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Facility & Company Information => Company Information => Bartlett => Topic started by: RAD-GHOST on Aug 18, 2004, 08:15

Title: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Aug 18, 2004, 08:15
Talk about Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Sep 24, 2004, 06:49
I have had more problems with Bartlett than any other company that i have worked for. The last time i work for Bartlett i was at Trukey Pt. When i got my first check it was short several hundred dollars, there was a deduction for court ordered child support.I don't have any kids on this earth. I called and was told that i would have to go through the courts to get it back and that i needed to step up the plate and be a real parent and do my duty. After several weeks and threat of litigation they gave me my money back, when they realized that they was another rad worker with my name. Even though they knew that the social security #'s didn't match they were convinced that i was the dead beat dad. Hey Bartlett "I DON'T HAVE AND CHILDREN" maybe this is why they won't hire me today. Bartlett can NOT claim to be an Equal Opportunity Employer when they won't even submit your resume. And every time i have worked for them i have always done my job and got a good review. Just this year i submitted my resume for approval at Turkey and BARTLETT didn't even return my calls or e-mails. Well theres no shame in welfare.Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Sep 24, 2004, 11:46
Never worked for the big B-Machine in the Nuclear World, but I am constantly surrounded by his ex-employees, each with their own story. Some even sharing the same story.

All I know is for every new story, Numanco gets another tech, some of them pretty good and I'm glad to work with them.

Go figure, like Mulder said "The Truth Is Out There"  8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 25, 2004, 09:45
Remo - sorry to hear about that situation, truthfully never heard of it before and if I had I would've tried to help get it resolved as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Obviously it wasn't handled quickly and painlessly as possible and for that I'm sorry, as I am sorry it even happened in the first place.  As most of you know payroll is outside my domain  - hell, I failed every accounting course I ever took, but I can push hard and yell quite loud when it comes to someone getting a bum deal from any department in this company. Now I realize that since my last name happens to be the topic of this thread that most of you probably don't trust me as far as you could throw me, but take this as you will - if you have a problem with any  department be it payroll, insurance, personnel etc...I will try to work with you to get it resolved.  Bartlett is in essence a staffing company - without you the technicians we don't exist - you may feel that some people may loose site of this fact at times, I can assure you I never have and never will.  I was brought into this company when it was realitively one of the smallest in the field  competing with a half dozen or more companies to get you the technicians to work for us. Over the years we have become the largest supplier of Radiological and Decontamination support services in the commercial industry - one of the main reasons we have been able to grow into this position is because of you the technicians - the technicians that show up to do a professional job, the technicians that sacrifice quality time with thier loved ones to work 72 to 84 hours a week - you the technicians that have chosen a very difficult way of life - not knowing when and where your next check will be coming from, when you will be returning to work and when you are working when you will be returning home.  As I'm sure that most of you will agree, at least those that have been in the buisness since the glory day prior to deregulation, the commercial contract buisness is getting tighter and harder with shorter, faster paced outages.  Bartlett is not in this buisness to not hire you. We are a staffing company. The last thing we want to do is alienate any of you. I'm not stupid, or at least not that stupid. I realize that we cant keep everyone happy all of the time.  I realize that we make mistakes just as some of you make mistakes. Afterall we are only human, with human flaws. If you have a problem with any individual or department within the Bartlett organization and you dont think its getting resolved in an expediant amount of time with the desired results contact me - I can't promise I can fix it(Rad-Ghost can attest to that ;D) but I can promise I'll try. If I'm part of the problem you have, go straight to my boss(s).  I can freely admit I've made mistakes before and I'll most likely make mistakes in the future.  I can only try to learn from them and try to never repeat them - as I've stated before, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here, Bartlett wouldn't be here.  Well thats my two cents worth - take it or leave it - may you be prosperous and happy in all of your endeavors.

PS sorry for the spell'n, wasn't much good with spell'n either
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Pdiddy on Sep 25, 2004, 01:40
it's been my experience that it is sometimes incredibly difficult to be reimbursed for payroll shortages made by bartlett. i have even been charged the fed ex fee when i did get reimbursed. that being said...everyone makes mistakes from time to time and that's okay. recruiters, payroll folks, and even us technicians. i think the thing that puts people off is the time it takes to resolve payroll problems. the previous post by eric bartlett is pretty much just depends on who you talk to up there. my problems were all resolved as soon as i got in touch with the right person.  just my two cents for what it's worth. best of luck to all of you!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Sep 25, 2004, 01:54
My personal experience with Bartlett, they took very good care of my wife and I till that fateful year, the year 1988, my wife and I had just completed a outage at H.B. Robinson for them as senior deconners ( NO FUN AT ALL!!) and we were promised (BOTH OF US) decon supervisor jobs at Perrys first refuel outage. Well, we did our part and showed up at Perry to learn of a loss of a contract at Fermi, and because of that I lost my postion and had to go into Perry as a Jr. HP @ a dissmal 6 an hour and 35/day perdiem, pretty sad huh? But that wasn't all we were also promised we would be out of Perry by early may, as we had a July wedding planned, and we hadn't been able to get home to do much planning, as the outage wore on and got extended, May came around, we were told to quit if we wanted to leave, and that we would be on two years jail time with Bartlett. So I looked at my now wife and told her to go tell her friends goodbye.

Three months later the phone rang it was JUDY to tell us she had 7 plants we could choose from to go to. We did make the choice to go back to work for Bartlett at that time, we went toCY and then to Catawba and ended up staying busy for the next two years working the S.C cycle, then they gave us a great offer to go back to our home plant and work for three years, so we did, then after three years Barlett lost the contract to ARC, my wife stayed on with ARC, I left because ARC had labeled me a good ole Bartlett boy, and I knew hell was down the path for me if I stayed, but I did go back with ARC for one outage, and I did get treated as a good ole Barlett boy, so I left once again, only to get that dreaded call from my wife while I was at WNNP-2, hunny you last three checks from ARC bounced!! Barlett did me right and helped me to make sure I had work and that I had money coming in, I never seen my three weeks of pay I lost from ARC.

Then I had another experince with Barlett, mostly my fault ( Yes I can admit I made a mistake) I went to Maine Yankee 1995.. Partied to hard and got nailed on a FFD ( MY FAULT NOT BARTLETTS) But when I returned home, I made a phone call to the office to find out after I was properly escorted off site I got accused of smashing windows out of cars, which is totally false, and the Bartlett officed believed those rumors, and told me I'd never work for them again. Anybody that knows me knows I'am not that way, I walked away from that job knowing I messed up and had a greater fear to face. MY WIFE!!!.. Trust me it wasn't pretty..

 All in all I don't dislike Bartlett, they did things for my wife and I others never would have, but they also wouldn't believe me, and yes Eric they lied to me, but if I look back at all the companies I've worked for I don't think any of them have ever been totally honest with you 100% of the time.

 Personally I think Barlett is one of the best choices out there, but thats the great thing about this business is there are always choices, if you not happy leave. Just one thing don't go away mad, just go away..

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: makua13 on Sep 25, 2004, 02:30
I do like Bartlett and refuse to work for anyone else any more.  Do you guys remember IRM?  I have gotten to know Bartletts home office staff and the people are very nice, and yes they do care.  I worked the conferences demonstrating some equipment for Bartlett, and I have to tell you the difference between Bartletts Executives versus those of the other companies is astounding, the professionalism and the credentials.
And for the Techs out there, I was surprised too, but I swear it is true since the meeting was held iin my own hotel room, Bruce himself and others were in meetings with diferent Plant peiople in an effort to raise Tech pay.  It turns out that in many cases the plants are holding money down.  OK we wont discuss Wolf Creek, but that was a new contract and Bartlett wanted to look good.  I hear rumors that that pay will come back up too.
Just dont be too quick to MF Bartlett, they are the best out there.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on Sep 25, 2004, 10:49
I never worked  for Bartlett but  have  heard  bad and good  about them.  The good is from  people  who  work  hard  and  mostly  cared about  their  work.  The  bad  is  from  mostly  losers anyway.  I  think  thats  how  it  goes  for  the  most  part.  Eric did  apologize to  Remo  and  that  gives  me  a  warm  fuzzy  for  them.  I  have  been called  about  a  dozen  times  by  Bartlett In  the  last  few  months  at  Oak  Ridge.  All  I  can  say  is  I  hope  they  get  the  SEC contract.  I  like  what  I  am  doing  now  but  would  consider Bartlett  in  the  future. Oh  by  the  way  I  used  to  be a  loyal hardworking  SEC  alliance  worker until SEC  decided  to  kick  SAIC  and  Auxier  out  of  the  Alliance.  SEC  offered  us  pay  cuts  to  keep  our  jobs. Even  when they  were  paying  people  what  we  asked for.    I  say  Bechtel  Jacobs   give Bartlett  a  chance.  SEC  fostered  too  much  hate,  discontent  and incompetence  to  keep this  contract.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: halflifer on Sep 26, 2004, 04:21
So Mr. R. At what point do you stop being nice and call there hand. They told me i would not get my money from them, that i would have to ask the courts.  Remo

Actually, federal labor laws are pretty specific about when an employer can withhold money from your check and a call to the Federal Dept of Labor would probably have straightened it out quicker than litigation with the additionaly benefit of NOT GIVING ANY MONEY TO LAWYERS!!!!!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: halflifer on Sep 26, 2004, 04:38
I have to add, though, that I've worked for Bartlett quite a bit over the course of 25 yrs (workin' for them now, actually) and while I won't say it's been problem-free (and they probably wouldn't either), I can't think of more than 1 or 2 problems that were truly the result of the offices action (as opposed to a recruiter or a site coordinator/project manager). I know if you can't work things out with payroll, per diem, insurance.....whoever.... a call to Nick or Jerry will get action on the thing and in most cases, the office will and has jumped through hoops to rectify the problem most expeditiously without any other calls being necessary.
While I'll admit, WebMaster Rennhack  has appeared to take the tone of Official Bartlett Proponent, it's not one he would take if it didn't represent his true feelings. Mike and I both work at the same project though probably for not much longer) and I've heard him express feelings that leave no doubt that he is not a Plymouth Lap Dog.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jjordan on Sep 26, 2004, 12:23
Bartlett has been very very good to me! I no longer work for them, as I have taken a house position 6 years ago. I worked for them very steady for 10 years, and yes we had a few problems. Evryone needs to look at the big picture, this is buisness, nothing personal, but there is money invloved. Electric utilities are trying to make a profit for their shareholders, so they don't want to pay anymore out than neccessary. Bartlett would love to be able to pay more, but usually a contract dictates this. Bartlett has expenses also. They keep records on all of the techs, past, present, and future! (Security, Form 4's, resume, and payroll) :P They have a large staff to do this, and have to have facilities to do this from. Also there are people to recruit, engineer, manage and bid contracts. After you get laid off, lots of people remain to try to secure future work for you. These people have to get paid out of the money that you generate for Bartlett while you are working. Do you think the utilities pick up the tab for this? ??? Granted right now there is a shortage of techs and the old laws of supply and demand will dictate just exactly how much a utility is willing to pay. This is good for contract technicians, when I went house it wasn't like this, you had too many techs for to few jobs, and you had to constantly phone recruiters to stay gainfully employed. You often found that you had to work in places you weren't exactly thrilled with, for less money than you really wanted. But hey a little slice of the pie is better than no pie, so you did it! Due to geograpic advantages, I was fortunate that almost all of the contracs around the Pittsburgh (home) area, were Bartlett. Once I started working for them, I went from site to site, with maybe a little time off in between. They did their best to keep it to a minimum( If I don't make money, they don't make money) The longer I worked for them, and established a good relationship, the better I was treated. They have a very difficult job of staffing a lot of outages simotaneously, and you can't send all good technicians to one site and all slugs and whiners to the others or you won't have that contract for long! ;) As your reputation is established, you find that if you were reliable and low maintenance, you are given slightly preferential treatment. 8) Thats just the way it is, dependability=$, for you, me , Bartlett, and the utilities! I had my fair share of problems, but tried to follow the proper chain, and always got them resolved. Had to make the dreaded call to Bruce one time, he told me straight! (I didn't like it! but understood) He also offered an alternative solution which we took, and it worked out to our mutual benefit! He earned my respect, and he gained a loyal employeee! ;D He took a bit of time to deal with me and my problem, that no other person of his capacity in this industry would! Usually the recuiters or the people in payroll could resolve most of the day to day issues, like missing checks and such. I was never charged anything for Fed Ex delivery( almost 1 going from each site daily anyways) If they couln't resolve it the next level (VP's) were always attenitive whenever I called. It's a pretty awsome task keeping up with several thousand migrant  employees. Some of which seem to be very demanding, but maybe thats me too. (hope not) Bartlett didn't get to be the largest in the industry, from a tiny start up company, becuase they are stupid and didn't care. If I can ever do anything for them , they know all they have to do is call, I still try to maintain a very good working relationship, because a permenent position  isn't quite as permenent as it used to be. Ya just never know! I'll get down off of my soapbox for now! ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Sep 26, 2004, 08:14
You have been away too long. It has been a long time since recruiters actually recruited techs. They want you to play the WISH LIST GAME. Fill in the blanks and then when you don't hear from us call. Resumes,evaluations and job performance don't come into play very often. Lately you are expected to commit to a job before the pay rates are established. A very interesting new technique
Anyway I hope you have survived all the nasty weather on the east coast.

                                           Just another,
                                                     OLD HP
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jjordan on Sep 26, 2004, 11:08
I aint all that old! :-[ We used the wish lists, you used to pick several in order of preference, then they went ahead and submitted you to wherever they needed you. You used to have to keep after them if you really wanted to work a certain outage. Of course that was before the comming of "ERIC" :P He usually tried to get you where you wanted to go, and always told you straight. Later in my career I went wherever they needed me! They would bring me in early and release me early to get to the next site to set up and train on the RMS System, which was way better than trying to milk the last drop outa the cow! Was a real hectic pace but I stayed busy, which is what I wanted. The inside of containment pretty much looks the same no matter what state you're in, also found out the worse the plants reputation the better they treated you. I found most of the problems I had arose from me moving so often, they couldn't keep up with the checks. I called Bob Mulready in payroll, and he told me to tell him or Roxanne whenever I switched sites, problem solved! Site coordinators cause most of the clerical errors, :-[ the people in Plymouth only know what they tell them, or what you tell them! They don't have a crystal ball, and it's hard keeping up in the middle of outage season! Recruiters are the first place to go, after the coordinator. Then the appropriate head  of the particular dept. you have issues with. If that fails, the VP's will help, and as a last, resort Mr. B! When I was there he made time for me if I called him.( he is very busy) As far as commiting without a pay rate, I've never heard of this, and don't quite know how to handle this issue, :-\ that sucks. Sounds to me like everyone needs to ask for a formal contract. Do all the other companies do this? ???
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Sep 27, 2004, 12:25
This whole thread reminds me that we are a bunch of pessimists.  We look at one company's strength and assume it means the employees will get screwed.
Has anybody considered the fact that Bartlett would no longer have to low-ball their bids to compete against other contractors?  I mean, considering that their cut is proportional to what they pay the techs, it only makes sense that Bartlett would just LOVE to raise rates.  It has been happening already.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 27, 2004, 12:56
Plus Karma to you Troy - for the most part BNI makes it's money by taking a multiplier against the pay rate - in other words the more we can pay the more we can bill, the more we can pay the easier it is to staff - it behooves no one to have low rates, not you, not us and not even the utilities.  Once again just my 2 cents worth.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Sep 27, 2004, 12:59
This whole thread reminds me that we are a bunch of pessimists. 

That's an understatement! I have to take some time to consider the rest of what you wrote, but this part I am definitely in agreement.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 27, 2004, 01:04
Hey Mike,
I agree with you!  This guy Remo seems like the dude in the A & W rootbeer commercials.  THICKHEADED.

Believe it or not I have to jump to Remo's deffense - he had some serious issues with our company, not just the ones posted here but others he's let me know about.  I am at this point looking into them to hopefully get him some answers.  I just wish he had come to me earlier on, as I've said I can't fix everything, but I can try, sometimes it take a bit of time, sometimes it can be done right away.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Sep 27, 2004, 01:13
Thanks Eric, In the future i will know. Maybe i should have come to you. But i didn't fill like it was your problem you didn't create it. I can work with anyone. In the future i will try and work more closely with you . Thanks for listening. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Sep 27, 2004, 05:51
Don't be too quick to pick on Remo. He is a reliable worker and I always gave him a good eval when he worked for me and I would be glad to work with him again.

                                                  Just another OLD HP
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HDgirl77 on Sep 27, 2004, 06:20
you know Bartlett gave me my break in this bussiness, I have worked for them off and on for a few years, I must be in agreeance with the postings about the issue of getting paychecks and diem checks messed up,,, it does happen often, and yes you get your money back,, and yes it is on thier timing and terms ( not quickly).

People just need to be greatful for what they do have in a company, Bartlett will keep you employed and will take care of you if you stand by thier side also!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: wrecked_edsel on Sep 27, 2004, 08:59
Let me start by saying that pieface is full of sh*t for that post. I have gone that route before went to my BNI supervisor lets call him Putty back and was told that I would have to talk to the Site Cord. lets call him Big Bubba. he then told me that I need to talk to the Manager lets call him Bull ble in the sandhills. Who then told me that it was a home office problem and that I need to take it up with them. So I called the home office and they told me that I was no longer at that site that I was calling them from which was the supervisors office at the site that they said I was no longer working at. The person at the home office  had about as much knowledge about payroll as I know about being The Pope. He told me that if i was still at this site that I would have received a paycheck and when I proved to him he aggreed to send me the check IF I AGREED TO PAY THE $12.00 FED_EX CHARGE FOR THEIR MISTAKE. So I proceeded to get a little (well a lot pi**ed  with this person and told him a few choice things that were on my mind and was hung up on. Then I found the only person at bartlett that was heplful and this person was Hyatt (not sure on the spelling of his last name) and after 4 hours on the phone talking and fighting about my checkswith the prior  IDIOTS  he told me that he did not see a big problem with sending me the money that was owed to me and bartlett would gladly send me my checks at no charge. Received my check the next day and never heard a thing from the site people on any of it... So when in doubt go to the top not the bottom and work up
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Sep 27, 2004, 09:52
Personally, I believe in the chain of command.

I mention my problem to the Bartlett site rep, if one exists, then I go to the recruiter that placed me.  I've never had to go higher.

Call me lucky.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: indoprime on Sep 28, 2004, 09:51
So far, I've had the time of my life working for Bartlett.  There's not a lot of negative things I can say about them. No matter who I call, (site coord, Eric, Joey, Bill, or payroll / insurance) my problem gets solved...quickly!  I've heard all kinds of horror stories from other people at other places.  I suppose you could call me one of the lucky ones.

I'll keep working for them until the cows come home!!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Sep 28, 2004, 06:50
I've never had to go higher.

Call me lucky.

yo, lucky!  eye've hadda goe hire..... maybee that's wye sum recrewtars ain't ona fones no mo.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: radrat on Sep 29, 2004, 05:45
I said it befor and Ill say it agian, if you treat someone with respect and have some pacience then thats what you'll get in return. If you act negitive then you"ll get negitivity in return.(you know .. you reep what ya soe).
I have been working with bartlett for a while now and have allways kept a good attitude twards  the people up at the office. Im sure
 there not just sitting there waiting for you to call them, I m shure there kept busy with day to day things they have to do. Remember there working on keeping you in a job and getting Irate because of an error wont help it out. Keep you cool and let the system work for you. I really haven't ever had a situation where an error occured and they didnt get it fixed fast. As far as the staff up there , nuthing but good things to say about them .

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rad Honey on Oct 12, 2004, 09:47
Bartlett has kept me working on and off. But they do have some very strange ways with there taxes, and how they take money for insurance you don't have. Lets just say I feel if you create waves you won't be working, now more then ever. But if they run short of techs, they will call you.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 12, 2004, 11:45
Bartlett has kept me working on and off. But they do have some very strange ways with there taxes, and how they take money for insurance you don't have. Lets just say I feel if you create waves you won't be working, now more then ever. But if they run short of techs, they will call you.
This is the very type of thing that can make anyone nervous. With the Numanco buyout looming, it still seems like if you are not friends, you aren't going to work ooooorrrrrr, you will get sent to oh....let's see?...........Siberia DOE until you....well you get it. You know what 'they' say about absolute power. So much for trying to work near home.
  So LOVE? I'll reserve vote for a later date.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 12, 2004, 11:56
" My mind is a raging torent...." I'm so confused, Am I or am I not being pimped and by whome? I've never been bought before. I think I feel so violated. Why can't we just hold hands.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: nanook on Oct 13, 2004, 10:22
I had problems with Bartlett in the mid 90's. Didn't work for them for about four years by my choice. You old timers remember 15/60 and Judy. :(
I went back to check it out after that, ended up with a great site coordinator at Beaver Valley, and another good one at Susquehanna. :)
Somehow one year I hit Millstone with a sh*t bird of a SC. I haven't worked back to back outages for Bartlett since.  ???
Some of that is due to my choice to avoid said SC and undesirable plants ie. Millstone and IP. ::)
I do admit Eric B. is fantastic when I,ve dealt with him, unfortunately he handles his core plants and other recruiters handle others: makes it hard to do back to backs.
I started work for the other Company: some how the've kept me employed almost all year. ;D
And direct deposit rocks. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jobsandwich on Oct 15, 2004, 12:57
Sounds like a great opportunity for Bartlett to become a ligitimate company. Not that they are not a successful money making company but imagine;....If Bartlett paid wages and gave increases to their employees based on a quality work ethic and service time!...If Bartlett had a health insurance plan their employees could afford!...If Bartlett contributed to their employees retirement plans!...If Bartlett protected their employees families with short and long term disability!...If Bartlett would suck it up and admit a mistake and not charge their employees to Fedex their paychecks after they failed to pay their employees!...For that matter if Bartlett could figure out a payroll system where their employees could count on being properly paid each week!...If Bartlett would let a man go home after layoff without calling the unemployment office theerby forcing him to travle across the country to a job he doesn't want!...If Bartlett could hire all qualified and competent site managers and supervisors rather than who'll take the least money for the job!...I could go on and on....But just imagine the credibility Bartlett would gain with their clients if they supplied an experienced and qualified workforce of people eager to go to work with a good attitude!...Rather than the current push to bump up mopjoc, oops I mean deconners to senoirs just to fill slots, putting an increased burden on the few remaining quality technicians who are still around but looking for a way out. Gotta go in the can now but one more thing, If that clown wrecked edsel PM's me again and calls me a dumb ass, I'm calling the cops, among other things that are apparently forbidden to mention here on this forum, so watch it pal.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Oct 16, 2004, 04:24

I remember reading the same quote, from the Fleet employee's, when Bank America did the buy out thingy!  After consolidation, reapplication and modifications, they opened a  couple of hundred new branches with about 6000 less employee's! 

I wouldn't say anything either!  The other company still has some loyal employee's, Die-Hards, that probably wont roll with the waves.  It wouldn't be in your companies best interest to make an official announcement, until after the Fall Outage Season is completed.  But you have to admit, it's going to be interesting, come Spring!   8)


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 16, 2004, 12:57

I remember reading the same quote, from the Fleet employee's, when Bank America did the buy out thingy!  After consolidation, reapplication and modifications, they opened a  couple of hundred new branches with about 6000 less employee's! 

I wouldn't say anything either!  The other company still has some loyal employee's, Die-Hards, that probably wont roll with the waves.  It wouldn't be in your companies best interest to make an official announcement, until after the Fall Outage Season is completed.  But you have to admit, it's going to be interesting, come Spring!   8)


RG - Which quote are your refering to?  ???

The other company definatley has its loyalist/Die-hards, all the more power to them for holding to thier integrity and principles, for that I would give them the utmost respect. As you've stated, and I'm sure they are well aware of, there are plenty of choices out there, especially in the world of DOE & DOD.  As far as saying anything before the fall season os completed, a couple more weeks and we should be there, unless we called on more back-ups ;)

I'm sure we'll be challenged by plenty of companies try'n to break into the commercial field, over the past 16 years I've seen many "old" companies leave and many other companies try to break in, some successfuly some not - I've always said that I personnaly like and need competition becuz w/out competitors I have no source to recruit from. Competition is healthy and in my mind a necessity in a capitalistic enviroment.  On top of that who can our clients and potential clients and others judge a companies performance against without competition? Over the past years I would say our competition has made us look good (at least to the majority of onlookers) if they hadn't Bartlett would not have gone from the smallest tothe biggest in the past 20 years and  I would have probably gone the way of so many other recruiters in this field, down the road.  Well gotta jet.  More to follow I'm sure.

Take it slow,

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: duke99301 on Oct 17, 2004, 08:53
Looks like the blacklist has reached out to almost the end .
what we need is the yankees to go into boston and end all this.
but oh will.
good luck to you who can not or will not work for bartllett, we all got good and bad stories, about them so whats next who knows.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Oct 17, 2004, 08:48
There will always be that other company, there always has been and there always will be.

20 years and not one Nuclear Outage with "B"

everything is just peachy! ;D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Oct 18, 2004, 04:47
So, the bottom line is this:
If The Big Blue Machine (who, for the record, has always treated me very well), does as some of you think they will, what will your next move be?
Will you cross over to DOE or DOD?
Will you pick one area of the country and do outages in that area?
Will you get out of the business?
Will you go on strike?
Will you bite your tongue and keep working for them?
Will you work for that "other" company?

I think there are too many unanswered questions right now, to make an educated decision. Regardless, this does make great conversation for the future Health Physics employment outlook. Possibly, a poll should be taken.  :D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 19, 2004, 01:01
Weeeellllll. I know crap all about how this all works. Bartlett this. Good company that. "worked for them for years". MY little corner of the world is small. However this corner of the world just doesn't seem to have many great feelings about " Big B".

  Guess well will just have to wait and see how much they love their new kids.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 19, 2004, 01:16
Dave, maybe you should make this a poll?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Oct 19, 2004, 06:29
Maybe everything will be just fine!  Maybe, somehow, a couple of investment firms decided it was time to get into the Nuclear Staffing Business!  I'm certainly not corporate material, been told so at least once, but why would investment companies enter into a partnership, instead of simply Investing?  Going to the bank and asking for funds to improve your company, is far different than asking the bank president to become an owner with decision powers!  I don't think a banker would care less on how the money was made, so long as he made as much as possible, in as little time as possible!  I've always wondered about banks?  Nice building, Nice furniture, Nice displays, but the average teller makes about $8.00 to $12.00 an hour!  Bank Managers about $100.00+ an hour, without Perks!  Seems Fair, Somehow!   :-\

Like Eric said, competition is a good thing, it gives him a pool to recruit from!  But it goes a little further than that, it gives the Employee's the Freedom to pick and choose, where, when and for how much!  Competition, no matter how small, is a great benefit to the customers as well as the Employee's.  What would happen to the industry, if every telephone number you dialed, got you the same person, quoting the same figures? 


If anybody believe they aren't a 5 X 5 target, Think Again!  I'll give it three years before the wave washes the competition away!  Next thing you'll be hearing about, is a new President for the DOE, in the home office!  Just Speculation!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 19, 2004, 08:09
Next thing you'll be hearing about, is a new President for the DOE, in the home office!

They already have one, he's over "Federal Services".
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 19, 2004, 06:22
knot having enny probs wit either company that didn't get resaulved won weigh err da udder..... eye may hafta shead a teer four numanco.  competition iz a onerdarphul thang. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 19, 2004, 10:20
Sure that you had to think of the possible responses for awhile. This is a hard on eto call. I would say go Union but we will get shut down. I hear that it was tried once before and failed. '89 I think. One company, no competition, one owner? Are we screwed or what. I would vote for an actual working representative between us and Bartlett. ( shop steward) even if we can't unionize.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Oct 20, 2004, 05:33
Numanco has taken a licking, but it keeps on ticking!  I may have to shed a tear also.  Everybody has to admit, the name is a survivor, with quite a history!  This company has been bought, sold and bankrupted more times than I can remember!  To date it is the oldest Technician staffing company in existance!  Since it has been a thorn in the side of Big Blue for so many years, I guess it is fitting that it meet is demisy by their hand. 

To bad AEP didn't approach the Technicians, with an employee owned agenda.  I think their may have been a lot interest!  Besides, I believe the customers would appreciate a vested interest from the people who showed at their door! 

One aspect I haven't heard much about, where did their managers go?  They had a couple of good one's, two that I remember, the rest...Forgetabodit!  Maybe it will be one of those, go around, come around things! 

One Day your the Bird, One Day your the Windshield!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Oct 20, 2004, 11:18

Stay nuke, get out of HP. (I don't have marketable skills outside nuclear power, I have tried that mistake before!)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 20, 2004, 12:24
All I know is that I''ll be busier than a one legged man in an arse kick'n contest!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: NascarTerry on Oct 20, 2004, 01:34
Hi Gang and Gangettes!!!

All I can say is....... I left the road in 93 and this was one of the reasons. And Yah..... there was a "Febble" attempt to form an independant union in the late 80's...But it was crushed before it even got started. Reason??? Tech's wouldn't stick together against the Lean Mean Recruiting Machine. Every plant ya'd go to all ya'd hear is Moaning and Groaning about how bad we were getting taken to the cleaners and how "We outta start a Union" and take down the "HeadHunters".... But then you'd go to an outage and Lo and Behold!!!! The one's doing the biggest "Soapboxin'" about starting a union and until one was formed...boycotting outages,  would be there working away. And when you asked them why??? The usual answer would be..."Cause I can't afford Not too"..... ALways seemed to me....That was a contradiction in their own beliefs...But that's just my opinion....Take it fer what it's worth.  :D  Anyway, I'm now on the DOE side of the Fence and pssssssssssssst........It's just as "Wierd" here.... :o
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: ramdog_1 on Oct 20, 2004, 01:52
Nascar is right , if you can not deal with him move up and on. life is always better on the other side of the fence.
karma to you!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: makua13 on Oct 20, 2004, 02:56
I dont know why some of you are afraid of this "union" Bartlett is a good company and if you do your job and dont do anything outrageous there is plenty of work for you.  With no more reason to "low ball" bid for a contract we should see wages go up if there is any change at all.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: duke99301 on Oct 20, 2004, 04:18
my wages climbed after my last trip with bartlett(never agin) and bruce screaming at my wife I never work in nukes agin. I left hp and am happy , I have not made less than a 100k in 9 years.
and did not need the only one.
like the others say you get what you look for .
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 20, 2004, 05:29
my wages climbed after my last trip with bartlett(never agin) and bruce screaming at my wife I never work in nukes agin. I left hp and am happy , I have not made less than a 100k in 9 years.
and did not need the only one.
like the others say you get what you look for .

Come on now - I know you and your situation, #1 Bruce never screamed at your wife and threatened your career, and I know the main reason your not in the buisness and it had nothing to do with Bruce or Bartlett.  I hope you are happy and do'n well cuz  personnaly I always got along with you, but hiding behind a "handle"and throwing out the accusations just aint the way to make it right.  Just my thoughts on what I consider a  baseless attack.  If you think I'm way off base give me a buzz and we'll talk.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 20, 2004, 06:20
one company  ??? puhleeze! although i have no quarrel with either company, i haven't worked for bruce's company for >7 years nor numanco for >9 'n i haven't quit hp.  there's more'n one company. there's more'n one venue for hp 'n other nuke workers.  iffen i wanted to go back inta da plants, i'd call bruce in a heartbeat, 'cause numanco keeps calling me 'n keeping me informed of their upcoming contracts. ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 20, 2004, 06:38
To date it is the oldest Technician staffing company in existance! 

not to be a smartaze, but the oldest technician staffing company (that i am aware of) is applied health physics.  they've been in da biz fer so long they own the copyright on term "rent-a-tech".
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 20, 2004, 07:21
What I'd like to know is where I can get some Numanco pens and such, they might sell good on ebay if this goes through. :)

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 20, 2004, 07:25
Some of the Numanco office folks have started to work for Atlantic Group.  I expect to see them make a run for it.

And who knows, perhaps if the money comes up, Duratek will get back in.  Right now, there isn't any profit in power plant HPs, that is why no one wants to bid against Bruce.  He's the only one with economy of scale working for him; AND DOE work to back up the dry months.

Any company that would be interested in bidding against Bartlett would have to go at them in both DOE and Power plants.  I doubt anyone will do that, but that is the only way to take Bartlett on.

When I look into my crystal ball, I see Bartlett getting HUGE, really REALLY huge in the next 10 years.  I see them Becoming a "real" professional services company, staffing all disciplines, not just Engineers and janitors, and HPs, and craft.  I see the net worth of the company moving by a "significant digit" (x10) in the next 10 years.  -- For the non-business types, that is HUGE.

Now that they have dominated the HP world, they will move their focus on taking on Atlantic Group, and the Various QA/QC companies.  They will take on Aerotek and Kelly Services.  (They are already doing all of this, but they will start to dominate in a short time ~3 years).

At the same time, they will consider Project management, and begin bidding on Primary contracts at DOE sites, FUSRAP sites, small NRC licenses...  Then they will increase their presence in Europe.

In 20 years, when they have saturated the nuclear market to the point that further growth isn’t possible, they will branch off into more non-nuke work, because at that time, they will have offices in 20 states that are accountable for turning an increase in revenue every quarter.

My vision grows dark…..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HenryBlack on Oct 20, 2004, 08:13
When there is only one company left it probably won't change the way that HP's as a whole are treated. Bartlett has kept me working, when I wanted to be working. I don't think any of this will change. What I hope will change is that pay will go up and per-diem will be raised to the maximum that is allowed by law. I already work DOE and Commercial Power so my work life as whole probably will stay the same.  
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 20, 2004, 08:28
Don't expect to see perdiem go up, there is no markup on per diem.  The hourly wage is marked up on a percentage, so expect that to inch up gradually.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 20, 2004, 08:29
Hey, I seen that move, " The Day After Tomorrow"?

RIGHT??????   :-\

You got it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 20, 2004, 09:05
I anit ascerd of no big tecky company...............I want my Mommy :'(
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: duke99301 on Oct 20, 2004, 09:07
You know it is amazing how Eric nows who I am and I never told him my name.
I do know this much when he(bruce) was telling my wife I never work on nukes agin the next Plant I was at 2 days later I was getting a hard time with my clearance.
 it seems that after two weeks and no badge, ( in Fact I had to leave the site for about ten days no check) I went in to see the head of Security.(non Bartlett site at the time) and he was not getting any responses back from the site I was just at and was badged at. he asked why he should not give me a badge. I told him my story how Bartlett took over money out of my 1st check (I got $75 that day ) told me I owed him money from years before. and I had left site and told them to pay me what was owed me. for hours at site time worked. and diem. or I would go somewhere elese. no check no tech. I left.
the Manger took my report called the site called other sites I had been at. looked at me and told me I can find no reason not to give you your badge,
he said it looked like someone was trying to block me.
 As all of you know  if you get denied acess it can cost you big time.
Will I got my badge that day and since then and SGT williams power and others GE, westinghouse, Wow I never had a problem, I know one thing when I called home and my wife told me what had just happend I knew who would forever be on my list. oh by the way they did end up paying me. all the money I was due. But it did take a while and in court.
for those of you who have nothing good to say god bless you but I have seen the ugly side, and  its not worth it to me .
gl  all.
it was a good thing in a way it did give the push to get out HP pay and move on.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 20, 2004, 09:07
What I'd like to know is where I can get some Numanco pens and such, they might sell good on ebay if this goes through. :)

Yeah cool and how about some jackets, and hats. Money at BFN is so tight now, we don't even get any beads and trinkets. Numanco can't use the stuff any more.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 21, 2004, 10:53
You know it is amazing how Eric nows who I am and I never told him my name.
I do know this much when he(bruce) was telling my wife I never work on nukes agin the next Plant I was at 2 days later I was getting a hard time with my clearance.
 it seems that after two weeks and no badge, ( in Fact I had to leave the site for about ten days no check) I went in to see the head of Security.(non Bartlett site at the time) and he was not getting any responses back from the site I was just at and was badged at. he asked why he should not give me a badge. I told him my story how Bartlett took over money out of my 1st check (I got $75 that day ) told me I owed him money from years before. and I had left site and told them to pay me what was owed me. for hours at site time worked. and diem. or I would go somewhere elese. no check no tech. I left.
the Manger took my report called the site called other sites I had been at. looked at me and told me I can find no reason not to give you your badge,
he said it looked like someone was trying to block me.
 As all of you know  if you get denied acess it can cost you big time.
Will I got my badge that day and since then and SGT williams power and others GE, westinghouse, Wow I never had a problem, I know one thing when I called home and my wife told me what had just happend I knew who would forever be on my list. oh by the way they did end up paying me. all the money I was due. But it did take a while and in court.
for those of you who have nothing good to say god bless you but I have seen the ugly side, and  its not worth it to me .
gl  all.
it was a good thing in a way it did give the push to get out HP pay and move on.

 :'( - Enuff said...

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Walt Harris on Oct 21, 2004, 02:15

 :'( - Enuff said...


I agree Eric .....
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Oct 21, 2004, 03:11
I knew there would be some interesting opinions on this poll, and that is why I put it out there. Interestingly enough, the answer with the highest percentage was that people are OK with where they are right now, and feel no clear and present danger. I think the post that "duke99301" gave us was an isolated incident, and we don't know all the facts. That will always be between Big Blue and duke. I agree with NASCARTerry also. Everyone will cry "Form a union" and they will not stick to it because most live check-to-check and can't afford it. I agree with you Eric. I think if people are bold enough to state their opinion, they should be bold enough to state their name. The poll only has 26 votes, but it will be interesting to see the final tally in a couple weeks.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 21, 2004, 04:27
They have jackets? I have to have one. Believe it or not, I have a Chem-Nuclear jacket, circa 1978 back when Chem-Nuclear staffed outages.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: darkmatter on Oct 21, 2004, 11:57
Should of had "other" to vote on the Poll. I'll do what I've always have-------whatever's nessasary to support my family.
There was (is ) a phrase the ex-navy nukes had about getting out as to what they would do to regain their self-respect. I've got no self-respect when it comes to supporting my loved ones.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 22, 2004, 09:36
This is my first post, (EVER) so I am motivated to say something here! I am a recruiter and I AINT scared of Bartlett or anyone else! I am proud of my relationships with my DOE clients and I am not afraid of any company taking all of the business or taking my good candidates away. There are still good companies out there people and there are still good recruiters who will fight for you and get you the best rates. What really sucks for candidates is some of the companies (my clients) have taken away per diem, re-location packages and dont offer competitive rates. This is the company's fault not the recruiters or recruiting company's fault. I am looking for candidates by the way if anyone needs a job, e-mail me your resume. I am representing plenty of DOE bring it on Bartlett! But just in case you guys are right, maybe I too should get on the band wagon. So  I say to Eric Bartlett, call me if you want an honest recruiter who works hard. E-mail me...............Maybe I will come work for your company..........

