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Offline HydroDave63

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #50 on: May 08, 2008, 11:39 »
Youve got people from hundreds of backgrounds all thinking that they know every aspect about everything about a person from one post. 

Actually it's 15 posts. Every aspect.....isn't relevant, this isn't a speed date with andrew, it is/was a post about deceptive recruiters, and the pierced/tatted young men that choose to believe them  ;)

It sounds like you DO have great potential. You may well do great, we hope so, that's why people take the time to reply. Gratuitous bashing we do in the paid member forums ($39/year, it's a bargain!) But it's not about you. It's not about me. It's not even about Broadzilla (heresy, I know!)

It's about the quals and the operating and taking that ship or sub to sea and bringing you and your shipmates home safe.

Good luck, and do have another read from NaVLI4 , Jason and Justin's advice !


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #51 on: May 08, 2008, 11:52 »
First of all--Never once did I give advise to another nuke--This all started because I had a sarcastic remark, not giving advice...just wondering what in the heck he was talking about and how its not that difficult to make a coherent though--

And all you care about is results in the nuke world--Guess what, im not there yet--So in the mean time, you can go on not giving two sh*** about me--

And my recruiters were exactly the same as what the original posts were about--I have to call in to NC1 every monday just to let them know Im still alive..big deal...when I come into the office--attention, salute OOD, turn salute the flag...big deal--Its part of being disciplined and showing respect.  Just because I have tattoos and piercings doesnt mean im gullible--

There was nobody in my recruitment that know crap about the nuke field--When I went to MEPS I had an interview with the CO who was/is a nuke--it didnt take any convincing for me to say yes to the program.  It doesnt matter what I have to do in DEP to get there--Saluting the OOD is a cakewalk compared to what will be ahead of me in the pipeline.

Since were already way off the topic anyways--
Ive been through calc II and diff eq
What can I expect the math levels to be there??

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #52 on: May 08, 2008, 11:55 »
I sense a disturbance in the Force.

Andrew, ok step back, take a deep breath and shim in before you go prompt critical(you will learn about this one day).

I am fairly new here and don't know most of these guys personally.  I can tell you that you will not find a larger supply of useful knowledge anywhere else than on this board.  I agree that you have done good things in your life so far and you are about to embark on a journey that will truly change your ENTIRE outlook on life.  As I do not have any doubts that you will make it through, and not just barely, you will look back on this and laugh in about 3 to 4 years.  This is what it means to be a nuke.  I have always said that a good Navy Nuke has to be at least a little cocky in his demeanor.  You have to have the testicular fortitude to say that you know you are right in the face of stupidity from those above you sometimes.  

I agree that Dragonchip is a little hosed in his grammar and spelling(sorry honeycomb but it is relevant to the discussion)  Big deal, if he can stand watch like a demon I don't care if he can't spell KAT, as long as he relieves me on time and I don't have to fix anything he screws up.  It is the nuke way to find something that rubs a guy the wrong way and pound on it relentlessly until the guy either gets over it or he cracks and is found in the ER hugging the shaft seals.  

I promise you that in a few years time, when you have gotten some salt on your shoulder you will see things in a different light.  Until then, do your best, don't be dink, get qual'd and learn to take everything someone above you says with a grain of salt.  There were two things that no matter what, I learned were absolute truths to the Nuclear Navy:

1. The stupid shall be punished.  Maybe not immediately but one day it shall be so.
2. No matter what you have done or go through, there will always be someone above you that has gone through it or knows someone first hand that has gone through it.  Use that knowledge so your own learning experience will be less difficult.  

Now, let go your feelings.  Feel the force flow through you.
"No good deal goes unpunished"

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Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #53 on: May 08, 2008, 11:57 »

Since were already way off the topic anyways--
Ive been through calc II and diff eq
What can I expect the math levels to be there??

