For a TOTALLY FREE report (no 30-day trial offer from a company) from all 3 CRA's, go to This site arose from a new law passed by Congress (they were not totally do-nothing!) which enables everyone in the US to receive one free copy from each CRA every 12 months. I get mine on a 4-month rotating basis, but in your case you should get all 3 at the same time.
BTW, you are not legally required to pay off revolving debts--such as credit cards--after 4 years of non-payments (unless they take you to court before then and get a judgement). However, if you make a payment at any time before or after the 4-year mark, the clock starts all over again. Also, it is required that the CRA's remove ANY negative information after 7 years, starting from the last month/year that you made a payment (this does not include bankruptcies).