....Hey,,JRPAWLAK...a Navy RCT?,,what is that?...are you an ELT...or on a tender?...I have worked VC as an HP, then it was RP,,then ALARA,,,and with Master-Lee as a Manipulator Crane Operator...some of the best people in the Nuclear Business, work at VC,,,,RP staff, great people,,refueling group just as good..Master-Lee will be there for the refueling and you can guarantee, they are top notch....Al Eidson is usually the site coordinator, not a better, more fair man in the business,,,so my opinion, whatever it matters is ,,VC would be one of my choices for the spring,,,however, GE has me going west, of the Mississippi, to a coal burner..no dose, no contamination...just sulpher and coal ash.....how bout that coal pile, Spanky?....red