Enlisted math course will be a bit of a joke then.  Having just completed Calc I, I can say that will good certainty.  Although there is such a thing as ELT math that might give you fits<snicker, snicker>
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #54 on: May 09, 2008, 12:11 »
That is from the 108 days straight of playing the Movie Trivia game while on watch with flight ops going on.  If you look closely you can see how to get from Christian Slater  to Robert Stacks in 2 moves.
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #55 on: May 09, 2008, 12:16 »
And I thought you surface guys (and gals) were normal...... ;D

Depends on your definition of Normal.  By the way the answer goes through Transformers: The Movie(80s version) with Lenord Nimoy and Robert Stacks and Star Trek VI with Christian Slater in a cameo. 

Told you that every nuke has a geeky tendency.  I just make up for those who don't have more than one. 
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #56 on: May 09, 2008, 12:19 »
It's good to see that we've all figured out how to push one another's buttons so quickly.  Not in record time mind you, but fairly quickly.  :-[ Now that you've all gotten acquainted and know each other's weak points how's about we get around to WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR?  (In case that's been forgotten here's a link to the Code of Conduct: .  Please read it before posting further.  This means ANYONE who's going to post.) 

Welcome to the shark tank.  Though I wasn't intelligent enough to enlist when I was younger I can say from experience in life (and confirmation from friends & family) that what you've experienced so far is but a primer on military life.  I don't say that as an excuse for the behavior but more as an explanation for what you've seen so far.  Sometimes it's necessary for the "child to lead them."  This isn't meant as a put-down but an encouragement for you to put a box over the buttons (We call them Wade-boxes at Callaway) so that they're not so easily pushed.

I'd like to join those who've thanked you in advance for your willingness to serve our fine country.  No matter what I know that those very ones pushing buttons also believe the same thing.  They're testing you out of a love for not only this country but of the Navy that they've already invested or are still investing their lives in.  (I'm betting the tats freaked 'em out a little, too.  8) )  They only demand excellence and deep down want you to succeed beyond what they already have, but only after you prove yourself ready.  It's part crotchety old (in relation to your age) fart syndrome and part "we've already done it" syndrome.  I'm willing to bet in 20 years you'll laugh at yourself when you exhibit some of the same symptoms.

You've already shown that you have the drive and desire to improve yourself and your lot in life.  I say get out there and prove yourself again in the Nuke Navy program, keep us updated on your progress, and above all don't hesitate to get on here and ask questions.  You will be encouraged, on occasion, to look up the answer for yourself.  You'll also find as you get more time on here, and as the crotchety old farts realize that you're serious they'll actually take a shine to you and see past your youth.  They'll also be some of your biggest advocates as you progress along in your career.  Just don't let them get to you in the process!  In the meantime, we'll do our best to remind ourselves from time to time that we too were once your age even if we don't seem to remember it. 

I can see that since I've been writing that PreciousBlue1965 has said pretty much the same thing.  I hate to be redundant but it is the nuclear way.  You'll do fine and when you get out we may have started on Callaway unit 2.  We'll be needing some good folks to help run it and I'll be pleased to buy you breakfast if & when you show up out here.  Check your PM's.

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #57 on: May 09, 2008, 12:43 »
Keep up the good work.  It doesn't stop with Boot, A school, Power, Proto, Fleet and or Shore duty.

I had Super Smart College Grads in my Section at Power School.  I kicked there butts.  All but one anyway.  College isn't a predictor of success in the NNPS program.  Sorry.

No one can prepare you for NNPS.  

Check the Attitude at the door.  Lose the Attitude in the forums.  Monitor your posts for to much cockiness.

Otherwise be splendid when you type.

Oh yeah.  Don't argue with the Previously or Currently Qualified Nukes.  I'll continue to smite you if you do.  Thanks in advance.


I have to agree with HoneyComb here.  ASVAB scores don't mean poop either.  Had a guy in my A school class 99 ASVAB and near perfect on NFQT(me thinks around a 69 or so) back when you had to take both to get in.  His father was an active duty Nuke.  He Failed out after second subject.  Seen quite a few guys that were college grads with Engineering degrees that couldn't hack it(during my time training Occifer Students) and seen guys that barely passed NPS blow me away in their ability to run the plant.  Wish there was a checklist or formula to what makes a good nuke, but until we find it we continue to use the ole' tried and true method of attrition by psychosis. 
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #58 on: May 09, 2008, 12:48 »

Told you that every nuke has a geeky tendency.  I just make up for those who don't have more than one. 