Plus Karma to you for calling it as it is regarding the clients taking away the packages - as far as a job goes send me a resume I'll forward it to the powers to be - we're always looking for good experienced people that will fight for the techs, work hard for the company, and satisfy our clients needs.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 22, 2004, 10:22
Ok, I know you all have been waiting for my opinion on this (only kidding), but regardless of my tech experience (none), I have been exposed to this business since the mid 1970's. (Does this qualify me as an old timer?).

I have seen them come and seen them go (Companies and people), I remember when I.R.M. was top dog and you got per diem, a paid hotel room and a rental car, sometimes if the site coordinator was a nice guy, he'd even divide up the green stamps that the rental car company gave out.

I remember when companies would go into an area and barter for hotel rooms to keep the price down, now it takes numerous calls, scouting and prayer to find something that’s decent and affordable.

I've seen bonuses up the Yazoo, company parties, dinners and end of outage throw downs, and most of this is gone sad to say. Sometimes it’s not just the pay or per diem, it’s the public relations, the comradely, the sense that YOU matter, and are a part of the family or team . . . Part of the big picture.

I personally believe that this aspect of the business or of a company plays a vital role. Go out and visit the sites once in a while, buy dinner, a few rounds, throw a picnic, give out t-shirts, hats, etc, without having to sign a piece of paper, attend a meeting or whatever, to borrow a slogan “Just Do It”.

Any and all companies need to look at this side of the business again, whether it's the two big ones, one big one, or whether it’s the little guy breaking out of the gate. People matter, people make the business, let them know it once in a while, show them that they’re needed and you’d be surprised what you’ll get in return.

“The opinions expressed in my postings are mine and mine alone, and have no bearing on nor intended to reflect against anyone else either living or deceased.”
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: duke99301 on Oct 22, 2004, 01:02
Some of the best times I had was with Numanco (80and early 90s) crashing  some of power systems partys in Morris il.
Joe Worley once looked  around and made the comment there were more numaco techs at the party than Power systems,, he was joking about sending Sam Clark a bill for us being there. It was always fun to go to the OTB in Joilet and run to Joe there and all the other techs, thoses were the days you get on site they hand you a pen a hat and a CHECK .
they had some good partys with GTS as will in the old days. at the beaver trap.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HenryBlack on Oct 22, 2004, 05:53
I agree with you Dave and as of this moment I am going to change my screen name to my real name. From now on hfb1957 will be Henry Black. thanks
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: mercaptan on Oct 22, 2004, 09:01
Anybody know if this sale also affects the Sun Technical Services division of Numanco?  thanks.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 22, 2004, 09:50
Yes it does.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Oct 23, 2004, 09:44
WOW, that's a bigger deal then I thought!

Eric, You will be Busy!

Reminds of that Steven King Movie, the landoliers, ( Sorry for the Spelling )!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Oct 23, 2004, 10:11
I seen this happen three times yesterday, people using their real names on the web! 

Hank, obviously it a freedom of choice and I wouldn't even speculate about the members on this site, but it the other 1,000,000,000 computer users I'd be worried about!

To much information!  RG 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Oct 23, 2004, 06:04
Good work, Henry. There are still a few of us who can talk the talk and walk the walk. I knew there was a reason I liked you when I first met you. Keep it real up there during the winter this year.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HenryBlack on Oct 23, 2004, 06:17
Thanks Dave, I hope you are doing good these days. I will be glad when the deal either goes through or falls through. Either way I don't think it will affect either  of us very much. GO BIG BLUE, even if they did take ourPD during the last Henry
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Oct 23, 2004, 07:50
 rad, leave poor ole Eric alone,,, After all he is one of the few people that come here to explain himself and his company,,, thats called believing in what he believes in. You don't need to respect it, but don't be pissed when the disrespect gets put on your table,,or lack of..

LOL I know what your thinking, I'am kissing Erics ass.. NOT!!! I haven't worked for Barlett for 9 years....
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Oct 24, 2004, 05:47
I'm not gonna worry about it.  Whatever happens, happens.  I've got to say, Bartlett's treated me rather well and I don't really see any reason for that to change.  If it does, I'll focus on DOE jobs.  There's a lot of smaller companies out there getting all kinds of contracts at the gov.
sites, many of them are posting jobs on this very site.  Wait and see, and then start yelling.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Oct 24, 2004, 12:05
Actually, I appreciate Eric's Input, Candor and Retorts.  Although it may seem that I'm pinging on him, that really isn't the case!  In fact, when I deal with his company, he is one, of only two individual I will speak to in the office!  I've dealt with him for umteen years, talked to him hundred of times and I can't think of any occassion he ever lied to me!  Actually most of the discontent voiced towards him, is dealt by someone elses hand!  He sells you the job, you show up and the local site representative treats you like a piece of dung! ( Not all sites, just a few )!  Who gets the brunt of the blow, The Recruiter!

In all practicality, if things went south for Eric, or the other representative in the office, I'd ship them a resume no matter where they landed and probably go to work for that company, weighting on their reputation and input.  Their are a couple of coordinators in the same boat, again, just a few!  Loyalty, maybe, but I figure I'd get the straight scoop on an opportunity, the good, the bad and the ugly, before showing up!

I just realized, I may be Sucking Up!

Nay, I figure Eric still owe's me a couple of hundred beers, for being one of the many, who keeps his Butt Employed!  Until he pays up, my agenda wont change!

Have a Great Day, RG!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 25, 2004, 09:25
Actually, I appreciate Eric's Input, Candor and Retorts.  Although it may seem that I'm pinging on him, that really isn't the case!  In fact, when I deal with his company, he is one, of only two individual I will speak to in the office!  I've dealt with him for umteen years, talked to him hundred of times and I can't think of any occassion he ever lied to me!  Actually most of the discontent voiced towards him, is dealt by someone elses hand!  He sells you the job, you show up and the local site representative treats you like a piece of dung! ( Not all sites, just a few )!  Who gets the brunt of the blow, The Recruiter!

In all practicality, if things went south for Eric, or the other representative in the office, I'd ship them a resume no matter where they landed and probably go to work for that company, weighting on their reputation and input.  Their are a couple of coordinators in the same boat, again, just a few!  Loyalty, maybe, but I figure I'd get the straight scoop on an opportunity, the good, the bad and the ugly, before showing up!

I just realized, I may be Sucking Up!

Nay, I figure Eric still owe's me a couple of hundred beers, for being one of the many, who keeps his Butt Employed!  Until he pays up, my agenda wont change!

Have a Great Day, RG!

come on now - your agenda will never change, and if it did I'd insist on an MMPI or an interview  ;D  - I know your looking for answers and you pose some great scenerios, I try to give what answers I can,and address whatever scenerios are presented - I don't claim to have all the answers, but I'll try to find them - I'm always up for a good challenge and God love your "conspiracy theory" type of scenarios - they definately keep me on my toes
 - gotta jet

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 27, 2004, 11:26
Hey Bartlett people? hear tell that Bartlett doesn't do Direct Deposit. What's up with that? This buy out is going to become a pain in the @$$ when we out here away from home, have to go find a new bank, wait on checks to clear, and stand in line for a check. I mean come on Bartlett, your the biggest game in town now. Jump into the 21st century. It's a proven fact that it is cheaper to direct deposit funds than mail checks. Why do you need the extra time that hard checks take?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 28, 2004, 01:05
Hey Bartlett people? hear tell that Bartlett doesn't do Direct Deposit. What's up with that? This buy out is going to become a pain in the @$$ when we out here away from home, have to go find a new bank, wait on checks to clear, and stand in line for a check. I mean come on Bartlett, your the biggest game in town now. Jump into the 21st century. It's a proven fact that it is cheaper to direct deposit funds than mail checks. Why do you need the extra time that hard checks take?

Unless there policy changed since last Thursday, Bartlett does do direct deposit, as my husbands paycheck goes to our bank every week like clockwork. Possibly this is a misunderstanding or maybe they don't do it at every site? Maybe Eric will check it out and set the record straight.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 28, 2004, 01:30

Unless there policy changed since last Thursday, Bartlett does do direct deposit, as my husbands paycheck goes to our bank every week like clockwork. Possibly this is a misunderstanding or maybe they don't do it at every site? Maybe Eric will check it out and set the record straight.

Thanks for setting this straight. Here at BFN, Numanco does do DD so it would make sense then that B. would too. We feel better. ;D

  Now what about Jackets? ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: freerl on Oct 28, 2004, 07:41
Bartlett does in fact, do direct deposit of paychecks. They do not, however, direct deposit  per diem checks, unless that's just an anomaly here at INEEL. I've never really understood why. Perhaps Eric could unravel that mystery for us. ???

Roger Freeman

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 28, 2004, 09:12
Bartlett Direct Deposits Pay Checks (Not Per Diem Checks) at their Long Term Projects (i.e. DOE Sites, and Core Techs)  It takes 2-4 weeks to set up Direct Deposit, and it just wouldn't make sense for an outage.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 28, 2004, 01:35
Bartlett Direct Deposits Pay Checks (Not Per Diem Checks) at their Long Term Projects (i.e. DOE Sites, and Core Techs)  It takes 2-4 weeks to set up Direct Deposit, and it just wouldn't make sense for an outage.

Mike is quite right - I checked w/payroll dept. and was told the same thing.  I've also been told it is something that has been looked at and considered for everyone but as it stands right now just long termers. - hell, I dont even have direct deposit, go figure.   :o
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Chelios on Oct 28, 2004, 02:30
Well, now that we have the direct deposit situation straight, can we get back to the original topic. What is the latest on the sale (or should it be "re-sale") of NUMANCO? Is Bartlett making ans offer? Has it been accepted? I first got my foot in the door with NUMANCO. Chuck Pierce called me up out of the blue and offered me a job. Never did find out who gave him my name. He personnally ran the business and always had time to take a phone call from me. Then he sold it to Westinghouse, the great destroyer. The company lost its personal touch and has never been the same since. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: pappy on Oct 28, 2004, 02:35

Mike is quite right - I checked w/payroll dept. and was told the same thing.  I've also been told it is something that has been looked at and considered for everyone but as it stands right now just long termers. - hell, I dont even have direct deposit, go figure.   :o

Could it be a hint that even you may not be long term? :o
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 28, 2004, 02:41
Could it be a hint that even you may not be long term? :o
lol Good one. :)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 28, 2004, 04:25
Well, now that we have the direct deposit situation straight, can we get back to the original topic. What is the latest on the sale (or should it be "re-sale") of NUMANCO? Is Bartlett making ans offer? Has it been accepted?

its a slow process, from the way management here in our office is planning and the frequency of communications between the 2 offices its seems close to being a done deal

Could it be a hint that even you may not be long term? :o

only time will tell, but thanks for the encouragement -remind me to check in with you on occaision for moral support  ;D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Oct 28, 2004, 06:44

Mike is quite right - I checked w/payroll dept. and was told the same thing.  I've also been told it is something that has been looked at and considered for everyone but as it stands right now just long termers. - hell, I dont even have direct deposit, go figure.   :o
The mentioned pain in the @$$ is that even on the road, an ATM can be used for a fee.  A hard check requires opening an account everywhere you go if the is no branch of your bank available. DD info doesn't ever change unless by the account holder so yes, 4 weeks to set up and then it's done. Sounds more like payroll just doesn't want a little extra work. Numanco holds all DD info and then you just restart it when you get to the next plant. Can't be that hard.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 28, 2004, 06:59

 The mentioned pain in the @$$ is that even on the road, an ATM can be used for a fee.  A hard check requires opening an account everywhere you go if the is no branch of your bank available. DD info doesn't ever change unless by the account holder so yes, 4 weeks to set up and then it's done. Sounds more like payroll just doesn't want a little extra work. Numanco holds all DD info and then you just restart it when you get to the next plant. Can't be that hard.

I agree.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: mattrev on Oct 28, 2004, 08:05
I was wondering why it couldn't be set up once and then restarted at each site. Would make it nice for my wife when she's on the road, rather than holding onto the checks until she gets home.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rad Honey on Oct 28, 2004, 10:39
Now that Bartlett is bigger, I have a few questions. Why are the people in the office say, We are paying the same PD that the other companies are" at Hadford. NOT. I 'm 86.00 a day and Bartlett is 70.00, and they insist that is incorrect. Why was my resume not at two plants when the supervisiors ask for it. Why at INEL are they taking 101.00 from your PD after a year and claming they are paying taxes, and giving only 501.00 and your paying the taxes on it, when the other company gives you 602.00 and you still pay the taxes. Is that not paying the taxes twice??? So we are not only getting losing 101.00 per week, then you give this insane pay raise, and the more hours you work the less you make, and it pans out to losing 400.00 a week... WHY
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Chelios on Oct 28, 2004, 11:49
Not that this has anything to do with Bartlett buying Numanco, but ask the IRS. That's why congress passes millions of laws, so the everyday ordinary citizen can never really know what's going on.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 29, 2004, 03:14

 The mentioned pain in the @$$ is that even on the road, an ATM can be used for a fee.  A hard check requires opening an account everywhere you go if the is no branch of your bank available. DD info doesn't ever change unless by the account holder so yes, 4 weeks to set up and then it's done. Sounds more like payroll just doesn't want a little extra work. Numanco holds all DD info and then you just restart it when you get to the next plant. Can't be that hard.

I wish I had the answer - I get the same story from payroll you guys/gals do - In my mind once its set up, its over and done with - I've been asking for several years now why we don't do it - and I'll continue to do so

Now that Bartlett is bigger, I have a few questions. Why are the people in the office say, We are paying the same PD that the other companies are" at Hadford. NOT. I 'm 86.00 a day and Bartlett is 70.00, and they insist that is incorrect. Why was my resume not at two plants when the supervisiors ask for it. Why at INEL are they taking 101.00 from your PD after a year and claming they are paying taxes, and giving only 501.00 and your paying the taxes on it, when the other company gives you 602.00 and you still pay the taxes. Is that not paying the taxes twice??? So we are not only getting losing 101.00 per week, then you give this insane pay raise, and the more hours you work the less you make, and it pans out to losing 400.00 a week... WHY

#1 I'll look into this Hanford Diem thing for you -
#2 as far as your resume not being at 2 plants when the supervisors ask for it - are you sure the supervisors arent giving you lip service -If i knew the plant , the staffing, and of course who you were I could also look into that for you
#3 as far the diem at INEEL,I dont claim to be a #'s wiz - you'd need to contact payroll for the firm facts, but here is my take on it -  you have to realize that we are subject to wage and labor laws - If your "diem" is $602 before you reach that magic moment of realizing that you are going to be at a site for more than 1 yr  and lose diem and now you say it is $501 (I presume this is added money in your pay instead of a seperate check) - the $101 differance is the money that BNI as an employer has to pay taxes on.  Bartlett is required by wage and labor laws to pay employer taxes, basically we pay into the unemployment funds, social security funds, and both Federal and state taxes - as far as another vendor on site  paying the exact same amount of diem both before you've reached that point where you realize you're going to be there for more than a year and after, I couldn't even begin to guess how they do it - I dont know their internal workings or thier contractual agreements.
#4  as far as an "insane" pay raise  - isn't that what most people want, higher wages? 
and as far as the the old saying "the more hours you work the less you make" welcome to the wonderful world of taxes - all I can say is vote republican, at least they'll lower them...

Hope I was some help, for the first couple things give me a call and I'll look into them for you. 

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Nov 02, 2004, 02:55

I wish I had the answer - I get the same story from payroll you guys/gals do - In my mind once its set up, its over and done with - I've been asking for several years now why we don't do it - and I'll continue to do so

  Eric, even though we have yet to meet or speak, I appreciate your attention to this. I , after hearing many 'horror stories'(i did look at the sources) about Bartlett, am still not looking forward to this merger because the common thread(no pun intended) is that Bartlett screws techs over in this situation, i.e. you are not one of our ass kissing friends, so you don't get to work where you have been, prove to us that you are loyal and we might let you work one plant near you in couple of years until then, we are sending in "our own people'. Soooooo, I hope the transition is going to be better than I fear.

  I still though can't see the logic in not doing Dir. Dep. because it does save companies money. Stamps, personnel, supplies, all done on computer. For any progressive co. to say that it takes 2-4 weeks to install DD and then that they would have to do it at every plant is rediculous. I have worked other plants and Numanco had my DD info an deverytime, I had to wait a week and there it was in my bank because they had the information. No Brainer. Sounds more like a money thing interest? Well maybe they'll wake up. The rest of the world has. Small companies like Numanco did. Bartlett is the biggest kid on the street. Make it too hard to get to your paychecks, and people have a tendancy to look for work elsewhere.

  Well we'll see what happens after the next outage. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Maybe people from your company look at this site too and can take a hint to look at their postion. They may find that it will work out better for them in the end.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: dosetek on Nov 02, 2004, 08:45
I also have worked for companies with direct deposit, once it is set up it is a done deal. I also called payroll about my upcoming outage, i am currently getting direct deposit, and was told they couldnt do it there. Same bank nothing is changing, was out of work for a week and it knew to deposit 0.00 dollars into my account. The only problem i saw was techs not keeping the same bank account, the auto deposit would start again and the money wasn't going where it was suppose to. And believe it or not they would be upset at the company, i guess they were just suppose to know there had been bank account change.This did cause problems and they started shutting the auto deposit off after every outage, so it did take a few weeks and new paperwork to reinstate. I keep the same account all the time, and if necessary open a second in the area. If that is the case offer it to people that have permanent accounts. Hey the longer it takes for a check to clear and many of them, the more interest is made on the money we all know that.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 02, 2004, 12:25 still not looking forward to this merger because the common thread(no pun intended) is that Bartlett screws techs over in this situation, i.e. you are not one of our ass kissing friends, so you don't get to work where you have been, prove to us that you are loyal and we might let you work one plant near you in couple of years until then, we are sending in "our own people'....

I'm sorry you feel this way, some of the nasty nuclear rumors you hear are probably true, some are most likely not, I'm sure there are techs out there that will tell the same type horror stories about the vendor(s) that you primarily work for - the reason why I think techs hit vendors up with the stories is becuz of a few reasons

1. we happen to be the biggest, we employ the most people and we probably have made quite a few mistakes over the years, I still get yelled at by techs for mistakes made over 10 yrs ago as if it happened yesterday.

2. for the most part we hold people accountable - you quit, no show, get fired we arent going to go out of our way to put you back to work on a choice job, and yes we will most likely employ you again and yes you will probably have to prove yourself - just like if we did you wrong we would have to prove ourselves to regain your trust -

if there is one thing I've learned in the past 16 so odd years is that most techs are professional and will own up to thier actions - but those that dont have a habit of blaming the company or the utility as to why such and such might have happened and they are normally the ones most vocal about it - almost as if they point and yell loud enough it will all get placed on someone else - as I said just my opinion from my observations over the years -

3. and last of all - they got nothing better to do than raise hell - God Bless 'em for this one (being an instigator myself, I can appreciate it)
I sincerely hope that this transition, if and when it happens goes smoothly for all - and remember its not just you trying to work for us but its us trying to get you to work for us.  If you have problems during all of this dont hesitate to contact me, and you have a problem with me feel free to go higher -
 - gotta jump
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Nov 02, 2004, 12:32

2. for the most part we hold people accountable - you quit, no show, get fired we arent going to go out of our way to put you back to work on a choice job, and yes we will most likely employ you again and yes you will probably have to prove yourself - just like if we did you wrong we would have to prove ourselves to regain your trust -

That definitely goes both ways. If I am not sure if I will work for a company, I will offer my services when they are hurting and paying top dollar to fill a slot.

I don't know that it will be better, but I don't expect it to be worse and better seems more likely than worse.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: drquat on Nov 02, 2004, 05:13
Do you answer your e-mail ???
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 02, 2004, 05:36
Do you answer your e-mail ???

I try - It may take me awhile, but I  try - It will take me awhile if I'm try'n to find an answer to a question - why did you e-mail me about something that I never replied on? If so send it again.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Nov 03, 2004, 06:54

Yes you happen to be the biggest at this time, but far from the ONLY!  I remember a few others who held the title, Rad, IRM, NSSI, CE, Numanco and the list goes on.  Anybody see the common connection?  Each one, in their own time, sitting on a staff of a thousand or better, raking in the bucks. 

A couple of weeks ago, you make the statement that you didn't want to cheat the companies customers.  Maybe you have lost touch with who your customers really are?  Although your company sells our services, you don't own the product!  As a recruiter, or a salesman by another name, you should remember which customers to put first, the others didn't! 

The Techs, The Techs, The Techs!  It always seems like the best excuse!  Accountable and Responsible, it always seems to be a one sided concept, directed at the Technicians.  You quote the Techs as being proffessionals, yet you don't want to hear anything they have to say!  I've heard some techs tell me about the pre-departure phone calls of cancelled jobs, eight week outages with pan out to four weeks of work and the memories of oversea's jobs that never materialized! Sometime, one has to wonder if they weren't part of staffing game, used to manipulate the other players, usually at their own expense!  Why don't you put it in WRITTING?  Why hesitate, if your honestly selling something, there shouldn't be any resistance to a written contract, after all it protects you also!  

As far as the Techs yelling about past mistakes, like you said, your company does have to prove itself!  Like your company, sometimes it takes a long time!  That seems rather rediculous to hold a grudge that long.  Maybe they have a computer in front of them, such as yourself, and they can archieve your companies past performance!  Of course there entries would be generic in nature!  It could show past performance rating, written by people you don't know, or never worked for.  Quit the job, for returning home to be with you family member, who is in the hospital.  No Show, due to home front factors requiring your immediate attention.  It's much easier and saves a lot of hard drive space, if you just enter generic codes, such as Quit, No Show, Fired!

How about the company representatives?  You know the management types?  You also know the ones I'm talking about!  Funny how a techs name will surface a couple of times, in the office, and they are considered a problem child.  The hundreds of phone calls on the disfunctional manager seem to be overlooked!  I assume that being a manager, renders some form of amnesty in all cases!  Again, no Responsibility or Accountability!  Probably just horror stories. RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

The speculated, or soon to be finalized purchase of number two, poses some interesting concepts.  You'll own the contracts, but not the people!  I'm wondering what is going to happen to your loyal followers?  Afterall, the ones loyal to you, aren't really the customers your interested in, it's the ones that aren't working for you that hold the most value!  Like you said, if it weren't for the competition, you wouldn't have anywhere to recruit from!  Another interesting concept will be the staffing commitments.  After all, if there's no competition, who, or what can you blame?  If even a small number of Technicians refuse to join your club and your company doesn't meet it's staffing commitments, what message will that send?  It will be interesting!

I got to fly, I'm working for the other Guy, RG!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 03, 2004, 09:10

Yes you happen to be the biggest at this time, but far from the ONLY!  I remember a few others who held the title, Rad, IRM, NSSI, CE, Numanco and the list goes on.  Anybody see the common connection?  Each one, in their own time, sitting on a staff of a thousand or better, raking in the bucks. 

A couple of weeks ago, you make the statement that you didn't want to cheat the companies customers.  Maybe you have lost touch with who your customers really are?  Although your company sells our services, you don't own the product!  As a recruiter, or a salesman by another name, you should remember which customers to put first, the others didn't! 

The Techs, The Techs, The Techs!  It always seems like the best excuse!  Accountable and Responsible, it always seems to be a one sided concept, directed at the Technicians.  You quote the Techs as being proffessionals, yet you don't want to hear anything they have to say!  I've heard some techs tell me about the pre-departure phone calls of cancelled jobs, eight week outages with pan out to four weeks of work and the memories of oversea's jobs that never materialized! Sometime, one has to wonder if they weren't part of staffing game, used to manipulate the other players, usually at their own expense!  Why don't you put it in WRITTING?  Why hesitate, if your honestly selling something, there shouldn't be any resistance to a written contract, after all it protects you also! 

As far as the Techs yelling about past mistakes, like you said, your company does have to prove itself!  Like your company, sometimes it takes a long time!  That seems rather rediculous to hold a grudge that long.  Maybe they have a computer in front of them, such as yourself, and they can archieve your companies past performance!  Of course there entries would be generic in nature!  It could show past performance rating, written by people you don't know, or never worked for.  Quit the job, for returning home to be with you family member, who is in the hospital.  No Show, due to home front factors requiring your immediate attention.  It's much easier and saves a lot of hard drive space, if you just enter generic codes, such as Quit, No Show, Fired!

How about the company representatives?  You know the management types?  You also know the ones I'm talking about!  Funny how a techs name will surface a couple of times, in the office, and they are considered a problem child.  The hundreds of phone calls on the disfunctional manager seem to be overlooked!  I assume that being a manager, renders some form of amnesty in all cases!  Again, no Responsibility or Accountability!  Probably just horror stories. RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

The speculated, or soon to be finalized purchase of number two, poses some interesting concepts.  You'll own the contracts, but not the people!  I'm wondering what is going to happen to your loyal followers?  Afterall, the ones loyal to you, aren't really the customers your interested in, it's the ones that aren't working for you that hold the most value!  Like you said, if it weren't for the competition, you wouldn't have anywhere to recruit from!  Another interesting concept will be the staffing commitments.  After all, if there's no competition, who, or what can you blame?  If even a small number of Technicians refuse to join your club and your company doesn't meet it's staffing commitments, what message will that send?  It will be interesting!

I got to fly, I'm working for the other Guy, RG!


RG - dont take offense but I think you have to calm down - getting a little exited nowadays  ;D - 

Never said we are the only one, and wether you agree with me or not I do try to put the techs 1st and formost, becuz as I've said before without them we dont exist.  As far as holding people accountable, is that such a bad idea, we get held accountable all the time - some one doesnt like how something went with us, they go and work for some one else (a concept you advocate all the time) - yes we do provide a service and no we dont own it, you do as technicians - If I didnt believe that I wouldn't be on here typing away in discussions about all of this.
As far as pre-departure phone calls, 8 weekers turned into 4 weeks, promises, etc... -I admit all of that has happened - all of it out of our control.  If a utility cancels slots due to budgetary reason there is nothing we can do about that except give anyone affected first priority to get them somewhere else.  8 weekers turned into 4, all I can say is we quote what is said to us by our clients - most experienced techs know that in any outage lay-offs come fast and most when setting up thier run will take this into account and try and string things along -and yes I admit there are times when an outage lays-off alot sooner than expected thus catch'n both the techs and us off guard - promises of overseas work - we try to break into new markets, not allways successful, but we still try.

When someone no shows, quits, gets fired - we do take into account thier personnal circumstances - some one quits to take care of family problems, we have no problem with it, until of course we recive an emloyment verification to badge them at a site that is no where near that problem, Hmmmm then we still try to give them the benefit - whats that old saying "fool me once shame on you, foolme twice shame on me" - we try to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone, and then some - no showing due to home front factors, just give us a call let us know whats up, leave a message on our voice mail - in my mind not that hard, and I admith there are extenuating circumstances when some get caught upin the situation where thay can't get to a phone or forget to cal, it all gets worked out.  Your right it would save space with generic codes, but we have plenty of room, and like to get our documentation right.

As far as company reps, I consider myself a rep, and as I've stated numerous times - if you have a problem with someone feel free to contact me or anyone else here in the office, if you have a problem with me go higher. All of our reps, be they field personnel or office, are held accountable by upper mangement- under the "old" regime we in the office, and the reps in the field, were always guilty until we proved ourselves innocent - the techs side was always taken first - why? becauz with out techs there is no us.  It is still my belief and experience that that method of reasoning still holds true.  By the way you typed this part of your disertation you seemed quite impassioned about accountability for our managers/reps - I know who you had a problem with, we've been over it again and again, as I've said before certain people make thier own problems and truthfully thats where I would have to catagorize you RG - I know you dont agree with me on that, but at least we've agreed to disagree, - it wont stop me from hiring you, it may stop you from wanting to work for us, and that I do regret.   As far as owning contracts - no quite true.  Any client can severe any contract on a whim, we've never owned the people, and never claimed to - all we can do is try our best to get techs where they want to go, thus staffing our clients - or in simpler terms try and keep the techs happy, our clients happy, and our management happy, piece of cake? maybe not, but it keeps me busy.  Time will tell how this all plays out.  best of luck to ya, may you all have a prosperous and happy season (whats left of it).

gotta jet, I still work here - tell the other guy I said hi  ;)


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jkj on Nov 03, 2004, 12:22

When I look into my crystal ball, I see Bartlett getting HUGE, really REALLY huge in the next 10 years.  I see them Becoming a "real" professional services company, staffing all disciplines, not just Engineers and janitors, and HPs, and craft.  I see the net worth of the company moving by a "significant digit" (x10) in the next 10 years.  -- For the non-business types, that is HUGE.

 Time will tell. Anyway, "..and janitors, and HPs,.." ? That's redundant, ain't it? ???
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: let-it-ride on Nov 03, 2004, 06:24
I would like to add my $2 worth about the above posts.

I started with Bartlett in 1987. I can tell you all the usual stories, I have been on the black list with the 'tree' by my name on the computer. (remember Judy?!) I can tell all the good, bad, and ugly stories. Others have and still do.

My point is this.  When has anyone heard from a company rep, in this case Eric, not only respond, but do it publicly.

He seems  to want to see all sides and tries to be the one we always wanted to be able to look to for help, advice, etc.

To me, Eric is doing a great public relations job.
I am not working for Bartlett right now, but expect to at a later time, and look forward to it.

PS. another good Bartlett recruiter is Anne. She is easy to talk with and is glad that you called her.      (again, not like Judy)

So, even though things are not what we want, it looks like there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Nov 03, 2004, 07:16
I would like to add my $2 worth about the above posts.

I started with Bartlett in 1987. I can tell you all the usual stories, I have been on the black list with the 'tree' by my name on the computer. (remember Judy?!) I can tell all the good, bad, and ugly stories. Others have and still do.

My point is this.  When has anyone heard from a company rep, in this case Eric, not only respond, but do it publicly.

He seems  to want to see all sides and tries to be the one we always wanted to be able to look to for help, advice, etc.

To me, Eric is doing a great public relations job.
I am not working for Bartlett right now, but expect to at a later time, and look forward to it.

PS. another good Bartlett recruiter is Anne. She is easy to talk with and is glad that you called her.      (again, not like Judy)

So, even though things are not what we want, it looks like there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.

Amen Brother, Amen.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 03, 2004, 09:32
I agree too.  Eric has done a lot just here on Nukeworker to shed some light on the way things work in Plymouth. 

I can testify that he will try to make things right when a job is cancelled, etc.

RG and I seem to be on opposite sides of the pole about this one issue.  Perhaps you have had a bad experience with Bartlett in the past, but you also have to own up to your own part in whatever happened.

If you and I were both supposed to work an outage, and I was a no show, you might not think much of it.  But a month later, when the job you want is staffed without you, you'd feel pretty pissed to find out that I was where you wanted to be

My point is that there is another accountability that hasn't been mentioned.  The company is accountable to uphold some standards of fairness.  It's just not fair to let people get away with things that others wouldn't try.  You might think that you are being too severely punished for something, but others would feel cheated if you weren't.

I'll give you another hypothetical.  For years I've heard bitching about things like losing per diem for taking a sick day.  Funny thing is that most of the times, that was the same day that the tech was asking to have off - the same day of the big "whatever" that they were talking about since the job started.  If you make it obvious that you are lying - if you practically telegraph your dishonest intentions - you ought to expect the inevitable consequences.  All the other techs might nod in agreement when you cry foul, but in their hearts they are glad you got stuck for leaving them short-handed.  They're glad you didn't get paid for not doing the work that they did.

Just about every one of us can tell a tale of woe.  Boo Hoo.  All I know is that I have never been punished by Bartlett, or any other company, for doing what I was supposed to do.  They have never put me on the blacklist for being where I said I would go.  I never got DSP for staying until I was released.  Nobody has ever fired me (and I've been fired a few times in my life) for something I didn't have a big part in.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Nov 05, 2004, 11:44
I think bartlett already does staffing in engineering areas. besides there are lots of other RAT companies, SEC, ACTS, AEROTEC, Kelly, SAIC, Auxier, and several more that slips my mind.  Bartlett may try to control the utility end of it but thats business and if the client is not happy they will look else where or demand change from the vendor.  As far as pay goes-whatever the market wil bear. Pay has already risen due to DOE demand, now that Bush is re-elected that demand may drop as he cuts clean up funds to pay for the war. Funding for this year was released in October so RCT demands will stay at last years levels.   The demand will be steady in the areas of nuke weapons-(baby nukes and H3 production). D&D demand will drop sharly in 2006 as the last major projects will come to a close and there are no more power plants slated for D&D.  Mothballing is the method of choice under the Bush adminstration unless the risk is high.  DOE clean up is slated to end near the end of the Bush adminstration so expect tech demand to drop to the lowest levels in since 1988 or so.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: FULTS11 on Nov 05, 2004, 04:09
 What bothers me about the sale is we are now down to basically one company again, yes there are a bunch of little guys out there but come on can they really compete, no? It doesn’t matter who that one company is, Bartlett, Numanco, or ACME we are now at there mercy, I am not saying that if it was anybody else it would be different it’s the nature of business. They have the work and if we want it we will have to do what they say,  ”Want to go to your home plant? Fine but we need you to go here for a few weeks. What you cant, well that’s ok we understand”…………weeks later you get “Oh im not sure why they didn’t except your resume we submitted it.” And yes this has happened to me when there were several companies out there. We can turn down work, but hell we have to eat.

Then there is the question of accountability. I have no problem being held accountable for my actions, the issue is most of these people with these company’s make it personal and not business, they put themselves on a pedestal and no matter how you perform if your not in the click then your out.

And Eric if you’re willing to answer I can give you specifics.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 05, 2004, 04:41
You and I are sitting in the catbird seat with our management jobs.  So, we've obviously broken free of those old worries for the time being.
I hear the things you have to say about some of those power mad control freaks in the "office".  But, I think you're going to have at least one of those in every company no matter how many there are.
As far as getting into the "in crowd" goes, I don't think I was ever that close to the center of the social circle, but I always got the work I wanted.  I don't drink and party with the bosses, and I don't take crappy jobs just to suck up... yet I haven't been cheated out of work.
Once or twice, a recruiter goofed up and caused me to change plans, but it wasn't malicious.  (Yeah, Eric, I'm talkin' 'bout you.)

By the way, I do agree with what you said about companies like the Atlantic group trying to supply craft and HP to the same job.  I think there would be too much pressure to turn your back on some things, if you thought your job was threatened.  Officially, they would never condone that, but it's hard to see it that way when you are the one on the spot.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 05, 2004, 04:47
...And Eric if you’re willing to answer I can give you specifics.

I'm sure you can Rich... sorry you have this sense of forboding about the whole deal.  Give me a shout when your wrapp'n up in Illinois and we'll see what we can or can't do to alleviate your worries...


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 05, 2004, 04:53
...Once or twice, a recruiter goofed up and caused me to change plans, but it wasn't malicious.  (Yeah, Eric, I'm talkin' 'bout you.)...

come on now, your pull'n the guilt trip on me  ;D - I still feel bad 'bout that whole Illinois deal...

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Nov 05, 2004, 07:37
Any prospects of any overseas work opening up for 'Big Blue" ?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 05, 2004, 09:12

come on now, your pull'n the guilt trip on me  ;D - I still feel bad 'bout that whole Illinois deal...


Don't give it another thought.  I got to go to Prairie Island instead.  Fortunately, it was the last two outages under the old RPM, and I loved every minute of it.

BTW, I'm working at Dresden at the moment.  That little problem seems to have existed only in the opinion of that one blockhead.

Anyway, that wasn't the goof up I was talking about.  I was referring to the time you forgot to switch me from Dresden to TMI.  But, that turned out okay too.  I went to Hope Creek instead.  There are lots of great people there as well.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: NascarTerry on Nov 06, 2004, 07:00
Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening Gang and Gangettes.. ;)
Being as how I haven't been in the Commercial side of things since 93, I really don't have a firm base on which to address this issue on a "Today" basis. But if you'll all bear with me fer just a few minutes I'd like to do a little reminising..... I only had three dealings with the "Bartlett" machince in my 11 years out there, and sorry to say.....Got burned all three times. But who out there even today can stand up and say they've never taken it in the Butt, so to speak, from any headhunter outfit.. (Do ya'll still call em' that??) Hell I still remember the infamous Joe Worley Statement: "You'll NEVER work in this industry AGAIN!!" Usually you'd hear that one as you were leaving the house to go to the next outage. :D
Why even "Uncle Bruce" has been known to use that phrase before. But I apologize for the rambling....
I've been trying to stay abreast of this situation concerning the "One Company" thing just for my own interest...And I have to say, if the new mentality of the Bartlett machine is being manifested by Eric then I am impressed. I wish that when I was running the road the "Outfits" I worked for were like that. I applaude you Eric, and give you Karma, for your efforts here on NukeWorker to try to explain situations that arise and the concerns following them. As I said...I tried Bartlett three times in my career, and swore Never Again....But if they are starting to swing the attitudes as Eric is showing, I would have to admit....If I was still out there...I just might give em' a shot once again.  8) *By the way Eric... I am currently working up here in Idaho... hint...hint, always open to offers*  ;D.
Anyway....I'll quit taking up everyones time...As I said.....I tend to ramble when reminiscing....Just an Old Road Dog thing I guess. Just a note in closing though....There has always been the "One COmpany" threat....Even from way back and it's always worked out. Just keep doing your job...Do it the best that you can possibly do, protect your worker bees, and never NOT ENJOY the job.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Nov 06, 2004, 08:05
I appologize, I modified my posting to conform to the standards. 

Fool me once, shame on you!  Fool me twice, shame on me!

Here's another one:

Those who do not learn from the past, are doomed to repeat it!

Have a Great Weekend!  RG

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Nov 06, 2004, 09:07

The topic is "Bartlett Buying Numanco".  Your message was not about that.. so... you are off topic.  Please do not hijack threads with other topics and agendas.  You are free to speak your mind.  But stay on topic.  It's fine to hate bartlett, it is also ok to tell the world what you think (Because you do it within the rules... ie no libel, etc).

But you have to stay on topic.  If your message has a direct berring on this subject, fine.  -- And this goes for EVERYONE reliving the past and posting off topic.  If it DIRECTLY RELATES TO THIS SUBJECT, fine.  If you just want to talk about the past... good, bad, or indifferent... save it for another thread.

The Topic "One Company" might work.  But I would suggent you start a new thread, with the corect topic for your subject.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Nov 06, 2004, 07:13
 There are lots of options, hey if your unhappy as an HP then do other work, some of the D&D projects pay more for D&D techs then HP's.. Plus it opens other avenues, how many HP's have ever been a fuel handler? So don't sit there and whine and cry about things get off your butt, and prove you can do other things...Kinda scary that some HP's might have to work for a living, work is such a hard word for them to swallow...

 So when one company is formed, the people that work survive, the ones that don't lose!!!

