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China develops breakthrough material to extract uranium from seawater
Nuke News / Making the Case for U.S. Nuclear Power
« Last post by Marlin on Yesterday at 12:15 PM »
Nuke News / Palisades nuclear plant could restart in August 2025
« Last post by Marlin on Yesterday at 12:12 PM »
Public education has long been a weakness of nuclear. We need more of this.

ANS partners with Discovery Place to engage young learners in nuclear science concepts
Nuke News / Legislation seeks $9B boost for advanced nuclear
« Last post by Marlin on Yesterday at 09:29 AM »
   Rep. Chuck Fleischmann is my representative in a district from Oak Ridge to Chatanooga. This includes ETTP (K25) where there will be a couple of reactors, a fuel fabrication facility, and a nuclear component factory. Fleischmann has been a big supporter in this effort to bring commercial nuclear to East Tennessee on old DOE property.

Legislation seeks $9B boost for advanced nuclear
Eight minutes of nuclear meditation Zen

The Countries that Generate the Most Nuclear Energy in the World


Some interesting pictures (60 in total with discussion)
Do all the older, still active, nuclear plants have such dated looking control rooms?  It still looks circa-71'.
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