Hope this is helpful to those looking for permanent work - it's not often that this many house jobs open up at a time.
Position Title Department Requisition Number Expires
Plant Mechanics / Electrical (2) Electrical Maintenance 100780 7/11/05
Plant Mechanic / Mechanical Mechanical Maintenance 100705 7/11/05
Technical Specialist IV Maintenance Support 045431 7/11/05
(Switchyard Maintenance Coordinator)
Control Instrument Specialists (2) I & C 100442 7/11/05
Chemistry Technicians (2) Chemistry 100732 7/11/05
RP Technicians ( 8 ) RP 100620 7/11/05
Fire Protection Engineer System Engineering 100878 7/11/05
Sr Technical Instructors / I & C (2) Training 100200 7/11/05
Instructor / Operations (3) Training 100297 7/11/05
External Candidate Application Steps:
1. Go to
www.entergy.com 2. Click on Careers
3. Select Job Postings Page
4. Click on View Job Postings/Apply for Job
5. Input the Requisition number
6. Click on Search
7. Place a checkmark in the box marked Job Basket
8. Click on Apply for Jobs in Basket
9. By placing a checkmark in the box marked Nuclear (ENO) candidates can view all of the current ENO postings.
10. To continue further in the application process, follow the steps noted in the E Recruit "Apply to a Requisition" Guide (link below.)
Link for the "E Recruit Apply to a Requisition" Guide:
http://hra.entergy.com/default.aspx?pagename=nuclearne_vy (You'll find this guide under the "How To" column on the VY HR Intranet Site.)
In addition to the E Recruit Help Desk (1-800-231-4481), feel free to call Nancy Blake (4130) or Jon Lastra (External Staffing Consultant - 504-576-7220) for further assistance.