the end you have too look out for yourself.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #104 on: Jun 26, 2007, 10:38 »
I want to thank everyone for their input to my discussion.  Especially the links, phone numbers and offers to assist.  Mike, I truly enjoyed your feedback and TVA is lucky to have someone of your calibur in that position.  You are the type of manager employees like myself hope to get the opportunity to work for and rarely do.

TVA is the best place to work, contract or direct.  I spent 5 years in the belly of Watts Bar Unit 1 during the early 80's and have the best memories of that contract.  If you can get a contract directly with TVA you won't forget it.  Coming in through a subcontractor requires a balancing act of tackfulness and professionalism in order to follow the client's expectations and not piss off your employer at the same time.  The work can be stressful enough without walking that tight rope.  I will not be going away.  Anyone may contact me at my email address.  Good luck to all.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #105 on: Jun 27, 2007, 08:52 »
 8) ;D ;) :o
well follks i finaly did my time at bfnp, anna i wuz treeted reel good,  worked the frywell on nitz, and enjoyed ever minit of it.  matter of fack i wood like to go back, and get some more of it. mabe appli 4 a house job.

sur itz durty, but whut r u wurkin n tis bisnes 4?

4 duty and humanity?




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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #106 on: Jun 27, 2007, 09:23 »
Hey diparyar, love having you! We need ole hands like you helping us out. Being on Days you never left us with a problem. Thanks again and come back.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #107 on: Aug 08, 2007, 02:08 »
Has anyone heard of the possible start date of this class when they posted it on the website it said september 07. I know that TVA is notorious for pushing them back though. I have already passed the tests for Watts Bar so if they decide to interview me I should go straight to interview and not have to tests again corect? Just wondering would love to get into the field and any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #108 on: Dec 11, 2007, 07:58 »
Has anyone heard of the possible start date of this class when they posted it on the website it said september 07. I know that TVA is notorious for pushing them back though. I have already passed the tests for Watts Bar so if they decide to interview me I should go straight to interview and not have to tests again corect? Just wondering would love to get into the field and any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

If you are referring to the EEI, for TVA you only have to take it once every 3 years. Good luck to you!

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #109 on: Dec 23, 2007, 04:20 »
Do they ever do exceptions for taking the EEI test. I'm trying to get a job from Guam and I just can't make it over there before i separate from the navy. I figured a navy nuke would not have to prove aptitude...


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #110 on: Dec 23, 2007, 09:41 »
Do they ever do exceptions for taking the EEI test. I'm trying to get a job from Guam and I just can't make it over there before i separate from the navy. I figured a navy nuke would not have to prove aptitude...

Nope no exceptions, and given a Navy Nuke has no real experience why wouldn't you have to prove aptitude prior to operating a real nuclear plant?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #111 on: Dec 23, 2007, 10:15 »
Actually no, I haven't found Navy Nukes are anymore likely to make good commercial nukes than reasonably intelligent people from off the street. I guess technically Navy Nukes do have experience but they do not have aptitude for operating a commercial plant. Look at it this way, you have to get out of Kindergarten before going to first grade, Navy Nuclear is Pre School at best and the gap gets wider everyday. I'm saying Navy Nuclear Experience gets less relevant everyday as our standards are much higher than the Navy.

So far as Browns Ferry, nothing he learned in the Navy can prepare him for life at a BWR as it's a totally different world.

So far as SRO Positions, I doubt anyone gives the POSS/EEI for instant SRO Candidates but TVA ain't about to interview anyone they have to fly in from Overseas when we have plenty of excellent candidates knocking on our door.

I still believe the test isn't really valid but you gotta start your screening somewhere. In the same vein I also believe Navy nuclear Experience is not that big a thing either. A Good Nuke is a Good nuke, it doesn't matter where you find them and increasingly we're finding ours in Garages, Junior Colleges and the like of our areas. To be honest when I look at a resume I don't even look for Navy Nuke anymore.

Jason you live in Alabama?



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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #112 on: Dec 23, 2007, 10:53 »
We've been interviewing candidates for NSGPO jobs fot Watts Bar and Sequoyah. I didn't know we had bids out for Browns Ferry too.

A HINT for anyone applying to SE Tennessee, if you see a bid for Watts Bar and Sequoyah at the same time BID BOTH, we're more likely to interview you as we can get everyone for both plants together in the same place and same time and we figure we'd rather get the 40 best operators rather than find out someone missed the cut by 1 at one plant and we had to take a less desirable candidate at another unit. And it's less expensive for us.