 It's pretty simple, the free ride is over for the lazy techs
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: halflifer on Nov 08, 2004, 07:08

 It's pretty simple, the free ride is over for the lazy techs

Would that it were true, bro. But I've worked for Bartlett with techs so lazy they sent the workers up to take their smears and wipes in overhead areas and had them toss them down.
It isn't necessarily the good worker who's often the good schmoozer.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Nov 08, 2004, 11:33
But I've worked for Bartlett with techs so lazy they sent the workers up to take their smears and wipes in overhead areas and had them toss them down.

So where did we work together?   ;)

Seriously, there have been a lot of jobs where I was running my butt off chasing 8 or 10 crews (esp. in the past 6 or 8 years since de-reg and the resulting cuts in staffing) where I was more than happy to have the worker take a smear or two for me.  Guess you can start calling me "UncaLazy"...   :D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: halflifer on Nov 08, 2004, 01:05

So where did we work together?   ;)

Seriously, there have been a lot of jobs where I was running my butt off chasing 8 or 10 crews (esp. in the past 6 or 8 years since de-reg and the resulting cuts in staffing) where I was more than happy to have the worker take a smear or two for me.  Guess you can start calling me "UncaLazy"...   :D

OK, I don't 'run my butt off chasing.....' I'll cover 8 or 10 crews if that's what they want, but they'd  better be planning on spending some time waiting in a low dose area.
It doesn't endear me to management, but I won't let their poor planning goad me into compromising the quality of the coverage I provide.
The workers deserve better.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Nov 08, 2004, 01:34
I won't let their poor planning goad me into compromising the quality of the coverage I provide.
The workers deserve better.

Okay, I'll bite...

I guess I HAVE to disagree with you about the intellectual level of the average nuclear plant worker.  I do NOT feel that most workers are too dumb to rub a piece of masslinn over an I-beam, so don't feel that "the quality of coverage" is lowered when they take the smear vs. me taking the smear.

We're not talking about system breaches or 'Real' job coverage here...we're talking about having a good enough grip on overall conditions in the CTMT (or drywell) AND the job-scope of the work group to feel comfortable letting them work based on a teletector reading I took and a smear they took.

I do it all the time...sorry if you feel I have violated a sacred trust.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Nov 08, 2004, 02:51

OK, I don't 'run my butt off chasing.....' I'll cover 8 or 10 crews if that's what they want, but they'd  better be planning on spending some time waiting in a low dose area.
It doesn't endear me to management, but I won't let their poor planning goad me into compromising the quality of the coverage I provide.
The workers deserve better.
halflifer, I'm gonna agree with ya up to a point.  Having worked with and around Unca Buffalo for a majority of the past ten years, I'm gonna tell ya, nobody's job coverage is being compromised if he's covering the job.  Not everyone
can pull it off (multiple jobs), but trust me, this dude can.
Now, having said that, I agree with you also as far as making people wait in line in the low dose areas.  There are limits to what management should expect out of people.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Nov 08, 2004, 04:16
I agree with you also as far as making people wait in line in the low dose areas.  There are limits to what management should expect out of people.

And when you have reached (or are approaching) that 'limit', the supervisors need to be notified so THEY can either send more techs or be ready to take the heat for work being held up.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: idrum4food on Nov 09, 2004, 08:36
OK, I know this has been said many times before but now is the time it could have the most impact. If (huge word) contract HP techs would state their price and work for nothing less it could be possible for the wage that alot of people seem to be complaining about can and would go up.

With approximatly 30 - 40 outages next spring and the tech pool at around 700 in nuke power, I think a minimum for a senior tech should be $26.00/hr and $90.00/day PD. For local techs - $40.00/hr. Remember this is a minimum rate and I just pulled these numbers out of the air along with some commrads watching me type this. I realize some plants are probably already paying this and then some.

This shouldn't be unreasonable and BNI can certainly negotiate it and still make money. You don't have to form a union just state your price and work for nothing less. There WILL be a tech shortage in the spring unless better wages pull some of our DOE companions to da nukes. This is even a better oppertunity than the last fatefull attempt. Remember we now have less techs, one company, and probably last chance.

Unless your a house tech don't think your not in danger. Don't do "nothing".

Oh yea! I don't think RomE is a gators fan. He owes to much money to FSU.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Nov 09, 2004, 09:22
When one company is formed, I'll form my own company and use the mistakes that big monopolies make to benefit my company.

Auxier is a good role model example. They demand high quality and skills from thier techs and they reward.  A single company like "Bartco. or Numanlett"  with large staff is in no position to maintain high quality, at best they can be middle of the road. Last I knew, utilities had to go low bid as long as specs are maintained..soooo... the bigger they are, the harder they fall..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: idrum4food on Nov 09, 2004, 11:47
Or.........Why don't utilities follow in Diablo's footsteps and recruit all the techs themselves. Cut out the middle man and save money while paying the tech a fair wage and PD?

The middle man in anything always makes money.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Tech-A on Nov 11, 2004, 12:53
 I called Bartlett  yesterday, they said that Ft.Calhoun was staffed and they might be staffing Limerick and Maryland jobs maybe next week with a report date in feb. Its 2-3 months? till Ft.Calhoun starts and they are allready staffed? ??
They  didnt  bother to say anything about Wolf creek or the other jobs that bartlett has. "Like I dont know that Bartlett has ALL the contracts."  I dunno it just seems to me that the recruiters  are tring to staff the  "CRAPPY" plants first..
I admire Eric being on here talking and being open but, If Eric dosent screw you over one of the recruiters will.
And if there was more than just 1 company, I would just call the other one and get a job with them, but of course  .WE will be held over a barrel. than again I could call back and tell the recruiter that they are liars, then they would put me on BLACK LIST................
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: idrum4food on Nov 11, 2004, 09:42
Us over a barrel? Have you seen the outage list for next spring. Do the math. Lets say there are 1000 techs in the tech pool and each plant needed only 50 techs. That will staff 20 plants. which leaves 10 - 20 plants unstaffed. Of course their trying to staff the crappie plants early. You may not get to work where you want but if a few techs (200) were to hold out, you may be able to name your price.

I think Bartlett may have put themselves over a barrel unless they can start spittin out seniors in the next 3 months. This will probably be a good chance for individuals who want to start a HP career as plants may start relaxing their quals on juniors just to be able to staff their outage.

Smile - better times are ahead for road techs. See my post on "when only one company is formed".
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 11, 2004, 09:48
The fact that there are more outages than techs has nothing to do with how many companies there are.  There could be fifty or sixty companies, all drawing from that same 1000 techs.
This is not the first time that this has happened.  Going by past history, I'd say that they'd settle for 40 techs each instead of 50 and just cut the break times down from 3 hours to 2.  That oughtta do it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 11, 2004, 10:25
I called Bartlett  yesterday, they said that Ft.Calhoun was staffed and they might be staffing Limerick and Maryland jobs maybe next week with a report date in feb. Its 2-3 months? till Ft.Calhoun starts and they are allready staffed? ??
They  didnt  bother to say anything about Wolf creek or the other jobs that bartlett has. "Like I dont know that Bartlett has ALL the contracts."  I dunno it just seems to me that the recruiters  are tring to staff the  "CRAPPY" plants first..
I admire Eric being on here talking and being open but, If Eric dosent screw you over one of the recruiters will.
And if there was more than just 1 company, I would just call the other one and get a job with them, but of course  .WE will be held over a barrel. than again I could call back and tell the recruiter that they are liars, then they would put me on BLACK LIST................

Its not that we are try'n to staff all the "crappy" plants first, we're staff'n the plants that talked to us first.  Calhoun may be in Feb., but it pretty much staffed  from the Cooper transfers, as Wolf Creek will be pretty much be staffing from the Calhoun transfers.   Feel free to call us liars, been called worse, that wont get ya on a "black list", hell I get yelled and cussed at by alot of techs, and they happen to be work'n for us.   As far as being held over a barrell, that's the position Bartlett is in.  Without techs we dont exist, you happen to exist without us.  There are alternatives to working for us out there, feel free to explore them.  If you desperatley don't want to work for us, then Oh well, there will be nothing I or anyone can do to get you to work for us.  Our loss?, your loss? only time will tell.  Have a good and prosperous day.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Nov 11, 2004, 02:45
in order to stay on topice.... now that bartlett is buying numanco..... 'n attempteen to mollify a bunch a posters on this thread, not to stir anything up yinz unnerstan; 'kass eye'd never due dat....
why doesn't bartlett start making career outage workers permanent employees?  that way, they (bartlett) woud have a known solid pool of techs to draw from, show resumes to sites, have backgrounds 'n securities all prepared 'n ready to go, etc, etc, etc.   also, they (permant outage techs) would have a solid employment history with which to go to the bank, a direct deposit system for all monies due, etc., etc, etc. 
jist an innerscent quesshun. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Havasu_Dude on Nov 11, 2004, 02:50
          Here is my 2 cents worth.  Bartlett is a better company today than it was in the old days.  I know there are people that don't care who they work for as long as the money is there and there are people that will not work for this one or that one. Let's reveiw, 3 in and 3 out is gone. Hide and seek for a grand a week is no more. Getting 9 or more months outage work a year is no more. It is no longer a easy job, you have to work for a living. You need sensitivity training so you don't offend anyone. So the days of working as a HP/RP Tech because it is so much money for so little work is no more. I don't understand someone saying that they have to work for Bartlett to eat and feed their family. If you do, you are spending way to much on food. Look at your outgoing expenses. With a few exceptions, I would say most people don't need that kind of money to live.  They WANT that kind of money. Will wages drop because Bartlett has most everything out there. I don't think so, but if it does I beleive Techs will start doing other jobs and there will be a larger shortage of techs. If you don't want to work for a certain company, then don't. But don't tell me you HAVE to work for them to eat.  Take a different job, spend less at the mall, eat out less, buy a cheaper car. You could even sell your house and move to a cheaper area where there is work.  Everyone has a choice. You can say no. It might require changes in your lifstyle, but you have a choice. So growup, realize it is a choice, make a choice and live with it.                            Darin
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 11, 2004, 03:32
why doesn't bartlett start making career outage workers permanent employees?  that way, they (bartlett) woud have a known solid pool of techs to draw from, show resumes to sites, have backgrounds 'n securities all prepared 'n ready to go, etc, etc, etc.   also, they (permant outage techs) would have a solid employment history with which to go to the bank, a direct deposit system for all monies due, etc., etc, etc. 
jist an innerscent quesshun. 8)

good question, let me answer it with a question - what do we do with you in between jobs, where do we have you work? We do do something of the nature at Duke wth the "Core" techs, same thing at Progress (Carolinas at least) - but until more utilities wanna keep contractors onsite all year round we have no where to put ya.  There are some techs that end up on a good roll, go'n from outage to outage to DOE or D&D then back to outage so on and so forth, but when it comes down to it you all know this is a buisness, with the number 1 rule, if we can't bill it we can't pay it, cuz if we paid what we can't bill we wont be here very long - I know there are techs out there that will say thats just a cop-out but today, especially in today's market, having taking on investors that want a return that be the cold hard truth of the matter.  Even in the old days if a vendor paid out what they couldn't bill for that vendor went on a down slide - look at the bounced checks of the 80's and 90's - look at how many contractors are left - where is IRM, ARC, Rad Services, Hydro, PSESI, Octagon, Energy Services, NSS, etc, etc, etc - some of them ended up paying out what they couldn't bill for and look what it got them.  Just the law of buisness - trust me if we could work ya all year long we would.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Nov 11, 2004, 06:46
What are the duke techs making today?  I heard somewhere around $18.00 an hour, probably reasonable for the area?

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 11, 2004, 07:20
Let's reveiw, 3 in and 3 out is gone. Hide and seek for a grand a week is no more. Getting 9 or more months outage work a year is no more. It is no longer a easy job, you have to work for a living. You need sensitivity training so you don't offend anyone. So the days of working as a HP/RP Tech because it is so much money for so little work is no more

I just gotta throw the flag on that one.  While the "official" line is that 3in/3out doesn't exist, it is still the actual practice at very many power plants and condoned by management at some others even now.  The only variation I have seen on it is 2 in / 2 out.  The "hide 'n seek for a grand a week" is gone.  Now, it's closer to two grand, but every crew of four techs always seems to have only three most of the time.
I don't know what you call "work".  Climbing a scaffold to get a dose rate and a smear may raise your heart rate for a few  minutes, but it's nothing compared to actual work.  You really ought to pay attention to what everyone else is doing around the plant for a while.  You're not going to see very many Boilermakers or Pipefitters who manage to knit two scarves a day while on the clock.

I think it is way past time for all the RP techs to get freakin' real already and realize that we've all been cruisin' for a long time and everybody but us has known it all along.  We've been so busy with our sky-high opinion of ourselves that we forgot to notice that nobody's really begging us to come and take their money.  If you want to blame that on one company or another having a monopoly, you're just continuing the denial phase.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Havasu_Dude on Nov 11, 2004, 07:57
     Beer Court, Maybe I was not clear in my post. So here you go.  This is harder "work" than it used to be. The days of cards all day with not hitters is all but gone. I am not saying it is real "work". What do I calll real work. I was raised on a rice farm and I would call that real work. I have worked masonary construction and I would call that real work. I have framed houses and I would call that real work. I have also spent 11 out of 12 hours at certain plants dressed out and although I would not call that real work, it is a pain. And if 3 in 3 out or 2 's is still going on, I have just been going to the wrong plants. My statement is that if you don't want to work for a certain company, then don't. Go out and get a job outside nuclear power where you have to do "real" work. Change your craft in nuclear power. Work at a DOE site. Take a house job and move to that area. Start your own biz. Just don't tell me you have to work for a certain company so you and your family can eat. There are other choices. They might not be as easy, but they are there. By they way, the word "you" in this post is in no way directed at you.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Tech-A on Nov 11, 2004, 11:30
As I am apparently the recruiter who "screwed you over", Tech-A, I wanted to explain to you the way that the Cooper, Fort Calhoun and Wolf Creek outages work. All three of those plants made an agreement that they would get their techs out on time to go to the next plant in line so as to cut down on the training costs. Since Cooper is the first outage of the season everybody and their mother wants to get into Cooper. From Cooper the techs roll into Fort Calhoun with a couple dropping off to go to another plant. From Ft. Calhoun they roll into Wolf Creek with a couple dropping off there as well. And if you get accepted at Cooper, you're basically accepted at all three, so as you can see, it was staffed pretty fast.

------> There are slots available at Wolf Creek still, but they are filling up quickly.<-----------

I don't understand how telling you a plant is staffed is screwing you over. Maybe if I hired you then took you off the list you could say I screwed you over. But I have never, in the short time I've been here, screwed anyone over. I have been fair, honest and up front about anything that is going on. I think I have been fairly well received by the techs I have dealt with even though I've only been here for about 6 months now. A few even call me up just to chat. As Jimmy Buffett once said, "Don't try to describe the scenery if you've never seen it." I don't get any joy out of telling someone I don't have a job for them.
Kevin - Bartlett

 Kevin, I dont know if it was you I was talking to or not. 
  I did already know about the Cooper, Ft.Caloun, Wolf Creek deal., but when I asked about Ft,Calhoun I was told that it was staffed ,  then I went on to ask about any other jobs going on and I was only told about Limerick and the Maryland job.
 Now here comes the truth.
  1 - I was purposely NOT told about Wof Creek  because staffing limerick,Maryland job was more important. OR
   2- Whom ever I talked to forgot about the Wolf Creek job. that  IS being staffed as quoted above.
  Only the person I talked to knows the truth. But I would put my bets on #1
  The point is the same nomatter who I talked to. Bartlett is a business to make money they will do what it takes to staff a job.
 even at the exspence of some one else.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Nov 11, 2004, 11:50

 Kevin, I dont know if it was you I was talking to or not. 
  I did already know about the Cooper, Ft.Caloun, Wolf Creek deal., but when I asked about Ft,Calhoun I was told that it was staffed ,  then I went on to ask about any other jobs going on and I was only told about Limerick and the Maryland job.
 Now here comes the truth.
  1 - I was purposely NOT told about Wof Creek  because staffing limerick,Maryland job was more important. OR
   2- Whom ever I talked to forgot about the Wolf Creek job. that  IS being staffed as quoted above.
  Only the person I talked to knows the truth. But I would put my bets on #1
  The point is the same nomatter who I talked to. Bartlett is a business to make money they will do what it takes to staff a job.
 even at the exspence of some one else.

  Well, I'm not the moderator annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm not tryin'to start nothin', I'm just saying, The topic is Bartlett buying Numanco not Bartlett screws ya over during a takeover. I would Like to see this in the donors sections as it might lead
to some very candid dialogue between techs and the Alleged screwers at the corporate home office...

  And yes to all else who read this. I know there are unhappy people in every part of this industry. everyone has something bad that has happened in the past with the copany they were working for. I also think that in this instance since Bartlett is the only company left for all intents and purposes, it is only logical that they should be recieving such scathing responses to this buyout. Will they care? I think not. Is the owner of Bartlett sitting somewhere in a very well appointed mansion, reading this and smiling? Maybe. Is it really going to matter to our work? Not a damn bit.

  This is his buisness and now we work for him or no one. So if he wants to keep his buisness, he pays he makes work for us and............or he goes down to " Rent-a-felon" and trys to bring people in fresh off the street and train them and keep contracts while doing it get the picture.

  Besides, maybe Bartlett has been so hard on techs in the past because nobody loved him. Maybe he just needs a big hug to become the Santa Claus that's hidden inside....................... ......or not. :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Nuclear NASCAR on Nov 12, 2004, 12:19

  Well, I'm not the moderator annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm not tryin'to start nothin', I'm just saying, The topic is Bartlett buying Numanco not Bartlett screws ya over during a takeover.......

Well said, Surveyors_mato.  If members have something to add about the announced possible acquisition of Numanco by Bartlett this is the place for it.  Anything else belongs in another thread.  Thanks everyone for remembering this and abiding by it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: darkmatter on Nov 12, 2004, 12:52
 You're not going to see very many Boilermakers or Pipefitters who manage to knit two scarves a day while on the clock.

? ? ? ? I havn't seen any of the alternative work habits you speak of lately, and why would you pick on Boilermakers or Pipefitters, some of them know how to knit one pearl two.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Tech-A on Nov 12, 2004, 05:54

  Well, I'm not the moderator annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm not tryin'to start nothin', I'm just saying, The topic is Bartlett buying Numanco not Bartlett screws ya over during a takeover. I would Like to see this in the donors sections as it might lead
to some very candid dialogue between techs and the Alleged screwers at the corporate home office...

  And yes to all else who read this. I know there are unhappy people in every part of this industry. everyone has something bad that has happened in the past with the copany they were working for. I also think that in this instance since Bartlett is the only company left for all intents and purposes, it is only logical that they should be recieving such scathing responses to this buyout. Will they care? I think not. Is the owner of Bartlett sitting somewhere in a very well appointed mansion, reading this and smiling? Maybe. Is it really going to matter to our work? Not a damn bit.

  This is his buisness and now we work for him or no one. So if he wants to keep his buisness, he pays he makes work for us and............or he goes down to " Rent-a-felon" and trys to bring people in fresh off the street and train them and keep contracts while doing it get the picture.

  Besides, maybe Bartlett has been so hard on techs in the past because nobody loved him. Maybe he just needs a big hug to become the Santa Claus that's hidden inside....................... ......or not. :P

 "Bartlett buying Numanco" 
 If that is a question of  if they are or are not buying Numanco then this thread is dead already.
 If its a question of wether or not its a good thing or not then my post is still good.
 Because when Bartlett  buys Numanco then there will only be basicly one company  for you to work for and one company for the utilities to get techs from.
 It would be a good thing if Bartlett tells the utilities your going to pay this much for tech or your not getting any and we see the pay raises.
 It will be a bad thing if Bartlett desides to tell YOU where you are going to work.." you are are going to work at this plant because we need it staffed or you are not going to work at all."
 Ya, Things can get REAL ugly.  If they are willing to do SHADDY stuff now then there isnt nothing to stop them later.
 We can only wait and see what Bartlett does
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: felchie on Nov 12, 2004, 06:38
I for one don't think BNI buying NUM is that big of a deal, there is always
going to be plenty of work for those who want it and are willing to put
forth a little effort and just be honest with the recruiters when you call.

I for one do not want year round employment!  (see Eric's entry),
I am working more now than ever and almost have to go into the
witness protection program to get my summers off!  If I wanted to
(or most anyone in the HP field) you coukld work year round with out
much trouble, I enjoy my time off and that is why I do this...

HavDude....I thought you were getting out of this!!!!How ya doing?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 12, 2004, 10:39

...If members have something to add about the announced possible acquisition of Numanco by Bartlett this is the place for it.  Anything else belongs in another thread...t.

NN thanks for the reminder, most of the posts I've seen and replied to should probably be on the "I Love Bartlett" thread, but alas I can't sit by without answering questions or accusations.  As far as Bartlett buying Numanco and lets not forget Sun Technical we be gett'n very close - right now as I've posted in the past there is a letter of intent out there from Bartlett to purchase both entities.  We're in the final stages and hopefully soon we will see the final outcome.  As I find out info, I'll post it.   Take it slow....


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: FULTS11 on Nov 12, 2004, 05:03
Eric I just got back on so I will give you a call Mon.
I thought the deal between BNI and Numanco included Sun
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 12, 2004, 05:23
The deal is actually between Bartlett & AEP for the purchase of Sun Technical & Numanco - I'm outa here - have a good weekend - talk at ya'll Monday


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Nov 13, 2004, 03:21
good question, let me answer it with a question - what do we do with you in between jobs, where do we have you work?

trieen two stay ona topic of bartlett buyin numanco....after yinze got alla dem contracts, techs ina rolladex, 'n 'r wandereen what to do...

wail, jist off da top a my haid, i'd say yinz cood put them to work as recruiters.  doesn't take hardly any cash fer phone/internet work, now does it.  'n the returns cood be priceless.  jist think, good techs cood pull more good techs, 'cause they both know each other.  outages wood git staffed with less beacheen.  all parties know da particulars.  clientz 'r happier.  eye may be bline, butt eye don't sea a downside hear.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: mercaptan on Nov 15, 2004, 03:02
A little off-topic, but - Staff aug/outage worker here, formerly at DC Cook under Sun, now elsewhere on the road - I am cheering for anyone to buy Sun, they can't run that shop worse than it was.  Can tell many stories of Sun lying on rates, dates, and many more rates over last 4 years.  Just my 2 cents. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: dosetek on Nov 22, 2004, 10:46
Its a done deal go to it's posted on their site as of today. ;D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Nov 22, 2004, 10:54   

I just received an announcement today that Bartlett's purchase of Numanco Services and SUN Technical Services is complete.  This is how the Balance of Power works out:

Ken Currie will continue as President of SUN, he reports to Bill Nevelos, President and CEO of Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.

Jimmy Orr will be Joining Bartlett as Business Manager of Utility Division and will be reporting to Jerry Hiatt, President of Utility Division

Tina Inman, Operations Manager of Numanco’s Tulsa Office will be reporting to Nick DiMascio, President of Operations Division.

Bartlett Holdings, Inc. Announces the Acquisition of Numanco LLC
PLYMOUTH, MA – November 22, 2004 – Bartlett Holdings, Inc. (Bartlett) completed the acquisition
of Numanco LLC, a company previously-owned by American Electric Power Corporation (AEP).
Numanco LLC is comprised of Numanco Services (Numanco), a provider of temporary staff
augmentation services to commercial nuclear utilities, and SUN Technical (SUN), a provider of
temporary staff augmentation services, specializing in professional and technical employees, to both
nuclear and fossil sites within the utility industry.
“The union of Bartlett and Numanco marks a significant milestone in our company’s history,” stated Bill
Nevelos, President and CEO of Bartlett. “There is significant synergy between the customers and
services of these two longstanding companies that will provide greater value to the industry as a whole.”
The Numanco acquisition will continue to strengthen Bartlett’s capabilities and achieve its growth goals
and strategic business plan objectives. The complementary fit between the two companies will also help
mitigate industry concerns, identified by the Nuclear Energy Institute, regarding the effective utilization
of a shrinking nuclear workforce. In addition to extending its core business, Bartlett will be well
positioned to focus on new market opportunities across a wider customer base as a result of SUN’s
expertise in providing professional and technical services.
About Bartlett
Bartlett, founded in 1979 and privately-owned, is the largest provider of radiation protection personnel
and decontamination/decommissioning services to the United States commercial nuclear power facilities.
Bartlett also serves the remainder of the utility industry, the Department of Energy and Department of
Defense. Bartlett’s home office is based in Plymouth, Massachusetts, with regional offices in
Connecticut, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia. At various time of the year,
Bartlett staffs over 3,000 employees. Boston-based private equity firms Berkshire Partners and Summit
Partners lead an investment in Bartlett in early 2004
About Numanco
Numanco LLC, founded in 1975, is majority-owned by AEP and based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Numanco
provides temporary staff augmentation services, including radiation protection and decontamination
technicians to the commercial nuclear power industry and one decommissioned reactor. These
technicians generally support scheduled refueling, steam generator replacement, and maintenance
outages. At various points of the year, Numanco staffs nearly 600 employees.
About SUN Technical
SUN Technical, founded in 1981, is based in Reno, Nevada. SUN provides professional and technical
staff, such as engineers, planners, schedulers, power plant operators, instrumentation and calibration
technicians, and specialized craft personnel to the utility industries, including both nuclear and fossil sites.
At various points of the year, SUN staffs over 1,000 employees.
Lauren McChesney
Marketing & Business Development
Bartlett Holdings, Inc.
(800) 225-0385 ext. 1149
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jjordan on Nov 22, 2004, 09:17
I'm very curious to see how all of this will affect all of us! House and contractor alike. Currently I'm a house tech and don't need a temp agency. (but never say never) bartlett has had a few regiona offices for a while now, they just be a little bigger now, there here to stay , can't seem to figure how they can't make money, limited or no competition. Will maybe see a few new startup companies formed, but good luck! What about the rest of the Plymouth crew? What about Bruce, Paul Lovendale, Bill Tiley, Art Derosiers, and Eric too! I didn't see his name on the list, hope he doesn't have to report to Judy, or any other blasts from the past. I hope it all works out Ok for everybody, but I don't have a real warm and fuzzy here!.
JJ ::)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 23, 2004, 10:47
...What about the rest of the Plymouth crew? What about Bruce, Paul Lovendale, Bill Tiley, Art Derosiers, and Eric too! I didn't see his name on the list...

What list? ??? What do you know that I dont? :o   - All kidd'n aside - we all still be here, pretty much in the same capacity we've always been in - no major changes whatsoever, at least that I can see or that have affected me, other than a major increase in work load.  :'(

...I hope it all works out Ok for everybody, but I don't have a real warm and fuzzy here!...
JJ ::)

JJ, Whats the concerns? Why not a warm fuzzy one? Just curious...

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 23, 2004, 02:59
....If they do buy British Nuclear Fuels, will Bill Tiley's accent be utilized when you get the voice mail?...

too funny - plus karma to ya.

as far as the name goes Bartlett stays Bartlett, Sun will probably stay as Sun, a subsidiary of Bartlett and the Numanco name should be going away.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 23, 2004, 03:49

What about the rumor concerning BNFL?????

More news to me, but alas I am just a humble recruiter  - well maybe not humble, but just a recruiter -  If I hear anything I'll post it...

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Nov 23, 2004, 06:47
I'm glad you corrected the Humble part! 

Now that the big merger has happened and business is booming, what are the odds of getting a sit at home, online recruiter job?  I don't have a lot of experience, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express two weeks ago!

A.  1:1

B.  1:1,000

C.  1:100,000

D.  Better Chance of Hitting the Power Ball.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Nov 24, 2004, 09:00
I thought BNFL already belonged to Big Blue?

Bartlett Nukers For Life!

I'm surprised nobody seen this one yet?  Big Blue's logo pretty much spelled out the future, right from the start:

BNI = Bartlett Numanco Incorporated, catchy, don't you think!

Next thing you know, the Logo will be popping up on grilled cheese sandwich's, all across the country!

Have a Great Holiday and Watch the Roads, RG!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Chimera on Nov 25, 2004, 08:40
Kind of a shame to see the Numanco name disappear (again).  As one of the first generation of Numanco-ites (and a Charlie Pierce acollyte), it'll be kind of sad to see it go.

However, it's refreshing to be on the merging side this time instead of wondering whatever happened to that company I used to work for (i.e., ANEFCO, Numanco, ATBI, American Nuclear, etc.).

I think it will be quite interesting to see where Bartlett goes after this merger.  It could be one heck of a ride.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Nov 26, 2004, 12:24

More news to me, but alas I am just a humble recruiter  - well maybe not humble, but just a recruiter -  If I hear anything I'll post it...


so, i take it there is no cosideration being given to having a permanent nuclear workforce in the bartlett corporate portfolio?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Nov 27, 2004, 06:07
Nobody is perminent in the Corporate World!  Obviously when any such merger, buy out, takes place, lots of Capitol has to change hands.  Until that capitol is repaid, nothing and nobody will be perminent!

One interesting aspect I haven't heard about yet, how did the Utilities accept the merger?  Did they simply roll with the contracts or start shopping elsewhere?  Obviously a purchase such as this would have been well planned and thought out.  I just wonder how they added the volitility of the work force into the equation?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Melrose on Nov 27, 2004, 09:51
Eric, With the news of the buy comes the ever raised question of "monopoly".  Greater control is now at the hands of the "Big Blue Machine", theoretically, pay rates/diem may stop rising and simlply settle at a mark less competetive
with...... oh wait..... what competition?  See where I'm going.  I don't keep up with the threads much, maybe this has been brought up and answered.

I understand you don't have a crystal ball on your desk and obviously cannot tell us the future.  I'm just simply raising a pessimistic question.

Congrats :), You have a good holiday, wish the others in the office the same.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: oldtimer on Nov 27, 2004, 08:24
Don't count out Atlantic Group that quickly. They have some experienced folks that came over from Numanco and will be bidding on the contracts also.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: rocknrollrick on Nov 28, 2004, 04:04
Long time reader first time writer. This merger does not scare me but no one hit on the fact that we are a dying breed. The tech pool is in big trouble, used to be the young kid on the block and there isn't much talent coming up the road behind. The merger has unanswered questions but I ain't scared!!!!!

If you been to a outage and you see that people have walkers and canes you already no what that means in training. The point is the majority of the techs are 50-60 something we are all starting to show our age so to speak.

1) I would like to see a company emerge that would realize that they could make more profit with happier employees. not the moon and the stars just cost of living increases in per diem, better health coverage at lower costs and a more standard wage (skilled trade)

Realize that we have the power as road techs, let them play with wages which I I hope is not the case, because we are already short handed. I have seen a lot in 15 plus years but it will be interesting to see where BNI goes with a monopoly.
They have won a battle but I feel the war is not over by a long shot.  I like to work in the field as a tech but I diversified long ago. Never keep all your eggs in one basket the bully down the block might knock them out of your hands and break them all !!!!!

**** back to reality another 5 hours in the Dry Well in plastics****
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: cairnit on Nov 28, 2004, 10:41
According to http://  The Atlantic Group has been awarded the Radiological controls Contract for Riverbend and Kiwaunee.
  I thought all of the ENTERGY contracts were tied together? How does Riverbend get rewarded without ANO/Grandgulf/Waterford? 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: 870xprs on Nov 29, 2004, 06:12
I thought all of the ENTERGY contracts were tied together? How does Riverbend get rewarded without ANO/Grandgulf/Waterford?

I was in on the contract negotiations at Entergy . . . geez, 9 or 10 years ago . . . when Numanco won the HP contract over 4 or 5 other bidders.  It's been amazing to me that the contract hasn't been re-bid since then, at least that I know of.  Since then, Bartlett has always been the primary backup contractor, and one or two other backups were added.  The Entergy site HP organizations have traditionally been forced by the corporate office to toe the line and not go off on their own and negotiate agreements with HP contractors, primarily because that would violate the terms of the "consolidated" contract with Numanco, being the primary contractor.  But now that Numanco is no more, I suppose the Entergy contract gurus will have to get creative and either re-bid the contract ('bout time), or allow the sites to go their separate ways (which ain't likely).  Atlantic Group may have simply been announcing that they are still in the market, even though they don't have the primary contract.  I don't see Entergy getting away from the "primary contractor" paradigm, it's been such a central part of their philosophy for years.  So, for the short term, since Bartlett bought up all Numanco's assets, that presumably includes their contracts and they will be the primary contractor at Entergy.  Until the contract is re-bid.

This contractual philosophy is a central part of Entergy's operation.  They don't necessarily go with the lowest bidder, but the contract gives them some control over pay rates, and therefore over costs.  It's a way to reduce operating expenses over the long term.  But what the Entergy business managers and budget gurus haven't learned (or at least acknowledged out loud) is that they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces, when they don't allow the Numancos and Bartletts to offer high enough pay rates to fully staff their outages.  The Entergy philosophy is to just scrape by and hope everything turns out OK.  Budget is first priority, despite what they tell the public.  But that is what has made them what they are today, and they are successful, no doubt.  So far . . . .

I still have a lot of good friends in HP at Entergy, and I tell them to just do the best they can and stay safe, then let it go.  The rest is out of their hands.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 29, 2004, 09:33
Eric, With the news of the buy comes the ever raised question of "monopoly".  Greater control is now at the hands of the "Big Blue Machine", theoretically, pay rates/diem may stop rising and simlply settle at a mark less competetive
with...... oh wait..... what competition?  See where I'm going.  I don't keep up with the threads much, maybe this has been brought up and answered.

I understand you don't have a crystal ball on your desk and obviously cannot tell us the future.  I'm just simply raising a pessimistic question.

Congrats :), You have a good holiday, wish the others in the office the same.

  Trust me, when Utilities need to compete for contract technicians because they happen to have plants going down at the same time, they will get competitive, rates/diem should go up.  When Utility "A" finds out that  Utilities "B" & "C" are paying 2-3 dollars more per hour and 5-15 dollars more per day, they will raise they're rates or go without those that would normally work there. 
Just my opinion - time will tell.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Nov 29, 2004, 09:41
speaking of which....the Bartlett list has a ton of outages going down between Feb-april.
Lets see what kind of $$ Barltett will/will not be throwing out!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 29, 2004, 02:38
Don't count out Atlantic Group that quickly. They have some experienced folks that came over from Numanco and will be bidding on the contracts also.
All I want to know is this:  If you are getting your paycheck from the same company that is doing the job you are covering, will you feel pressure to let a few things slide?

I remember once I was working for HPTS (later GTS/Duratek) when NSS got the backup contract to cover the Henze/Movats work.  When they started to get high on the dose list, a few of us were switched to that job - which pissed me off to start with because they were getting lots more $$$ than we were.  One of the Henze foremen asked me to let something slide and gave me the "c'mon, we all work for the same company" line.  He started looking pretty pale when I explained to him that I didn't work for his company, and started quizzing him about how may NSS techs had played along with him.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: PWHoppe on Nov 29, 2004, 03:04
The same type of mentality happened when Westinghouse bought up Numanco long ago and offered up the "integrated" outage packages. Many of the Westinghouse folks thought the HP's from Numanco should cut them a break since we were all the "same" company. It didn't happen in most cases and caused a lot of grief.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: darkmatter on Nov 29, 2004, 05:15
The same type of mentality happened when Westinghouse bought up Numanco long ago and offered up the "integrated" outage packages. Many of the Westinghouse folks thought the HP's from Numanco should cut them a break since we were all the "same" company. It didn't happen in most cases and caused a lot of grief.

PWHoppe is right, I was there when Westinghouse bought out Numanco and had a Westinghouse Foreman try to bend the HP's to his way of doing business. It didn't work out like "he" wanted. (grief was had by all)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Nov 29, 2004, 05:23
good golleee garwsh!  this type a "stuff" happens in every industry with every buyout/takeover/merger/ etal!  iffen yer right, yer right 'n it ain't seen as being stubborn or arguementative err nun a that "stuff".  but iffen yinz blow smoke fer a living, wail.... it won't be long til yer fat lady's singing.  keep smiling, keep cashin da checks.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike_Koehler on Nov 30, 2004, 12:15
Having worked mostly for Bartlett in the years before I got old and dull, I see this as a mixed bag. I, personnally, had mostly good experiences on the road with whichever company I worked for..... The bad experiences were mostly caused by my failure to get all the answers before arriving on site. For those of you still out there on the road who cannot or will not work for Bartlett, You could always join the ranks of us in the world of Doh ( I mean DOE). We will see if the good (maybe stringing outages more easily) out weigh any bad. This Spring is going to be interesting tho because in addition to outages there should be an increase in the demand at DOE facilities. I know that the lazy H Ranch out here @ Hanford will be looking at Road Techs to fill some of their openings created by a multi company contract out here.

Good luck to all in employment searches.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Nov 30, 2004, 02:01
Well Mr. R like i said on 9-24. Bartlett was buying Numanco. As of 11-22 it is now fact. Theres not much more to say really, only time will tell the tales. I have worked for Bartlett in the past, maybe with the start of the new year i will again. Eric i know you read these post and you have surprised me with how candid you are and how you allow yourself to be a punching bag. If you and i have ever had a problem i sure don't know what it was about. I'm sure i will talk to you before long and i hope that we both have a great 05. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: kobster on Nov 30, 2004, 09:07
The acquisition of Numanco and Sun Technical is one of the first outward signs of the changes that are taking place within Bartlett. Bartlett is being positioned to play a major role not only in the commercial nuclear industry but also in the DOE, Home Land Security arenas. One can only hope that they will seize this opportunity to help ebb the flow of radiation protection technicians in the industry by providing the opportunity for training. We as nuclear professionals are nearly extinct. There are very few professional technicians left in this industry.
Establishing training programs in cooperation with utilities and training institutions around the country would be one way of ensuring that there are enough technicians to support this industry for years to come.
As far as the pay and per diem goes, one would be stupid to cut your own throat. There aren't enough technicians now, why would you cut your own throat by holding the payscale down?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 30, 2004, 02:04
...Eric i know you read these post and you have surprised me with how candid you are and how you allow yourself to be a punching bag...

Come on now I'm a recruiter with the last name of Bartlett, who better to serve as a punch'n bag - plus I'm used to it, I was married once... ;D
The acquisition of Numanco and Sun Technical is one of the first outward signs of the changes that are taking place within Bartlett. Bartlett is being positioned to play a major role not only in the commercial nuclear industry but also in the DOE, Home Land Security arenas. One can only hope that they will seize this opportunity to help ebb the flow of radiation protection technicians in the industry by providing the opportunity for training. We as nuclear professionals are nearly extinct. There are very few professional technicians left in this industry.
Establishing training programs in cooperation with utilities and training institutions around the country would be one way of ensuring that there are enough technicians to support this industry for years to come.
As far as the pay and per diem goes, one would be stupid to cut your own throat. There aren't enough technicians now, why would you cut your own throat by holding the payscale down?