When I went through high school--I was the king geek...lets see, Band geek (check) Math nerd (check) Physics guru (check) Band geek (check)--wait...already said that---Spirit day...yeah lets see, me and a buddy of mine started out with about 14 light sabres in the morning (he was a jedi, I dressed up as george lucas) and we ended the day with 0 light sabers...But had a blast during the day running through the halls yelling "FRESHMEN"

Geez...what the heck happened to those days!


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #59 on: May 09, 2008, 04:48 »
When I went through high school--I was the king geek...lets see, Band geek (check) Math nerd (check) Physics guru (check) Band geek (check)--wait...already said that---Spirit day...yeah lets see, me and a buddy of mine started out with about 14 light sabres in the morning (he was a jedi, I dressed up as george lucas) and we ended the day with 0 light sabers...But had a blast during the day running through the halls yelling "FRESHMEN"

Geez...what the heck happened to those days!

What is the significance of the number 137?



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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #60 on: May 09, 2008, 07:17 »
What is the significance of the number 137?


Answer:  Has nothing to do with the Battle of Yavin


number of times Broadzilla told someone to use the search function on Nukeworker...yesterday.

number of times that DaveWarren will attempt to vote for Obama

the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon

a strictly non-palindromic number and a primeval number

and finally...

number of times Honeycomb has landed in a Farmers field   :P


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #61 on: May 09, 2008, 07:59 »

the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon

LOL nice google work. But that vastly over simplifies the importance. LOL :) I think we are way off topic now.  :D

« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 08:16 by JustinHEMI »

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #62 on: May 09, 2008, 08:21 »
Answer:  Has nothing to do with the Battle of Yavin


number of times Broadzilla told someone to use the search function on Nukeworker...yesterday.

number of times that DaveWarren will attempt to vote for Obama

the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon

a strictly non-palindromic number and a primeval number

and finally...

number of times Honeycomb has landed in a Farmers field   :P

I repeat my statement that EVERY nuke has at least one Geeky tendency by the evidence shown by NavLI4.  And here I thought I was a wealth of usless knowledge. 

Ok anyone got a GPS unit that way we can find our way back to the Topic. 
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #63 on: May 09, 2008, 09:34 »
Call me crazy but isn't a field landing also considered a unexpected controlled crash which does little to no damage. 
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #64 on: May 09, 2008, 10:05 »
Sorry about that.  My GPS doesn't have the updated maps from the recent construction activity and I ended up in BFE. 

Ok well I didn't have a bad recruiter, knew a few nuke recruiters, and HoneyComb is the coolest pilot I know(also the only pilot I know).
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #65 on: May 11, 2008, 08:55 »
This thread turned into a clear example of why I've learned to keep my opinions to myself while at RTC, in the Pipeline, and until I'm Qual'd.

I ship out for RTC in a week and know it's gonna be a freaking blast.

Mouth shut, eyes down, opinion to myself, and don't volunteer.
Missing anything?  ;D

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #66 on: May 11, 2008, 08:01 »
This thread turned into a clear example of why I've learned to keep my opinions to myself while at RTC, in the Pipeline, and until I'm Qual'd.

I ship out for RTC in a week and know it's gonna be a freaking blast.

Mouth shut, eyes down, opinion to myself, and don't volunteer.
Missing anything?  ;D

yea Get hot and get qualified NUB!!! ;D
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #67 on: May 12, 2008, 05:27 »
Answer:  Has nothing to do with the Battle of Yavin


number of times Broadzilla told someone to use the search function on Nukeworker...yesterday.

number of times that DaveWarren will attempt to vote for Obama

the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon

a strictly non-palindromic number and a primeval number

and finally...

number of times Honeycomb has landed in a Farmers field   :P

You guys got me in trouble!! i was laughing so hard at my desk my boss had to come tell me to be quiet!!