Example: WBN Needs 20 Operators, you're 21 on their list, during the Interview Sequoyah might say yes he's 21 there but we didn't get 20 people from our interviews, they may confer with Watts Bar and offer you a job particularly since we do combined interviews.

If you only bid the Sequoyah or Watts Bar job you're hoping we don't hire people from those who bid both jobs and honestly we're pretty good at getting qualified candidates during our first set of interviews.

Jason when are the interviews?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #113 on: Dec 23, 2007, 11:42 »
Actually no, I haven't found Navy Nukes are anymore likely to make good commercial nukes than reasonably intelligent people from off the street. I guess technically Navy Nukes do have experience but they do not have aptitude for operating a commercial plant. Look at it this way, you have to get out of Kindergarten before going to first grade, Navy Nuclear is Pre School at best and the gap gets wider everyday. I'm saying Navy Nuclear Experience gets less relevant everyday as our standards are much higher than the Navy.

So far as Browns Ferry, nothing he learned in the Navy can prepare him for life at a BWR as it's a totally different world.

So far as SRO Positions, I doubt anyone gives the POSS/EEI for instant SRO Candidates but TVA ain't about to interview anyone they have to fly in from Overseas when we have plenty of excellent candidates knocking on our door.

I still believe the test isn't really valid but you gotta start your screening somewhere. In the same vein I also believe Navy nuclear Experience is not that big a thing either. A Good Nuke is a Good nuke, it doesn't matter where you find them and increasingly we're finding ours in Garages, Junior Colleges and the like of our areas. To be honest when I look at a resume I don't even look for Navy Nuke anymore.

Jason you live in Alabama?


Excellent position on this subject!  ;)
I think other people on this board should read & digest this post.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #114 on: Dec 23, 2007, 12:45 »
So far as Browns Ferry, nothing he learned in the Navy can prepare him for life at a BWR as it's a totally different world.

What is so different about it?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #115 on: Dec 23, 2007, 03:52 »
As the second-most-senior RP shift supervisor at BFN (I've been an RPSS since 1986), and as a former Navy ELT, I guess I am qualified to answer any questions about "Le Ferry".  I'd appreciate specifics.  I am also retiring from TVA in two weeks, so I am not worried about saying things which would normally get me in trouble.  :-*

As for the trainee class....we are hiring X number for each plant.  Being a local has never been discussed as a qualifying factor in the meetings I have attended.  Note the curious language in the VPA about having a degree "within the past four years".  Draw your own conclusions on the target age group.  I can't say we are looking for young people because that would show age discrimination. And bear in mind, I am leaving so I have no input on who gets hired.

Now on to the subject of Navy nuclear experience...this is not a defining factor for us.  A Navy nuc will get points for veterans preference but remember this is a trainee class and all we are looking for is motivated people with a capacity to learn to be an HP.  ELTs getting out would be better off going on the road for a while and then applying on a senior tech vacancy.  Trust me, we will be having MANY senior tech vacancies over the next few years.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #116 on: Dec 23, 2007, 04:29 »
What is so different about it?

A BWR is simply a nasty reactor.  This is not a nice clean PWR with stainless piping and valves.  GE designed the BWR to be cheaper to build, cheaper to run, and easier to refuel.  Not much thought was given to contamination, dose, etc.  At BFN we often see contamination levels in the millions of dpm on the turbine side of the plant (along with alpha), but then on other outages we see just a few thousand dpm.  During power, the main turbine and most of it's supporting components are >1 Rem/hr GA.  GA dose rates in the quads (spaces outside the primary containment and down in the "basement") can be 10-20 mrem/hr.

I still remember the day a sump dried out in the Radwaste Building and offgas backed up and spilled out into the service building (the service building is a clean area).  We had airborne in the RP plant lab and the adjacent men's room.  I had to go and knock on stall doors to get people signed in on an RWP to track their exposure.

Ahh, the good ol' days!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #117 on: Dec 23, 2007, 05:03 »
A BWR is simply a nasty reactor.  [...]

I agree with the scope or scale being significantly different.  But does the scale of an operation really undermine any previous NNP experience?

To be the devils advocate: RadCon, RP, HP (whatever we choose to call it) all rely on the same fundamentals.  It still simplifies to time, distance, and shielding.  With respect to personnel exposure it doesn't really matter where the Rad-field or C-zone originates from but, rather, what you do to mitigate those hazards.  Both commercial and navy nuclear rely on varying levels of administrative and engineered controls to handle these risks, right?