Kudos - plus Karma to you, couldn't have said it better - as I think I've posted before(maybe I havent) training programs are something that is discussed and formulated by our office, we have done them before.  We know the tech situation, for every one that comes in, 3 leave - hopefully over the next few years things will get done about this, hopefully.  In the mean time all we (we being recruiters) can do is preach to our clients that they need to bring in entry level and low level experienced techs to give them the opportunity to gain experience so that one day they'll be the Sr Techs that the plants will depend on and also preach to our own in house management that training programs are a must if we want to stay in the game.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Nov 30, 2004, 04:09
I have attended the site briefing on changes with NUMANCO bought by Bartlett. So far it all looks like positive differences. If I knew Jim Petty had a screen name, I would appaud!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Dec 02, 2004, 04:59
From former Williams exec:  Williams being sold.  Announcement coming by year-end.  He says buyer is Bartlett, they want to do to craft what they've done to HP...

What about the rumor concerning BNFL?????

both rumors are untrue
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: radman5030 on Dec 07, 2004, 01:05
Isn't it Great???

It will just get better for all of us now, this is a much better idea than the ole IBEW 1500.  It just show you that we never needed a union like they told us,  our insurance is getting better, and our retirement plan, out of this world, instead of working 3 outages a year in nine months, we can now do it in less than 9 weeks. But the bestest is  now one contractor can have the primary and secondary contract so we don't have to choose anymore.  What a load off our minds.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Dec 07, 2004, 01:29
Maybe some of us need to make contact with the real world - a place where you work where you are told to work if you want the job at all.

Don't like the pay and benefits?  Do something else.

Don't like the bosses?  Go somewhere else.

Want to be in control of your own destiny?  Start your own business.  We'll see you when you come back because that didn't exactly work out.  If it does work out, good for you.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Dec 07, 2004, 10:42
Hey there BIERCORT.    Lighten up a little.
I know that YOU have never complained about anything.
I thought you were a moderator.
There was nothing moderate in your comments.

As to "THE MERGER" there are a lot of us skeptics out here in  the real world of seeing is believing .

                                 Old HP
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: scruffy on Dec 08, 2004, 11:30
Maybe some of us need to make contact with the real world - a place where you work where you are told to work if you want the job at all.

Don't like the pay and benefits?  Do something else.

Don't like the bosses?  Go somewhere else.

Want to be in control of your own destiny?  Start your own business.  We'll see you when you come back because that didn't exactly work out.  If it does work out, good for you.

Thats not very realistic or sensitive to the needs of our industry, I think you could use some sensitivity training (LOL and kidding)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Dec 08, 2004, 02:25
Hey there BIERCORT.    Lighten up a little.
I know that YOU have never complained about anything.
I thought you were a moderator.
There was nothing moderate in your comments.

As to "THE MERGER" there are a lot of us skeptics out here in  the real world of seeing is believing .

                                 Old HP

Sure I have complained, but you know what?  It didn't change a thing.
Being a moderator doesn't mean that I have to use touch-feely, politically correct language - or that I have to keep my opinions to myself.

The problem with skeptics is that they have to be disappointed to be correct.  Maybe YOU should lighten up.  If things are so stinkin' bad with Bartlett now, how can they do anything but get better?  There are a lot of us optimists in this world too.  We generally buy fewer antacid tablets than the skeptics do.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Dec 08, 2004, 04:50
BC, why are you beating around the bush? Just tell us how you really feel. ;D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Dec 31, 2004, 12:18
no way they bought BNFL american.... BNFLs greatest assest was the supercompactor and that got trashed. we tried to convince BNFL to go into the waste management business with K33 and the compactor. perfect combination - but poor management ruled.  good luck on BNFL- not worth the money.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Jan 06, 2005, 06:52
sew, did bartlett figger out how to do direct deposit yet? 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jan 07, 2005, 11:57
sew, did bartlett figger out how to do direct deposit yet? 

kinda, sorta, not really... :D they (finance types) tells me that they be slowly implamenting it over the next year or so... :o
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Jan 07, 2005, 03:38
Yea, but why take it away from those people who already had it, like for 4 years.

Why say long term people can have it, but short term people (refueling outage) cant have it.

This really makes stinks! But it's just my opinion. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jan 07, 2005, 05:37
Yea, but why take it away from those people who already had it, like for 4 years.
Why say long term people can have it, but short term people (refueling outage) cant have it.
This really makes stinks! But it's just my opinion. 8)

Dunno, I'm not in the financial part of this buisness - all I know is that as of now you are no longer being paid by Numanco out of OK or Reno, or wherever they generated payroll from.  Now you are being paid out of Plymouth, so everything has to be redone and reset on all of the the rollovers.  I dont understand why long term folk get it and short term folk don't - that doesnt make sense to me - long termers will have local bank accounts and such in the area where-as an outage tech is in and out before you can say "I would like to open an account", but thats thier (thier being finance) policy.  I agree, it does stink- but with any transition there will always "things" that people don't like or agree with, in this case it be the policy regarding direct deposit.  I am fully on your side with this and have continued to ask and voice my opinion.  the answer I am getting now is that over the next  year or so they will be implementing DD throughout the whole orginization for both long termers and short termers alike - and hell they'll even be offering it to us here in the office (who as of todays date don't currently have it) - all I can do is ask ya to hang tight and be patient. 
Take it slow.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Jan 07, 2005, 09:59
Thanks for your timely response Eric, maybe oneday I'll have something nice to say about our new company, maybe the day direct deposit is considered a company benefit for the people who travel around the country, working so the people in the office can have a job.

But I do thank you for your quick response, if nothing else you have been out here on this board responding to every issue thrown your way.

That's more than I can say for some of the people that, through this merger-only being concerned with where they land, feet first when the dust finally settles.

Your my first Bartlett Hero! 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: oldtimer on Jan 09, 2005, 07:03
 If there is no direct deposit, will something be set up in the area of the plant for cashing checks? A check is no good unless it can be converted to something a tech can use to buy gas, food & pay the rent with.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jan 10, 2005, 09:14
  ...will something be set up in the area of the plant for cashing checks?...

Typically yes.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Jan 11, 2005, 04:24
didnt know direct deposit was so hairy.... hmmm 

oh yea the ham and the sweater .... i left them on my desk in K33 didnt u see them LD5030... right next to the bone us checks.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Jan 13, 2005, 04:11
Typically Yes?   ::)

That sounds like a maybe!   :-X

How's it going EB?  Been a while!


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Jan 13, 2005, 06:45

kinda, sorta, not really... :D they (finance types) tells me that they be slowly implamenting it over the next year or so... :o

dang, dude!  it ain't rocket science!  it's a lot more favorable to the employer too, as he (pc incorrect, eye noe) doesn't have to listen to his site supervisors complain about the techs not having any money.  just put the d.d. paperwork in with the application/security paperwork.  it's a natural, the security paperwork is inquiring as to financials anyway, isn't it?  duh.......
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: oldtimer on Feb 10, 2005, 04:20
 :D If you go as a returnee to a contract job previously owned by Numanco, make sure you get everything in writing.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Feb 11, 2005, 10:47
YEP! Big Blue is back to their old tricks, even trying to invent some new ones on the way.

For all those out there, that believe the old Numanco will somehow improve the Big Blue Beast of the Nuclear World, dont say you were not warned.

My friend, we have an entire Outage Workforce, told that per diem would finally be paid at (U know where), told this last year. So......................they staffed all three of their outages this spring, no problem, for Big Blue.

For the Techs however, no holiday pay for anything (Numanco old contract rules), no travel pay per diem if traveling over 8 hours (Bartlett old forever rules), no per diem for anyone working the outage, regradless what they were told when recruited, everyone points at each other; "it's their fault"(this is the I believe in the Easter Bunny syndrome).

Some person was supposed to sign the last signature last December for the "NEW Contract", when he returns from the Bermuda Tranigle maybe he will.

But this could be a very good thing in the end, once the "old Numanco" contract expires, maybe some new company, who can be counted on to do the right thing by their techs will get some nice contracts, and we will burn up their fax machine with resumes'.

Because the 1st of those 3 outages has yet to start, and ANYONE who will listen will know, "We are here because we said we would support your outage, but we have had our money messed with, had our holidays taken away from your contract and we are plain pissed off. When noone comes to your outage anymore, for better money else where, well at least you will know, we are somewhere where the utility does not allow us to be messed with"

Then again, maybe nobody cares, except those of us who dont like to see their friends lied to. The Truth is out There, just dont count on Big Blue to tell it to you!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Feb 13, 2005, 04:18

Sounds like your going to do the Utility a favor?  I'm sure after you do an assignment for them and your layed off, they keep in touch with you and do all kinds of favors for you.......RIGHT!  If the utility is going to sit quietly by and allow a contract company to dictate the wages, benefits and conditions of employment, then the Utility is Responsible!  Looks like the people doing you the favors, are the same people shoveling the dung! 

Your word is only as good as their word, both unwritten!

Have a Great Day, RG!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: ageoldtech on Mar 07, 2005, 04:03
I wonder if I will ever get the money I was cheated out of!!!!!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 08, 2005, 06:00
I wonder if I will ever get the money I was cheated out of!!!!!

roflmao!  oh mercy, that was a good 'un!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 09, 2005, 04:38
I know I shouldn't take the bait, but I just cant help myself...

  I wonder if I will ever get the money I was cheated out of!!!!!

what money would that be?  If you really think we cheated you out of money give me a call and give me some details to back up your accusation.  With out the facts your just blow'n smoke up everyones proverbial $&%es.  So if you get a chance, and you can back-up your claim,  call me.  If not, oh well.  Either way kudos for draw'n me out after more than a month of keep'n quiet.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Mar 09, 2005, 04:41
Welcome back Eric, I have missed your postings. Oh, and I do love Bartlett, they allow my hubby to bring home the bacon and have provided my son with start in the business.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Mar 09, 2005, 04:48
Should this thread be split into "I love Bartlett" and "Spouse loves Bartlett"?
My wife is quite fond of that statement from Bartlett as well.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Radwraith on Mar 11, 2005, 12:26
As Sloglo would probably put it... Dis be a Bidness. It don't serve no1 to hold the rates down.
Seriously though, I think I've avoided most of the common problems w/Big blue by recognizeing that for good or Ill they are a Business.(Now a Larger one ;D) If their Interests and yours coicide you will profit... If not WELLL.... I suggest trying to find yourself in a position where they do.  ;) By the way... As to DD. Inthe current policy, If you already have it and your Bank hasn't changed, the finace wizards will let you keep it 8). I guess this is phase one of bringing it out across the board.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: ageoldtech on Mar 11, 2005, 03:56
Eric, I was wondering when you would make a post. You guys have allways given me what I deserve, and for that i am truly grateful.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 12, 2005, 07:44
ageoldtech -
If you know me then you know how I feel - everyone has a right to thier opinions, everyone has a right to complain, and everyone sees things a little bit (or alot) differently.  Give me a call, let me know what has happened and if the company truly owes you money I will make sure you get it.  If you don't contact me to tell me whats up, I cant do anything about it - especially since I have no idea what we did/didn't do. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 14, 2005, 12:54
Does this mean; Since I no longer owe Bartlett any money, I’m off the Probation list and can work again seeing how Bartlett now has 100% of the nation’s commercial power plants?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 14, 2005, 01:39
Eric,Does this mean; Since I no longer owe Bartlett any money, I’m off the Probation list and can work again seeing how Bartlett now has 100% of the nation’s commercial power plants?

Jed, just to clarify things Bartlett does not have 100% of the commercial power plants.  We may have contracts(in 1 form or another) with 100% but we don't fill 100% of the positions.  There are other companies out there to apply with...try Atlantic, Icesolv, DeNuke to name a few.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 14, 2005, 02:05
Diablo Canyon staffs their own outages...
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 14, 2005, 02:30
Allow me to clarify my statement; 100% of the available commercial power plant HP contracts.

However you didn’t answer my first question; since I no longer owe Bartlett any money, am I off the Probation list and I can work with Bartlett again.

You stated in an email to me; Bartlett doesn’t hire people that owe them money unless an agreement is made. Do I still owe Bartlett any money?

Why is Bartlett unwilling to use all qualified HP techs to fill the open jobs? 28 techs short at McGuire, short at IP3, techs walking out at Perry, calling people that have been out for 10 years or more, techs failing the MMPI, NEU test?

Thank you Mike, I know Diablo staffs their own outages so I guess there is no contract there for HP staffing.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 14, 2005, 04:33
Diablo hires the temporary workers for the outages, and they pay very well you could give them a call.  They don't just use house people.

Also, don’t forget the MANY fantastic positions at DOE sites.  They pay per diem if the job lasts less than a year.  And many jobs last longer. Personally, I haven’t been in a power plant in years.  There are possibly hundreds of companies putting Techs in at DOE, FUSRAP and EPA sites around the country.  There might be one in your back yard!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 14, 2005, 04:56
Allow me to clarify my statement; 100% of the available commercial power plant HP contracts.

Once again as I stated earlier, Bartlett may have contracts at 100% of the plants, in one form or another, we did not however supply 100% of the requested HP techs to those sites.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 14, 2005, 05:55
Bartlett now has 100% of the nation’s commercial power plants

dude, not to bust yer bubble, but bartlett does not, never has, and never won't have 100% of the nation's commercial power plants.  'n iffen yinz need money to replenish the bank account after paying them back, then call up the contractors that have the backup contracts.  they traditionally pay better.   personallly, i 'member when bruce was in that bracket... made for an interesting outage when ya showed up at a rad services plant, or a numanco plant with a bartlett hard hat on!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Mar 14, 2005, 06:10
Yer mostly right slo, but power plants no longer allow a backup contract company to pay more than the prime contractor.  Well, there is probably an exception to prove this rule, but almost all backup contracts for the past few years have paid exactly the same as the prime.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Mar 15, 2005, 08:35
Beer Court general statements like you made should be withheld pending investigation into the facts. It seems to be the root of a lot of speculation here and although you tempered it with "there may be exceptions" the statement was subjective and not well founded. Did you poll plants to get this information or are you depending on the rumor mill to fuel the statements. Have you managed several different plant contracts to have a basis for this? With the one or two contracts I was involved with there was an allowance and variance for pay. There is usually no allowance for "jumping ship" or switching companys.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 15, 2005, 10:44
Other than Diablo, can any one tell me of any power plant(s) that Bartlett does not have the HP contract for at this point in time? I mean if you want the outageschedule you don't have to pay for it, just look at Bartletts wish list for work.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: radgal on Mar 15, 2005, 02:24
Back on topic.....I've worked a few different fields for a lot of different companies and I feel that Bartlett was just about the best one. Worked for them for a few years straight.  They were straight forward, backed you up and payed you on time what they promised.   Go Bartlett!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 15, 2005, 06:35
eye yam in there with radgal....  although i have worked for companies with contracts that i wanted to work, i haven't had problems with bartlett that  didn't get resolved.  like any good relationship, there are times where parties involved disagree.  i have no problems working for them in the future.  iffen they pay me more'n what i'm maken where eye yam at, aisle werk fer them agin, rite aweigh!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: halflifer on Mar 16, 2005, 10:21
by my last count (and I think it's right, since it's less than my number of fingers) I've worked for 8 contract companies. Most of them paid on time, none of them was perfect (in my opinion....which i respect) all of them were at least OK, but BARTLETT was the only one where the BIG DOG said "call me anytime you have a problem and don't think my staff is taking care of you."
That speaks volumes........and I did spend some time on the dblsecretthing.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Mar 17, 2005, 08:27
The problem I've been told, is that asking questions here can be ( and has been ) miscunstrude as hate and discontent toward B and has or can lead to double secret probation and black balling. Soooooooooo, why is it that there seems to be no interest from B to assist in any way, the techs working TVA? Medical insurance screw ups for former Numanco techs because they" have nothing on us". Pay problems ie: yes PD no PD. Yes Travel, No Travel. And the best one, from one of our recent meeting with B reps, " well yes, B has the contract now but as long as we (B) get our money, TVA can do pretty much what ever they want and if you don't like it leave." Consensus being. We ( B) really don't care what you are dealing with at TVA because if you leave 1. you won't work anywhere. 2. There are many techs in the background that will do what we want for less. 3. Bruce don't run the show no more, I'ts the stock holders and you aren't high on there list of priorities.

  Now all the above are in no way to imply that I am unhappy with my wok. Believe it or not, I love my job. The abpve are things being talked about among techs in general and if the posts here are being read, it seems like it is industry wide.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Mar 17, 2005, 08:36
Hey Eric,

  Here's another one. back in the day, the plants used to send techs to a 40hr. course followed by testing, for the NEU. Don't you think that Bartlett could look at this as a money maker from the standpoint of getting more SR. techs hired due to the fact that some fail and then have to work as Jr's or not work at all, there by costing B money. Self study by any tech is good but many aren't good at that. Not stupid but almost anyone will agree that a facilitated training program is far better that leave people to  hit or miss.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 17, 2005, 12:15
First, thanks Mike for starting this subject, it can be very helpful to people with questions. If knowing people will join in to answer them. Bartletts web site is ok for some information, Recruiting, Insurance, but not enough contact info for the others.

1. How about a list of contact people and their job functions in the office, a "who is who" list and how we can email and or call them?

2. A chain of command to follow if someone had a/or problem(s)? Who to start with for that kind of problem and how to work up to the top of the food chain.

3. Now that Investors have come into play how and where do the old and new department players fit in?

4. Who is on the Board of Directors and their contact information?

5. How can or even if, enployees / road techs buy stock in the company and what's the current price and how is it listed?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 17, 2005, 01:19
Hey Eric,  Here's another one. back in the day, the plants used to send techs to a 40hr. course followed by testing, for the NEU. Don't you think that Bartlett could look at this as a money maker from the standpoint of getting more SR. techs hired due to the fact that some fail and then have to work as Jr's or not work at all, there by costing B money. Self study by any tech is good but many aren't good at that. Not stupid but almost anyone will agree that a facilitated training program is far better that leave people to  hit or miss.

I may be wrong but I don't recall any 40 hr courses to prep for the NEU.  I do remember that when the test was first implemented sites used to have a prep course, normally 1/2 day to 1 day long (on the rare occasion 1-2 days)then the test would be administered.  As time went by sites stoped offering prep training, probably because the study information has become a lot more accessable to the techs between the internet and "hand me down" information passsed on from 1 tech to another.  I'm sure the amount of training time and money spent on it were also a factor.  I do agree with you that some sort of prep course would be benficial for all parties involved - the tech, the plant and the vendor.  It does no one any good to have a tech fail the exam and be downgraded or even worse sent down the road. 

Most sites don't require JHP techs to take and pass the exam, some do and I firmly belive that they, Jr's, should definatley have a prep course.  I do however advocate that if you can take the test as a JHP then do so.  It will give you an understanding of what to expect, what to study for, and help you get used to the testing "jitters", if you suffer from them.

Now I'm not an HP and never claimed to be one.  From what most techs tell me the exam is nonsense from what they have to do in real world situations.  All that aside I remember a time before the NEU that every site had thier own HP fundamentals exam.  Technicians, both Sr and Jr would have to take 2-3 differant HP exams per season.  There were for the most part no prep courses for those either.  We, the vendor, would be given a study guide from each site and asked to forward it to the techs scheduled to report for thier outage.  Now this old system led to far more test failures, technicians being sent down the road, and short handed situations than what I observe today.   

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the current system is flawless but has been greatly improved over the years.  As I stated earlier there would be a great benefit of having some sort of prep course for the NEU for SHPs that have expired on it, SHPs that are making the transition from the military, shipyards or DOE, and of course JHPs that are trying to gain as much knowledge and experience as they can.  Various people in our organization have been tasked to try to come up with some sort of training plan, where they are with right now I don't know but I'll inquire.

I apologize for being so long winded.


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 17, 2005, 02:48
As most of you know I try to answer as many general questions and concerns as I can.   Most of what I can respond to is generalized info that pertains more to the industry than it does Bartlett as a company.  If any of you have questions for the company about the company feel free to call us.  I feel that its inappropriate for a corporation to answer specific questions about the company and/or it practices via this forum(or similar).  If you have legitimate questions and/or concerns that you need addressed feel free to contact anyone in personnel and if we can't answer your question or address your concern we will put you in touch with someone that can.  If you don't feel comfortable dealing with me or any other recruiter, you don't have to, just tell us you need to speak to some one else such as a manager or supervisor.  I'm in the process of reviewing our web site and will make the recommendation that more contact names, #'s and e-mail addresses be posted in the "contact us" section.     :-X
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 18, 2005, 02:18
Can anyone tell me who really owns Bartlett now?

Can we as road techs buy stock in this company?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 18, 2005, 03:07

Berkshire Partners, a private equity investment firm owns half of what Bruce sold, with the other half being owned by Summit Partners, also a private equity and venture capital firm.

"Private equity" means no one can buy stock.

Who is who:

Contact info:

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 18, 2005, 09:28

How about posting the information that is published in Bartletts newsletter?  It has a subject on Questions and Answers concerning the new company.
Those are the general and sometimes specific question asked of the company that are answered by management - when I addresss a question or concern on your site it's done without managements consultation, consent and normally knowledge - hence my disclaimer on my posts that the views and opinions expressed are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those views of the company. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 18, 2005, 09:35

Can anyone tell me who really owns Bartlett now?
Can we as road techs buy stock in this company?


Berkshire Partners, a private equity investment firm owns most of what Bruce sold, with a small portion being owned by Summit Partners, also a private equity and venture capital firm.
"Private equity" means no one can buy stock.

as a follow up Berkshire & Summit are financial investors in Bartlett who have elected Bill Nevelos to be President and CEO of the organization.   
No, you as road techs, as we here in the office as employees, cannot buy stock.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Mar 18, 2005, 10:53
Well, very very indirectly a tech could....if they saved up a LOT of those per-diem checks, and bought some  BERKSHIRE HATH HLD A stock, NYSE symbol BRK-A.  A small price to pay for being part of the action :)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: radgal on Mar 18, 2005, 11:13
According to NYSE 20 min ago the last trade for BRKA was 88,000 for 70 shares, if I read the thing correctly.  They are princibaly a reinsurance firm but have other holdings in industry and retail.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 18, 2005, 11:32
Well, very very indirectly a tech could....if they saved up a LOT of those per-diem checks, and bought some  BERKSHIRE HATH HLD A stock, NYSE symbol BRK-A.  A small price to pay for being part of the action :) 
clarification - Berkshire Hathaway - Not the same as Berkshire Partners - I have been informed that Berkshire Partners is a privately owned company(as is Summit Partners), therefore no stock to be bought in either.
Berkshire Partners, a private equity investment firm owns most of what Bruce sold, with a small portion being owned by Summit Partners, also a private equity and venture capital firm. 
further clarification - Berkshire Partners and Summit Partners has a 50/50 investment in Bartlett.     
If people are wanting to know who is filling the role Bruce Bartlett used to fill that would be Bill Nevelos, President and CEO - Bill has been chosen by both investment firms to run the Bartlett organization. 
hope this clarifies things for all of you. 

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: radgal on Mar 18, 2005, 12:59

Thanks for the clarification!  Here's some Karma

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Mar 18, 2005, 03:29
Eric, I think you do the best that you can in answering questions, and show great restraint at times.

However I do feel that Bartlett Nuclear Inc  could post (on a locked board or their own website) a list of frequently asked questions with the answers.

I have seeen several business do this and maybe this action would show that A) Bartlett is listening and 2) Keep everyone from second-guessing.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 18, 2005, 03:50
However I do feel that Bartlett Nuclear Inc  could post (on a locked board or their own website) a list of frequently asked questions with the answers.
I have seeen several business do this and maybe this action would show that A) Bartlett is listening and 2) Keep everyone from second-guessing.

I'll forward this suggestion to management - makes sense to me - as mike mentioned earlier we do have that subject in the news letter - why not on our web site? Once again thanks for the suggestion, hopefully I can do something about it.


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 18, 2005, 04:51
The newsletters are on Bartletts web site, if anyone wants to read them, and learn a little about the company:

The list is on the left:
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 19, 2005, 01:35
In the past if you had a problem with anything or anyone at Bartlett, Bruce said just call me and we'll talk about it. ( That's one thing I respected about the way Bruce worked. ) Sometimes it didn't work but at least you could call him.

Now with the New Company and Bruce in the back set, is there a contact person(s) we can call or email to do the same thing? Someone that can over rule anyone at the office level, one we could call if we thought we were being treated unfairly by anyone at the office?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 19, 2005, 01:50
  Here's another one. back in the day, the plants used to send techs to a 40hr. course followed by testing, for the NEU.

what plants gave 40hr training for the neu?  i never, ever got 40hr training fer that test.  pleez post these plants, maybe i am due a weeks worth of pay and diem for what i wasn't given that udders were. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 19, 2005, 02:04
Jed, in reply #342:

Eric already answered this question.  It's the second time I think.  Please read the thread first.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: jedball on Mar 20, 2005, 04:44
Sorry Mike I must have missed something. In #342 Eric only said Bill Nevelos is the President and CEO of Bartlett, filling Bruce’s job. I may be mistaken but I don't think Eric said Mr. Nevelos is the person to can contact if we have problems.

I think we all have Bruce’s private 800 number for his home in CA.

My question was more to the point of will someone else at Bartlett provide the same service as to we can call to settle problems and their number.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Mar 20, 2005, 06:31
I don't want to put too fine a point on this but:  you got the answer that you are going to get.  I've read the new Bartlett orgaizaton chart.  The position of "Person responsible for solving Jed Ball's problems" is still vacant.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to run a company without having someone on the payroll to answer directly to you.  I guess this oversight could mean the downfall of the entire Bartlett organization.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Mar 20, 2005, 06:49
LOL Beer if barlett wants to pay me 80-90k a year I'll answer the phone for Jed Ball....

Beer some people never get it dude..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Mar 20, 2005, 06:54
I'm starting to wonder if it was really Bruce answering the phone for all those years.  For all I know, he could have been paying someone to pretend to be him.  I never had to call him, myself.  I did send a fax to him once about 15 years ago that some people are still talking about.  Still, I don't know if he ever saw it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 20, 2005, 07:31
Gentlemen, please refer to Rule #4:.

Speech that is regarded as disruptive of public order has long been beyond protection (e.g., “fighting words” that cause a breach of the peace or false statements that cause general panic ...See Rule #4).

#4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.’s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Mar 20, 2005, 09:24
Not trying to start a fight.  Just making the point that the big companies (which Bartlett has become) don't give you that one-on-one attention that little ones can.
Jed is looking for someone who is supposed to be giving a service that just isn't available anymore.  It's a sad end to an era, but that person he is looking for just doesn't exist, and it's nobody's fault that they can't give this nonexistent person's name and phone number.
I'd like to suggest to Bartlett that, due to the nature of the relationship they have with their employees, they should consider an employee ombudsman.  This person may not have the power that Bruce always had to make problems go away, but at least he/she could be a resource to employees with problems or concerns.  He or she could at least get the employee together with the person who can do something to help.
There are a lot of times when the primary contact person ( the Site Coordinator) IS the problem.  In those cases, an ombudsman would be the person to go to.
Just a suggestion.  Perhaps Eric or somene else from BNI could float that around the office and see what the reaction is.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on Mar 21, 2005, 02:41
what plants gave 40hr training for the neu?  i never, ever got 40hr training fer that test.  pleez post these plants, maybe i am due a weeks worth of pay and diem for what i wasn't given that udders were. 

Hearsay. The tech i got this info from said it happened to them not only once but twice. Further, she wasn't the only one. Oyster creek was mentioned. Could be the plant specific HP funds that Eric was talking about.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Mar 21, 2005, 03:41
Oyster back in 92' gave a "class" for 1-2 hrs after the training day was done if anyone wanted to study in a group setting w/ an instructor. Wasn't 40 hrs but if i remember right it was all week & the NUE was given on the following Mon.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 21, 2005, 10:17
Basically, as I've stated before,  Bartlett is operating on the day-to-day business as in the past - business as usual - the only thing that has changed is Bruce is no longer taking the "complaint" calls and we now have a Director of Human for the sake of the horse that has been beat to death time and time again I'll try to make it as clear as possible -as in the past- FOLLOW THE CHAIN OF COMMAND...if you have a complaint feel free to call - if you have a problem with a co-worker go to you site supv, a problem with your site supv go to either the field manager or the recruiter - problem with the field manager go to the president of that division - either federal or utility, problem with the recruiter, security analyst, payroll, perdiem ect go to their dept head - problem with the dept head go to the company officer in charge of that division - problem with the officer in charge of a division or anyone else feel free to contact the CEO and President - I am sure he'll devote a much time as he can spare to your situation or assign someone to do so - or just contact the Director of Human Resources and I am sure he'll look into your situation as best he can or assign someone to do so...basically business as the way if you don't know our number here it is 800-225-0385 if you want an extension or a specific person just ask when you call and hopefully they will all be posted soon enough on our website - 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Mar 21, 2005, 10:33

Basically, as I've stated before,  Bartlett is operating on the day-to-day business as in the past - business as usual - the only thing that has changed is Bruce is no longer taking the "complaint" calls and we now have a Director of Human for the sake of the horse that has been beat to death time and time again I'll try to make it as clear as possible -as in the past- FOLLOW THE CHAIN OF COMMAND...if you have a complaint feel free to call - if you have a problem with a co-worker go to you site supv, a problem with your site supv go to either the field manager or the recruiter - problem with the field manager go to the president of that division - either federal or utility, problem with the recruiter, security analyst, payroll, perdiem ect go to their dept head - problem with the dept head go to the company officer in charge of that division - problem with the officer in charge of a division or anyone else feel free to contact the CEO and President - I am sure he'll devote a much time as he can spare to your situation or assign someone to do so - or just contact the Director of Human Resources and I am sure he'll look into your situation as best he can or assign someone to do so...basically business as the way if you don't know our number here it is 800-225-0385 if you want an extension or a specific person just ask when you call and hopefully they will all be posted soon enough on our website - 

Kudos Eric,

It took me less than 10 minutes to find out who, where, and how to contact, not only Mr. Nevelos, but the person who is in charge of Human Resources. I did so by visiting, reading the newsletters; and by calling the operator at Bartlett Nuclear and asking if they had someone in human resources to handle a problem (if one existed) for techs. She promptly replied that yes they did, gave me a name, extenstion and told me he was in a meeting, but she would transfer me to his voicemail - to which I replied no I didn't have a problem, but I had heard some complaints and was told there was a person to talk to and I just wanted to check it out.

It took me less time to find out who to talk to than it did in reading your post. LOL

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 21, 2005, 05:38
Hearsay. The tech i got this info from said it happened to them not only once but twice. Further, she wasn't the only one. Oyster creek was mentioned. Could be the plant specific HP funds that Eric was talking about.

hearsay? fricken hearsay?  i kant bank know stinken heresay!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: oldtimer on Mar 24, 2005, 02:11
Does it make any sense to give the long term techs at the FERRY direct deposit, and not the travelers. The long termers have local bank accounts, you can't expect a traveler to open an account in every burg they go to. They are the ones that need direct deposit back to the bank at home. WE ALL NEED DIRECT DEPOSIT!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 24, 2005, 02:15
Does it make any sense to give the long term techs at the FERRY direct deposit, and not the travelers. The long termers have local bank accounts, you can't expect a traveler to open an account in every burg they go to. They are the ones that need direct deposit back to the bank at home. WE ALL NEED DIRECT DEPOSIT!

You are preaching to the choir. Please read the other 364 messages in this thread.  The subject about direct deposit has been beaten to death. EVERYONE AGREES WITH YOU.  And in time, direct deposit will be available.  Please be patient.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Mar 28, 2005, 05:33
How can Big Blue be "Above Average" when they dominate the market? Wouldn't that make them "Average" by definition? I evaluated them in comparison to companies that are now gone (or swallowed).
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 28, 2005, 06:08
How can Big Blue be "Above Average" when they dominate the market? Wouldn't that make them "Average" by definition? I evaluated them in comparison to companies that are now gone (or swallowed).

depenz on yer daffynation of "average".   yinz ewezing mean, mode, er meridian?  eye agree thar average bye mean, 'n mode, but not bie meridian.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Marlin on Mar 28, 2005, 08:08
I personnally have not had good experiences with Bartlett, but to be honest compared to the many companies that I did work for (that no longer exist) Bartlett was better run, with the exception of NUMANCO and we know that story. I have to agree with everyone else that it is difficult to gauge average when the only large company doing HP staff augmentation is Bartlett.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: radgal on Mar 29, 2005, 10:56
How about comparing them to any company, not just contract worker supplier?  I've had other jobs besides HP contract work and Bartlett is definetely above average out there.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: PWHoppe on Mar 29, 2005, 11:00
Very good point radgal, "house mouse" jobs are not always what they seem to be. I think it would be a good source of discussion for those who have worked both sides of the fence.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 29, 2005, 11:45
How can Big Blue be "Above Average" when they dominate the market? Wouldn't that make them "Average" by definition? I evaluated them in comparison to companies that are now gone (or swallowed).

They only dominate a small portion of the market.  Specifically the "United States Commercial Power Plant Health Physics Technician". 

1. They don't dominate ALL professions at commercial power plants
2. They don't dominate ANY profession at non-commercial nuclear facilities like DOE.
     (The last number I heard was 5% of RCT's at DOE sites, and growing.)
3.  And they have almost no presence outside of the USA.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Mar 30, 2005, 01:57
Back in the early '90s, I had a lot of problems that stemmed from a SC (who was total waste of oxygen).
Once he was extracted from the situation, no more problems. One's that weren't solved anyway.
I've got to say, Bartlett's treated me very well, for the most part. :)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jun 30, 2005, 06:33
What does this have to do with the price of tea in china?  Brue has nothing to do with the company anymore.

I think your question should be it's own topic in the "Expose yourself" area.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: feathersmoke on Jun 30, 2005, 04:40
i thought butch was a a$$ at first but then i gained respect for him and i know i would work for him again first?  Ever heard the expression:  1st impression is usally correct...I'm afraid in this case it is true...
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 01, 2005, 07:54
"What pile are you in?" is not about the company, it is about "what pile they are in".  That is what the 'expose yourself' area is for, talking about ones self.

This thread is about the company. 

As you see, it was never moved.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike McFarlin on Apr 13, 2006, 09:22
Seems like every job there is a situation that arise that cause hard feelings. The communications between employer and employee need to be cleared before the job ever starts. My 2 cents worth... 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RNN on Apr 13, 2006, 08:10
Well I can only comment on the last few years about working for Bartlett when they took over the contract at my site.

1. They pay weekly
2. Never late with the paycheck
3. If I have had an issue with a paycheck the home office has fixed it/told me I'm wrong in a very timely manner

So from those 3 points I'm happy with working for Bartlett

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Apr 13, 2006, 09:15
Average, I guess................espicall y since they seem to be a major part of my future at the moment.

Come on Atlantic! 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Nuclear Hooker on May 23, 2006, 11:54
Hey there Industry Event,
Haven't talked to you or the other TVA bunch in quite a while. 
I feel compelled to say some things about this wage issue.  Yeah it was great to get a 4 dollar per hour rate hike.....back in 2002....but then in 05 they re-did the contract, and guess what they kept it the same for locals, and dropped it for travelers BUT started paying Per Diem.....WHOOPIE!!!!!!  So, in essance we haven't gotten a raise in over 4 years.  I really wanted to go there and work this fall, but it's Financial Suicide.  I can BRING home more on 60's at the northern plants than I can working 72's at the house.  By about 250 more per week.  And that's just on 60's NOT 72's.
I'm glad ya'll get per diem for the SGRP....but is that really Good Enough?????  What happens after the outage??  Back to the same B.S. rules to try to make a decent living while being away from family and friends. 
Watts Bar is one of my FAVORITE places to work, but it's not worth giving up that amount of $$.

The old saying is true "You get what you pay for"  and Watts Bar will see the "BLUE" light special that they will be  given....if you smell what I'm steppin in!!!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on May 24, 2006, 10:30
Hooker said;Watts Bar is one of my FAVORITE places to work, but it's not worth giving up that amount of $$.

The old saying is true "You get what you pay for"  and Watts Bar will see the "BLUE" light special that they will be  given....if you smell what I'm steppin in!!!

  Sad too is that for local people with no other means of looking after the kids. TVA has us by the short ones and they know it. We can't just go on the road and leave the kids at home ....and many of us don't have family to take up the slack.what do you do?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on May 24, 2006, 10:43
There are ALWAYS options...if you choose not to excercise them...that's your choice.
Peach Bottom treats all contractors (locals & road techs) like crap & wonder why they have a low returnee rate...was my home plant for a long time & only worked there once!
Whether it's low pay or crappy conditions you ALWAYS have the option of not working there or in that system.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Surveyors_mato on May 24, 2006, 11:20
You know, it just occured to me that Watts Bar isn't the problem...........Tva isn't the problem...............We don't work for them we work for Big Blue.and Maybe the problem is Bartlett is the one who doesn't care........I mean they get paid and it doesn't matter to the at all if techs are happy as long as they work.....come on..........It is about the money....our's and Bartletts.....So as always if a person doesn't want to work a place, no problem for B.....someone will...............What would things really be like if Our company stepped up to the plate and said...............'Hey plant's..........We need more money for our techs.?................Whoa that's a new thought......okay, okay, I'm awake.............dang! what a dream I jusyt had. :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: nukedog on May 25, 2006, 07:47
Bartlett is going to do what ever the Company wants. That's good business! Take it or leave it that's the way it is! If you are tried of working for the MAN then start your own business. nobody is stopping you. Hey Bruce did it! Quite whinning about the situation and do something about it. After all you said the locals have to work the plants, I say no they don't. In fact if the plants had only the locals to count on they could staff. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on May 25, 2006, 01:09
"After all you said the locals have to work the plants, I say no they don't. In fact if the plants had only the locals to count on they could staff".

You are correct, the locals DON'T have to work these plants like WBN. but some do because it is what they want to do.

So I dont see the problem, if you want to be there, go, shut up do the job and be happy.

If you dont want to be there, your not, so what are you slobbering about.

The only difference in these 2 statments, if you we told one thing by WBN or Big Blue, and then they changed the rules, then you have all the right to holler all the way home, if that is where you chose to go. Cause they really dont care about you, your fooling yourself if you think they do.

So again, I hope all the travelers stay home and then the locals can work a 7 month SGRP!

