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dep bs recruiter
« on: Jan 18, 2007, 10:45 »
Hi I just signed in to the navy nuke for June and they put me in dep,  and well my recruiter is a a**   a real  big one! All recruiters in my area are, but I can barely stand him now he wants me to come in every week call him every Monday  and so on…with out pay! and he is far from me ,   so I have two questions

One   is there any way I can get him off my  a** / tail? or is it mandatory ?

Two how should I have done it  if I hated my recruiter go in as a walk in? ( not for me but for any one with my problem )?


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #1 on: Jan 18, 2007, 11:26 »
Unfortunately no, there is absolutely no way you can get out of the dep meetings if your recruiter wants you there.

i'm currently in charleston at "A" school rght now but i was in dep for a little over 11 months. My recruiter however didn't care, i went in about once a month when i felt like it, signed all my papers and left, but that was just mine. They have every right to make you go, you might not be getting paid but every day you're in dep comes off of the 8 required years.

My advice to you would be this, get used to doing the things now, it'll make adjusting to boot camp (which was a joke, way too easy, but thats a different post) and its what will be expected of you anyway. bad news is that as a nuke you can't advamce for it since you're already e-3, but thats the breaks.

keep your head up, the navy will probably suck until you're out of boot camp, but once you get here its not that bad.


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #2 on: Jan 19, 2007, 02:25 »
Erg I hate my recruiter. the   enter the room salute the flag and salute him  ask to come aboard and leave the same way   is a pain in the @$$ but I can stand it if I didn’t have to put up with him I mean he was bad before I joined but this is to much .
 I was hoping  for a date a bit closer  and didn’t understand the dep thing    and they didn’t tell me about it !!  all they told me was I would get a letter in June telling me to come back and that was it !  she also told me that nuke was a bonus of 16000 at max (its 18-20 right?) but I need out of this town so I didn’t put to much of a fight after all only 1000 a mouth and if you pass nuke the bonus is a piece of shit, it’s taxed and after your 6 years you can get a civilian job for 80-100 000 a year.   but the people down here are @$$&$  I mean  that my recruiter told me to lie about a traffic ticket I had it recorded on a cell phone but I lost it 3 days before  I signed
  ps I didn’t lie I told him I’m doing this legit and I don’t care about his f ing numbers   so I payed it off  after the court date   probably why he hates me?

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #3 on: Jan 19, 2007, 10:09 »

like honeycomb said, thank you for your interest and for serving.

second, that is the navy for you...if you cannot stand this I dont kno if you can even stand bootcamp... you have to suck it up and move on...I couldn't completely read your last post because it had nothing but negative thoughts... maybe you should analyze your situation and really see what the big picture of everything you are doing is.



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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #4 on: Jan 19, 2007, 01:01 »
The purpose of these get togethers is to build the hype, keep you excited, make sure you don't back out.  In other words your recruiter is keeping an eye on his meal ticket.
There is no obligation for you to go to these "meetings", they are NOT required for you to enlist.  Even if you did sign papers. 
I've modified this post as I found myself going on and on.
Enjoy the time you have before boot.  Tell your recruitr to pack sand.
Once you hit the grinder, you'll have plenty of time to 'conform'.
« Last Edit: Jan 19, 2007, 01:14 by Melrose »

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #5 on: Jan 19, 2007, 01:04 »

like honeycomb said, thank you for your interest and for serving.

second, that is the navy for you...if you cannot stand this I dont kno if you can even stand bootcamp... you have to suck it up and move on...I couldn't completely read your last post because it had nothing but negative thoughts... maybe you should analyze your situation and really see what the big picture of everything you are doing is.


Karma to ya, MM3!

dragonchip, if following some simple instructions from people you don't necessarily idolize is a problem, consider this: whether or not the recruiter is a horse's hiney, he still 1. Made it through Boot Camp, 2. Made it through whatever rating school or Apprentice striker he needed to to get his current rating 3. Managed to keep a clean uniform and stay out of trouble enough to keep the high evals needed for Recruiter <believe it or not, there is competition for Recruiter billets> and 4. Not piss off TOO many people on his way to your recruiting station.

  Ya know, he may actually have some experience and knowledge you could use to YOUR benefit. Get one over on the Man, steal his knowledge, still hate him, and go on to be a successful sailor. It could happen!  ;D

  Let us know how it goes!
« Last Edit: Jan 19, 2007, 01:05 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #6 on: Jan 19, 2007, 02:05 »
Ok just my 2 cents as a mom that had 2 depers. No matter if the recruiter is nice or not they all have to follow the Dep rules just like you do. My sons had to call in every monday and go to a dep meeting once a month. I know that requesting permission to come aboard the office and such is kind of silly but they are trying to teach you what you  need to know once you are in boot camp and in the fleet.