Good info.  Thanks.  Any more differences out there?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #118 on: Dec 23, 2007, 05:45 »
It can be a shock, going from NAVSEA08 to commercial.  We don't use glove bags in most cases.  We just erect a big c-zone and bust things open, and then clean up the area when the job is done.  We expect to "lose" the refuel floor at least once during an outage.  The worst case we had at BFN was a mid-cycle outage after running too long with failed fuel (a business decision).  The gaseous activity on the floor when we lifted the vessel head was awful.  That was the morning I walked into the plant and saw 53 people in papers waiting to get body counts, sitting in the hallway by dosimetry.  That was a bad day.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #119 on: Dec 23, 2007, 06:58 »
I agree with the scope or scale being significantly different.  But does the scale of an operation really undermine any previous NNP experience?

To be the devils advocate: RadCon, RP, HP (whatever we choose to call it) all rely on the same fundamentals.  It still simplifies to time, distance, and shielding.  With respect to personnel exposure it doesn't really matter where the Rad-field or C-zone originates from but, rather, what you do to mitigate those hazards.  Both commercial and navy nuclear rely on varying levels of administrative and engineered controls to handle these risks, right?

Good info.  Thanks.  Any more differences out there?

It used to be like this;
Folks directly out of the Navy went on the road to work outages as a Jr. HP/RP Tech. to get the feet a bit wet & get a some Commercial Power experience. Just from the scale of things & dose rates on a sub vs. dose rates in say...RWCU,under vessel crap,nozzel inspections,SG coverage(not so bad now days) Pzr re-sleeving, cavity crap in both PWR & BWR's.
But now this is totally off topic ;)

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #120 on: Dec 23, 2007, 08:13 »
I remember when I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore.  I was assigned to cover a "sludge" sample in Radwaste on a Saturday afternoon.  12 minutes start to finish in the room.  I got 230 mrem.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #121 on: Dec 24, 2007, 10:03 »
But now this is totally off topic ;)

Thanks for pointing this out ;D

Please note the topic is Browns Ferry, not what are the differences between Navy/Shipyard and commercial nuclear plants. ;)

Back on topic everyone or the dreaded delete post button may be utilized ;D

Your friendly neighborhood moderator 8)
« Last Edit: Dec 24, 2007, 10:16 by PWHoppe »
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #122 on: Dec 24, 2007, 10:28 »
I am also retiring from TVA in two weeks, so I am not worried about saying things which would normally get me in trouble.  :-*

Hate to hear that your leaving Dave.  Enough is enough, huh.  Who's going to do the Daily Outage Newsletter and Plant Manager or INPO tours during outages?  I've been house since 85' at Watts Bar and Sequoyah and you guys always treated us very well, like your own during shared resources (pentagen).  Well maybe better than your own even.  We sure hoping to return this spring, the guys at the Bar say they're having problems staffing.  Imagine that.  Back in the day Browns Ferry was a great proving ground, it made a dull knife sharp quick.  Others I just saw their heads explode.  The rest of SQN crew 5 says "hey", Debby and Jackie, and good luck!  We're here keeping the Christmas tree lights burning tonight for Santa.
« Last Edit: Jan 20, 2008, 08:31 by Limited Quanity »
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #123 on: Dec 25, 2007, 01:24 »
Yes, I've had enough.   The most common remark I get when people learn I am leaving...."Oh no!  No more RP Outage Newsletter?"  At least I made a good impression for something!   


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #124 on: Dec 26, 2007, 05:03 »
Thanks for the good info, I do realize that commercial power and navy nuke power is different. That's primarily why i'm even considering staying in nuclear power. Just trying to overcome the distance factor in trying to land a job. Its a pain in the butt being all the way in guam.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #125 on: Dec 26, 2007, 10:30 »
Just trying to overcome the distance factor in trying to land a job. Its a pain in the butt being all the way in guam.

You are going to have to make contact with HR. A direct phone call (with quite a few follow-ups) can help ease the process for your circumstances. Once you explain that the military will be relocating you to your home of record (not asking TVA to move you from halfway across the globe) they should be more receptive. See if you can find the "veterans' preference ombudsman or whatever title he/she is using now.