And WBN could not staff thier outage with just locals, Locals dont get per diem >60 miles, they dont have that many hillbillies around there!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: TENN-1 on May 25, 2006, 05:50
Easy on the Hillbilly stuff, there's no reason to drag my family into this chicken fight.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on May 26, 2006, 05:19
Sorry about that Jed.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on May 26, 2006, 04:01
What would things really be like if Our company stepped up to the plate and said...............'Hey plant's..........We need more money for our techs.?................Whoa that's a new thought......okay, okay, I'm awake.............dang! what a dream I jusyt had. :P
Once again someone had to write something that would catch my attention and drag me into the same old converstation thats been go'n on since the dawn of the road tech industry...
I've said it before and i'll say it again - the more we pay, the more we can bill, the more we can bill, the more we make, the more we make, the more we can pay...and so on, on so on - it doesnt serve either the technician or the vendor company (in my case Bartlett) to pay low.  Every season we hit our clients up on pay increases, diem increases, bonuses, travel increases, etc - on the one hand some take our advice and raise the incentives, on the other hand others look to see what thier "neighbors" are paying and say "why should we go higher, our neighbor is pay'n X amount so will we."  So forgive me if i take offense to the comment "...if Our company stepped up to the plate..." Wether or not you want to acknowledge it we, Bartlett, have stepped up to the plate in the past, are doing so now and will be doing so in the future.  There ya go, you got me on another rant.  ;)

Have a safe holiday weekend,
Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on May 26, 2006, 11:31
Question Eric, if you have a moment. Isn't it very easy to say you (as a company) are doing everything you can, every season............when in truth, while you have 90% of the Nuclear Power Plant contracts, and no reasonable competition, you really dont have to do anything, just say that you are.

And since this is the WBN thread, here is a WBN question. How does a junior HP who lives 73 miles from WBN get classified as a local?

I understand everything can't be perfect, but we are all people doing a job to take care of our families. And go to work when we are supposed to, do the job we are expected to do (sometimes better than the seniors in charge of us), and yet the same rules dont apply to everyone, equally? Very confusing, espically when people like yourself say you are doing everything you can, but someone still finds a way to single out and squeeze a "little guy".

And I am not talking about myself, I have hair.

Just my thoughts..... 8)

Thanks, and Have a Wonderful Weekend also!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on May 27, 2006, 09:50
The following quote is not based in reality, as Atlantic has taken a bigger bite then you must think.


It's based in the reality that Big Blue is the dominant contractor and Atlantic is just snacking on what Big Blue is letting slip through their fingers. Atlantic is no where close to Numanco status, but I do hope they get there, everyone needs an arch rival.

So in closing, I want that "big bite" to be of the choking status, not the snacking kind. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on May 28, 2006, 08:03
My understanding (or misunderstanding) of the economics of the contracts is that they are mostly awarded to the low bidder. Also, the companies make their money as per centage of the total billing. Therefore, the more they can bill, the more they make...... and the more they can pay. Competition for the contracts means "who can bid lowest and still staff?" That is not going to be a good thing for us field mice. Whether it's Bartlett, Atlantic or Roadscum Nuclear, LLC, the lowest bidder is most likely to get the contract and most likely to pay the least. The only ones who will benefit from this competition are the utilities.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on May 28, 2006, 10:43
now eye no ware alla da power whiners are...  der are daze i thank doz who look out fer me.  yinz hafa good thyme.  eye yam sure i'll link up wit ya sooer err later.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Hefty on May 29, 2006, 02:50
You never answered Dream Tarheel's question: Why would Bartlett, while they're "doing everything they can, in every season", not allow a junior the same benefits (per diem) you allow everyone else?  Or is it true that Jrs don't eat as much, drive as much, or spend as much on food and lodging as seniors?  Have you guys ever thought that you may need those juniors one day as the seniors dwindle away? 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on May 30, 2006, 04:20
Eric, they're baiting you in!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on May 30, 2006, 12:14
You never answered Dream Tarheel's question...

I'll try and answer it now...

Question Eric, if you have a moment. Isn't it very easy to say you (as a company) are doing everything you can, every season............when in truth, while you have 90% of the Nuclear Power Plant contracts, and no reasonable competition, you really dont have to do anything, just say that you are.
Yes, it would be easy to just let things sit at the status quo and tell everyone we are doing everything possible to help you, but not really do anything - it would be extremley easy, but it would be counter productive to what keeps Bartlett in buisness - technicians.  You may take all I have to say with a grain of salt and heavy doubts, I dont expect any of you to believe what I have to say because A. I work for Bartlett and B. I am a Bartlett.  The reality of it is the lower a site pays, the harder it is to staff.  I for one like to make my job as easy as possible, part of that is consistantly going to our clients to increase the incentives, be it pay, diem, travel, bonuses, etc...

As far as having no reasonable competition, I would have to disagree.  Atlantic has proven to be a worthy competitor who is doing everything in it's power to become a major player in the Health Physics/Decontamination arena.  And as I've stated before competition is a good thing.

And since this is the WBN thread, here is a WBN question. How does a junior HP who lives 73 miles from WBN get classified as a local?

Good question - I for one dont know much about the TVA contract, from what I understand it is/was an old Numanco contract that rolled over to Bartlett with the purchase of Numanco.  Please correct me if I'm wrong, from what I've been able to gather originally there was no diem being paid for either longterm techs or short term outage techs.  Through the negotiations of Bartlett's field Manager for TVA we have been able to convince TVA that diem should be paid at least for the short term technicians.  Now as far as a JHP being classified as local when they live 73 miles away, I would have to know who the individual is and the circumstances concerning thier confirmation...Is the individual commuting from home? did they confirm for a position scheduled to last longer than an outage (due to anything longer than outage work goes in with no diem, TVA rules not Bartlett's)

You never answered Dream Tarheel's question: Why would Bartlett, while they're "doing everything they can, in every season", not allow a junior the same benefits (per diem) you allow everyone else?  Or is it true that Jrs don't eat as much, drive as much, or spend as much on food and lodging as seniors?  Have you guys ever thought that you may need those juniors one day as the seniors dwindle away? 
Now as far as your question goes - I, as have all of the other recruiters and our management have never understood a Utilities philosophy for paying more diem for 1 classification than another - a JHP should recieve the same as a SHP who should recieve the same as a Decon tech who should recieve the same as a Mechanic who should recieve the same as an engineer - why certain utilities pay differant can be answered for only a few of the contracts awarded each year, that would be that differant contracts are bid differant ways, bid specs for some proposals are stipulated by the client, some arent.  Other than that I cant answer that question.  As previously stated it never made much sense to me.  As I said earlier, believe me if you will, or look upon this as just more dribble coming from a corporate mouthpiece, we (Bartlett), and I would presume other vendors in this industry, are always trying to get incentives increased, after all if we can pay higher than "Brand X" we'll have a better shot at a successful season, while "Brand X" would fail.  Even most utilities realize that it doesnt benefit anyone, not even themselves to underprice themselves right out of the market, especially at a time when position to technician ratios are so tight.  This isnt the days of pre-deregulation when there is an over abundance of technicians to positions.  Anyone that has been in the industry and associated with staffing, be it recruiters, techs, Utility Supvs, etc..., knows that todays decon tech is tomorrows JHP who is the next days SHP. 

Eric, they're baiting you in!

Yes, Yes they are (and they did a damned good job at it!  ;D  )

I hope I've been able to answer your questions.  Of course I would like you all to believe me, but when it comes down to it you all may have your pre-formed ideas and theories that most of you will stick too, no matter what I say, so tothose with thier pre-concieved notions I'll leave it at this - You believe what you want to believe, I'll know what I know.   

Hope you all had a good holiday weekend.

Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: rjc4243 on May 30, 2006, 02:29
 :)  Very good response Eric.  you are correct that the utilities control everything.

They are trying to reduce the starting pay for new employees, so that their future costs are less.  They have reduced employees benifits, along with retirees.

They want to make more money for their board of directors.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on May 30, 2006, 08:49
They want to make more money for their board of directors.

duzant everybuddy?  when i had a full bored of directors, prior to judicial attrition and wing stretching, i alwaze kept expenses as low as possible and income as high as i cood get it.  now that my responsibilities have shrunk to 3; me, myself, and eye, i find that i am not as expense minimalizing and yet i want income maximized.  just goes to show, knot everybuddy can maintain consistent focus.   ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on May 31, 2006, 11:05
How does a junior HP who lives 73 miles from WBN get classified as a local?

73 miles sounds good, at first. But is it 73 miles by shortest drive or fastest? If it is under 73 miles zip code-to-zip code then it is harder to prove. Additionally, TVA sometimes looks at the distance from the county line for determining local.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on May 31, 2006, 08:33
If he puts his canoe in the Tenn river, it's like 69 miles. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: kaveman32 on Jun 02, 2006, 05:38
Since we are on the bartlett subject. I have a question. Why cant services and nuclear pull their act together so that the tech that goes from outages(nuclear) and doe(services) doesnt have to have an act of god to get anything accomplished. Such as direct diposit, wich may be established with services but not with nuclear. Also 401k issuses, money owed and pay stubs dont accumulate earnings from both services and nuclesr the list goes on. Does any other tech have this same problem?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Jun 02, 2006, 06:18
Constantly, and the reasons why never make sense. It's almost like "THE MAN" just wants to keeps us contractors down, so he can keep us coming back asking for more.

And Eric, I did like and understand your response. I am just glad you take enough ownership in what you do, to at least keep your ear to the heart beat of the people out there keeping you employed. Thanks from all of us. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Jun 02, 2006, 10:19
Such as direct diposit, wich may be established with services but not with nuclear.

not having direct deposit is so last millenium.  it's not like it takes alot of work.  a company policy, a couple of faxes, maybe a couple of emails also, and it's a done deal.  a cupla mba types that i know tell me that the first part is the toughest.  they claim it takes about half an hour to do that phase.  of course, the other steps take a minute or two each time.  now when you have 4000 people in the field and they may want to turn over the direct deposit accout 4 times a year, well now you are covering 16000 minutes gratis for the employees warm 'n fuzzies.  'n that's 267 hours, or 6 work weeks plus 3 work days plus 2 work hours and 38 work minutes.  now, add in the breaks in the work day, the holidays the home office staff gets off, their vacation days and your talking serious time here.  so the small contractors can afford to do this for their employees, but the biggies won't. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Jun 03, 2006, 09:37
I know bartlett probably will never do this but there are some companies that will give the employee a debit card to have their per diem direct deposited into every week !!nothing better than leaving for a job say on a sunday and already have my perdiem in my hands before I leave the house !! also it is nice just go to a atm and withdraw what i need instead of trying to find a bank that will cash my check :)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Jun 03, 2006, 04:09
wasn't trying to  any co. in particular but just wanted to show how some of the other companies operate ect ect..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 17, 2006, 05:59
ewww boy!!
I just got PRE!!  PRE!!  Approved for 3..... count em! 3!! Exelon outages in a row!!!
I can't believe it!!
Thought i had the olde black balls or................ was that black balled from em!
Funny i got pre approved for something i never put in fer!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 17, 2006, 07:26
We don't care what color your balls are.  But I suggest you see a doctor.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 17, 2006, 07:28
ewww boy!!
I just got PRE!!  PRE!!  Approved for 3..... count em! 3!! Exelon outages in a row!!!
I can't believe it!!
Thought i had the olde black balls or................ was that black balled from em!
Funny i got pre approved for something i never put in fer!

 ;D  Actually it is kinda funny that you dont understand  ??? how it all works by now since you've been in the buisness all these years - work a system, get on thier pre-approval list cuz you are a returnee, not cuz ya put in for it - regrettably you'll stay on the list until you tell us you to take you off of it - be more than happy to take ya off the list, 1 less person to track down that isnt interested - give me more time to track down those that are interested - just give me a call - 800-225-0385 x1289 or shoot me a message via the nuke worker mail system.  :-X
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 17, 2006, 09:11
well... it has already been done..i did have the courtesy to decline your offer..just a little bustin going on guys are big enough that you can take it!
believe me after working for you guys on & off over the last 15 years...i know how this whole thing works!
Mike..thx for the advice!!! know any Drs?? :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Jul 17, 2006, 09:43
Wow, I really wan't to dive right in and take a bite out of this thread, but until a certain company gets knocked off the totem pole, ya gotta watch your P's and Q's on the old nukeworker site.

Not that it has anything to do with Eric's last name, Rennhack's employer, or the co-sponsor of this website.....

Kinder and Gentler Left-Wing Liberal signing off.........That Karma thread really made me learn how to behave on this site....(sound of choking on purpose)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 17, 2006, 11:52
ahh, dave it should be OK....Bartlett is big & they like to make $$$
Just a little ribbin' anyway..A quick look around here & they know who i am & what iam up to now.
BTW hows it going...have seen you on here quite alot b4...i worked w/ you & Mitch at DC Cook in like '95 w/ ARC...
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 18, 2006, 06:59
Dave, the same rules apply to Bartlett as they do to any other company on NukeWorker.  As long as you are not being liable, its reasonably open game.  In fact, if you read the many threads about Bartlett, you will see that they are the most talked about company on here.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Jul 18, 2006, 07:33
I know that, Mike. I was just playin'. I love all the recruiters and have worked for Bartlett numerous times. As a matter of fact, I still have an old white Bartlett jacket, that I treasure. Not to mention pens, cups, and other fine memorabilia. Hell, even Joe Worley works at a Bartlett-staffed site. You know times have changed.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 18, 2006, 09:06
...just a little bustin going on guys are big enough that you can take it!...

Just a little bust'n right back - sorry if I came off as defensive or confrontational - after a long hot, busy day I can come accross as being a bit pissy  >:( - no harm in a good ribb'n  ;) - take it slow and keep the comments comming!   ;D

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 18, 2006, 09:09
well...all present & accounted for!
No offense taken here!
We are are all adults....
Have a hot one!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Jul 21, 2006, 09:40
So Eric, what's the new deal with per diem? I hear techs going to jobs will get their first pd when they get their first pay so they won't have any pd to pay back at lay-off time.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Jul 22, 2006, 12:03
i have heard the same thing, actually was also told that bartlett will offer to advance techs i think it was 750$ and then have it deducted in equal increments from the techs perdiem checks. just a side note I know that several other companies also do not pay until the first paycheck, but that one co. in particular that i am aware of does also direct deposit both payroll and perdiem into your checking account.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Jul 22, 2006, 02:22
Yea, but get this, I heard you get the $750.00 advance (if you ask for it), but they take it back as pay, not per diem. So that you have to pay taxes on your advance, because it's a loan, not per diem. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 23, 2006, 03:40
Yea, but get this, I heard you get the $750.00 advance (if you ask for it), but they take it back as pay, not per diem. So that you have to pay taxes on your advance, because it's a loan, not per diem. 8)

$750 net, is $750 net.... right?  Or am I missing something?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: dks860 on Jul 23, 2006, 10:38
Something doesn't make sense about this whole thing to me.  Getting your first per diem check when you arrive generally doesn't affect anything you have to pay back at the end.  What you end up paying back is when you get paid on Thursday (say that's your last day) and the per diem check you get THAT week ends on the following Sunday.  Then you pay back Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  The only reason I can think of that the first per diem check would affect a payback is if for some reason you couldn't stay out the week or failed ffd or something like that.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Jul 23, 2006, 12:57
Yea, but get this, I heard you get the $750.00 advance (if you ask for it), but they take it back as pay, not per diem. So that you have to pay taxes on your advance, because it's a loan, not per diem. 8)

That doesn't make any sense at all.  If they give you money and then take it back, there is no tax liability.  You only get taxed on money you get to keep.  Loans are not taxed as income, even if they come from your employer, unless you fail to repay them.  Otherwise, nobody could ever afford to buy a house with a mortgage loan.

As GWB said, if you want the straight dope on this policy change, it is better to ask Bartlett than to spread uninformed rumors here.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Jul 24, 2006, 09:03
always, always, always get it in writing.......... professional agreements and policy in black and white is a must for this business... hence the miscommunication
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Jul 24, 2006, 10:23
I was unaware the PD policy was changing.  Guess I'm way out of the loop.  Eric, please clarify :)))))

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Jul 24, 2006, 10:53
was told the policy was changing effective the first week of august. When i called to confirm for a job in september, anyhow a lot of companies have similar policies so really no big deal.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 24, 2006, 11:38
So Eric, what's the new deal with per diem? I hear techs going to jobs will get their first pd when they get their first pay so they won't have any pd to pay back at lay-off time.

Yes – perdiem will now be paid in arrears instead of in advance.  This is happening for 2 reasons.  First of all is that over the last few seasons we have had a record number of complaints about technician’s last paychecks and/or bonus checks being docked pay in order for us to recover overpayment of perdiem and second we have had a record amount of perdiem overpayment in the past few season as well.  The new perdiem policy should go into effect the 1st week of August.  Before I explain how the “new” way will work, I will explain the old way.

The way perdiem was paid in advance was as follows – When and individual reported to site (say Monday for simplicities sake) they would receive a perdiem check covering that 1st week, aptly named week 1.  Now that first Thursday(week 1) on site they would receive a second perdiem check that would cover the following week (week 2).  Now on the second Thursday (week 2) they would receive their first hourly paycheck for the hours worked during week 1 and we would skip a perdiem check so that by the third Thursday (week 3) on site the individual was being paid their hourly pay from the hours worked the week before and receiving a perdiem check for the week that they were currently in.  This of course has led to problems, basically over payment of perdiem that we have been forced to recoup from individuals last pay checks or bonus checks.  When someone was laid off or quit on a Thursday or Friday, 9 times out of 10 they had already taken the perdiem check for that week, thus getting overpaid perdiem for Saturday, Sunday etc…

Now the “new” way that perdiem will be paid is when an individual shows up on site (once again lets say Monday for simplicities sake) they will no longer have a perdiem check wait’n for them.  Likewise there will be no perdiem check for that first Thursday on site.  The second Thursday on site the individual will receive a pay check for the hours worked the week before and a perdiem check for the prior week, thus paying perdiem in arrears as the majority of the other vendors in this business pay.  Now if someone is in financial straits and is in need of an advance we will arrange for a $750.00 advance to waiting for them the first day.  This will be considered and advance on their perdiem which will be recovered $250.00 per week out of the 1st 3 perdiem checks issued.  This should alleviate the overpayment of perdiem and the docking of final paychecks that followed. 

I hope I have made sense to you  ??? , if not feel free to give our office a call and we will be more than happy to explain it all one on one.  :-\

Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 24, 2006, 12:47

Thanks for explaining that to us.  (As a Bartlett employee, I was interested myself).  I'm also glad that there is the $750 OPTION available, as I remember when I was starting off; I could barely get enough money together to buy gas to drive to a site.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Jul 24, 2006, 01:44
Thanks for the time you took to explain that.  As one who has worked for lots of other firms, I'd have to say that the "old" way was not the industry norm.  It was confusing and seemed to be unfair even when it wasn't.  I always felt that it was a bit risky to trust us with 14 days worth of per diem before we had even finished the 4th day (thursday of week one).
Most of all, I never appreciated the last week policies (or lack thereof).  If I got laid off on Thursday, I would sometimes be handed a per diem check on the way out that included three or four days' worth that I knew I would have to pay back.  Conversely, there were times when the Site Coordinator would not give me my last per diem check in such a situation.  Then, I'd have to wait for that check to get cancelled and a new one issued to replace it.  Not that it was such a big deal, it was just never the same from site to site, and that led me to wonder if a mistake was going to happen.

The $750 advance looks like a really good deal for those who are strapped for cash, and the 3-week repayment schedule should be no problem for anyone.  It seems to correlate well with the fact that 3 per diem checks is as many as you will get at any one site anymore.  I especially like the idea that you don't have to take it if you don't need it.  Most of the time, most techs won't require an advance, so they won't be on the hook for paying it back.

Of course, there will be some folks who are either so against change of any kind, or so convinced that they are always getting screwed, that they will just see this as a negative development.  There's nothing you can do to please them anyway, so don't sweat it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 24, 2006, 02:01
Of course, there will be some folks who are either so against change of any kind, or so convinced that they are always getting screwed, that they will just see this as a negative development.  There's nothing you can do to please them anyway, so don't sweat it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RemBoy on Jul 25, 2006, 09:50
Soooo, for the sake of simplicity, no jingle-jangle for 11 days  :D.
The 750 bits of paper as an advance is prob a good idea.

Thanks for clarifying  ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: pappy on Jul 25, 2006, 06:36
Bartlett already was using the $750 advance when I got to Fernald in June. Makes plenty of sense to me, clear on the P/D checks what goes where. I think it will stop all the confusion for a lot of people....
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Twinkie on Jul 25, 2006, 07:52
I understand that our dear friend Mark Phillips has been “released” from Bartlett at the INL to pursue other career paths. I wonder what took so long?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: on Jul 25, 2006, 08:45
On 5/18/98 twelve technicians arrived at rocky flats...none knew anything about plutonium, the doe, weapons, the union, the fbi, the epa, w88 warheads, glove boxes, lung lavage, inner tent chambers, level b suits, 1E6 DAC plutonium, pyrophoria or q and l clearances,...they had never seen road techs...they had never seen 100 R... they didn't know how to train us, where to put us and they didn't trust us...

Mark Phillips was, by default, tasked with leading us, representing us and sustaining can be said that had there been no Mark Phillips, there would have been no bartlett at rocky flats...

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: USMCRADCON on Jul 26, 2006, 03:00
With 20 years in the Biz, I have had the opportunity to work for "Big Blue" on several occasions.  Back when Bruce ran the show, I had several issues at one time or another, and Mr. Bartlett made himself available to listen and never "porked" me.  While I currently do not work for them, I have no problem doing so if the situation calls for it.

How many of ya'll remember back in the days the bouncing checks from "the company the spelled like what Noah built" then Bartlett coming in, taking over, and cutting checks on the spot to us.  
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: klsas on Jul 26, 2006, 10:08
I've had a couple payroll problems with Bartlett the past few years. Both times were my fault. One time involved other people's paychecks and payroll covered my tail on that one. The other problem was corrected by payroll within a couple weeks after my mistake. Now Bartlett is going to pay like the rest of the civilized world. OMG, now we have to work to get paid and not get paid to work, what is the world coming to. It is real simple, if you think Bartlett is trying to screw you, get a job at one of the other 5 million + business's in the country.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on Jul 26, 2006, 10:20
the only problem I had with them was the bonus we were promised took about 4 months to come in after we were laid off one time.  didn't bother me too much but I thought it was a bad way to do business.  yeah, yeah, so Entergy hasn't paid bartlett yet, but so what.  we get only a cut of what bartlett is paid, so they have already made a good bit of money off of us, and I understand that needs to be that way to run a business, but the least they could do is pay us our bonus within a reasonable time so we don't have to worry about it....they seem to be a bit better about it recently
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: retired nuke on Jul 26, 2006, 01:50
On 5/18/98 twelve technicians arrived at rocky flats...none knew anything about plutonium, the doe, weapons, the union, the fbi, the epa, w88 warheads, glove boxes, lung lavage, inner tent chambers, level b suits, 1E6 DAC plutonium, pyrophoria or q and l clearances,...they had never seen road techs...they had never seen 100 R... they didn't know how to train us, where to put us and they didn't trust us...

Mark Phillips was, by default, tasked with leading us, representing us and sustaining can be said that had there been no Mark Phillips, there would have been no bartlett at rocky flats...

Quite true- - I was one of the ones there, and I got shanghaied over to Trench 1, leaving Mark to handle everything else. And he did.
He is quite a cowboy, had neat stories, and ensured that Big Blue had a good rep and plenty of work at RFETS.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 27, 2006, 12:43
July 18th, Bartlett sent out a letter to current employees telling us about the Per Diem in arrears, as mentioned above. (They are converting us all over to the new system, not just new hires.  8/13/2006 will be the week we skip a diem check)  However, there was another policy change mentioned in the same letter, that many people have been asking for... Direct Deposit.

Here is what the letter I recieved says:

Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit is also a topic where employees have suggested a change, especially employees who support outages. To that end, employees will be eligible for direct deposit once they have worked 1,000 regular (excluding overtime) hours.  Regular hours will be tracked begining January 1, 2006.  The 1,000 hours will be based on total regular hours worked, not continuous employment.

The changes will go into effect on Monday, August 7, 2006.  As we move forward, we will continue to solicit feedback from our employees.  Please let your site coordinator know if you have any questions.


Bob Decensi, President BNI
Mary Barletta, CFO Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Jul 27, 2006, 07:20

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 28, 2006, 06:55
For the outage workers:  1000 hrs regular time is 25 weeks of work.  The average outage is 4 weeks long.  You will need about 6 outages AFTER Jan 1st to be eligible. That equates to about two seasons worth of outages, so everyone should be eligible by the end of this year.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 28, 2006, 10:21
figures that Bartlett would tie in some time frame to be eligible for DD now that 1/2 the year is over! Seems like they just bought themselves another YEAR for MOST to get into the program.
Who's working fer ya!  :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 28, 2006, 11:24
well, Daniel, "my brother" :P
my apologies for not reading the entire post my Mike...
It seems that it will be a good deal for the outage workers...
Glad Bartlett is finally doing it!..One less burden for contractors..that is the important issue...not that i make you sick or that people will never be happy!
Perhaps you are frustrated on the new book!
Looks like your Karma sux! ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Jul 28, 2006, 12:05
wow! slammed by a nuclear ICON.. can i have yer autie graph? :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: stownsend on Jul 28, 2006, 01:03
Is this 1000 hr/yr so you have to requal annually? If you qual one year is this good for all subsequent years? Does it work like their 401 contribution and insurance eligibility once your in, your in?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: nuke_girl on Jul 28, 2006, 02:44
ok GWB was saying..go to the source... so i called payroll at Bartlett and asked ..the policy is that they backed it up to Jan 2006..and it counts regular 40 a no overtime accumulated is in effect for this policy. when you have 1000 hours accumulated of REGULAR plant are eligible for direct deposit when you work. Perdiem will always be delivered to the plant as this is for living expenses..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Jul 28, 2006, 04:41
yea it only took me three days to get DD. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 28, 2006, 06:06
Is this 1000 hr/yr so you have to requal annually? If you qual one year is this good for all subsequent years? Does it work like their 401 contribution and insurance eligibility once your in, your in?

As the quote says, TOTAL employment, not CONTINIOUS, (overtime not included) please read it again:

Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit is also a topic where employees have suggested a change, especially employees who support outages. To that end, employees will be eligible for direct deposit once they have worked 1,000 regular (excluding overtime) hours.  Regular hours will be tracked begining January 1, 2006.  The 1,000 hours will be based on total regular hours worked, not continuous employment.

The changes will go into effect on Monday, August 7, 2006. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Jul 28, 2006, 08:09
whatta employment lure.  work a half a year 'n yer eligible fer d.d.   afreekeenmazing!  not that d.d. is a bad thing, i'vw had it fer so long i woodent know what to do with a real paycheck.  'n it's so useful, the money is ina bank on payday fer me to use, no matter where i am.  but having to wait a half year?  puhleeze. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Jul 29, 2006, 08:33
while many may be excited that big blue is finally goona offer DD to its outage workers, whom i will assume for the sake of argument is their bread and butter of thier business sector, I do not think that it should take 1000 hours of service for employees to be eligible when other companies offer it to you from day 1. just my opinion.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Jul 29, 2006, 10:31
Vikingfan, I totally agree.  My husband received DD while working at CY.  After leaving CY and going back to outages only, the DD has never stopped.  Plus, last season, when Jim went with Atlantic Group, his very first paycheck was DD.  I just don't understand why it should take someone 1000 hrs of working to qualify for DD, especially if they have been a long term employee to begin with.  Just my $.02.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Jul 29, 2006, 02:08
Ever heard the saying you can please some of the people some of the time but you can’t please all the people all of the time (or something like that)? Guess that goes for nuke workers as well  :)

I see it this way: I have to save X amount of box tops to get that free apron, or I have to fly X  amount of miles to get a free ticket, or I have to spend X  amount of money to get a rebate; And now I (or rather Henry) will have to work X  amount of hours to get D.D.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on Jul 29, 2006, 04:22
Maybe gollnick is right, but I don't see why a company the size of bartlett can't just do direct deposit and get er done without all this hokey "we will give it to you after x amount of hours."  It really doesn't bother me, I'm just trying to look at it from both sides of the coin.  It's supposed to save companies money by reducing admin.  not complainin' just wondering, why?....,  as I often do.  it seems petty, and from a bidniss point of view, I don't get it.  just like the holding of your relatively small bonus for 4 months seems petty for a medium sized company like Bartlett.  things like this just don't seem quite right.  then again, I'm JAD HP.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on Jul 29, 2006, 07:10
Hey, we wanted it!

We got it!

All is good, at least today..........this time. 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 31, 2006, 02:21
...I don't see why a company the size of bartlett can't just do direct deposit and get er done without all this hokey "we will give it to you after x amount of hours." It really doesn't bother me, I'm just trying to look at it from both sides of the seems petty, and from a bidniss point of view, I don't get it.  just like the holding of your relatively small bonus for 4 months seems petty for a medium sized company like Bartlett... things like this just don't seem quite right.  then again, I'm JAD HP.

From what I'm being told the company needs to roll DD out over a period of time as compared to making it available all at once do to financial/credit restraints.  I guess they feel if its rolled out over the next few months it will have less of an impact on our creditors than an all at once type deal.
As far as the bonus situation goes, I can tell you that it frustrates me as well.  Bonuses are not only an incentive for technicians but also a staffing tool for me as a recruiter.  If a bonus is 4+ months late being paid it's lost all its future appeal as recruiting tool...the reasons behind late payments are varied - everything from we cant pay it until our clients pay us, to still wait'n on client approval and sign off, to still wait'n on final tabulation from S/C - Now here is where I get myself into trouble w/the company - I agree with you, once its earned it should be paid, no ifs, ands, ors, or buts - well I hope I've shed some light, however dim - at least your hearing what I'm hearing.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on Jul 31, 2006, 04:01
Thanks Eric.  I don't know you except from here but your name is Bartlett.  It's good to know somebody at least has an idea of what is what.  Yeah no ifs ands or buts.  The major Bennie of being the company is the company gets a cut of what we make.   One of the major Bennies (or should be) of being a little techie is getting your $$$ within a reasonable amount of time.  But like I said, it has seemed to get better over the last 2 years, coincidence or not.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 31, 2006, 05:31
...The major Bennie of being the company is the company gets a cut of what we make.   One of the major Bennies (or should be) of being a little techie is getting your $$$ within a reasonable amount of time...

We do get a cut, but with in reason - the only thing we make money on is the hourly rate - diem, travel and bonuses are what we call a direct pass thru - basically we bill what gets paid out w/no profit margin built in.  As I said I fully agree that one of the bennies of being a tech should be getting your money on time, and I'll keep pressing that issue until its done in a adequate amount of time.   
I appreciate the comments, keep 'em coming - if you have a problem, an issue, or need me to look into something don't hesitate to contact me via phone, e-mail or personal message thru nukeworker.


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: NukeWifeKW on Aug 02, 2006, 07:45
Just to put my twocents in where it isn't wanted, but here goes.  Direct Deposit is work for those in the payroll department.  We have to get all the infomation complete, and even then it takes time for it to become active.  At least one full payperiod.  If anything changes (and it always does), once again, a waiting period.  We also, by law, have to keep files on all of that paperwork for each individual.  With all of the identity theft, I'm surprised that more people aren't a bit paranoid about giving out their banking information.

I'm not talking payroll for your outages, etc.  I'm talking from just your average company who pays over 200 employees every two weeks, and we have electronic time clocks.  Payroll is work and paying attention to detail.

In a company the size of Bartlett, with workers who flow in and out of work, all I can say is that their payroll must be a nightmare, and those must be the most organized people in the world to get out checks on time, along with Per Diem.  My hats are off to them.  In all the time my spouse has worked for Bartlett, I've had no complaints about him getting his check on time and correct.  I have had go arounds with at least one other employer on how they handled payroll. 

Direct Deposit is a sweet deal.  I love having it.  Still, it's work, and Bartlett's payroll is a HUGE job, from what I read.  If you're getting a check on time, be thankful.  I'm actually impressed that they're willing to do it for outage employees.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Aug 02, 2006, 08:59
There is a way to make DD affordable for the company. Stop paying any other way. It is the route chosen by the US military (a condition for enlistment today).

(Of course, there will be riots at first and distrust forever.)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Aug 02, 2006, 09:13
its nice to see that people are doing what they are paid to do?  perhaps an infrastructure change with updated software and people skills will grease the wheels?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Chimera on Aug 02, 2006, 04:46
Thanks, Eric, for keeping all of us in mind back there in the trenches of the home office.  It is appreciated.

I know there aren't too many of us "old timers" left still following the road-tech way of life.  I started doing this over thirty years ago.  I've worked for companies that no longer exist and that a lot of people never even heard of.  I have noted anecdotaly out here on the road, that the one thing that will stir up a tech faster than anything else is having problems getting a paycheck on time and for the correct amount.  It seems it's always been that way.  In that regard, I have always appreciated Bartlett's way of doing business.  You know what to expect when you show up and what to expect when you leave.  That's important.  While direct deposit is a wonderful thing, I'm just happy to get the correct amount in my paycheck and on time.  As soon as I have my thousand hours completed for this year, I intend to take advantage of the service, but I've never had any problems with the "old fashioned" paper paycheck on Fridays.

Eric, as the most visible representative of the company, thank you (and everyone else there in Plymouth) for taking care of all of us over the years (even the disgruntled ones - laughing).

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Aug 25, 2006, 08:48
OHHHHH the flurry of activity today!
ONLY AFTER Atlantic posted a couple jobs..Bartlett posts 8! AND 1 even w/ PAY & DIEM rates!!! Again only after Atlantic posted the same pay rates for a certain outage.
I think it's GREAT that Atlantic is holding Bartlett's feet to the fire!
Competition IS a GREAT thing!!! But ya know...Bartlett has NOOOO problem staffing ANY outage! ;D
Hope everyone can hold out for more money...there is obvioulsy MORE in the pipeline to go around as evidenced  by todays activity!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RemBoy on Aug 25, 2006, 09:20
Actually........ The big "B" is having problems staffing this Fall.  They're short on a few outages, short by alot.

Look at all the posts!  Jeeeeeeez, read between the lines.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Aug 25, 2006, 10:26
Actually........ The big "B" is having problems staffing this Fall.  They're short on a few outages, short by alot.
Look at all the posts!  Jeeeeeeez, read between the lines.

yeah...i've been doing this long enough that i CAN read between the Sarcasm is lost on you dude!
Get some more posts under your belt & then maybe YOU can read between the lines! :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Aug 27, 2006, 07:46
they're short on just a few outages? lookin' at the job board it appears they're short on quite a few. o well, there's fixin' to be an outflow from INL......maybe some of those folks will take up the slack
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Aug 27, 2006, 10:31
they're short on just a few outages? lookin' at the job board it appears they're short on quite a few. o well, there's fixin' to be an outflow from INL......maybe some of those folks will take up the slack

seems like they are kinda settled down & into a long-term gig.
From my take on reading that thread...
But ya never know...if the $$$ is right...
Figures i go house & the diem is up to at least 100 a day! :P
Mon-thurs ain't a bad gig tho!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eightmile on Aug 27, 2006, 09:41
Just a quick question on Bartlett since I haven't traveled except with one company, but is travel pay always so low?  Is that something that's set by the client in the contract?  So much lower than the standard business rate and capped?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Aug 28, 2006, 08:28
Travel pay is usually part of the contract and as such, is set by an agreement between the contractor and the client (read "plant").
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eightmile on Aug 29, 2006, 01:11
Travel pay is usually part of the contract and as such, is set by an agreement between the contractor and the client (read "plant").

Thanks, I thought as much from seeing at least one other mention of mileage for a different plant.  Guess I shouldn't complain since the diem makes up for it, it was just a bit of a rude awakening.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RemBoy on Sep 19, 2006, 10:47
Anybody else get the "You won't work for Bartlett again" speech for not going where you didn't want to this Fall? ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Sep 19, 2006, 11:10
I don't see what the big deal is.  If they really need you somewhere, all they have to do is send you there.  The fact that they actually gave you a choice indicates that they needed you equally at either place.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Sep 20, 2006, 11:03
I don't see what the big deal is.  If they really need you somewhere, all they have to do is send you there.  The fact that they actually gave you a choice indicates that they needed you equally at either place.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!  Flag on the play!  Since when do they get to make the decisions?  That's the reason I've always liked rent-a-teching...I decide where and when I want to work. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 20, 2006, 11:09
Anybody else get the "You won't work for Bartlett again" speech for not going where you didn't want to this Fall? ;)

Hmmm...I'm going to have to question this one.

I highly doubt that you got that message just for not going where you didn’t want to...unless of course you had already confirmed for and  held a slot at a site so we wouldn't be trying to fill that slot and then after holding that slot for some time decided you didn’t want to go to - and even then I highly doubt the message was "you won't work for Bartlett again" speech, but more of "don't expect us to give you a choice job if your bagging us now" - If I'm wrong then I apologize for both doubting you and the actual incident with our recruiter(s).  I'd definitely like to know which one of my recruiters is making such threats so I can address the issue.  That type of stance has not and will not be tolerated, so if you do have a legitimate complaint contact me through the nukeworker private message system and I’d be more than happy to address the issue with whichever recruiter you feel has threatened your ability to work.

Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike_Koehler on Sep 20, 2006, 11:14
Good post...... As usual right on top of things and ready to striaghten out "misunderstandings"..... Karma to you
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Sep 20, 2006, 12:06
good reply eric, its good to see the old days are gone and standards and policy prevails. historically, techs have failed to get the fine details and then whine and talk trash when faced with the facts. (which were always in place) Hence, I always ask for an agreement, even if it is simple one page, which I sign and we are both at that point doing business on common ground. If the prospective employer don't ask for a simple agreement or even suggest one- I do not have any legal or professional committment at that point. (hint hint Eric) Each head hunter should ask for signed agreement and so should the techs. Verbal agreements only last for a few minutes and unless witnessed are not very binding. (resulting in "you will never work in this industry again" rage)  As the minimum, a simple agreement ends all of this "thats not what you said, or I didn't commit to that" issues.

Besides -blackball threats are illegal!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 20, 2006, 01:24
...Verbal agreements only last for a few minutes and unless witnessed are not very binding. (resulting in "you will never work in this industry again" rage)  As the minimum, a simple agreement ends all of this "thats not what you said, or I didn't commit to that" issues...

Point taken...My field representives and mangers are dragging me kicking and screaming out of the dark ages and part of thier plan is to have some sort of confirmation letter or agreement, whatever you wanna call it, written up, possibly in time for the spring staffing.  I'm sure no matter what we do or how we do it, it'll displease someone, but thats the nature of the beast.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Gonzo on Sep 20, 2006, 01:44
I don't see what the big deal is.  If they really need you somewhere, all they have to do is send you there.  The fact that they actually gave you a choice indicates that they needed you equally at either place.

i can't imagine where you're coming from with this comment...   but before i'd let bartlett decide for me where i go (without my warm concurrence that is)..  i'll go and stay house somewhere where the benefits and pay are much better..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: WADecay on Sep 20, 2006, 02:26
Signed Agreement.....Commitment..... .pay/per diem......INL?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Sep 20, 2006, 03:47
Whoa, whoa, whoa!  Flag on the play!  Since when do they get to make the decisions?  That's the reason I've always liked rent-a-teching...I decide where and when I want to work. 