My sons were 35 miles from the recruiting station so we had to make 2 long distance phone calls each week and go to the station for meetings (sometimes they did come to our town to do it)

And just remember once in the fleet or at boot camp people higher up the food chain than you will be telling (they do not ask) you do to thing that you find silly or stupid. Just remember that is what you signed up for. You will meet a few people during your life that you do not like and you still have to do what they tell you to wether it is in the Navy or not.

Best wishes to you and thank you for choosing to serve

Donna  8)


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #7 on: Jan 19, 2007, 05:30 »
Thank you all   for your posts

new question

Is this all standard for DEP.

DEP - My recruiter wants me to call him every Monday and Friday,  go in once a week plus attend a meeting once a month. He also says I must be on call to tutor AVABS. 
Obviously, I’m not getting paid by the Navy until June and  he says Navy will come before any outside job I might have.

 I would like to tell my recruiter that he doesn’t own my butt until June  ---- (he hates me - I don’t like him)I know personal problem( prior to enlisting, I told him to piss off once or twice when he was trying to get me to lie about my ticket, now I believe he’s trying to get on my nerves and he is doing a surprisingly good job)   I do not go active until the end of June and getting a job without all of these commitments is hard enough –
Thank you for all you help so far and in advance
Love the help on this site  - if I am using it as a sounding board - sorry


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #8 on: Jan 19, 2007, 06:45 »
To tell the truth you sound like a whiny kid who has always got his way.  I hope you have a attitude adjustment prior to shipping out because you might be in for a rude awakening once you get to great lakes.  There are things that you're going to have to do and people who you don't like will be telling you to do them, so you better get used to it now. 

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #9 on: Jan 19, 2007, 06:55 »
fridayfred said it best.

yes it is STANDARD. When I was in DEP, I called 3 times a week, went in once a week and attended a meetin a month. It's called muster. I really hate that word and I'm only in school. If you aren't willing to help people prepare for he ASVAB how could someone such as myself trust you to help someone on a ship or to help that person sitting next to you in class who is struggling?

Your recruiter may not know your life like you do and maybe he makes you feel sad or what not, but once you get on that plane to boot camp it is no longer about you...if you don't believe it now, you soon will.

I can't wait to see your reaction when you have mando study hours and have class wide homework make-up all at once.

I have yet to see hardly anything, but from my experiences you are wayyyyyy behind on where you need to be.



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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #10 on: Jan 20, 2007, 03:23 »
Dennis I really like your attitude and if you keep it up I think you're going to make one HELL of a good nuke.


Offline Bighouz107501

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #11 on: Jan 21, 2007, 02:26 »
Thank you Broadzilla,

I recall about a year back you gave me a slight awakening and made me realize some things. So I have people such as yourself to thank for that... I really want to be as great at my job as possible, and enjoy every minute of it. It means alot to hear that from you, considering I do consider your words as great's always good to receive a compliment from somewhat of a mentor. By the way, I class up for power school in a few weeks...hopefully a step closer to being an ELT, I want it more than anything! haha


I know things seem really awkward right now and you must hate it. I felt the same way a year ago...but now I see the point in everything we had done...It's kind of like when your parents tell you "one say you'll understand why I'm no tletting you go here" or whatnot.....just so what u have to, to get by and you'll be fine....and questions feel free to ask, I'm only 19 so maybe the age gap is alot less between us then most others on here.

good luck

« Last Edit: Jan 21, 2007, 12:59 by Marlin »


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #12 on: Jan 21, 2007, 12:37 »
I'm sure your recruiter is not the first A$$ you will meet in the Navy or in the rest your career.  Maybe this is the time to learn how to deal with such people in civil manner.

I remember having to do the same thing when I was in DEP, so it must be the standard.  They want to you prepared for your career in the Navy and make sure you are staying out of trouble between now and when you arrive to Recruit Training.

I didn't have the time (I didn't think it was stupid or that I shouldn't have to do such things) to do all the DEP stuff either.  But after discussing my situation with my recruiter, we were able to compromise on what I really needed to do.  Mostly make the weekly calls and make visits to the office.  I probably spent more time in the office than other recruits to make up the meetings that I missed and meet some of the other DEPs.  I only remember making it to one monthly meeting.