There was a veteran offered a job a few classes back at Sequoyah, but between accepting the job and his start date he was recalled to Active Duty in support of the war in Iraq. TVA made the decision to hire him into the next class as "the right thing to do". TVA would like to do the right thing, and supporting our troops IS the right thing.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #126 on: Jan 07, 2008, 12:33 »
I heard thier is some changes in mangement coming down the river for BFN.
Anybody heard anything?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #127 on: Jan 07, 2008, 03:27 »
I heard thier is some changes in mangement coming down the river for BFN.
Anybody heard anything?
Already happening.
Changes are in progress.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #128 on: Jan 07, 2008, 05:54 »
Already happening.
Changes are in progress.
The RPM at Watts Bar announced this morning that he's headed to Browns Ferry as part of the "Dream Team".
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #129 on: Jan 08, 2008, 10:22 »
What happened to the old BFN RPM?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #130 on: Jan 16, 2008, 01:53 »
What happened to the old BFN RPM?

He has been moved to the BFN Site "Turnaround" Team.  From what my sources tell me this is a 6-month assignment.
« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2008, 02:02 by rumrunner »


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #131 on: Jan 19, 2008, 10:56 »
He has been moved to the BFN Site "Turnaround" Team.  From what my sources tell me this is a 6-month assignment.

Ahoy Rumrunner,

  We miss you here at 'Le Ferry'. Damn you should see the food in the sink! Anyway, Our new RPM is moving right along but no changes yet. See very little of JW but know he must be around somewhere. rumor has it that they are saving an orange badge for you at the gatehouse..........OOOORAH!...:>)

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #132 on: Jan 19, 2008, 08:34 »

   Anyway, Our new RPM is moving right along but no changes yet.

Just nod your head a lot and in particular listen.  He definitely likes what he has done at the other sites and if you can assimilate the truth from the BS then you'll do fine.  I don't know if your a tech or a RPSS but I think the Supv.'s had more difficulty adjusting.  Biggest pet peeve's of his will be the release process from the RCA, satelite RCA's will go away or fenced in, HRA/LHRA process controls, and one way in and one way out for entry to the RCA (Ops is going to dislike him).  He has Site V.P. [name deleted by moderator] in his back pocket so he will get just about anything he wants.  Doesn't mind using his interpertation of 10CFR20 to do a little pushing and shoving.  Look for a few of the personnel at Watts Bar to follow with him at the RPSS level, already onboard with his program and no culture shock.   If you think you generate a lot of paper work now, look out.
« Last Edit: Jan 19, 2008, 10:42 by PWHoppe »
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #133 on: Jan 20, 2008, 09:26 »
Just nod your head a lot and in particular listen.  He definitely likes what he has done at the other sites and if you can assimilate the truth from the BS then you'll do fine.  I don't know if your a tech or a RPSS but I think the Supv.'s had more difficulty adjusting.  Biggest pet peeve's of his will be the release process from the RCA, satelite RCA's will go away or fenced in, HRA/LHRA process controls, and one way in and one way out for entry to the RCA (Ops is going to dislike him).  He has Site V.P. [name deleted by moderator] in his back pocket so he will get just about anything he wants.  Doesn't mind using his interpertation of 10CFR20 to do a little pushing and shoving.  Look for a few of the personnel at Watts Bar to follow with him at the RPSS level, already onboard with his program and no culture shock.   If you think you generate a lot of paper work now, look out.


  Thanks for the advice. These are all good things to know. I think right now though, as a team, we are in state of sadness for " The death of the frisker " As to the pending? replacement of RPSS positions here, when would that be expected? Hey it's all good.. besides, I 'm pretty much the happy type even when I'm bitchin' about something....water off a ducks back you know.............SM

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #134 on: Jan 20, 2008, 12:37 »
Just nod your head a lot and in particular listen.  He definitely likes what he has done at the other sites and if you can assimilate the truth from the BS then you'll do fine. 

So you never made it to the ring-kissing stage?  I fear that is in store for my former co-workers at Le Ferry - at least those who want to move up in the organization.  Prior to my retirement (which seems like the right thing to do more and more now) we were still wrestling with the infamous "Denbo PER" which had all sorts of draconian corrective actions as the result of the 0.5 mrem can of pipe dope being found by the recycler's truck monitor.  Of course, being BFN we couldn't settle for just one truck monitor and had ordered at least two of them - before checking with Mods to learn that they needed a million bucks to redo the old parking lot where the monitors were to be installed.  Anyway, I guess the new RPM must like the PER actions since they do much of what you mentioned as far as strangling the RCA entrance/exits and satellite RCAs, and release of material.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #135 on: Jan 20, 2008, 08:25 »
Prior to my retirement (which seems like the right thing to do more and more now)  Anyway, I guess the new RPM must like the PER actions since they do much of what you mentioned as far as strangling the RCA entrance/exits and satellite RCAs, and release of material.