Since they started signing the checks, that's when.

I think that any tech should be given his or her choices whenever it is possible.  But, there are times when the company who pays you every penny you earn needs for you to be flexible.  If you can't do them the favor of working where they need you, why should they expend any effort at all to accomodate your desires.

UB, you enjoy the choices you do because you earned the right.  A good tech with a good reputation can pretty much write his own ticket.  But you have to admit that you went somewhere at least once in your life because somebody asked you to go there, and not because it was your preference to go there.

You guys who want a signed agreement need to join a union.  If you aren't willing to do that - well, now you know what you are giving up to avoid it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: atomicarcheologist on Sep 20, 2006, 03:49
Point taken...My field representives and mangers are dragging me kicking and screaming out of the dark ages and part of thier plan is to have some sort of confirmation letter or agreement, whatever you wanna call it, written up, possibly in time for the spring staffing.  I'm sure no matter what we do or how we do it, it'll displease someone, but thats the nature of the beast.


Next thing you know, Direct Deposit will be initiated upon receipt of agreement letter.  Wouldn't that be shocking?  To think, one could have Direct Deposit of Incoming Travel Expenses upon the day of arrival!  Same thing for Outgoing Travel.  I realize that Per Diem can't be paid via DD until 6 months is worked, but with an Agreement, it would seem that Travel Expenses should be DDed immediately.  
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Sep 20, 2006, 03:52
i can't imagine where you're coming from with this comment...   but before i'd let bartlett decide for me where i go (without my warm concurrence that is)..  i'll go and stay house somewhere where the benefits and pay are much better..

Go ahead!  What's stopping you?  Perhaps the fact that it ain't as easy as you make it sound.  There aren't that many house jobs just waiting for you to apply.  But even if you could get one today, that does not have any bearing on the question at hand.
If you call Bartlett (or wait for them to call you) every September for a job, you have no business bitching when they give you one.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Sep 20, 2006, 04:19
But you have to admit that you went somewhere at least once in your life because somebody asked you to go there, and not because it was your preference to go there.

Okay, I have ended up at a few plants that weren't on my A-list to do a friend a favor...but that's a whole lot different than the home office (or Bruce in the old days) telling me that I had to go somewhere...
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Sep 20, 2006, 04:24
If you call Bartlett (or wait for them to call you) every September for a job, you have no business bitching when they give you one.

The 'wish-list' system is our way of telling Bartlett where we want to go.  If the home office (out of thin air) decided to tell us we were going someplace that we hadn't put in for, any of us would give them our blankest stare...

(Sorry to jump into your discussion, JC)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RemBoy on Sep 21, 2006, 08:31
Hmmm...I'm going to have to question this one.

Eric Bartlett

Thanks for the reply Eric, your staff has always been helpful, the comment didn't come from the recruiting staff. 
In response to your post though, no confirmation was in place nor were any submittals requested to go to the site referenced.  A commitment was already in place, though.  (With the other guys)
Never worked for the company in the past, don't owe them anything, but, honor of my word.  Ethics stopped me from baggin on them when asked to do so, then when the arm twisting started, principle also fell in place. 
I don't think your company would appreciate strong arm tactics coming from the other guys trying to get technicians to bail on commitments made to you and your staff.
By the same token, what I wouldn't do to you, I also wouldn't do to the other guys.
I hope you understand.

I'll message you privately.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 21, 2006, 10:16
Thanks for the reply Eric, your staff has always been helpful, the comment didn't come from the recruiting staff. 
In response to your post though, no confirmation was in place nor were any submittals requested to go to the site referenced.  A commitment was already in place, though.  (With the other guys)
Never worked for the company in the past, don't owe them anything, but, honor of my word.  Ethics stopped me from baggin on them when asked to do so, then when the arm twisting started, principle also fell in place. 
I don't think your company would appreciate strong arm tactics coming from the other guys trying to get technicians to bail on commitments made to you and your staff.
By the same token, what I wouldn't do to you, I also wouldn't do to the other guys.
I hope you understand.

I'll message you privately.

Glad to hear it wasn’t a recruiter, upset to hear it happened at all, by any member of the company, I would like to know the circumstances and situation so I can address it, for anyone to threaten someone’s future employment is completely unacceptable to me.  And yes I do understand and commend you on keeping your commitment with Brand "X", because that’s what I’d expect you to do if you were committed with us, but if you do get a chance contact me privately so I can fully understand what happened and what was said by whom so I can address it.

Thanks and may you have a profitable season,

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Sep 21, 2006, 06:26
As seen by todays posts for outage jobs...the need continues to grow..i can't believe that Wolf Creek is not staffed w/ the $$ being thrown around.
The pond must be light.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 21, 2006, 07:05
As seen by todays posts for outage jobs...the need continues to grow..i can't believe that Wolf Creek is not staffed w/ the $$ being thrown around.
The pond must be light.

RR how ya do'n? Always stir'n the pot arent we RR - if you look closely same 'ol ads just hit the refresher button and tweaked a couple of words to see if we could get any new hits, the need has always been there. Wolf Creek is staffed.  Thanks for caring enough to pay attention! and yes there be a bunch of fish left but they aint keeper size yet...or they be crafty like yourself and dont wanna be caught! 
Take it slow,
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: biloxoi blues on Sep 23, 2006, 02:21
Just a little note Wolf Creek is staffed and we had a nice visit from corporate management.   Was stated by him that Bartlett is trying to keep the medical costs down, and that Bartlett is working on the 401k plan that we may eventually get more than the seemingly outdated 200 dollar match after 2000 dollars invested.  He also stated that we shouldnt expect these rates here at Wolf Creek next time we come here.  I guess the cost of living will be going down or something.  Also stated that he would like to see the hourly pay rate straight across the board at all plants, but the per diem rates would be the federal rates for that area.  Also stated that he is very interested in a core group. Im pretty sure he has been trying to get more core groups for sometime now. Of course there were questions on all these subjects.  There seem to be concerns if these rates and the core group were in the best interest of the techs or the company.  All in all it was nice to have Bartlett management come and talk to the troops.  By the way I dont seem second rate
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Sep 23, 2006, 04:32
That sounds like MB.  He said those very same things at waterford and surry and north anna, etc. etc.  Then we got slammed.  Just like here at Peach Bottom.  The supervision and Bartlett said we had more techs than they have had in the past five years.  But we haven't seen them, the pay is still the same.  When we started here, the house sup. said we had more techs, but yesterday he said that they were short from the begining, and we lost 6 more since the outage began.  We are trying to run the drywell on 4 Bartlett and 2 house, and they keep pulling the second house.  Breaks are non-exsistant, and the decon staff are so understaffed that when anything comes up we have no help.  Supplies are low or gone, and the workers just keep coming.  Its amazing that the other craft can have so many people that one of our jobs is to make sure they don't put too many in the hole, but we don't even have enough to do that.  At some times in the past week, we have had more Nuclear oversite people than we have had techs. >:(  And we keep pulling from other groups to try and plug the hole, but they always seem to be assigned to special projects.  :o  We are going to Oyster Creek after this one...(got roped in before we knew what it was about)  Wish us luck or something, because it is going to be much worse than here. :'(  Bartlett is probably going to find even more understaffed outages if they continue to underbid for the sake of getting contracts, because that is the main reason there are not enough techs here, I guarantee.  If the money was here, more techs would be here, and Oyster Creek would be staffed if they offered as much as the MidWest plants in Excelon did.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Sep 23, 2006, 07:37
well..i hate to chime in here but...
If you would have read the "talk about" threads for each of the above mentioned were warned about BOTH sites.
I used to live 1/2 hr from PB & only worked there 1 time in 15 years. Nuff said!
But on the brite only have 2 weeks at PB & then you get to "enjoy" the Jersey shore & f-ed river!
Now nuff said! :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: biloxoi blues on Sep 24, 2006, 02:50
There are no complaints from me the money is good and the people are nice so Im expecting to work hard to earn it.  I dont go into an outage with a bad attitude and rarely have come out with one.  He didnt state that this would be an easy outage.  And Im also very happy with Bartlett.   Im just hoping the 200 dollar thing is raised and insurance is affordable.  Im not sure if I like the core group ( cause it may keep our rates down) and I also believe that we should be paid on performance.   There probably would be less whining (ah nevermind we are hps) and more quality work going on (or more sucking up to cordinators for good evals)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Sep 24, 2006, 04:30
BB, just find the camera standard and get back in the well !!!!!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Sep 24, 2006, 10:37
ahhh...i've heard that "core group" BS being thrown around 5 years ago for that OC/LIM/PB/TMI..and it still hasn't happened & doubt it will.
Everything always "sounds good"...but goes to crap when implemented.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Sep 25, 2006, 11:40
I'm going to put my 2 cents in here. I guess things are getting really bad out in the world when the recruiters will lie to you just to staff an outage, and when you call there hand on it they will not respond to your e-mails Eric i know you read this, web site on a regular basis, ask you co workers if this is the thing they should be doing, If a recruiter does not know all the facts they they should not be recruiting for that site, if they know and withhold this info just to staff and outage, then to me that' just the same as lieing to a tech to get him there, knowing full well if he burns Bartlett, then he's not going to work for a while, isn't that right (name deleted by moderator)? I have 16 years in this business and i have never been treated like i have on this outage, She burnt me once, she will not burn me again. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 25, 2006, 01:25
I'm going to put my 2 cents in here. I guess things are getting really bad out in the world when the recruiters will lie to you just to staff an outage, and when you call there hand on it they will not respond to your e-mails Eric i know you read this, web site on a regular basis, ask you co workers if this is the thing they should be doing, If a recruiter does not know all the facts they they should not be recruiting for that site, if they know and withhold this info just to staff and outage, then to me that' just the same as lieing to a tech to get him there, knowing full well if he burns Bartlett, then he's not going to work for a while, isn't that right (name deleted by moderator)? I have 16 years in this business and i have never been treated like i have on this outage, She burnt me once, she will not burn me again. Remo

Remo - give me a shout when you get a chance - I'd like to know what happened so I can address the situation - if any of my people deliberatly misled you I need to know, and yes i agree, withholding info or misleading someone is the same as lying.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: JessJen on Sep 26, 2006, 12:02
(or more sucking up to cordinators for good evals)

ive found even if you were to save timmy from falling in a well youll still get a b on your eval somewhere.  sups get asked too many question if your evals perfect and too many if its lousy so everyone gets grouped into mediocre.  its a sad thing but ive seen it a few times and not just with big blue.  make the evals easier and we may just be able to go to a system where work is rewarded until then dont expect it to work, even if you are captain containment. just my .02 cents
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Sep 26, 2006, 06:20
"knowing full well if he burns Bartlett, then he's not going to work for a while"

Now that's Funny!

Remo, there are just to many companies looking for techs!  Actually I believe the probation list is probably the "A+ Preferred" list at this time.  The company doesn't care to influence the people that are already working for them!  They want the one's that aren't!  Another interesting concept of the probation list, every tech on probation is a resource for the competitor!   

I could care less who I work for, so long as the money is right and the site doesn't treat contractors like a piece of dung!

Have a Great One.........RG
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike McFarlin on Sep 26, 2006, 03:13
Hardly anyone gets an excellent on evaluations. For example, I received a "good" on attendance when I was there everyday on time without a tardy or missed day. Well, how does one achieve an excellent? I think Site Coordinators need to have new direction on evaluations or just don't do them. Was told on one outage, not long ago, that no one ever sees these evaluations and my response was, why are you doing them?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: OldHP on Sep 28, 2006, 01:04
Had to jump in - I'll take this one Eric (No I'm not a Bartlett employee)

Bartlett (like every other contract company) has certain customers that require the contract company to have an evaluation policy/procedure/program.  And some demand to see the past X evaluations.  To even be considered for the bid/proposal you have to submit that PPP.  And it has to be universal!  So even if it doesn't mean an ounce of feathers to customer Y, you have to do it all over, for professional staff and day laborers.

While it seems like a chore and a bore for the locations that don't require it (they generally have their own rating system as to if (and when) they will accept that person back again) it has to be done.  It is discriminatory if you don't make it universal and someone would try to make a test case (and probably win) if it wasn't done at all locations each time.

I'll agree with Marssim that if it is done right it is a tool when you have to use it.  Having been there, done that, I'll take the extra time to justify the highs and lows.  While everyone would like to be on the high end of every evaluation - it just ain't so. And all folks just aren't average.  But, on the other hand when it is artifically done you might just as well mark everyone average.

I'll have to disagree with MMcF.  "There every day and on time" is what is expected or good performance.  When I see an evaluation form that has ATTENDANCE on it, there are only two options - Good and Poor!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Sep 28, 2006, 10:23
The company policy is the company policy.  It is senseless to debate something you have no control over, and which has no barring on your life.  It doesn’t matter what YOU think about their policy.  It is what it is, get over it.
Can't really agree with you on this one, Mike. A lot of bad policies have fallen out of practice because of outcry. Not to say the eval policy is bad, or that our discussions among ourselves or with the office will change it, but bad policies don't change unless someone challenges them.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Sep 29, 2006, 06:42
In respoonse, Eric as soon as i am able i will get in touch with you, as far as the evals goes, How about this, i have done the nuke thing now for 16 years over 44 outages at 15 different plants, I have never shown up late for work and have missed 1 12 hour shift on Doctors orders and have never received anything better than good on the exit paper work, was told by site cord. that they have to explain any excellent and poor ratings to the office and plant. If i don't have and excellent record i would like to know what one is. Nothing ever gets corrected if its not brought up. those of you who know me, well you either like me or you dont, i don't really care if you don't I work hard and am proud of what i have done, i just think that 16 years of hard work should get you a little more respect than what has been given lately. I know the recuriters work hard, i don't know what there incentives are for staffing or not staffing an outage. But they should keep in mind that we the techs travel sometimes thousands of miles to get to these outages. I have been told in the last couple of weeks that i am commiting career sucide, for complaining, then so be it. i have also been told that this industry is 700 techs short, then i guess it will be 701 soon. Which by the way, this outage that i am at now, was NOT staffed fully. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Sep 29, 2006, 07:12
re:evals.  can we do the math here?  if yer at an outage with 35 techs, 'n one guy comes in late once a week, 1 guy is late three ours every 2 weeks, 'n one drags up after 3 days 'n goes to anudder job, what should go on the 32 peeples evals who showed up every day?  average.  duh.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: OldHP on Sep 30, 2006, 02:02
All I can say is ATTENDANCE (yes shout ;D) is either "good/acceptable" or "poor/unacceptable".  The individual who never misses a report time  at an "eval required" location or a "non er" location is noticed just as much at both, probably more at the non-eval site, (in either case, what is expected? - "that you be there to do the job").

Evaluation systems, programed/designed/copied, with "attendance" as a rating point, are a throwback (and still required by many federal programs) to the '50's/60's/70's when, "I'm at the hospital watching my child come into this world", was not an acceptable excuse for missing the start of the shift.

Attendance should (in this old man's view) be dealt with as a different issue (U/A) - on the rating/project eval it is part of overall performance.  In all actuality, it should be dealt with the first time the individual is late/no-show, which leads us back to "the evaluation is a useful tool for those managers and those sites that know how to use it".  For those that choose not to employ it properly, it is a yolk that they have to wear to stay where they are or get where they want to be.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: biloxoi blues on Oct 01, 2006, 12:02
Didnt know that kissin up to the Cordinator for a good eval would cause such a stir.  Would just like to say the people at Wolf Creek have been very nice to the contract staff here so far.  Hopefully we (the Bartlett people) can return the favor to them. If you ever want to get away from it all Burlington is the place to stay.   Very quiet, quiet, quiet , quiet place.  And if any important Bartlett people are reading this I would just like to say "I Bleed Bartlett Blue".   Now thats should help me get the next job.    Take care, gotta go,  I dont want to be late getting to work. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 01, 2006, 07:41
Re: the E-vals, if there not going to use them right then they should be done away with. Period. You never know when they may show up somewhere {like a court room } and come back to haunt you. I have never kissed any a** to get a job and not going to kiss any to keep one, i would go hungry and let my twin daughters starve {joke there Eric knows about } in South Carolina before i did. How come you never see any recruiters at any of the sites. Every now and again you see some kind of someone that suppose to be important show up and give a pep talk. But never the Big Man, or ?
Today i leave with a thought: "Then must you speak of someone that loved not wisely,but too well." Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 01, 2006, 09:22
dang!  remowil55, pardon me while i show my age.  i bin to sites where recruiters showed up (big blue in the early 90s), the big guy showed up; rsi (big eli in da 70s), hpts/gts (jimmy o in da 80s ), big blue (bruce in da 70s), yadda, yadda, yadda.  evals must exist if only to justify site coordinators 'n udder local management positions.  but the reel reesun is to input personnel data to the home office.  iffen yinze wants to git more pertinent data to the office, use dat puter to do more'n loaf on nukeworker 'n download por.... perntinent personal pleasure information.  send them yer version of your site attributes, accomplishments, 'n achievements.  butt, eye'd stay aweigh phrum weighing in on yer fellow techs 'n their negative downsides.  iffen ya gits my drift.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Oct 04, 2006, 01:20
I have been away from this business for a few years.  Now coming back I am astonished at the negativity that some techs display both on this site and at the current plant that I am working.  It is always the same...The one bitching the most is the one that spends all of his time in the breakroom just collecting a check.  I think it would do some good for some techs to get a normal job on the outside for about 6 months to get calibrated.

All of the complaining about what Bartlett does or doesn't is a bit tiring.  For 3+ grand/week if my lead tech wants me to clean a toilet I will only ask where the bruch is.

I tried everything to stay at home and make a living after I lost my non-nuke job a year and 1/2 ago.  The last was a delivery route through the winter in MI and the blazing summer that we just had in a van that has no air conditioning.  10 hours/day and I brought home around $400/week after expenses.  Changed my views a bit!

Thank you Bartlett, I appreciate my job!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 08, 2006, 01:21
This is the "Talk about the Company Named Bartlett Thread".

Everyone knows the rules, off topic message will be deleted.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike McFarlin on Oct 16, 2006, 07:49
What's this I hear about Toshiba Electric or Taiwan Electric buying Big Blue?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Oct 17, 2006, 02:51
Toshiba is buying Westinghouse from BNFL.  They're a much bigger "blue" than Bartlett.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 17, 2006, 06:57
I have to agree with Mike McFarlin, and i will save my comments till after i get my check this week and see if it is correct, that should be Thursday night. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 17, 2006, 08:05
Well I can only comment on the last few years about working for Bartlett when they took over the contract at my site.

1. They pay weekly
2. Never late with the paycheck
3. If I have had an issue with a paycheck the home office has fixed it/told me I'm wrong in a very timely manner

So from those 3 points I'm happy with working for Bartlett


remo.... reference rnn's post.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: OldHP on Oct 18, 2006, 01:14
It seem like this has turned into "Talk about Bartlett" while TAB is locked.  However, I'll throw in my 2 cents also.  When Bruce started the business, he didn't know a 'lick' about nukes, but he knew about how to treat people!  (Construction does that to you)! ;D

Over the years (as the customer and just another field guy) I've seen a couple of times when the checks went to the wrong site, but, those were few and far between!  Even though it isn't BB in Plymouth, it is still his company and his baby.  And he still cares - what he did for Mitch is public, but what he has done for others - most will never know.

All I can say is if they aren't on his page, they won't be there long!  He is still the primary owner and chairman of the board!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Fermione on Oct 18, 2006, 03:51
Chairman of the Board is correct but the percent Mr Bartlett still owns is not.  Mr Bartlett was previously a CPA.  He was the CPA for a little company in Athol MA called Starrett Tools.  Yes the people who make all those neat calibrated micrometers and things you need to get from M&TE.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 18, 2006, 07:24
It seem like this has turned into "Talk about Bartlett" while TAB is locked.  However, I'll throw in my 2 cents also.  When Bruce started the business, he didn't know a 'lick' about nukes, but he knew about how to treat people!  (Construction does that to you)! ;D

Over the years (as the customer and just another field guy) I've seen a couple of times when the checks went to the wrong site, but, those were few and far between!  Even though it isn't BB in Plymouth, it is still his company and his baby.  And he still cares - what he did for Mitch is public, but what he has done for others - most will never know.

All I can say is if they aren't on his page, they won't be there long!  He is still the primary owner and chairman of the board!

TAB isn't locked, and hasent been for 3 days.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: peteshonkwiler on Oct 18, 2006, 11:12
It seem like this has turned into "Talk about Bartlett" while TAB is locked.  However, I'll throw in my 2 cents also.  When Bruce started the business, he didn't know a 'lick' about nukes, but he knew about how to treat people! 

....but what he has done for others - most will never know.

I know what he has done for some, but not all and it's none of my business anyway.  What was of my business was when my son was born in Pittsburgh and I was working on the long term contract at Peachbottom, Bruce made certain that I was able to take a 30 day paternity leave without any negative repercussions.  This was in the early 80s, right after the law was passed, but the repercussive movement was still active.  Thankfully, I had none.  But I did have a very healthy boy, who is still a pride to his Dad.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 19, 2006, 08:00
Hey it's Remo, i did check rnn's post SO WHAT!! My rating of Bartlett, would be low right about now. I will give my site Cord. a second attemp at solving this problem,before i say anything,then i will go up the chain of command.And then home. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 19, 2006, 10:20
remo... i'm taking it yer check is wrong?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: let-it-ride on Oct 19, 2006, 10:38
Another Bartlett Lie?
The last class at INL were told by Bartlett that after their per diem was stopped after 60 days, they would get a 3% raise. No One got it. Why does Bartlett demand that you honor commitments, when they ignore them all the time? Perhaps if they are bought out maybe Honor and Honesty will be brought back and the name Bartlett will mean something once again.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 19, 2006, 11:31
bartlett is gitting bought? 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Oct 20, 2006, 10:18
Another Bartlett Lie?
The last class at INL were told by Bartlett that after their per diem was stopped after 60 days, they would get a 3% raise. No One got it. Why does Bartlett demand that you honor commitments, when they ignore them all the time? Perhaps if they are bought out maybe Honor and Honesty will be brought back and the name Bartlett will mean something once again.

All of the Bartlett techs that were and are working on this individual contract that were on site prior to the diem change recieved a pay increase prior to the change in August '06 and then come October 1st y'all rec'd an additional increase - if for some reason you did not get either increase you should give either myself or Marie a shout so we can look into and rectify the situation, if it needs rectifying.  HELP US TO HELP YOU!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 21, 2006, 07:06
So true SloGlo, i have had this problem recurring ever since the child support thing at Turkey Point. If Bartlett has the same payroll manager that they had say 3 years ago,then this woman holds one powerful and long grudge.And Eric i know you have a foot in the door of Bartlett,but like i have said before this is a payroll problem not a recruiting one. This is what you have a payroll manager for. I know that your dept has enough to do without having to solve issues like this. But in the future, if i still have one with Bartlett,{been told that ice is getting thin} i will get in touch with you and maybe this thing can be laid to rest, i hold no grudges against anyone at Bartlett. I have to laugh about it now, me with twin daughters 8 years old, i shoot myself.Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: nickthestick on Oct 24, 2006, 09:27
For someone who started in 1990, it seems you have made some bad choices for jobs based on money@the time.
You should have been focused on getting your time, and worry about money later. Then maybe you wouldn't be whining, and crabbing about every little thing
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: nickthestick on Oct 24, 2006, 02:06
You hit the nail on the head, it just appears that no plant, or company is good enough.
Funny, how when I was on the road, I didn't have those same problems, and Bartlett
always treated me beyond fair. I had no major it was on topic. I just didn''t
finish my thought
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 24, 2006, 06:55
I can tell Nick hasen't been on the road in a while, more he should smell some or what he is shoveling out. You and Melrose don't even know me. I guess your another one of them that would work for the wrong pay cause your a good ole boy. And i have focused on what i have wanted to do. Why did you get off the road, couldn't hang? Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 25, 2006, 10:59
It seems to me that Bartlett is like the popular cheerleader in school, some want to be her friend and others just can't seem to stand her and they don't want anyone else to be her friend either so they start these rumors about her or pick apart every little things she does.

Has my family had problems with Bartlett? Sure we have, they are our employers and everybody knows that some time or another you are going to run into a snag with WHOM EVER you work with, it wouldn't matter if it was Jesus himself.

I have had my husbands check delivered late, and I have complained; but it got here. He has had problems with payroll, but it was fixed. Sure there has been unfair decisions made concerning various items, but the wheels of progress and a few phone calls and it was straightened out.

This is life, life on the road, life as a contractor. It was the same with PSESI, IRM, NUMANCO, etc and it will be the same with whoever the next big one is down the road.

Would I like to see change, sure I would but don’t believe that just Bartlett can make them happen, its going to take something or someone bigger; but for now we have a job and it could be worse, far worse.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 25, 2006, 07:34
Never Said Bartlett wasn't a good company, you can stay busy with them. They have there problem areas, who doesn't. I know a lot of people who had trouble with ARC, they were the first company that i work for and i was treated very well. I will get my small problem worked out, if i can't i know that there are other companies out there. Just look at the job section on this site. nuff said!! Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Melrose on Oct 26, 2006, 06:43
I apologize, just that Remo's such an easy target.  Bartlett employee and all, they correct issues when they make mistakes, never had problems with the office, just the field managers.
thanks for the warning Mike
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: remowil55 on Oct 26, 2006, 07:20
This is for Scott in Plymouth: THANKS. Remo
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Nov 30, 2006, 09:15
Has any one seen that Bartlett has aquired the new decon contract for Lasalle, Byron, Quad Cities and Dresden (but not Braidwood)?  Whats up with that?  Its a year around job.  If anyone can think back to when Brooks tried this, it didn't turn out well at all.  Now they have a union.  A company called GCA has it right now.  They have been fighting with the trades and house.   I feel sorry for the nice Bartlett RP Techs that we have worked past outages with, but i bet the name carnie is a better name than the new one.  All trades will stick together on this.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 30, 2006, 09:54
I don't mean to be too critical, but what are you trying to say?  I can't figure it out.
Please use capitalization, punctuation.
I'm not saying that you have to be Hemingway, but make a little effort at least.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Nov 30, 2006, 10:08
There is a group called GCA, they have a poor union to back them.  Exelon has awarded the new contract to Bartlett for the Decontamination during outages, and year round.   When its not outage time, the decon is performed by union labor, not just a union that was put togather so they could work there but a union that works for its members.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Nov 30, 2006, 10:23
You're making it a little easier, but you have a way to go.  Am I to understand that you are upset that Bartlett decon techs will be doing work that you consider to be yours?  If these people choose to work non-union for a small fraction of the money that you get paid for the same work, isn't that their choice to make?
Do us all a favor and take your complaint to someone who can actually do something about it.  Maybe you should try to organize the Bartlett deconners.  Maybe you should get your BA to look into this, but we aren't going to give it a lot of thought here.  This isn't our fight.  Exelon can award its contracts as they see fit.  If it doesn't work out, they'll change it.  But if it does, there's nothing we can do to budge them from this website.
Seriously, check out that punctuation and grammar thing.  Nobody is going to read what you write if you don't at least try.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Nov 30, 2006, 11:25
yeah..i have to agree...I am a union person myself, but that whole f-uped BS that goes on at all those ex Com-ed plants is the main reason i never went there!
If you don't like it, take it elsewhere!
I doubt you'll get much sympathy here.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 01, 2006, 07:27
I don't mean to be too critical, but what are you trying to say?  I can't figure it out - my 10 year old can write a better paragraph than this.
How about showing some respect for those of us you are trying to persuade and use capitalization, punctuation, and coherent sentences?
I'm not saying that you have to be Hemingway, but make a little effort at least.


Attacking a persons writing ability is rude, off topic, and not acceptable in this forum.

If you choose to encourage people to write better, you must do it in a MORE professional manner.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: PWHoppe on Dec 01, 2006, 09:00
I really don't think this has anything to do with Bartlett. It really is Exelon that you have the beef with. Bartlett is only supplying the labor that they are being requested to supply. It would seem to me that the company (Exelon) is, for whatever reason, unhappy with the service provided by the union contract decon personnel. I have no idea what that is all about, but I would suspect that the issues involve more than just pay rates. There is probably some benefit issues as well involved, bottom line, it is probably cheaper to sign up the Bartlett decon folks than to use the union decon folks. Whether this is right or wrong is not for me to say. In todays world of deregulation it is merely a fact of life. I guess that whoever does the contracts for the union deconners may want to revisit the scale they are charging.

Just my opinion I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Dec 01, 2006, 09:29
this will most likely end up being good for bartlett and good for the decon techs. bartlett will be able to supply experienced decon techs year round. and exelon will benefit from their experience. the decon techs that get chosen for these positions will get the benefit ofhaving year round employment. like hoppe said im sure it has to do more with pay rates and possibly getting a better product from the personnel supplied then the personnel involved that the union supplied. since i have no inside knowledge of this situation im sure they will be limited benefits for the bartlett decon techs. The bartlett techs will most likely endure a transition period where they migth meet some resistance to them taking over and whom to contact with supply issues and personnel issues that might arise. And whom their point of contacts for various issues might be.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Dec 01, 2006, 11:42

Attacking a persons writing ability is rude, off topic, and not acceptable in this forum.

If you choose to encourage people to write better, you must do it in a MORE professional manner.

Thanks for the edit, Mike.  I didn't feel that I was attacking the ability as much as the effort.  Lots of newbies come here and post items that look like cell phone text messages.  I was just trying to encourage the poster to make his point in a more reader-friendly style so that people would actually bother to read it.

Back to the issue.  I am aware that Union Laborers in that geographical area make almost $30/hour not counting benefits.  The total package for them is almost $50 per hour.  Bartlett's non-union deconners make about half of that.  I'm guessing that they won't do much better even with a union.  On the other hand, they will do better than they would without any union at all.  If, however, they get greedy and start pricing themselves out of a job, they'll be the next group to cry foul just as you are now, LB.

I believe that every working person has the right to earn the best wage he can get.  I also believe that they have the right to bargain for their wages and benefits as a group.  But, I also believe that there is a limit to the amount of money that each job is worth.  The majority of deconning is housekeeping, emptying trash containers, and mopping floors.  This is a minimum wage job outside of nukes.  Inside the fence, the additional ability required to do decon work is worth a lot more than that, but not $50.  If the union workers lost the work, it is simply a matter of being able to get the same quality of work for a lot less money.

If the work was going to non-union people, I could see the problem.  But the fact that it is going to union members (just not YOUR union) leaves you without an argument.  How would union laborers feel if all their work was being lost to carpenters or teamsters just because they claimed that your union wasn't as good as theirs?  If you succeed in this attempt to discredit this union, then it would be fair for them to do it to you.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: PWHoppe on Dec 01, 2006, 12:00
If the work was going to non-union people, I could see the problem.  But the fact that it is going to union members (just not YOUR union) leaves you without an argument.  How would union laborers feel if all their work was being lost to carpenters or teamsters just because they claimed that your union wasn't as good as theirs?  If you succeed in this attempt to discredit this union, then it would be fair for them to do it to you.

I guess that I misunderstood the entire gist of the original post. Maybe because it wasn't written as clearly as it could have been ::) I understood LB to be saying that the Bartlett deconners were non-union, but your saying that they are indeed a union. If that is the fact then I would have to agree with you Troy and say there is really no gripe here. It is purely a case of one union instead of another. So what is the issue ??? LB are you upset because it is not your union? That seems a little narrow minded don't you think? Live and let live my brother, give these guys a shot at the contract, and see how it goes... just my opinion, I could be wrong 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Dec 01, 2006, 12:10
That seems a little narrow minded don't you think? Live and let live my brother, give these guys a shot at the contract, and see how it goes... just my opinion, I could be wrong 8)
Narrow minded is prob. the norm for the F-I-P's!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 01, 2006, 12:38
sounds like iffen yer wanting to go to work at da comed site, ya gotta call bartlett.  welcome to the nuclear service industry.  last time i worked fer bartlett services (union company, bin around fer a long time) they were paying competitive wages 'n covering da union dues.  granted, dis wuz fer outage work, not operational staff augmentation.  but, it wuzzant dat bada deal.  obviously, your b.a. wazzant able to git the contract signed, so eye yam guessing that a strike action is off the table.  sew, iffen yer good at deconning, 'n want to work there, it wood appeer there's only one thing to due, call bartlett.  oh, yeah, you can always go on the road as a traveler, huh?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Dec 01, 2006, 12:43
I guess that I misunderstood the entire gist of the original post. Maybe because it wasn't written as clearly as it could have been ::) I understood LB to be saying that the Bartlett deconners were non-union, but your saying that they are indeed a union. If that is the fact then I would have to agree with you Troy and say there is really no gripe here. It is purely a case of one union instead of another. So what is the issue ??? LB are you upset because it is not your union? That seems a little narrow minded don't you think? Live and let live my brother, give these guys a shot at the contract, and see how it goes... just my opinion, I could be wrong 8)
I don't know for sure whether the Bartlett deconners will be union or not.  All I know is that the original poster was griping about some other union being not as good as his in the same sentence as the news about Bartlett getting the work.  I may have misinterpreted that too.  It isn't a good policy to bash another union.  By the same logic, it isn't a good policy to blame another union for losing work that your union lost to them.  The only way for union labor (including all trades) to win this kind of argument is to provide well-trained people who are worth the extra cost.  In my opinion, certain trades are definitely worth the added expense when you factor in the training that they get and the quality of work that they perform.  But there is a limit on how much additional cost is justified - especially at a job that is relatively non-skilled.  As an example: let's say that union painters can be proven to do a much better job than their non-union counterparts.  They would be better positioned to demand a higher payscale for their work.  But, union gum scrapers are about the same as non-union gum scrapers at more than twice the cost.  Who are you going to hire to clean under your theater seats?  This whole discussion is a lot like the painters complaining that the non-union gum scrapers are taking their work and blaming the gum scrapers union for losing it.  Frankly, it does not take a skilled painter to scrape gum from under a table or chair.  Any claim that they have to the work is purely a territorial thing that has nothing at all to do with providing better quality.  If you want $50/hr to scrape gum or mop floors, you are very likely to lose that work to someone who will do it just as well for $20.  
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: lowlrc on Dec 01, 2006, 12:46
  I would just tell the Bartlett deconners to be careful. Those union laborers can be thugs. Quite a few years ago at Dresden they smashed out the windows of an Hp’s truck. Because they claimed he was doing “their work”. :'(  Needless to say the tension was extremely high between the techs and laborers, a few laborers ended up getting fired because of threats made to techs, the NRC got involved, Com-Ed lawyers got involved . We (techs) were told by the NRC to be attentive when driving home and so on. It was a bit scary for a while.  So watch yourself deconners.  By the way LB calling us Carnies never bothered anyone.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 01, 2006, 12:51
Thanks for the edit, Mike.  I didn't feel that I was attacking the ability as much as the effort.  Lots of newbies come here and post items that look like cell phone text messages.  I was just trying to encourage the poster to make his point in a more reader-friendly style so that people would actually bother to read it.

I never disagree with your message Troy, as we seem to share the same mind.  It's just that some times we need to be a little more understanding of others abilities in relation to our own.  I agree that the guys message was worse than sloglo's, hell I even edited HIS message, to try to make sense out of it.  I'm not sure I got it right, as it was that bad.

We do need to encourage people with abilities that are less than our own to use the site.  The increased communication is good for everyone.  I just don't want the guy to stop using the site because he was berated, and told that he was inferior to your 10 yr old (regardless if its true or not).  That helps no one.  If the message hurts your brain that badly (as sloglo's does mine), just ignore it.  That’s what I typically do.

Union LB:  Please try to respect the other forum members as well, and try your best to use proper punctuation and grammar in your messages.  Your message is indeed lost because your ability to use proper grammar makes your message VERY confusing.  Try shorter sentences.  It also discredits you, as your message makes you look uneducated.  Take 5 more min, re-read, and edit your messages.  You will be surprised at the results.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Dec 01, 2006, 01:32
For those of you who have never worked in this confusing system, known as Communist Edison, or now as Exelon, the issues will always be there. It doesn't matter whether you are union or not.

The permanent people at all 6 plants, or I should say 5 plus Zion Station, all have the same attitude. You are not one of them, and you are an outsider. You will be treated like a leper, and you will be called a Carnie, whether its to your face or not. These folks feel that you are undereducated, looking for a quick buck, and not up to their standards. Especially the ones that have been to college, which is usually either Purdue or U of I in Champaign.

If you think that this sytem will ever change, you are very optimistic or you just try to see the good in people. There are a few at each site that you can trust, but when it comes down to it, they will always stick with their brothers at the IBEW hall, not you.

Even the RadCon Managers, who are not part of the union, will side with the brothers, even if they know you are right. They would rather keep the local cult happy, than worry about a Bartlett HP or Deconner who is leaving, as soon as the carnival (outage) is over.

I lived it from 1987 until 1990, with a month or two off the entire time. I saw people's cars get trashed, people get in fights off-site and on-site, lies were made up about people, and just a general hate toward us road techs. Don't think for one minute that it will ever change.

Just one man's opinion....
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Dec 01, 2006, 03:33
Hey all - this will be a Union gig - as soon as I have all the facts I will post them, hopefully that will be in the next 2 weeks - have fun creating your conspiracy theories until then. 

Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Dec 01, 2006, 03:37
Hey all - this will be a Union gig - as soon as I have all the facts I will post them, hopefully that will be in the next 2 weeks - have fun creating your conspiracy theories until then. 

Eric Bartlett

At least you know your audience!
 ;D ;D
Thanks for the clarification.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Dec 01, 2006, 04:13
At least you know your audience!
 ;D ;D
Thanks for the clarification.

No problem - hey I've been work'n with all of u long enuff now that even I'm start'n to believe all the theories - seriously though my Exelon System Manager is currently in Illinois meet'n with the various Union Buisness Managers, Officers and or Reps to hammer out all of the fine details.  I should be get'n with her by the end of next week.  As soon as I get the low down I'll be let'n ya'll know what be go'n on.   

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 01, 2006, 05:19
hay!!!  eye yam gitteen my sensitivities whompt awn hare!  hail, awl eye wuz dune wuz halpeen a poscibilly disgruntled poster.  tank hebbenz eric bartlett hast lernt two right sews everybuddy kin unnerstand.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RADBASTARD on Dec 01, 2006, 06:11
I remember the union thing at quad shities.They even bitched we were taken their work by making copies of survey's.
Oh yeah well we can play that game,so we bomb them with our survey's they were so swamped,they said ok you guys can make copies.
They all cry we are taking their work until it comes time to do the work,then they cry about it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Dec 01, 2006, 06:35
Narrow minded is prob. the norm for the F-I-P's!