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #13 on: Jan 22, 2007, 02:39 »
  I have no problem helping others I Useto stay after school and help with math (not English/grammar lol) its not the point I was trying to make, my major point was im not getting payed to put up with him, Yet!, if I was ya different story (on hold for 30-45 minuets on my cell, I don’t have a lot of time on it, and  no job right now only for 10sec of talk! And go in once a week 5-10 mile away and back! Agen no pay, no job, and  him telling me I have to come in at the drop of a hat. Well if you cant see my point the ether your working for the government, or dumb/rich (enter exchange able)  im not(well rich , dumb maybe )  I was working fast food for min! and gas  is  217  + rent +food    now add recruiter, and subtract the job, can you do math?

 Ill give you a hint negative numbers before recruiter, and with job

Those of you who are going to try to get me on losing/quitting  my job Lost job by getting a better one, and well 2 months after company laid me off (lack of work) then crashed my car, now looking for another job

Ok using  sounding board here lol stopping now

I talked to another recruiter at the same station, and he was telling me that my recruiter is like that. “He has a short fuse and he’ll settle down after a month or two  1. He is tuff on the new dep’s 2. Its hard to recruit in the area 3. and he said I pissed him off” (he wonted me signed in December, he was running low on numbers or something?  But if I just stay out of his way I’ll be fine( he already got what he wanted from me)and some of his last dep’s complained  to the hierup’s  so he isn’t going to mess with the dep’s to much for now.  So as long as im getting the standard  I can stand it   ie my question

Thank you to those who tried to help, I really appreciate it.

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #14 on: Jan 23, 2007, 10:52 »
You will deal with many jerks in the Navy. Figure out what is really required, and go from there. How do you know what is required? Don't do it and see what happens. Only death and taxes are inevitable (and if you don't mind jail time, you can cross tasex off the list as well).

My advice for dealing with this recruiter: don't answer the phone from him for the next month, and don't go to the office. When he comes to your house, invite him to come back for any meeting he wants.
Be prepared to defend your actions to the station chief, like this:

you have to make a living until you get in the Navy. If you could go earlier, you would. But since the Navy isn't paying yet, you aren't playing yet. Tell him to get back to you when they will pay travel (and per diem) for these DEP meetings.

I would not mention any previous disagreements with the Recruiter, but focus on the fact that you can't attend all those meetings due to financial limitations.

Non-nukes get opportunities to go in as E-2 instead of E-1 by participating in the DEP training. They can't do anything to you at this point, and it will calm down your Recruiter to realize this.

My Recruiter realized real fast how different it was with Nuke path recruits, and we had no problems. Saluting the "quarterdeck" might have been good practice for Boot Camp liberty call, but I managed to figure that part out later.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #15 on: Jan 23, 2007, 12:04 »
This recruiter sounds like a real a**hole if everything is true. If I were you I would go to another recruiter if there are any within a 30 min drive, but your recruiter needs to show respect to you. His job relies on you, if hes gonna treat you like s**t then don't give him what he wants. My recruiter was extremely nice, patient, and flexible. Or just stand up for yourself and tell him how it is. If he doesn't take it well then change recruiters.
« Last Edit: Jan 23, 2007, 12:27 by Nuclear NASCAR »

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #16 on: Feb 02, 2007, 03:25 »
Well, congratulations by the way.  I am a nuke and also a recruiter out of houston.  Just to let you know, you do have to attend the meetings and make a phone call once a week to check in.  If you do not, your recruiter can have you discharged.  I know this all sucks.  Believe me, your recruiter probably doesn't like it either.  I have 17 deppers myself, and each one of them has a problem from time to time that I have to help them fix.  Being a recruiter is no easy task, and every one thinks its your job to lie. Not all recruiters are that way though.  If you truly want to be apart of this organization, then realize he is your superior officer at the moment, and what he says goes(or she).  You will run into people like that throught the Navy. But guess what, it is no different in the real world.  If you want something bad enough, sometimes you have to put up with some things you don't like to get it.  Keep your chin up, DEP is just a very short part of your navy time/career.


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #17 on: Feb 02, 2007, 04:18 »

While I do agree with everything that's been said regarding your situation I also agree with you that some of your recruiters antics is B&LLSH%T.  I was a 4.0 sailor and did everything I was asked once I was enlisted but the whole DEP thing with no pay is what it is... a job with no pay.   I good nuke is also a good leader.  A good leader will challenge their superiors on their decisions in a tactful way.  Find out what is required of you as a DEP'er and do no more.  I like some of the ideas Roll Tide presented to you.  Blow him off for a while and see what happens  Stand up for what you think is right but realize that you'll be walking a fine line. On one side you are standing up for what's is right and on the other you're whining.