You may have a chance to jump back in and do some double dipping on a professional level, no disrespect intended  ;D.  The new RPM has a circle of influence, several "buds" on the outside looking in that he will bring in for a week to evaluate and make recommendations to cure the woes of the program.  Several old RPM's, usually four, from the other utilities (Limerick/PeachBottom,,) he has ties with will be introduced some Monday morning, stay a week, summit their critique, and make off with a bag of cash.  All in all it will just be used to reinforce his claims of how broken you are and what it will take to make the necessary repairs.  Be glad you retired DB because the clawing and gnashing of teeth of your old counterparts is about commence.  I see several following suit this next year before the med supplement is gone.

Right now though, as a team, we are in state of sadness for " The death of the frisker "

Yeah, the grieving process is tough but it won't last long after you get the spill about how useless a tool the frisker actually was to begin with.  But,,,get ready to start doing the weekly checks on a daily basis for the "green zone" areas.   I&RP work load will significantly increase.  Initially PCE's will go out the wazoo just for the sake of justifying,,,I told you so.  You'll have techs assigned just to do the paperwork.

As to the pending? replacement of RPSS positions here, when would that be expected? Hey it's all good.. besides, I 'm pretty much the happy type even when I'm bitchin' about something....water off a ducks back you know.............SM

The parting remarks at the Bar were that he was going to take some peeps with him.  He does like to have as my wife calls them "his entourage", hip hop gangsters call them their posse, just taking some friends with him.  I see a lot bailing out there if they have their 80 pts and the money is good.  You'll like him cause he'll make that W2 look grand at the end of the year.  PM me if you want more details.


« Last Edit: Jan 20, 2008, 08:39 by Limited Quanity »
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #136 on: Jan 21, 2008, 12:39 »
I see several following suit this next year before the med supplement is gone.  I see a lot bailing out there if they have their 80 pts and the money is good. 

Even before the palace coup happened I knew that at least three of my former compadres were planning on leaving this year.  Now that a new regime has been installed I wouldn't be surprised to see more decide to retire.   

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #137 on: Jan 21, 2008, 03:42 »
for the uninformed, would you please explain the palace coup-sounds interesting

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #138 on: Jan 21, 2008, 04:18 »
for the uninformed, would you please explain the palace coup-sounds interesting

No intrigue, just my way of describing the changing of the site management in several areas, and not just in RP.  From my perspective, things never jelled when the Unit 1 Recovery side was merged back into the operating side.  Frankly I don't think we were ready to support three-unit operations - a view held by many of us in the line supervisor ranks.  The new CNO apparently saw this too and decided to make some significant changes in site leadership.  I heard rumors that he never had a lot of confidence in BFN management and the endless problems that started last summer just bolstered his suspicions.  Just my opinion, of course!


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #139 on: Jan 23, 2008, 01:03 »
Anyone got any update on the U3 outage?  Talk is that they have been whittling at the outage scope and the EPU uprate has been moved/cancelled and it's no longer a ~50 day outage.  Might be some interesting news for those who committed thinking it was a long stay.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #140 on: Jan 23, 2008, 05:11 »
Anyone got any update on the U3 outage?  Talk is that they have been whittling at the outage scope and the EPU uprate has been moved/cancelled and it's no longer a ~50 day outage.  Might be some interesting news for those who committed thinking it was a long stay.
The Outage duration has been reduced, the last I heard was ~39 days.
Power uprate is out for the most part.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #141 on: Feb 03, 2008, 03:28 »
Ahoy Rumrunner,

  rumor has it that they are saving an orange badge for you at the gatehouse..........OOOORAH!...:>)

I guess your rumor might be true, assuming we can come to terms on salary.  They want me to help conduct GET for 5 weeks and then roll to mids as the EPU counterpart to "Chicken Wing" who would be on days.  Not sure if I like 7 12's though.   

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #142 on: Feb 04, 2008, 02:34 »
Don't do it rumrunner. Life's too short to endure any more 7/12s than absolutly necessary.

Yes, everyone is talking a shorter outage but on paper it's still 50 days.

Any rumors on the RP training class?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #143 on: Feb 04, 2008, 09:49 »
Yes, everyone is talking a shorter outage but on paper it's still 50 days.
A bunch of people still remember those U2 & U3 outages several cycles ago.  21 day outage and they start chucking bodies at 10 or 11 days.  Wonder why the low returnee rate at any of the fleet nukes?  Watts Bars returnee ratio is incredibly low this time and the knowledge/experience base is amazingly low, many bad stories coming out of there already and shutdown is this weekend, management changes to boot.  They are headed your way next.