Hey! I thought that F-I-P thing was reserved for us Michiganders!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 02, 2006, 04:56
I've been work'n with all of u long enuff now that even I'm start'n to believe all the theories

I haven't laughed so hard in quite some time.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: JessJen on Dec 03, 2006, 12:52
hay!!!  eye yam gitteen my sensitivities whompt awn hare!  hail, awl eye wuz dune wuz halpeen a poscibilly disgruntled poster.  tank hebbenz eric bartlett hast lernt two right sews everybuddy kin unnerstand.

Hey!!! I am getting my sensitivities whompt on here! Hell, all I was doing was helping a possibly disgruntled poster.  Thank Heavens Eric Bartlett hasn't learned to write so everyone can understand.

Translations by jesjenn....for all your nukeworker translation needs

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Dec 04, 2006, 09:20
this will most likely end up being good for bartlett and good for the decon techs. bartlett will be able to supply experienced decon techs year round. and exelon will benefit from their experience. the decon techs that get chosen for these positions will get the benefit ofhaving year round employment. like hoppe said im sure it has to do more with pay rates and possibly getting a better product from the personnel supplied then the personnel involved that the union supplied. since i have no inside knowledge of this situation im sure they will be limited benefits for the bartlett decon techs. The bartlett techs will most likely endure a transition period where they migth meet some resistance to them taking over and whom to contact with supply issues and personnel issues that might arise. And whom their point of contacts for various issues might be.
  you say experienced decon techs year round but thats not the case there was a bartlett tech at Dresden that got the job because he cut someones grass He had no EXPERIENCE the union lb there helped him get by at the outage .The union LBs have been doing the decon jobs for years . But I bet next year if BARTLETT SENDS PEOPLE LIKE THAT KID THAT DIDNT EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ THE METER THE UNION WHAT EVER IT BE LB;CARP;TEM;OP;OR IBEW LETS HIM DIG HIS OWN GRAVE BY THE WAY IM NOT A UNION LB I WAS JUST SEEING HOW MUCH PEOPLE WOULD READ INTO THE LOG IN NAME I USED  :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Dec 04, 2006, 10:11

Thats very ignorant to judge the lot of decon techs by just 1 ..
I don't think people need to "read too much into" of what & more over, HOW you have posted on this site to get where your angle is coming from.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Nuclear NASCAR on Dec 04, 2006, 10:16
Just a reminder for all of some of the forum rules which can be found here:,4700.0.html

7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong. – No libel or defamatory messages.

Libel Published material meeting three conditions: the material is defamatory either on its face or indirectly; the defamatory statement is about someone who is identifiable to one or more persons; and the material must be distributed to someone other than the offended party; i.e. posted on NukeWorker.

Defamatory An imputation is defamatory if it is calculated to engender: `hatred, contempt or ridicule of', `lowering the estimation of', or causing people to `shun or avoid'.


union LB, I wanted to say Thanks for editing the name that you did have in there.  It is appreciated.  If you ever have any questions don't hesitate to PM any of the friendly moderators here.  We're all here to help our fellow Nukeworkers.  Welcome to Nukeworker by the way.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Dec 04, 2006, 10:23
But its not just one tech. I see were lbs do the grunt work and they do a great job. But when someone says the bartlett tech have more exp then the lbs on the job at hand thats wrong. In this area theres only a few that does the outages that keep coming back the others are new. I would think the first think you would need to know to work for a company that works at a nuke would have to be able to work a meter not just go though the moves . That why we have people getting crapped up in the the plant. tech with lack of exp
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Dec 04, 2006, 10:29
The old tech that keep coming back take there job to hart the new ones dont
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Dec 04, 2006, 11:05
But its not just one tech. I see were lbs do the grunt work and they do a great job. But when someone says the bartlett tech have more exp then the lbs on the job at hand thats wrong. In this area theres only a few that does the outages that keep coming back the others are new. I would think the first think you would need to know to work for a company that works at a nuke would have to be able to work a meter not just go though the moves . That why we have people getting crapped up in the the plant. tech with lack of exp

all i can say to your reply is...WOW! You really work in THIS industry??? WOW-WEE!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Dec 04, 2006, 11:37
Union LB: Let me explain something to you about this industry......

1. You will always have inexperienced technicians, regardless where you work.
2. Your chances of seeing one of those technicians at an Exelon site, are better than anywhere else. Exelon still takes 18.1 technicians (I think they still do), or what the union might call an apprentice. They have not become a bonafide 3.1 technician and are still in a learning phase. Due to problems with staffing, they are thrown into a role they may not be comfortable with. Flying by the seat of our pants is a way of life in an outage.
3. A Bartlett technician is no different than an Atlantic Group technician, or a SEC technician. You may see a guy working for Bartlett in March at Dresden, and then see that same guy working for the Atlantic Group in another plant, in April.
4. If you are going to participate in a discussion with a bunch of us who have been swinging a meter for 20 years, you may want to open your mind and listen to what we have to say, instead of being so defensive. We monitor this website to help people understand the good and bad of this industry, not to chastise them. We have alot of different insight to offer and are willing to share it with someone willing to listen.
5. Keep grinding whatever axe it is you have to grind, and tell your union boss, or tell the Bartlett Site Coordinator, or use your Employee Concerns option. That is your right.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Jenerou on Dec 05, 2006, 12:04
I am not new to this business, but have not been here for 20 years. I was taught many things on my first "Jr" job by all different people, but started as a decon and already had some insight as to what was going on. If everybody will help one person just a little when they are new it makes a big difference. As far as having these long term jobs I think they are great and they will benefit lots of people.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 05, 2006, 06:31
Dave Warren:  The guy is refering to deconers, not HP's.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Dec 05, 2006, 08:11
I knew he was referring to Deconners. I just saw his many references to a "bartlett tech", and assumed he was referring to a H.P. Tech not knowing how to read a meter.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Dec 05, 2006, 08:16
karma to you dave for pointing out that many of us have been doing this for close to 20 years and that people can learn from our experiences. While I have worked with lots of hp's and deconners that have trouble reading I would also like to say not all sites qualify deconners to dose rate LLW, so in their defense if they are not properly trained they will not know how to do it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 05, 2006, 10:24
karma to you dave for pointing out that many of us have been doing this for close to 20 years and that people can learn from our experiences. While I have worked with lots of hp's and deconners that have trouble reading I would also like to say not all sites qualify deconners to dose rate LLW, so in their defense if they are not properly trained they will not know how to do it.

'n that's how you git bags marked 225 mr/hr from da s/g platform out at the equipment hatch that are actually reading 4 mr/hr w/ 12 mrad/hr net o.w. thru da bags.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Dec 06, 2006, 05:27
hmmmm, maybe they oughtta be havin' HP Techs dose rate the bags. That used t'be one of the things we were there for.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Dec 06, 2006, 11:14
But its not just one tech. I see were lbs do the grunt work and they do a great job. But when someone says the bartlett tech have more exp then the lbs on the job at hand thats wrong. In this area theres only a few that does the outages that keep coming back the others are new. I would think the first think you would need to know to work for a company that works at a nuke would have to be able to work a meter not just go though the moves . That why we have people getting crapped up in the the plant. tech with lack of exp

union LB,
Just because the LB's have been doing the decon work for a long time doesn't mean they've been doing it right all this time.  Give the Bartlett decon techs a chance, you might learn a thing or two.  As far as someone's "lawn boy" getting hired, that's just the nature of the beast.  Right or wrong, you're always going to have some BS politics going on in one form or another.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Dec 06, 2006, 11:31
colonel angus I have to agree with you !! like you said just because the laborers have been doing the decon,does not mean its been done right all this time. give the bartlett decon techs a chance to offer some of their experiences from working a variety of plants. ok this is just my opinion but one of my beefs with long term decon or hp techs is that they get a sort of tunnel vision in their approach to doing things and at times are not benefited from the vast amount of experience people learn from doing things from a different approach at other plants.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Dec 06, 2006, 10:30
union LB,
Just because the LB's have been doing the decon work for a long time doesn't mean they've been doing it right all this time.  Give the Bartlett decon techs a chance, you might learn a thing or two.  As far as someone's "lawn boy" getting hired, that's just the nature of the beast.  Right or wrong, you're always going to have some BS politics going on in one form or another.
Your right it don't mean there doing it right but i would think and feel safe knowing that its being done the same way it has been for years by the LB doing it with exp. And not with just a person that had no job and Bartlett picked them out of the local bar to do the cavity decon so they could mean there #'s thats what it has looked like to me . And by talking to some of the tech that is about a true statment. it's not a deal of should bartlett do the deconing or not . it's that they had to say the can do it cheaper but at what cost and what exp do you get for that price? I this see this subject has not help me with any good karma.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Dec 06, 2006, 10:54
sober i be and if you ever been at a nuke plant the union laborers have LB on there hard hats  short for laborers
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Dec 06, 2006, 11:56
well here we go again...
1) if you really don't feel "safe" working at your plant when there are these "unexperienced" techs employed there, then you should probably quit & find another industry to work in...BOTTOM LINE!
2) everyone has to start somewhere...maybe the plant folks that were at your plant before YOU arrived there had the same narrow-minded attitude you have(big stretch,eh??)??
Who gave you YOUR start???
I think everyone here gets your angle but you just keep on trying to convince us that it is something other than sour grapes.
3) your karma is your own doing...nobody else. you don't like it, complain to the mirror, im sure the conversation will be a long one!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Dec 07, 2006, 12:42
Your right it don't mean there doing it right but i would think and feel safe knowing that its being done the same way it has been for years by the LB doing it with exp. And not with just a person that had no job and Bartlett picked them out of the local bar to do the cavity decon so they could mean there #'s thats what it has looked like to me . And by talking to some of the tech that is about a true statment. it's not a deal of should bartlett do the deconing or not . it's that they had to say the can do it cheaper but at what cost and what exp do you get for that price? I this see this subject has not help me with any good karma.

Huh?  You DO have a FFD program where you work, right?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: diliigaf on Dec 07, 2006, 07:45
sober i be and if you ever been at a nuke plant the union laborers have LB on there hard hats  short for laborers
                     ??? I've been to ~ 30 plants and none of them had LB on there hard hats... Usally they are color coded for the different trades...
            For all of us outside your system LB be represent many things... :D Although I understood what you were referring too...
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Roll Tide on Dec 07, 2006, 08:00
I didn't know what LB meant. But I usually don't ask someone to explain the initials they use; it could be the only PC way to say something. Right, DILLIGAF?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: diliigaf on Dec 07, 2006, 08:19
I didn't know what LB meant. But I usually don't ask someone to explain the initials they use; it could be the only PC way to say something. Right, DILLIGAF?
                    You are correct Tide... It wasn't until the second or third post when I realized what LB meant... 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 07, 2006, 09:05
                    You are correct Tide... It wasn't until the second or third post when I realized what LB meant... 8)
And I thought it meant Lawn Boy.  You see, you learn something new every day.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Dec 07, 2006, 10:30
And I thought it meant Lawn Boy.  You see, you learn something new every day.

Thanks.  I almost went nasal with my coffee.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: diliigaf on Dec 07, 2006, 10:41
And I thought it meant Lawn Boy.  You see, you learn something new every day.
                    ;D Now that's funny, I don't care who you are... 8)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike_Koehler on Dec 07, 2006, 12:12
Thanks.  I almost went nasal with my coffee.
Leave off the almost...... ouch!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Dec 07, 2006, 02:52
And what is the difference between that and going down to the local union hall?

They're probably more sober at the local bar. :^)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Dec 07, 2006, 03:42
They're probably more sober at the local bar. :^)

Or grab a few from the plasma donor center down the street?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 07, 2006, 04:30
I'd say you are all off topic, but I'm not sure what the topic is, heh.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Dec 07, 2006, 10:36
Karma to ya, Mike!  :)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 08, 2006, 11:23
hay!  lotsa times yinz go two da local bar to recruit 'n ya finds yer experienced union labor their.  now whatcha supposed to do, go to the corner 'n ask fer green cards?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Cathy on Dec 12, 2006, 11:00
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Has anyone else gotten their notice from Bartlett concerning health insurance? I got mine yesterday and as far as I can tell they DRASTICALLY changed my health insurance for the worst and my cobra pemiums went down a whopping $20 a month. The change takes effect January 1, 2007. Not a happy camper here.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Dec 12, 2006, 02:25
Got the same notice yesterday.  They moved up the reup date to Jan 1 from what used to be sometime in May, dropped the coverage for everyone to 70/50, and yes the cobra rates went down about $20/month  ::).  Big woop about the cobra rates.  That is the copay for one doctors visit, as opposed to the now 30% of each visit you have to pay for  >:(.  We're looking at BCBS at home.  They can't be that bad.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Dec 12, 2006, 06:05
Hey there OLDHP you must be REALLY OLD as you missed the space bar between OLD & HP so now we can tell the difference between the two of us (You will be the RealOLDHP).

Back to the evals. We all do our personal evaluations at each job and with each Site Coordinator. If you don't like their performance all you have to do is go somewhere else.

Remo---- I appreciated the job you did for me in FL and I know I did a VERY positive eval for you. Just hang in there and keep your work ethics. For the most part the companies are too big to notice or care about us little guys. I feel your pain as I have been doing this almost twice as long as you.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hoghunter on Dec 12, 2006, 07:27
I was raised to be honest and to earn my way , never take hand outs. I started with Bartlett in 1987 and 90% of my jobs has been with them. I always wanted to tell  Bruce and Eric how I feel, but every time I call now they don't have time to listen so this the best way to say how I feel. I used to call the home office and they would know who I was without having to say my name. Bartlett has helped me out of some tough spots over the years. I used to get upset when people talked smack about them, how ever through the years Bartlett has changed, I call now and half the time you don't know what the truth is. They used to be a freind on the phone,now they just want to hurry and get off the  phone.I was asked the other day if I have ever worked for Bartlett by the home office. I still have respect for Bartlett, I just feel like a number instead of a person.
       Bartlett can't be blamed for it all though,the industry has changed.I remember when I got started in the early 80's it was resp., plastics and hard labor.Now your work performance means nothing. I feel this is because the industry has gotten so laid back that people don't want to earn it, they want to be given it              ( something for nothing). I was told about an incentive progam, but we all know it is good old boy's who gets it all. The people as said by someone else before that sits around and complains, kiss up and wants something for nothing are the ones that gets the jobs and respect from the plants. There is so much back stabbing going on now. I guess thats why I'm where I'm at, there is two things I got left in life one is  my kids the other is  my pride in my work and if that isn't enough then I don't need it.
  Bottom  line is I know times change and so do people.We have to change with them. I don't think sitting around putting down Bartlett is the answer,they are not to blame for the problems we have with the plants.I feel Bartlett needs to know more about their people in the field and how we are treated by the plants and some of the coordinators who thinks they are so much above us.  Bartlett needs to know we help  make their pay check to.I want to say don't bite the hand that feeds you. " WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER "
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Dec 13, 2006, 12:16
shouldnt you just consider this, Bartlett is being operated like a business that does recruiting and placement. If anything they are finally fitting the model of that type of industry. They are not a mom and pop business anymore so acceptance of that change would require you to change your approach.  This requires you to get agreements in writing and when discussing company policy get a person that knows on the phone and not some new person that gets paid by the head. Discuss policy so that both of you are in agreement as to what it means and then call back for clarification. If there is a conflict go to the next level.  Simply asking what the incentive program is and how do you qualify would take care of some issues that you present. Then if you do qualify, GET IT IN WRITING. Even Eric has said that they need to be doing signed agreements but just have not followed through with it. Signed agreements are simple one page statements and when accepted and signed by you that is all you get for pay and benefits and can be presented as a legal instrument in the event of grievance.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 13, 2006, 05:10
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Has anyone else gotten their notice from Bartlett concerning health insurance? I got mine yesterday and as far as I can tell they DRASTICALLY changed my health insurance for the worst and my cobra pemiums went down a whopping $20 a month. The change takes effect January 1, 2007. Not a happy camper here.

Right place.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hoghunter on Dec 13, 2006, 06:58
I did say time changes people and businesses . I was saying Bartlett isn't all the blame for how it is now.Bartlett has been very good to me,and I wouldn't bad mouth or turn my back on them.I have work for others such as NUMANCO and you did see office personal at various plant sites interfacing with employees,however I do realize times may not allow for such . I was simply saying the industry in a whole has gotten to the point that a person just about has to kiss up to get anywhere, it seems the lazy person who sits around complaining gets further I saw there was more,  said about the incentive program, that falls back to the good old boys statment. As far as getting info. in writing I started in 1982 I haven't signed or seen anything in writing. I would like to know how you can tell who is quaified. I do agree that we do need something like  the incentive program if it was set up for the ones that deserve it.Time changes all things and so must we. I want to say I do enjoy working for Bartlett.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Carolina Jethro on Dec 13, 2006, 08:23
I got the same letter... in 8 months my family coverage has gone from $92/week to the new rate of $143/week. That is just too much and I sent in my letter today to drop coverage.  I already checked and my local BCBS plan is cheaper with better copay and less deductible. Hey that gives me like a $3.50/hr pay raise. I don't blame Bartlett though. All companies are going through the same thing. Plus with our line of work and not being a permanent type worker... we are probably in the high risk district.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Dec 13, 2006, 08:51
well i didn't mean to start anything i was just seeing what others thought.sorry if i got anyone upset here .
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 13, 2006, 10:32
yer gitting family coverage for how much?   $143 is too much?  hail, iffen i only paid that much when i had family, i wooda save 560 a month. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Dec 13, 2006, 11:25
I think he meant per week instead of per month, and that is while working when Bartlett chipped in.  On COBRA, I would pay $1026.12 for family coverage that will only cost me $615/month in Mississippi under the same Blue care plan I had before, not the 70/50 plan Bartlett has switched to.   :D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Carolina Jethro on Dec 14, 2006, 03:57
yer gitting family coverage for how much?   $143 is too much?  hail, iffen i only paid that much when i had family, i wooda save 560 a month. 
my bad!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Dec 14, 2006, 04:23
hay!  lotsa times yinz go two da local bar to recruit 'n ya finds yer experienced union labor their.  now whatcha supposed to do, go to the corner 'n ask fer green cards?

Green Card? Sure thing, how many do ya want to see...?   
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Marlin on Dec 14, 2006, 08:14
well i didn't mean to start anything i was just seeing what others thought.sorry if i got anyone upset here .

You were playing to a tough crowd. Most of people here are non-union and those who have been around for a while may remember the lack of support from the ComEd unions when the road techs tried to organize (both sides were IBEW). There are good and bad unions, I have worked plants where it was a few weeks or so before I knew they were union, at ComEd it hit you in the face at the door. ComEd unions do not fall into what many here would call a good union except for those in it.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 14, 2006, 04:49
well i didn't mean to start anything i was just seeing what others thought.sorry if i got anyone upset here .

don't ebber be sorry to start anything here.  lotsa subjects git treeted like they do ina break trailer.   we still luv ya, we jist don't kiss ya like dey dew in holliwould.   ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: BStella on Dec 14, 2006, 10:20
You were playing to a tough crowd. Most of people here are non-union and those who have been around for a while may remember the lack of support from the ComEd unions when the road techs tried to organize (both sides were IBEW). There are good and bad unions, I have worked plants where it was a few weeks or so before I knew they were union, at ComEd it hit you in the face at the door. ComEd unions do not fall into what many here would call a good union except for those in it.

If I could do your Karma thang here...I would (I'll do it elsewhere :).  We seem to forget sometimes...where we came from, who've we've been and where and how we got started not to mention our own issues we are dealing with and have we've dealt with.  Let us never forget.  Change is always scary.

PEACE to all.

P.S.  No, I'm not pro-union..."been there, done that".  Consider me "aware" amd respectful of others feelings and opinions.  AND YES...I believe the owner of this post got started off on the wrong foot with his presentation.

again...PEACE to all.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike McFarlin on Dec 16, 2006, 10:46
Well said, brother.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: shovelheadred on Dec 16, 2006, 10:29
....I worked COMED in the 90's with Dave have to classify what union shop you are talking about...the HPand labor union hate contrat HP's...but I worked with the welders, fitters, millwrights and electricians..on NIGHT shift, and after the getting to know the crew brief was over...I got along with them very well..Dresden HP's were the worst, until Harry Bush, Mike Overstreet and Rick Conklin became house and we had some friends on the inside...I have worked alot of union plants, worked a strike job at Farley and I have found if you play by the rules, whatever they are,(however you still must enforce procedural compliance).. and dont act like a jerk, treat a man or woman like you would want to be treated, respect their union(because you are at their house and thats the way it is) then you usually dont have problems,,,there are always exceptions,,,and that strike outage I worked at Farley..I respected their union, I was management, and was locked inside..I live in a non-union state, never worked a union plant until I worked with Dave, but he advised me how to get along and make a lotta $$$ at COMED, because they were always in outage..and that we did..when we worked COMED Brooks ran the show,,and the deconners were UNION..most local,,and we got along with them better than we did with the house HP's ..I havent worked in Illinois, or as an HP in many years,,and may be off track here,,,,but its just my opinion....if you dont agree with the union at Excelon, then stay at home,,or go somewhere else...what about it Spanky?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Dec 18, 2006, 08:22
....I worked COMED in the 90's with Dave Warren....

What up, Dog? Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

Red hit it right on the head. You can get along with the "Contractor" Union guys, because they were road whores, like we all were. The "House" Union guys would rather walk by you than say "good morning" to you. This would come from their fear that we were gonna try and steal their job, or stay long-term and infiltrate their ranks and become friends with some of their other union buddies. So, like Red said, we did unto others as we would have them do unto us. In turn, we made alot of money, got to stay later than the other contract HP's, and actually did forge relationships with some of them. We didn't live to work, we worked to live. Did we sell out? No, we acted like human beings to everyone, and people saw that we didn't let all that drama get in the way of us doing our job. Eventually, people will treat you as a person, instead of a carnie. When you let someone else's feelings and emotions dictate the way you act, then you are doing exactly what they want you to do.

I communicated this to Red, and he did the right thing. He was one of the HP's that the crew's requested, because they knew that he was there to do a job, and not start a controversy, because someone had called him a scab or similar. He just smiled and said "Hey, I'm getting paid. Call me what you wanna call me".

Peace, y'all....
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Marlin on Dec 18, 2006, 08:54
Dave, Red ...Illinois was home and I worked all of the ComEd (Exelon) plants (except Dresden) many times so I could be home on weekends. The union there at its core is very protectionist. I experienced the same circumstances that you did, I was one of the few at Quad that covered house maintenance in the 80's as a contractor. This does not change the nature of the union itself, even if there are good and bad people in it. In thier defense they did not excatly get the pick of the litter for contractors due to pay scale and bad reputation, you did have to prove yourself, that being said, contractors were not permitted to use the bathrooms, breakrooms, or cafeteria. Verbal abuse and even damage to contractors cars did happen. That is difficult to defend based on preferential treatment to a few people.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Dec 18, 2006, 09:06
Marlin, by no means was I justifying the actions of the Union intimidation tactics. We did what we had to do to survive.

There is no excuse for verbal bashing and messing with people's property, when everyone is working toward the same goal.

Did you get me a job yet in Oak Ridge, so I can run for Mayor again?......:)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Marlin on Dec 18, 2006, 09:16
I'm looking, we miss our "Cruise Director".
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: shovelheadred on Dec 18, 2006, 06:24
...Preciate the insider info.."Brother Dave" got my vote for Mayor, Governor, and union steward,,,whoa,,uh-oh...nah ...Marlin you are right all goes back to a saying,,,"When in South Carolina, do as the rednecks do" sorry,,,WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS DO.....we did make alot of money, for along time...went from tech to supervisor to ALARA  to Circle Bar W in a couple weeks....havent worked that circuit in a long time..well not in Illinois anyway....Hope you all have a Great Christmas..and if I offended any of you over the last year,,,,CAN A BROTHER GET A LITTLE FORGIVENESS, here at NUKEWORKER.COM?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Shawnee Man on Dec 21, 2006, 04:45
One day, maybe, the rp techs will make as much as the lbs. Then we can post on here to complain about someone else taking our jobs!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Dec 21, 2006, 05:19
Dave, Red ...Illinois was home and I worked all of the ComEd (Exelon) plants (except Dresden) many times so I could be home on weekends. The union there at its core is very protectionist. I experienced the same circumstances that you did, I was one of the few at Quad that covered house maintenance in the 80's as a contractor. This does not change the nature of the union itself, even if there are good and bad people in it. In thier defense they did not excatly get the pick of the litter for contractors due to pay scale and bad reputation, you did have to prove yourself, that being said, contractors were not permitted to use the bathrooms, breakrooms, or cafeteria. Verbal abuse and even damage to contractors cars did happen. That is difficult to defend based on preferential treatment to a few people.

F-that..their attitude makes them all s***heads..& f-"proving" something to a bunch of yellow-hammers!
They get no defense! & they should get treated like S*** if they ever go on the road!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: diliigaf on Dec 21, 2006, 09:12
F-that..their attitude makes them all s***heads..& f-"proving" something to a bunch of yellow-hammers!
They get no defense! & they should get treated like S*** if they ever go on the road!
                                >:( I'll have to agree with you on that....

             Live by the sword die by the sword...

                   Do unto others as you would want done unto you... ???
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Dec 22, 2006, 04:19
21 years in decon and not worth my time + 18 months jr HP time thrown in there, I chose to walk away from the job, I'am sure not many lbs make what I make now,, and hey I'am not not a HP or RP.. oh well there loss..

Amen Red, they lost a good chance at a good one, because they decided to be pr**ks,, hey if they never want to learn they never will...

I'am sure the host of this site knows my wife and I

Off Subject: Merry Christmas to all,, my wife would say ya'll

Mike??? is the sump overfulling?????  come on it's a dc cook thang,, had to jangle your balls a bit

Merry Christmas ya'll


Dang I'am so 80's
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 22, 2006, 09:05
                                     Live by the sword die by the sword...

                   Do unto others as you would want done unto you... ???

'n yinz'll nebber sea dem ona rhode. de no dat, 'n cood kare less bout yer tinking.  knot dat eye noe dem.... butt i bin der in menny udder placez.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Dec 27, 2006, 07:25
i'm especially fond of the concept of "taking our work" when for the most part "their work" gets done in a slow and half-a**ed manner. the work belongs to the people paying the bills (usually the utility) and they should hand out the jobs based on who gets it done in the most timely and highest quality manner.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Dec 27, 2006, 08:07
karma to you wayne ! obviously if the utility was happy with the quality and quantity of the work they would not have looked to another vendor. In this case it was bartlett to sullpy decon support. And as was previously stated the work does not belong specifically to the workers but belongs to the site utility whom decides who will give them the best product or service at the best quality and price.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: bmf92979 on Jan 24, 2007, 06:17
I am currently employed at Dresden as a deconner and I was just wondering if anyone knew for sure what was going on with the Bartlett contract. We were told they are supposed to take over at the end of March but then told everything was a hold for some reason. I hope everything works out for Bartlett but just remember there are people who currently have those jobs who will be unemployed.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Atomic_Punk on Jan 24, 2007, 06:54
I am currently employed at Dresden as a deconner and I was just wondering if anyone knew for sure what was going on with the Bartlett contract. We were told they are supposed to take over at the end of March but then told everything was a hold for some reason. I hope everything works out for Bartlett but just remember there are people who currently have those jobs who will be unemployed.

If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em.  1-800-225-0385.  Good luck to ya!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: union LB on Jan 26, 2007, 09:50
Hey all - this will be a Union gig - as soon as I have all the facts I will post them, hopefully that will be in the next 2 weeks - have fun creating your conspiracy theories until then. 

Eric Bartlett

So has bartlett came up with anything yet i was told it was shot down is that true or what
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jan 26, 2007, 10:25
so did barlett get the contract for the nukes in il. becaue i heared it was shot down in dec you said you would let us know.

Yes we did get the contract - its all being tweaked - i'm not involved with negotiations or proposals, i just staff and truthfully i try not to pay attention to things like this until i'm given a staffing request...I'll put some feelers out and see what i can find out for you.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Feb 28, 2007, 09:03
I am soooo upset right now!!  My husband has worked for Barlett for 10 yrs or more, and his father before him, for who knows how many years, and now he's being treated like some Joe-Blow off the streets.  I totally understand the act of doing business, but this just isn't right.

In December, my husband put in for Comanche Peak.  He was ultimately told that since he hasn't been there for a couple of outages, that he would be put in as a non-returnee.  Jim contacted the site coordinator and left a message with him, wanting to know if he had received his resume yet and to let him know that he was interested in returning.  After not hearing from the S.C., he contacted the office and was told that C.P. was staffed.  Ok, so, what's he to do then? Sit on his thumbs and wait for the phone to ring? No, he went to another company who had positions opened at plants that he had been to when Bartlett had their contracts.  He confirmed for 2 plants.  Not 10 minutes after confirming, Bartlett called him saying that the S.C. wanted him at C.P., but Jim had to decline because he had already confirmed with the other company.

So, now Jim has requested to be put in for Palo Verde.  When he called Barlett, he was told that PV was staffed.  A couple of days later, he found out that there are actually 4-14 positions still available.  So, he called back and spoke to someone else and was told that those positions were being held for people that are working FOR Bartlett...and asked him if he wanted to go to a couple of other sites that Bartlett holds the contract for, then he would be pretty much guarenteed a spot...but unless he breaks his commitment to the current company, he will not be guaranteed a spot.  Give me a break!!

Jim spoke with Eric yesterday and Eric says he'll investigate the situation.  I sure hope he does because, in my opinion, this is rediculous.  Jim has made his fair share of money for Barlett and I just feel he's being treated like trash.  The ONLY thing Jim has is his WORD!!!  One thing that he will NOT break.  When he confirms, he DOES NOT break his word.  You would think that this would be commended in this industry, but no......

Lorrie A. Henson
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Feb 28, 2007, 12:43
I am soooo upset right now!!  My husband has worked for Barlett for 10 yrs or more, and his father before him, for who knows how many years, and now he's being treated like some Joe-Blow off the streets.  I totally understand the act of doing business, but this just isn't right.

In December, my husband put in for Comanche Peak.  He was ultimately told that since he hasn't been there for a couple of outages, that he would be put in as a non-returnee.  Jim contacted the site coordinator and left a message with him, wanting to know if he had received his resume yet and to let him know that he was interested in returning.  After not hearing from the S.C., he contacted the office and was told that C.P. was staffed.  Ok, so, what's he to do then? Sit on his thumbs and wait for the phone to ring? No, he went to another company who had positions opened at plants that he had been to when Bartlett had their contracts.  He confirmed for 2 plants.  Not 10 minutes after confirming, Bartlett called him saying that the S.C. wanted him at C.P., but Jim had to decline because he had already confirmed with the other company.

So, now Jim has requested to be put in for Palo Verde.  When he called Barlett, he was told that PV was staffed.  A couple of days later, he found out that there are actually 4-14 positions still available.  So, he called back and spoke to someone else and was told that those positions were being held for people that are working FOR Bartlett...and asked him if he wanted to go to a couple of other sites that Bartlett holds the contract for, then he would be pretty much guarenteed a spot...but unless he breaks his commitment to the current company, he will not be guaranteed a spot.  Give me a break!!

Jim spoke with Eric yesterday and Eric says he'll investigate the situation.  I sure hope he does because, in my opinion, this is rediculous.  Jim has made his fair share of money for Barlett and I just feel he's being treated like trash.  The ONLY thing Jim has is his WORD!!!  One thing that he will NOT break.  When he confirms, he DOES NOT break his word.  You would think that this would be commended in this industry, but no......

Lorrie A. Henson

Yes, Jim did speak to me about this situation that concerned himself and Bartlett and I tried to explain what I think may have happened to him and told him that I would look into it further.  So imagine my surprise to find this posting less than half a day later.  Now that you've taken this from a matter between Jim and a recruiter and made it part of the public forum to be tried, judged and sentenced by the masses I feel that I should reply solely via the public forum so that not only you and Jim get an answer but that I can also now try to clarify what happened to everyone else that you’ve tried to rally with your insinuations.   

These are the facts as presented to me by Jim on 2/27 (with some minor clarification from a couple of recruiters)

Fact 1 he put in for Comanche
Fact 2 Comanche initially staffed up w/out him (only 64 total slots for SHP and a few hundred applicants)
Fact 3 not getting the first choice he went and took other work – it just happened that    Brand X could get him to work earlier than we could
Fact 4 a slot came open at Comanche and he was offered the slot
Fact 5 slot was turned down due to prior commitment w/Brand X- admirable
Fact 6 asked for Palo Verde
Fact 7 told Palo was staffed

                                       This is where elaboration comes in – this is where I may become long winded so please bear with me. Palo, as many are aware is for all intents and purposes a prime job - happening at the end of the season when most people are getting laid off.  A few months ago we, Bartlett, decided that Palo should be used for helping out those techs that didn’t jump on the first thing Brand X offered and waited for a job w/Bartlett.  I understand he couldn’t wait for a job to come around w/Bartlett and that they had offered him an early start for his current outage and truthfully I think its admirable that he stayed true to his word when so many nowadays don’t (on all sides). For that they, Brand X, should be rewarding him with a late season job, just as Bartlett is using Palo to try and reward as many as we can that stuck by their word and showed up to do a whopping 1 outage this season with us. 

Now as far as originally being told Palo was staffed, I think I know the reason he was told this.  To understand this you would have to be aware of how we operate in the recruiting dept.  Each day a report is circulated listing what has been requested and what has been filled on those requests, standard recruiting protocol.  If we have a site that for all intents and purposes is staffed, due to that we have placed slots on hold for select individuals that have helped us or need additional work other than the one 3 week outage they were signed up for, we list it as being staffed here in the office so that anyone taking calls and requests wont be offering it as a choice – YES we have open slots, BUT they are on hold for select individuals, so for all intents and purposes it is staffed if you are not one of those individuals, especially if it happens to be a prime job and you happen to be coming off a job w/another company and not us.  Its only sound business practice, hat by the way is not a new practice.  We’ve been operating that way since long before I started here back in ’89.  After all how would you like it if you committed to Bartlett to work “Plant A” staffing around 3/25, shutdown around 4/1 for approx 3 weeks with the understanding that if we can get you to Palo we will.  Then out of the blue we decide to hire someone coming off of, oh say Duane Arnold and Monticello w/Brand X for that spot at Palo instead of you, who now only gets 3-4 weeks of work because we decided to forgo any type of loyalty to our workers. 

I more than understand yours, his, frustration with being told it was staffed when in reality it wasn’t – but for all intents and purposes when it comes to someone in your situation, coming off a non-Bartlett job, IT IS STAFFED.  It’s only proper business sense to keep our current workforce working as long as possible so that they can make as much money as possible, we can bill as long as possible for them and to keep them off of the unemployment rolls.  If Brand X sold you on a job at the beginning and middle of the season you should be asking them “what are they going to do for you at the end of the season” just like we get hammered here in this office with that very same question under the very same circumstances.  I am sorry if you feel you’ve been wronged – you aren’t the first and truthfully you won’t be the last.   No matter what we do there will always be someone out there that will think that they got the %$#& end of the stick.

Now let’s get back to the sequence of events…

Fact 8 called back to check on Palo and was told there were slots (heard via word of    mouth from other techs that there were open slots) and was told slots on hold as    per my long winded dissertation above
Fact 9    was told that we could possibly place him at Palo if he was willing to help us out    where we needed him right now, if not then we would need that spot to give to    someone who could and would help us out right now -  unlike your claim that we    would put him there as long as he breaks his commitment to Brand X – it’s not    about getting into Palo by hurting Brand X, they don’t seem to need any help in    that arena, it was about getting into Palo by helping Bartlett.  2 separate items that    happen to go hand in hand.
Fact 10 did the admirable thing and stayed true to his word to Brad X to fulfill his    commitment to them – don’t get me wrong I’m not being sarcastic about him    keeping his word, it is admirable when so many don’t

Q:    Are there times that we place people on “prime” jobs that are coming off a job    w/another company? 
A:   Yes, few and far between, but yes.
Q:   Why then and not now?
A:   It primarily happens when forced by a client or upper level mgt to do so

Now after all of that I would like to say that Jim is a desirable tech to have working for us.  He does a good job, is polite, professional and dependable.  Do I want him back with Bartlett? Damned straight I do.  Do I have other good, polite, professional, dependable workers that need to work Palo? Yes I do.  Who am I going to try and put there first?  The techs coming off of our sites will be placed first.  Would I hire Jim or someone else coming off of a job with another vendor to fill a “prime” slot?  Yes, if I ran out of techs coming off of our jobs.  Will I try and take care of Jim in the future? Yes, as best I can.  I can’t promise jobs, all I can promise is to try and treat everyone fairly and to do my best to take care of those that are currently taking care of Bartlett.  If you are currently taking care of/helping/working for another vendor, that vendor should be doing everything they can to take care of you.  Next season is a whole new season that will have techs, that are not working for us this season, working for us that we will try and take care of and there will be a techs that did help us this season that will go to Brand X next, that I wont be able to take care of because of I’ll be trying to take care of the ones that will be helping us next season.  Well there’s my lengthy reply to a lengthy post.  Believe me or not, take it or leave it.  It happens to be the way it is.  I am sorry we can’t please all of the people all of the time, maybe in the future…. 

You stated that you thought that all of this was ridiculous – in a way your right. It is absolutely ridiculous that I should have to spend a good chunk of my morning answering accusations and questions, that have already been answered privately, on a public forum, but alas you left me no choice.  Whether or not my reply affects your feelings towards or desire to work for Bartlett, I don’t know.  I will tell you this though, if and when you guys give us a call, we will do our best to take care of you down the line, just like I, we, have always tried to do in the past.

Eric Bartlett

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RDTroja on Feb 28, 2007, 01:14
I know nothing at all about the described situation except what I have read here, but I have to say that Eric has once again given one of the best and most reasonable replies that anyone could expect... and then some. The simple matter that Bartlett employs people and cannot give everyone exactly what they want all the time means that some people are not going to be happy. It is a shame that it works that way, but there is nothing anyone can do about it. Not many employers would take the time or make the effort that Eric has often taken to try to make people understand how his end of the business works. I for one appreciate it.