« Last Edit: Feb 02, 2007, 04:22 by M1Ark »

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #18 on: Feb 02, 2007, 07:28 »
Dennis I really like your attitude and if you keep it up I think you're going to make one HELL of a good nuke.


Who are you and what'd you do with Mike?! (kidding...!)  ;D
"I'm not quiet; I just don't demand to be heard." ---George Harrison


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #19 on: Feb 02, 2007, 09:19 »
I would just tell the recruiter that he can check in on you every week and that you will show up once a month(when your not working) as I did when I was in DEP. This clown doesn't have any power--making you coach people for the ASVAB--give me a break!!  If he continues to play Commandant tell him you will be drinking in a bar when you are supposed to ship out and he will lose you as a recruit--you have all the cards now until the day you ship out.


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #20 on: Feb 02, 2007, 09:51 »
look I may not know that much but if you don't like the way things are going maybe the Navy is not for you. I am shipping out July 11th and I am determined to what it takes to get ready. If you really want my advice you should have waited to sign up so you would not be in the DEP program as long. As for the above advice that is stupid because you signed the papers and you need to take responsibility and do what it takes not try and get out of things by blackmailing. So my advice is to stop crying and do what your recruitor tells you because it will make you a better sailor and get you ready for bootcamp.



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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #21 on: Feb 04, 2007, 10:04 »
Draonc--I just got done with 20 years on the pond (you have 0 time on the pond) and know how much the Navy will squeeze from you once you are actually in--you do not--yet. They don't need or deserve any more time from anyone when they aren't even in yet and not getting paid--unless the person wants do do so.  Obviously Dragonchip doesn't want to be taken advantage of and I don't blame him for not wanting to play some recruiter's reindeer games. If you call that blackmailing --then the Navy is the supreme blackmailer--ie bonuses, STAR re-enlistment, choice of duty station to re-enlist, you do XYZ and only then will I put you on liberty.
« Last Edit: Feb 04, 2007, 10:09 by SubEMNuke »


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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #22 on: Feb 17, 2007, 06:02 »
Thank you all   for your posts

new question

Is this all standard for DEP.

DEP - My recruiter wants me to call him every Monday and Friday,  go in once a week plus attend a meeting once a month. He also says I must be on call to tutor AVABS. 
Obviously, I’m not getting paid by the Navy until June and  he says Navy will come before any outside job I might have.

 I would like to tell my recruiter that he doesn’t own my butt until June  ---- (he hates me - I don’t like him)I know personal problem( prior to enlisting, I told him to piss off once or twice when he was trying to get me to lie about my ticket, now I believe he’s trying to get on my nerves and he is doing a surprisingly good job)   I do not go active until the end of June and getting a job without all of these commitments is hard enough –
Thank you for all you help so far and in advance
Love the help on this site  - if I am using it as a sounding board - sorry


I'm in the DEP program, too. My recruiter and all the other recruiters at our station are great guys, so I don't know how to sympathize with you there.

But as far as calling in, I know that my recruiter hadn't heard from some of his deppers in a while, and someone higher up (don't know who) called him up and said "look, if you don't hear from ___________ and __________ by the end of this week, we're letting 'em go."

Luckily, they called in, so their contracts weren't tossed. Still, seems like it can't be that big of a battle to face. Call him up, tell him you're still good but you're pressed for time and just leave it be.

Rad Sponge

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #23 on: Feb 18, 2007, 12:23 »
I can summarize how you should deal with your particular situation:

Suck it up.

Move on.

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Re: dep bs recruiter
« Reply #24 on: Feb 20, 2007, 01:07 »
I'm in the DEP program, too. My recruiter and all the other recruiters at our station are great guys, so I don't know how to sympathize with you there.

But as far as calling in, I know that my recruiter hadn't heard from some of his deppers in a while, and someone higher up (don't know who) called him up and said "look, if you don't hear from ___________ and __________ by the end of this week, we're letting 'em go."

Luckily, they called in, so their contracts weren't tossed. Still, seems like it can't be that big of a battle to face. Call him up, tell him you're still good but you're pressed for time and just leave it be.

What do they feed at the DEP get-togethers? Gullible soup? The military isn't so over-staffed that they are cutting back those who haven't gotten in yet. The recruiters need the numbers, so they will go out and see them at their homes if needed to satisfy their higher ups.

I know the recruiter has a job to do, but DEPers aren't paid and don't have to show up. They define the INACTIVE in IRR.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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