Any rumors on the RP training class?

Browns Ferry still has money as of now for 14 but the other two plants, which had alloted 10 techs each, WBN is questionable but SQN has been shelved due to funds.  Increasingly bad business decision for them the longer it's put off.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #144 on: Feb 04, 2008, 10:16 »
Don't do it rumrunner. Life's too short to endure any more 7/12s than absolutely necessary.

Damn the torpedo's! ( 7/12 ) It's about the the team! Besides the position offers free coffee for the duration...... ;D

As to the training position, I can't think of anyone better to assist and train the next generation of TVA RAD workers....I mean that.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #145 on: Feb 04, 2008, 02:00 »
As to the training position, I can't think of anyone better to assist and train the next generation of TVA RAD workers....I mean that.

Very kind of you to say that.  I did training for a couple years in the early 90's, when JMC had plans for RP to infiltrate and then take over the training department.  I was the leader of our underground movement.  :P  That plan thankfully fell to pieces.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #146 on: Feb 06, 2008, 12:47 »
I heard about the e-mail from a recent retiree on a job offer extended to him for the upcoming outage. It went something like this. "Thanks for the offer and consideration but I didn't even work night shift while I was a TVA employee. I'm now sitting in my 5th wheel in a very cozy campground in FL in anticipation of my daily morning round of golf. I don't need the money and I have more money now than I can spend.  Not just no, but hell no."

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #147 on: Feb 06, 2008, 01:14 »
I heard about the e-mail from a recent retiree on a job offer extended to him for the upcoming outage. It went something like this. "Thanks for the offer and consideration but I didn't even work night shift while I was a TVA employee. I'm now sitting in my 5th wheel in a very cozy campground in FL in anticipation of my daily morning round of golf. I don't need the money and I have more money now than I can spend.  Not just no, but hell no."

Hmmm, sounds like someone with the initials DW.  :)


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #148 on: Feb 06, 2008, 05:07 »
..Nice pic RumRunner, but I know that brim isn't standard USMC issue..looks more like a 5th wheel in Fla, waiting on a tee time...glad things worked out for

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #149 on: Feb 06, 2008, 06:42 »
The job has changed and now I won't be coming inside the gate for the outage.  I'll just be doing GET for the outage craft workers.  I actually prefer that since I've never liked the 84 hour deal.  Such is the life for we wealthy TVA retirees who are being begged to come back and help save the plant.  BTW, I see the NRC has given a yellow rating to BFN Unit 1.  One color away from being on the sierra list.   Not a good crown to cap the first 7 months of operation.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #150 on: Mar 30, 2008, 10:01 »
What's happening at the "Ol Ferry" these days?  Is there some March Madness going on down there.  I knew they cut back the outage length by cuting out some of the EPU uprate work but I've also heard of a couple recirc valve problems that might bump it out a couple weeks?  Would that put it back at about the 50 days originally scheduled?  If true.  ::)

Hey, just a quick shout out to all the guys and gals down there who worked up at WBN Lower on days.  If you get to come up to Sequoyah, remember Lower on nights is the place to be!  8)
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #151 on: Mar 30, 2008, 12:27 »
Outage updates are slow coming in here at the retirement home.  However I did hear they had a 120 R particle in the condenser hotwell that had to be fished out - by two of Le Ferry's finest RP techs...a certain red-haired fellow and his prankster assistant (nickname of Frenchie, or Napoli, something like that).   :P


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #152 on: Mar 30, 2008, 02:35 »
Outage updates are slow coming in here at the retirement home.  However I did hear they had a 120 R particle in the condenser hotwell that had to be fished out - by two of Le Ferry's finest RP techs...a certain red-haired fellow and his prankster assistant (nickname of Frenchie, or Napoli, something like that).   :P

There's a story here....." Yuh see, Yuh gottcher R's an yuh gottcher mR's....Neow....em yer mR's, they ain't so bad but neow yer R's?....thee'l getcha"


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #153 on: Mar 30, 2008, 05:41 »
Honestly? 120R in a hotwell?

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #154 on: Mar 30, 2008, 06:23 »
Honestly? 120R in a hotwell?