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #68 on: May 13, 2008, 02:44 »
You guys got me in trouble!! i was laughing so hard at my desk my boss had to come tell me to be quiet!!

I would say that we have met the requirement that people use this post for entertainment purposes then.
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #69 on: May 16, 2008, 03:23 »
lol  my English sucks  lol sorry i can speak it ok , but never learned grammer that well   lol

 your not even a nuke yet and having a pissing contest allredy  yep your one of us    lol

sorry   not in nuke yet   I try to avoid arguments face to face don’t need one on a form lol

good luck but  collage is nothing compared to nuke     o and to the privet msg   my asvab was 96


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #70 on: May 19, 2008, 09:31 »
lol There is a feature on most boards called spell check. The use of this feature may help to make you appear to be less of a fool. lol  :-[

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #71 on: Jun 04, 2008, 10:34 »
here is a recruiter that won't bs ya ;)

« Last Edit: Jun 04, 2008, 11:04 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #72 on: Jun 04, 2008, 03:40 »
Well I'm sorry that there are so many bad recruiters out there. My recruiter, EM2, is awesome. He's only 29 (but he looks 23) and everytime we have to drive anywhere he always speeds, blasts obscene hip-hop music, and puts us on "cop watch". Cracks me up because I always feel like I'm the most mature one in the group. It's amusing ;) He does get his job done at the end of day though and he can always answer my questions. If he doesn't know the answer then he'll find me someone who does.
But seriously, he's so out of shape. Well, actually the whole office is out of shape. If you can't do regular pushups, do knee pushups. If you can't do knee pushups run in place. My recruiters didn't even bother to run in place by the end of the day, they were too busy laughing about some stupid SEAL who couldn't tell his left from his right while we were marching. Anyways, I have to report every Monday and, come on, it's not that big of an inconvenience. Learn all the stuff in that book they give you. Help out some of fellow deppers if they need it. Teamwork, remember?
I have one other wannabe nuke in our group, a recent HS graduate who looks as though she's all of 13 years old. But she's already promised to write me from basic and school since she'll be 5 months ahead of me. We bond over the fact that as wannabe nukes:
1) we cannot catch footballs for our life
2) we both wear geeky glasses that indicate our nerd status
3) we use words that the rest of the group would choke on if they ever tried to use
4) we both thought it would be a good idea to cut our long lovely hair well before basic - in retrospect, terrible idea
Anyways, my office is awesome and I'm glad that I'm not stuck with ignorant petty officers. Do wish my date got moved up though. I'll be in DEP for 8 days short of a year. Ugh...

Offline Preciousblue1965

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #73 on: Jun 04, 2008, 04:21 »
Enjoy every minute while you can.  Just don't do anything stupid that could jeopordize your enlistment.  I know it is kinda contradictory but I am sure you can figure it out.  Just remember these two things...

1.  The stupid shall be punished.  The punishment might not come right away, but some day it will.  More often than not the punishment will be 10 times worse than the stupidity.
2.  No matter what you go through or what problems you have, there will be someone senior to you that has either gone through it or knows personally someone who has.  Use their experience to lessen the pains of your own. 

Now get hot and memorize those General Orders of a Sentry, You will need them.
"No good deal goes unpunished"

"Explain using obscene hand jestures the concept of pump laws"

I have found the cure for LIBERALISM, it is a good steady dose of REALITY!


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #74 on: Jun 04, 2008, 04:54 »
Enjoy every minute while you can.  Just don't do anything stupid that could jeopordize your enlistment.  I know it is kinda contradictory but I am sure you can figure it out.  Just remember these two things...

1.  The stupid shall be punished.  The punishment might not come right away, but some day it will.  More often than not the punishment will be 10 times worse than the stupidity.
2.  No matter what you go through or what problems you have, there will be someone senior to you that has either gone through it or knows personally someone who has.  Use their experience to lessen the pains of your own. 

Now get hot and memorize those General Orders of a Sentry, You will need them.

Enjoy every minute while you can and then memorize general orders....

Don't confuse the poor girl.  ;D



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