Actually I think it has been in there for a while.  We had some bad fuel leakers at BFN a few years ago, and we had some memorable hot spots under the condensers of both Units 1 and 2, and in other rooms.  There was a place in the Reactor steam vault on U3 that had 1700 R/hr was in the overhead in a drain line.  That one vanished, but it is out there someplace.  I recall one of the condenser hot spots vanished after a couple cycles - perhaps it is this 120 R one and it was hung up somewhere inside and finally got back down into the hotwell.

Edit to add this:  BFN often drains down the cavity to the condensers, so whatever nasty stuff was in the vessel area ends up in the hotwells.
« Last Edit: Mar 30, 2008, 06:24 by rumrunner »


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #155 on: Mar 30, 2008, 07:59 »
MAN that's HOT. When I was at Fermi we never drained the cavity to the condenser so far as I remember. It was either back to the CST or to a Sump. We spent quite a bit of time post outage flushing the cavity drain piping.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #156 on: Mar 31, 2008, 09:20 »
I heard the outage is going to be extended.
« Last Edit: Mar 31, 2008, 10:51 by nukedog »

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #157 on: Mar 31, 2008, 11:10 »
MAN that's HOT. When I was at Fermi we never drained the cavity to the condenser so far as I remember. It was either back to the CST or to a Sump. We spent quite a bit of time post outage flushing the cavity drain piping.

Now that I think about it some more, I believe the last couple outages have used the CST path and cleaning the water up in the condemins.  But the price of going to the hotwells for several outages over the years is still being paid.  Of course I am retired now and living the outage vicariously through e-mails I get from my pals at Le Ferry. 

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #158 on: Mar 31, 2008, 10:06 »
I heard the outage is going to be extended.

Thanks Nukedog!!  I'm hoping it works out for some of the guys that thought they were going to get to go to Sequoyah for the "back leg of the trifecta".  First two legs were Watts Bar and Browns Ferry.  You know the old song and dance, "if you want to go here then you must go here first".  Then they are told it can't happen, the bus for Sequoyah is full.  So if they get to stay down there for awhile longer that will be good for them.  I hope?
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #159 on: Jun 23, 2008, 12:27 »

I am an x-navy nuke.  I am interested in applying to get a job at Browns Ferry.  Does anyone know the best way to apply.  I have heard the online applications are very slow.  thanks alot.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #160 on: Jun 23, 2008, 12:59 »

I am an x-navy nuke.  I am interested in applying to get a job at Browns Ferry.  Does anyone know the best way to apply.  I have heard the online applications are very slow.  thanks alot.

Hi Shrek

You will have to submit an online application for any job in TVA. What jobs are you interested in?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #161 on: Jun 23, 2008, 05:44 »
The only way to apply is online.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #162 on: Jun 29, 2008, 11:59 »
The jobs I would like would be anything really.
I have been an ELT/RCT for 8 years and qualified watch supervisor for 2.  I have done mechanic maintenance, and supervised thousands of radcon jobs... really open as far the next job in the civilian sector.  thanks


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #163 on: Jun 29, 2008, 08:35 »
The jobs I would like would be anything really.
I have been an ELT/RCT for 8 years and qualified watch supervisor for 2.  I have done mechanic maintenance, and supervised thousands of radcon jobs... really open as far the next job in the civilian sector.  thanks

So what have you done that applies in the real world?


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #164 on: Jul 01, 2008, 04:00 »
OUCH, BZ that was harsh!

But then again, those types of answers do build fortitude!

The jobs I would like would be anything really.

Be carefull what you wish for!

RG!   :o

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #165 on: Oct 15, 2008, 07:44 »
Does anybody know the physical address of Browns Ferry? All I can find is a po box. I need it for my GPS.
Thanks for any help.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #166 on: Oct 15, 2008, 08:25 »
Does anybody know the physical address of Browns Ferry? All I can find is a po box. I need it for my GPS.
Thanks for any help.

If you've got a Garmin here's a file that Mike Rennhack made:,10706.msg78743.html#msg78743 that should help.  Here's the Google map for Brown's Ferry:,-87.1202
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #167 on: Oct 15, 2008, 10:53 »
If you've got a Garmin here's a file that Mike Rennhack made:,10706.msg78743.html#msg78743 that should help.  Here's the Google map for Brown's Ferry:,-87.1202

Thanks, but I'm still looking for the address.
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Do you know this address?
« Reply #168 on: Oct 16, 2008, 11:24 »
I'm looking for the physical address of the Browns Ferry plant. I've seen the P.O. box on the normal web sites for finding Nuclear Plant addresses. I've searched elsewhere also, with no luck. Other than people directing me to a map with the coordinates, but no physical address. I'm sure I can ask directions when I get to Athens, Al, but would rather have the address for my GPS. Does anyone out there know this information?

I'm sure I'll still find it without the address...

Thanks for a reply.  8)


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Re: Do you know this address?
« Reply #169 on: Oct 17, 2008, 02:31 »
It is VERY possible that there is not a physical (street) address for Browns Ferry.  I know that is true for Callaway.  I did find this Bartlett page which gives directions to Browns Ferry from both Huntsville & Athens:  I'm sorry I wasn't any help by sending the coordinates.  I thought that a GPS would take either an address or coordinates. 

I've moved this topic to the correct thread.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #170 on: Oct 17, 2008, 04:36 »
try this - it works for all the major internet mapping sites:

Nuclear Plant Rd & Shaw Rd, Athens, Alabama 35611

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #171 on: Oct 17, 2008, 07:06 »
Thank you all for your help.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #172 on: Mar 16, 2009, 05:01 »
Got an email today: "I saw your profile on job portal.  At the outset, I believe that you will fit into the role.  I need to speak with you for ten minutes to understand whether you will meet our need and whether we can work together."  It's for "Operations Training Manager" position.  Says "Should be SRO certified".  I'm not; I get out of the navy this fall.

The letter says the position is open to Browns Ferry and Sequoyah.  Anyone provide any info on this job position?

Disclaimer: there is no "tone" to my post.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #173 on: Mar 16, 2009, 05:26 »
You're not qualified.


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #174 on: Mar 16, 2009, 05:29 »
I've been getting solicitations as well, from a third party recruiting firm out of Mookalakala, India.

I didn't have the heart to correct her English and send it back to them.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #175 on: Mar 16, 2009, 05:36 »
I've been getting solicitations as well, from a third party recruiting firm out of Mookalakala, India.

I didn't have the heart to correct her English and send it back to them.

SlumDog Nuke-Recruiters? ;)


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #176 on: Mar 23, 2010, 03:33 »
Just received an email from BFN recruiting and they are planning on starting a SGPO class in September.  I applied for the position at Sequoyah and BF a couple of years ago and they contacted me to see if I was still interested.  Anyone else had any emails from them?

Hopefully I will have an interview opportunity soon.  Been trying to get in the SPGO position for a while now.
« Last Edit: Mar 23, 2010, 03:35 by clcartwr »

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #177 on: Oct 02, 2010, 03:46 »
Just 3 more weeks, and we bust loose here at the Ferry..................come and get ya some! :P

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #178 on: Nov 10, 2010, 09:05 »
Was wondering if there were any house RP job opennings at the Ferry? Looking at various sites and was curious if maybe there might be some that haven't been posted for outside yet.

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #179 on: Nov 13, 2010, 09:25 »
There is a rumor out there house RP techs are quitting

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #180 on: Nov 13, 2010, 11:05 »
There are more rumors than that!  I heard a rumor that Bartlett has teamed up with the NPUA and terrorists (or was it the government) are using chemtrails to alter the minds of American citizens.

another rumor was that HAARP is tuned to the resonant frequency of the fluoride in the drinking water, so the minds get aggravated unless you are shielded by being inside the containment building, so that's how they control the techs and keep them docile....

« Last Edit: Nov 13, 2010, 08:55 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #181 on: Nov 13, 2010, 03:11 »
Naaa, it's not the water!  It's that pre-package Kool-Aid stuff ya gotta watch....... :o

If a pre-package drink says, "Contains 10% Real Fruit Juice", what the Hells the other 90%?..... :-X


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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #183 on: May 10, 2011, 04:47 »
"No one can hold a candle to Browns Ferry"  :P

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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #184 on: May 10, 2011, 06:32 »

Irresponsible news sources, *ahem* Fox News, or at least Shepard Smith, said this "could lead to a melt down." Ah the microscope. I like how the NRC played it though. /rolls eyes.
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Re: Browns Ferry
« Reply #185 on: May 11, 2011, 08:31 »
"No one can hold a candle to Browns Ferry"  :P



Irresponsible news sources, *ahem* Fox News, or at least Shepard Smith, said this "could lead to a melt down." Ah the microscope. I like how the NRC played it though. /rolls eyes.

Yes, I share your pain with the media.  Particularly Shep.  He was sooooo bad with his Japan coverage.  It was so bad that if reporting news accurately was like hitting water if you fell out of a boat; he could not have hit water if he fell out of a boat.


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