Karma to you Eric for taking the time and making it make sense.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: nickthestick on Feb 28, 2007, 01:24
Very Well stated Eric........
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Feb 28, 2007, 01:39

outstanding reply to this posting ! while many people may want all the primo jobs ect. there is a method to the madness in how it's carired out. I believe that if company x says site A and B are staffed and it does not fit your schedule for any other work and company Y has a schedule that is somewhat favorable in terms of when you start the outage season and finnish, you should not take out your frustrations on Company X when they call you back asking if your available for a slot somewhere that may have just opened up. Even though you have a committment to company Y, dont take it out on company X ! its only logical business practice to offer to those working for them in the current outage season. while i'm not sure of all the current facts in this situation ect, ect but it is wise to make sure you talk with company X and express your feelings of the situation before posting a lengthy disertation as to what happened in your current sittuation in this public forum !! just my 1 cent wortht.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Feb 28, 2007, 01:46
Eric, thank you very much for your response.  I know that it's business, and that not everyone is going to like it.  I fully understand trying to staff positions with people that are currently working for you, and that is commendable.  However, I guess I just didn't look at it that way when he was told that if he broke his contract with Brand X, Bartlett could guarantee him a spot, and that if he didn't...he would probably not be considered.  I guess I was looking at the 'big' picture and the fact that Jim has been with you for so long.. and not the 'smaller' picture of season-to-season.  I have upset you, and for that I do apologize.  I do thank you for recognizing his work ethics...they are very important to him, as most people that work with him know.

I have always thought the world of Bartlett and have voiced that to many people in the past... especially those that thought different from me.  I guess that's the main reason why I was so upset.  But, I have calmed down... I'm a woman.... what can I say?  :D   I do hope a position becomes available, but if not, there's always the Fall.  

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Feb 28, 2007, 02:13
Lorrie - I just got done with a similar converstation - no harm no foul.  Yes I was irked at first but by the time I was done responding I was gald you had actually posted what you did cuz I feel its about time some of the misconceptions out in the field on how/why we do things in the office get cleared up.   I have an idea of what some of those are, but to have it posted so its wink'n and blink'n at me is the best way for me to approach and address them.  I too apologize if I caused any heartache with my reply.  I probably wouldn't be so easy to get going if the company and I didnt share my last name... :)  Anyways always ask the question, raise your concerns.  I will do my best to answer it, even though sometimes the answers I come up with arent the desired ones, or they may get me in hot water.  Stay in touch and we'll see what we can do to get you two back with us in the future. 

Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on Feb 28, 2007, 02:49
Well, I know Jim and his wife, and they are good people.  I'm sorry they got burned this time.  But thanks for that explanation Eric, if I could give you karma I would.  I figured it was something like that.  I guess the real problem here is telling people something is staffed when it isn't.  I saw your explanation on that, and although it is mitigating (if I read it correctly), Bartlett should be more straight up with people and say "we are holding those spots for people who have been loyal to Bartlett lately, or this cycle".  How many times has Jim done a little extra for Bartlett?  Has that been taken into account, or forgotten?  This is a question, since I don't know.

I'm not saying Bartlett lied, but things were not clear either.  I have friends that are in the business, good people, and sometimes when they call Bartlett (especially juniors) they may not get a call back.  Not professional.  I believe the recruiters may not want to talk to them for one reason or another.  I know these people well and they don't make something out of nothing.  I know things get busy but that is still no excuse, my opinion here and since I have not ever been a recruiter I could be wrong about this.  I hope I wouldn't do this if I was a recruiter, but I haven't walked a mile in thier shoes.

Bartlett could be better with communications.  I've seen this quite a few times.  I appreciate the effort there Eric.  Thank you.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Laning on Feb 28, 2007, 03:10
Although I don't have a horse in the race here, I feel compelled to offer this.

1. I'd no sooner want my wife speaking publicly on my behalf than she'd want me speaking on her behalf.

2. I must say, as a longtime Brand Xer, I'm quite impressed with Mr. Bartlett taking the time to offer his explanation. That act itself was much larger than the actual word count of his post!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Feb 28, 2007, 03:51
For the record, my husband had no idea I wrote anything in here... I was speaking MY MIND, not his. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Laning on Feb 28, 2007, 04:21

My point exactly. Unfortunately, he's gonna be the one dealing with the fall out. If nothing else, he'll be getting his chops busted by smart asses like me.  :-)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Feb 28, 2007, 04:46
Next season is a whole new season that will have techs, that are not working for us this season, working for us that we will try and take care of and there will be a techs that did help us this season that will go to Brand X next, that I wont be able to take care of because of I’ll be trying to take care of the ones that will be helping us next season. 

Just wanted to double-check whether this really means that, in the office as a whole, you only take into account what has happened this season when staffing the 'prime' outages? 

(I would have thought previous loyalty would also be rewarded...?)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Feb 28, 2007, 05:16
For the record, my husband had no idea I wrote anything in here... I was speaking MY MIND, not his. 

I feel your pain and your concern. It is VERY hard at times not to speak my mind concerning the way this business works; unfortunately I have been around it long enough to realize that not only could me saying what I want to hurt my husband professionally but there are always going to be those out there who will ride his back at work about what you say or do.

I also know how you feel being the wife and I assume mother of the household: we are the caretakers, the bill payers and budget makers most of the time and this has been a hard last couple of years with the ways in which outages have been scheduled and the amount of work we have seen.

Rest easy, at least your husband has a good wife beside him who is not afraid to speak up for him, the same can't be true for a good many in this business.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Feb 28, 2007, 05:34
Just wanted to double-check whether this really means that, in the office as a whole, you only take into account what has happened this season when staffing the 'prime' outages? 

(I would have thought previous loyalty would also be rewarded...?)

If I could take care of everyone that has ever helped us both past and current I would.  If someone helps us out now, yes I try and take care of them in the future, but if I have someone who helps us out by going to a solo outage during a season (tech 1) and someone who went w/another vendor (tech 2), regardless if tech #2 has helped me out in the past, I need to take care of tech #1 first, then if I can help out tech 2 I will. 

...Bartlett should be more straight up with people and say "we are holding those spots for people who have been loyal to Bartlett lately, or this cycle"...

The recruiter who told him it was staffed was being honest and upfront based on the information available to them at that time  - they had our status sheet stating it was staffed.  That individual recruiter did not know slots had been placed on hold until the sheet was changed showing openings.  I fully agree with your above statement and thats what I have them doing at this time.  Looking at it, I would rather have someone w/hurt feelings by tell'n them that we arent gonna use them on a prime job because of this, that or the other thing and that the slots are on hold for select individuals than to cause an undercurrent of mistrust, deception and lies.  People tend to get over hurt feelings alot easier and faster than when a trust is broken or violated.  Consider this a lesson learned on my part.  One of many already learned and of many that I still have yet to learn, but thats why I look foward to y'alls posts everyday - y'all do a good job on keep'n me honest. 

...sometimes when they call Bartlett (especially juniors) they may not get a call back.  Not professional...I know things get busy but that is still no excuse, my opinion here and since I have not ever been a recruiter I could be wrong about this.  I hope I wouldn't do this if I was a recruiter, but I haven't walked a mile in thier shoes... Bartlett could be better with communications... 

Point(s) taken - Yes people may not get a call back - Am i happy about that? Nope! I have to admit I'm one of the biggest offenders up here.  It would take me a full work day to call back all my messages that i get in a work day - I know that that is no excuse.  I have been beat'n on my folk regarding the phones and returning calls.  We are trying to get better.  We are trying to better serve both you the techs, our clients and our own management.  Keep the input coming in, the more you tell me the better informed I'll be when I make changes or set policy.  After all we cant do our jobs up here with out you out there. More people up here need to realize that with out you in the field, we, Bartlett, does not exist.

Eric Bartlett
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Feb 28, 2007, 05:39
For the record, my husband had no idea I wrote anything in here... I was speaking MY MIND, not his. 

Dont let me or them get to ya - you had reached frustration level with what you considered a legit concern.  You aired it, it was addressed, and will continue to be addressed as time goes on.  Camella is right, hats off to you for showing concern for your husband and this situation.  Thank you for bringing this into the open where i can now evaluate what/how these types of situations will be handled in the future.  It wasnt on my to-do list this morning, but it is now.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on Feb 28, 2007, 06:11
Thanks for being honest Eric and giving insight.  I guess I'd rather be told I'm not getting the job for the actual reason instead of sugar coating it.  Just a personal pref. here.  I wouldn't hold any malice if told "we need to let the people who work only bartlett sites have job preference in this case, so we can't let you in yet".  But maybe I would if i hadn't read all these posts, hindsight is 20/20.  Anyway, i have a better understanding of how things work. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HenryBlack on Feb 28, 2007, 08:59
Thanks for the info on how things work up there. When I called and asked about Palo Verde I got a totally different story from the recruiters, that for all intents and purposes meant the same thing. At least now I know why.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Feb 28, 2007, 09:26
I think it should be noted that a lot of bad feelings could be spared if we all tried to understand the people are just trying to do their jobs - and let them do their jobs instead of trying to go around them.
We all want this or that outage at any given time, but there is only ONE person who can get us into that slot - the recruiter.
Not that anyone was doing anything underhanded here, but calling the site is absolutely NOT the way to find out if there are slots.  The SC and other techs at a site might know a limited part of the picture, but not enough.  It is not their job to staff outages.  Contacting the site bypasses the one person who has the techs names in one hand and the vacancies in the other - the recruiter.
When I want a job with Bartlett or Brand X, I don't call the site.  I don't call the janitor in the Plymouth office.  I don't call the payroll department.  I call the person in charge of hiring techs for that job - the recruiter.  For that reason, I have never felt screwed out of a job.  Only once did I ever get in a position where I was told that a spot was being held for current Bartlett employees.  I was eventually offered the spot when all the current people either passed or went to other sites.  Patience is sometimes needed.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Mar 01, 2007, 08:56
I think it should be noted that a lot of bad feelings could be spared if we all tried to understand the people are just trying to do their jobs - and let them do their jobs instead of trying to go around them.
We all want this or that outage at any given time, but there is only ONE person who can get us into that slot - the recruiter.
Not that anyone was doing anything underhanded here, but calling the site is absolutely NOT the way to find out if there are slots.  The SC and other techs at a site might know a limited part of the picture, but not enough.  It is not their job to staff outages.  Contacting the site bypasses the one person who has the techs names in one hand and the vacancies in the other - the recruiter.

I totally disagree with this, T. 

As Eric has pointed out, Bartlett's concern is taking care of their techs.  My concern is going to the outages I want to go to.  If Bartlett is refusing to staff me into an outage where I am a multiple-time returnee (just so they can do favors for people who have never been there), I won't hesitate to call the plant and have my resume requested. 
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Mar 01, 2007, 09:01
Karma to ya Eric!

Very good posts.  So many live in a fantasy about what Bartlett can and can not do while keeping the client happy, properly staffing outages, staying competitive and keeping shareholders happy. You don't pull punches and I have much respect for that.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Mar 01, 2007, 11:00
I see several sides to this story; techs want and need to work. Recruiters and utilities need techs. Several things need to work better in my opinion, communication being the number one topic.

EVERYONE involved needs to be consistent with their story, don’t tell tech A that you aren’t taking resumes yet, but when you do it will be for returnees and tell tech B that its staffed and then tell tech C there are openings. My idea would be to just tell everyone that these jobs are pre-filled and don’t list it on the wish list.

I personally believe that not only are the staffing companies but the utilities are doing themselves a disservice by not submitting or accepting names; too often really good, hard working techs are being looked over and left out.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HenryBlack on Mar 01, 2007, 06:18
I agree that communications should be a top priority. I don't go around recruiters to find a job, but when I call the office and talk to one of them I would really like to be told the truth. Misleading information makes some people upset, me being one of them. After spending more than half of my life in the business I believe I deserve the truth, and so does everyone else. The recruiters dont have to dance around the truth, just tell us like it is, Please, we are all big girls and boys. If everyone heard the  truth then all the stories would be the same and someone wouldn't have to find out by reading a post on here that they were mislead by a recruiter. Thanks
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Mar 01, 2007, 08:14
I totally disagree with this, T. 

As Eric has pointed out, Bartlett's concern is taking care of their techs.  My concern is going to the outages I want to go to.  If Bartlett is refusing to staff me into an outage where I am a multiple-time returnee (just so they can do favors for people who have never been there), I won't hesitate to call the plant and have my resume requested. 

i too, have been known to have contacted the sc at a plant and even the utility rep if i needed to get the inside scoop on whether a contract was filled.  when doing this, i have found the best next step is to axe that person whether they want to call the contracting company about gitting me on site or should i call and reference their name.  eye've had both responses, and followed thru on them.  usually got onto that site.  usually after going thru these situations, i found that the recruiters were most likely to tell me on the next problem job, that although the site was filled, they would call and see if they could squeeze me in.  that usually worked too.  there are many ways to go to get on site, some roads are better paved than udders.  sometimes what looks like a sure thing turns out to be a dead end.  eric bartlett has done an excellent job of fielding this problem in this forum, 'n i yam tipping my brim to him.

'n don't fergit dat professional adminisrators day is coming in april, maybe a bunch of phlowers wit a card of apprecheashun to him wood be nice.   ;)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on Mar 01, 2007, 08:27
The customer is a customer.  Bartlett is the employer.  They are not an "agency".  They are the employer - the site is not.  They have the right to hire whomever they want to hire, as long as they don't break any laws.  The matter of the customer approving resumes is so that they can asssure that the vendor is supplying qualified techs.  It is still their responsibility to ensure that the people who work at their site are qualified.  However, they have no right at all to deny any qualified tech - they are NOT the employer.  They have the right to request particular techs and Bartlett has the right to refuse.  They won't if they can avoid it.
Bartlett may submit your resume at the request of the customer.  It's just good business to try to accomodate your customer.  But they also have the right to staff their contracts with their employees.  Back to the real world -- all uf us are their employees at times and not their employees at others.  I think it is cool that they put forth the effort for all of us, but their first loyalty should be to the people who are earning their money for them.
If you back-door your way into an outage by calling the site, or using your pull with a site coordinator, you could be screwing somebody out of a job.  Every time the site requests a resume, somebody else's name has to get crossed off the list.
Unc, if I were the customer, you'd always be on the preferred list.  But, not everybody gets in because he or she is a better tech.  Sometimes, the house wants a certain tech. because he buys the drinks or his wife has a killer body (this is not an exaggeration).  You may shudder to think about this, but any one of us has certainly gone on unemployment instead of working because somebody was doing a favor for somebody.  (Remember the last time you looked at a tech and wondered how the hell such a worthless waste of flesh was getting paid the same as you?  That guy is probably somebody's brother-in-law, and he's going to take your spot at some outage some day because of his connection to some house tech.
Not to cross the wires, but this is the one major reason why HP's will never unionize.  All the other reasons pale in comparison to our fear that we might lose the ability to bone the crap out of each other..
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: HousePuke on Mar 02, 2007, 11:20
Having spent a few years as the "customer" I looked for returnees because they are a known quantity.  Then I looked at the resumes supplied by the vendor and evaluated who seemed to have the best fit experience wise.  It was not the least bit uncommon to be called by a tech or a friend in the business asking if I still had slots open.  If I knew the person and thought they were a good tech then I'd bring them in.  If I didn't, then I didn't!
If I didn't see a name I was expecting then I'd call the vendor and ask them to find them for me.  They did it every time. 
When I was on the road there were several instances of calling whomever I could to get into a site I wanted into.  Just making sure I was earning a check and raising the family.  Of course outages were quite a bit longer back then and the plants brought in quite a few more techs too.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 02, 2007, 01:06
Bartlett is the "supplier" as is every other man staffing company.  The customer has every right to hire whom THEY want.  ANYBODY thinking they can hold on to resumes because they don't get along with, don't like or the contractor doesn't bleed the Company color is plain wrong.  Their function is to supply resumes there-by supplying 'service'.  Like you've also stated you've all worked for everybody at some point.  You go where the money is, the supplier would be morally wrong to begrudge you for wanting make money close to home, further from home or for making more money, whaterver the case may be. 
If the worker HAD to go work where they it was less disireable for them, then they should be compensated for doing so.  Not simply by being rolled into 3 more two week jobs, with the stress of moving added on, they should be able to work where they want, and not fear the possibility of retrobution.  Because they make money off of all workers, there should be no favoritism, they bill the same for everyone.
I can't believe you even mentioned the word 'LOYALTY', I won't even go there.
If you don't back door your way in, or call in a card, you're srewing yourself out of a job.  Tell me, is the guy you bow out to sending you a cut of his check?
True..... slugs do get in that way, so is the nature of the beast.  It's up to management (the plant) to see the worker for the quality work they do and "HIRE" accordingly.
at this site, the Customer does the hiring, NOT the supplier. 

I'm having a hard time digesting your post so bear with me while I chew on it in little pieces…

“Bartlett is the "supplier" as is every other man staffing company.  The customer has every right to hire whom THEY want.  ANYBODY thinking they can hold on to resumes because they don't get along with, don't like or the contractor doesn't bleed the Company color is plain wrong.”

To set one thing straight though (and I can only speak for Bartlett) we do not "hold on to resumes because they don't get along with, don't like or the contractor doesn't bleed the Company color".  We may hold back on submitting resumes due to logistics for example – 20 slots to fill, 40 approved candidates, 100 non returnees and 20 returnees that were not pre-approved that want to be submitted – if we cannot fill those slots w/the approvals we already have then we’ll go thru the additional 120 applicants and submit them based on certain criteria – that criteria might be returnee based, could be experience based (how much time in the business, have they ever done this, that or the other thing) or it could be based on who do we have that has helped us out this season or in the past that we need to take care of.  As stated before in previous posts I hire folk everyday whom I personally cant stand above people I consider friends, its the way of this business - there are always extenuating circumstances, nothing is cut and dry except the following fact that Beercourt pointed out, the vendor is the employer, end of issue. 

“Their function is to supply resumes there-by supplying 'service'.  Like you've also stated you've all worked for everybody at some point.  You go where the money is, the supplier would be morally wrong to begrudge you for wanting make money close to home, further from home or for making more money, whatever the case may be. “

Our function is not to supply resumes.  That is the function of their HR and hiring departments.  Our function (I won’t speak for other vendors) is to supply a qualified crew to perform certain tasks at certain times to certain clients.  It is also to protect and educate the clients from/on an ever changing industry.  It is also to keep as many people that are currently working, continuously employed and off of un-employment.   We would never begrudge someone for wanting to make money, that’s why we are in business, that’s why the customers are in business, that’s why y’all do what you do – to make money.  There are certain circumstances that we will hold against someone in their quest to make more money, and those are pretty clear, jump’n ship, no showing to a job, etc…

“If the worker HAD to go work where they it was less disireable for them, then they should be compensated for doing so.  Not simply by being rolled into 3 more two week jobs, with the stress of moving added on, they should be able to work where they want, and not fear the possibility of retrobution.  Because they make money off of all workers, there should be no favoritism, they bill the same for everyone”

Yes people should be able to work where they want, but not everyone can work at the same site, just not enough slots.  Hell, I’ve had sites that I’ve had more pre-approved returnees than slots to fill – at some point certain criteria has to be put in place to filter the applicants – fact of life, fact of staffing, fact of this business.  You say we should show no favoritism…why? Because as you say we make money off of all workers? Hmmm. Lets do a hypothetical – I have a slot to fill at a highly desired job.  I have it narrowed down to 2 applicants.  Applicant 1 is just wrapping up a job with us, applicant 2 is wrapping up for some other vendor.  Sorry but I’m going to show favoritism to the applicant that just came off of one of my jobs.  Why would I do that, you may ask? That’s just wrong you may say.  I look at it this way.  If I’m going to make the same amount of money on either applicant, which one am I going to spend less money on if I don’t hire them.  The answer would be applicant 2 because #2 is coming off of someone else’s job, thus I’m not responsible for that individuals unemployment, where as if I hired #2, yes I’m still making the same amount of money off of #2, but now I’m also paying unemployment to #1, thus boosting our unemployment costs – I’m not retaining the same amount of money in the overall picture.  I will concede to you that someone should be able to work where they want w/out fear of retribution, within reason.  If I have 2 techs working on a job and 1 of them bags out in mid outage to go make more money, or go to a job they’d rather be at w/brand x, yes I will hold that against them, no I will not go out of my way to hire them and yes I will flag and most likely pull back their resume for future consideration, after all why should I reward someone that has broken a commitment above someone who stood by their commitment.  And finally no one HAS to go anywhere.  If you don’t want the job, don’t take it, end of issue.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s my job to convince you that you really do want it.

“I can't believe you even mentioned the word 'LOYALTY', I won't even go there.
If you don't back door your way in, or call in a card, you're srewing yourself out of a job.  Tell me, is the guy you bow out to sending you a cut of his check?”

What’s wrong with the word Loyalty?  Yes its hard to find people, companies, etc that still honor loyalty like it should be.  We try.  We don’t always succeed.  There is always going to be someone that will think we turned our backs on them and show them no loyalty.  Once again it’s the nature of this business.  When you back door your way in you accomplish a few things – A. you normally screw someone that deserved that job above you B. you may alienate a recruiter that you may need help from in the future C. you set the tone to the recruiting dept., site vendor management and the site that you think your “above” everyone else and that your special and should be treated special…once again don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong advocate on calling in markers all around – tech on recruiter, recruiter on tech, tech on utility, etc, etc, etc – it just I’m also a strong advocate of doing it the right way.

“True..... slugs do get in that way, so is the nature of the beast.  It's up to management (the plant) to see the worker for the quality work they do and "HIRE" accordingly.”

Couldn’t agree and disagree more strongly at the same time.   Yes Slugs get in the way of the whole backdoor thing.  You’ll get kiss-up slugs getting slots above performers all the time – that just pisses me off to no end.  Yes it is up to management to see the worker for the quality of work they do, but not just plant management – vendor management too, and then vendor management along with some feedback from the plant management should do the proper evaluations so that the vendor company can hire accordingly.

“at this site, the Customer does the hiring, NOT the supplier.”

I'd love to know what site you are on so I could put it all in context…whether the site is actually doing the hiring which I have never seen (other than Diablo) or if they are just giving their input to the vendor on who they would like hired.  If I knew the site I’d know the situation, unless of course it was a Brand X site, then I could understand why the site would have to be doing the hiring.

Anyways there’s my long winded dissertation for the day.  I appreciate your position, hell I’d probably feel similar if I was in the field having to deal w/someone like me for a job too.

Y‘all have a good weekend

Eric Bartlett

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: craps7 on Mar 02, 2007, 06:41
I have a hard time with this "loyalty".  My favorite company now has a regional manager one of which has spent the majority of his time  working for the other guys. (energy services, numanco, etc.)  About the only loyalty I see is through the cordinators at the work sites.   They are the ones that try to staff outages with the techs they can depend on.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Mar 04, 2007, 08:25
As a  Loyal? B employee  15+ years and 5+ without working for another company I still have to contact the plant to get into outages that I have worked many times, as a result of unanswered phone calls to recruiters. So  the treatment to techs is equally frustrating to all. It is just like the military did anyone ever get a straight answer from a recruiter before enlisting, they were just trying to fill slots too.

                                      Tired Old HP
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Mar 07, 2007, 01:15
WOW....times are a changing...Bartlett now states.." We will train for testing prior to report date."??
Man i have only been off the road for a year but now they Train the DOE techs for the NUF???

IE here is the web site...make sure you can pass the exam before you get on site...something you should be able to look at while your driving down to Grand Gulf! ;D
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 07, 2007, 02:09
...IE here is the web site...make sure you can pass the exam before you get on site...something you should be able to look at while your driving down to Grand Gulf! ;D

Actually we have a training class for these folk - I think your the only one we never offered the class to in the past... :)

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 11, 2007, 04:57
Maybe Bartlett needs to get in tune with Atlantic and their offer letter.  Your not even an employee until you pass the training and security qualifications!

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: illegalsmile on Mar 12, 2007, 10:51
Bartlett doesnt give offer letters.
that's why i always record the confirmation all I make when i'm going to work for them (or anyone else that doesn't give an offer letter. I've never had a 'misunderstanding' when I got to a worksite for 'B' but i have with other companies and the recorded conversation helped straighten it out. In my home state it is legal to record any conversation you are engaged in.....I don't think it's that way everywhere.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 13, 2007, 05:38

Scrap the offer letter!  I was simply being sarcastic!  Doing business like them may very well yield the results they are experiencing today.   


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Mar 13, 2007, 07:48

Scrap the offer letter!  I was simply being sarcastic!  Doing business like them may very well yield the results they are experiencing today.   


Good point.  Seems like competing companies would want to model themselves after Bartlett.  Funny how many want to critisize the way they do business but you really can't be as successful as Bartlett is and own as much market share without doing most things right.  I like the idea that the company I mostly work for is a financially sound one with successful management.  Keeps me employed when I need to be and I don't ever worry about a Bartlett check bouncing.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: alphadude on Mar 13, 2007, 09:43
well a huge venture capital company backing you don't hurt either.

Offer letters are standard professional methods. It shows that the company has made a deal and what was agreed to and conditions of employment. As I said earlier, we remember what we think we heard when in reality it is totally different. GET AN OFFER LETTER and move to the next level of employment integrity- An offer letter ends all these petty misunderstandings and gives you and the employer a legal platform to stand on. Verbal agreements have no legal binding unless witnessed by an independent third party.(which is a reason NOT to give an offer letter) Why would anybody agree to a money and personal security situation that has the potential to send you to the poor house without a legal binding agreement?  Do you buy a car or a house without an agreement? By not asking for an offer letter or letter of agreement - you give the party a major dominate role over you from the start. You have no legal rights or ramifications and you fell for it.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on Mar 13, 2007, 07:33
Alphadude is right on.  A letter clears up any misunderstandings and whining.  Bartlett should say no Diem, no mileage if you fail your test. That will help Bartlett and I believe help any marginal tech.  The marginal tech will say man I got to study or I will be boned, no Diem, no mileage and maybe a minimum wage stipulation.  I know this would get my attention. I would study alot more.  Then only the very stupid and lazy will not meet requirements and Bartlett will have helped themselves and the tech too. A win win situation for most. The marginal tech may learn more to help themselves down the road and Bartlett.  Hopefully Bartlett will not have to deal with the failure person anymore until they studied up and got off their lazy stupid behind.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Melrose on Mar 14, 2007, 07:35
If my memory serves me correctly, Bartlett does recite the riot act while confirming on the telephone.  "You will not become a paid employee of Bartlett Inc. until you successfully complete all training required by the customer" ie GET, NGET, Site Training, RWT, etc. 
In the old days some would show up with another site in mind to go to.....collect the travel, fail a test and head DFR to the next site.  He/she wouldn't pay back until they had to work for the company that they stiffed.  Even then it wouldn't be until some time down the road that payroll would catch up. 

just an extra 2 cents  :P
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 14, 2007, 04:18
The messages related to Tina's training experience was split off to it's own thread, and placed in the lessons learned area:,10427.html
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on May 11, 2007, 01:51
If someone from Bartlett reads this, please pass it on.

Many thanks to the switchboard operator yesterday who handled my call for help. Although you were unable to find a person who could help me, your kindness and patience was a like a breath of fresh air and I really needed it.

For those of you who that aren't in the know... after spending a wonderful day in downtown Seneca shopping, I stopped by the grocery store to grab a few things and someone decided they needed my billfold worse than me and stole it. Like most women I carried the world in it, cash, credit cards, photos, reciepts, notes, you name it, lol.

With no money, no id and a growing sense of dread the only thing I could think of was Henry and thank goodness I remembered Bartletts phone number...
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on May 11, 2007, 03:16
Sorry to hear about your plight Camella - the switchboard operator you refer to is actually one of our recruiters, Lisa.   I will pass on your thanks to her.   


Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 14, 2007, 08:01
Almost 75 percent of the People say Bartlett is good or Average. I say thats a decent percent of the Nukeworkers that work or who have worked for them.  The people that I meet that really dog Bartlett are usually the whiners and losers who you can not please or have a unrealistic sense of entitlement such as someone failing tests, or who want a specific shift, time off, will not work with or for someone etc. if you eliminated these I guess the poll would be closer to 90 percent!!! LOL  :)
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Mike McFarlin on May 20, 2007, 06:44
Get rid of the whiners, and rent-a-tech life would be a LOT better and much more tolerable. And I bet, Bartlett would look a lot better in everyones' eye, cause they have to deal with them also. Just remember, ITS A JOB.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: LaFeet on May 21, 2007, 12:53
 Ya cant do that Spanky,

Too many positions are filled by those people.  What woould the industry look like if all those people were booted from within?  You and I would HAVE to work year round..... eeeewwwwww
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Chimera on May 21, 2007, 02:25
For those of you who that aren't in the know... after spending a wonderful day in downtown Seneca shopping, I stopped by the grocery store to grab a few things and someone decided they needed my billfold worse than me and stole it. Like most women I carried the world in it, cash, credit cards, photos, reciepts, notes, you name it, lol.

With no money, no id and a growing sense of dread the only thing I could think of was Henry and thank goodness I remembered Bartletts phone number...

May I offer some advice (garnered from similar experiences of my own)?  I created a "back-up wallet" with a picture ID, some cash, and a second debit card from my home bank (with a different number) after having my wallet stolen.  With the advent of direct deposit, the only money I carry is the "left-overs" from my perdiem check after paying my outage rent.  I also created a separate account at a home bank that has branches most everywhere I go (US Bank, in this case) to use for cashing (and depositing) my perdiem check.  My real account, checks, credit cards, etc., do not leave a secure location when I'm working (hidden in the car, a safe at the motel, etc.).  I have had to use my back-up wallet on one occasion, but it has saved me the same grief you experienced - by that I mean no money, no ID, no credit cards, far from home and feeling totally helpless (can't even put gas in the car).  I realize how convenient it is to have everything in one place, i.e., your purse.  But it is also a dangerous practice when you are far from home.  This may seem like a lot of over-kill for what may be a once-in-a-lifetime event, but it will help keep your mind at ease while traveling and working and it pays for itself if you ever have to fall back on it - even only once.
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: janste on May 31, 2007, 10:06
Am interested in the bartlett decon contract with exelon. Were told that after the outages at byron and quad in Illinois things would start happening with it. Anybody hearing anything?
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jun 01, 2007, 10:08
Still wait'n on agreements to be ironed soon as I have any new news I will post it, but as of yet there has been nothing new to report.

Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: janste on Aug 04, 2007, 10:34
    I've heard the Bartlett, Exelon decon contract has been shot down. Any truth to this or just a rumor? Anybody heard? Thanks!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 06, 2007, 10:20
    I've heard the Bartlett, Exelon decon contract has been shot down. Any truth to this or just a rumor? Anybody heard? Thanks!

I was just informed that the whole deal is now null & void - we, Bartlett, have decided not to continue to pursue the union agreements or the contract. 

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Jul 01, 2008, 08:42
There are some rumors going around that Bartlett is up for 'sale'.... Eric, can you shed some light on this?  Anyone else with some info?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Laundry Man on Jul 01, 2008, 09:38
Not rumors, Bartlett is for sale.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 01, 2008, 10:22
Technically, they have been for sale since the investors bought them.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Jul 01, 2008, 10:23
Technically, they have been for sale since the investory bought them.

What's the going price, Mike?
You and me, 50/50, Troja will answer phones for us and serve coffee.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Jul 01, 2008, 10:38
Well I guess they are feeling the pinch just like we are. Look at the facts, if we are working only 6 weeks out of 6 months and each outage is 5, 10, 15 people short well that adds up.

I just wonder what it will mean to us. Some of us are survivors, we survived the downfall of companies like IRM, Numanco, PSESI, heck I don't even remember some of the companies by now but hopefully we'll survive this as well.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: NJ on Jul 01, 2008, 11:49
Hey..add me in Women Owned Biz will help with the contracts :-* :-*
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Jul 01, 2008, 12:02
Hey..add me in Women Owned Biz will help with the contracts :-* :-*
We have NJ for the female.
I am the disabled Vet.
We need some minorities and Indians and we are in there.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: NJ on Jul 01, 2008, 12:08
Dave..Is that "THE END OF AN ERROR"?  Count me in! :-* :-*
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Phurst on Jul 01, 2008, 12:19
We have NJ for the female.
I am the disabled Vet.
We need some minorities and Indians and we are in there.
Can I be the senior citizen? Plus I'm a single white male, the new minority!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RDTroja on Jul 01, 2008, 12:33
What's the going price, Mike?
You and me, 50/50, Troja will answer phones for us and serve coffee.

You can't afford me. Besides, I am retiring as soon as the inheritance check comes in.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Jul 01, 2008, 12:33
Dave..Is that "THE END OF AN ERROR"?  Count me in! :-* :-*

Allright, we got NJ, DaveWarren, PHurst and Rennhack.
Marssim wont do it unless we go 51/49.
Troja costs too much.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Jul 01, 2008, 12:42
Thanks for the actual input regarding my question for BARTLETT.  I'll check out the companies you indicated, Mike.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Jul 01, 2008, 03:19
Allright, we got NJ, DaveWarren, PHurst and Rennhack.
Marssim wont do it unless we go 51/49.
Troja costs too much.

I never said I was in.  Running a company sounds like too much work. ;)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RRhoads on Jul 01, 2008, 03:38
change could be good..even for the home office! :P
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: stucker on Aug 21, 2008, 03:57
You know, despite all the horror stories I've read here, I still really want to work for Bartlett. I'm on the back up list for Palo Verde currently. Anyone know how efficient that might be?

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Aug 21, 2008, 04:46
You know, despite all the horror stories I've read here, I still really want to work for Bartlett. I'm on the back up list for Palo Verde currently. Anyone know how efficient that might be?


Just not a lot of jobs this Fall, don't be discouraged, next year is going to be busy. And as far as working for Bartlett goes...I don't doubt that people have had bad experiences but I am not one of them. I would love the pay to be better and have some bene's but Bartlett seems to be just as good if not better than any of the other handfull of companies out there. They have more work available than the others and I just can't bring myself to be a Bartlett hater. Don't get me wrong, I think there is plenty that could be done better, but all in all they have treated me fairly.

Just an observation. Many of the people that I know that have had "horror" stories about Bartlett also are the ones that get pissed when Bartlett calls them about work (never understood that one), have a history of getting nasty with the recruiters on the phone, and have a generally negative outlook on the job and want to do nothing but moan about how they deserve better and that they have never worked for a worse utility than the one they are currently at. I for one, believe that it is appropriate to continue to push our employer for better managed contracts that lead us to a better living and some benefits. But in a respectfull manor. I am also gratefull that I get work throughout the year. If you are a traveling tech. and want to have enough work through the year to make a living at it, you are right to want to work for Bartlett.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 21, 2008, 08:19
Not rumors, Bartlett is for sale.

Depending on which Sovereign Wealth fund decides to bid, we could see...
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nuclearpear on Aug 22, 2008, 10:50
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech  and having only worked  for Bartlett,  still being concidered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 22, 2008, 10:52
Depending on which Sovereign Wealth fund decides to bid, we could see...

Too funny! Kudos, that was good.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 22, 2008, 11:00
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech and having only worked for Bartlett, still being considered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

I'm sorry you've had a rough time with us.  I could hypothesize all day on your situation, but with out knowing who you are I'd only be spinning my wheels.  Give me a call or drop me an email so i can look into your situation.  When you call yourself a six year nuclear decon tech is that because you have 6 yrs of "in-plant" time or because you've been doing this since 2002?  What jobs were you trying to get? These are the things I'd need to know in order to look into and hopefully rectify your situation.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Aug 22, 2008, 11:02
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech  and having only worked  for Bartlett,  still being concidered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

Well, I called Tom Hanks to get the Da Vinci Code to help me decipher this mess you typed. He referred to me an Egyptian hieroglyphics expert and here goes:

Whoever is your "Boss" will tell you to do a good job for a couple more months and we'll promote you. They will continue to tell you that as long as you continue to believe it. As long as the company can pay you a lower rate of pay, plus get a higher quality of work from you. That sounds like a good business practice to me. Of course, you don't get anything but pissed off. Take a stand, speak up, and say "Hey, what about me?".

Sometimes when you get the utility to grant your return to a plant, you are considered an "in the middle" employee. This means that you get to work on-time, you don't call in, you do your job and they are happy with you. You don't excel above your peers, but you aren't gonna hurt the staffing numbers by being a no-load.

Your issues lie with the Bartlett home office or the Bartlett Supervision at the site you work at. If you are the model employee that you portray, then you are losing out on some primo cash and you should start talking.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nuclearpear on Aug 22, 2008, 11:14
Eric we have discussed this   and you have helped me   you gave me  2 months time  that no one else counted  a Harris outage and a Calvert Cliffs one.  My first outage was  in the fall of  03  at Peachbottom and haven't missed one there since then....have been faithful to the Excelon system  except for Oyster Creek,(and I will work at McDonalds before i go back there)  but have tried  for  3 outages  to get into clinton was always told  they only take Srs.   I know for a fact  4 or 5 people that were there this past spring with  2 yrs less than me  maybe even 3 yrs less.  and  this may help you  we share the same last name but we aren't related.  I have done  5 Peach outages  going back a 6th time next week, 4 Limerick  and 2 TMI....but can't get into clinton....i can't figure it out why maybe it isn't for me to know...but when i was always told lack of experience  then i see people with  less time  alot less time  don'tesn't sit well.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Aug 22, 2008, 11:26
Eric we have discussed this   and you have helped me   you gave me  2 months time  that no one else counted  a Harris outage and a Calvert Cliffs one.  My first outage was  in the fall of  03  at Peachbottom and haven't missed one there since then....have been faithful to the Excelon system  except for Oyster Creek,(and I will work at McDonalds before i go back there)  but have tried  for  3 outages  to get into clinton was always told  they only take Srs.   I know for a fact  4 or 5 people that were there this past spring with  2 yrs less than me  maybe even 3 yrs less.  and  this may help you  we share the same last name but we aren't related.  I have done  5 Peach outages  going back a 6th time next week, 4 Limerick  and 2 TMI....but can't get into clinton....i can't figure it out why maybe it isn't for me to know...but when i was always told lack of experience  then i see people with  less time  alot less time  don'tesn't sit well.

If you have been in the biz since 2003, that dosent mean you have 5 (or 6) years of experience.  It means that you have been doing this for 5 (or 6) years.  You have worked outages only, so you probably have less than 2 years of 'experience'.  The other person that got the job you wanted might have only been in the buisness since 2005, but they may have had the same job since then, giving them THREE actual years of 'experience'.  You don't get 'experience' credt for sitting on the couch at home.  If we did... I'd have 37 years of experience instead of 12 or 19 or whatever I have on the books.

Another option... the 'other' person might be related to some one more important... or people might not like you as much as you think.

(let the hate mail and smiting begin)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nuclearpear on Aug 22, 2008, 12:06
I got confused, I saw the avatar, and that it was YOU DW.... I knew hydro dave could do it.  I think it's false advertising - him having YOUR picture as his avatar.
The other person that got the job you wanted might have only been in the buisness since 2005, but they may have had the same job since then, giving them THREE actual years of 'experience'

that is it  they have only done outages also  i do realize the  time frame  is only actual work time  not the time i sit at home with my grandbabies
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Aug 22, 2008, 12:08
If you have been in the biz since 2003, that dosent mean you have 5 (or 6) years of experience.  It means that you have been doing this for 5 (or 6) years.  You have worked outages only, so you probably have less than 2 years of 'experience'.  The other person that got the job you wanted might have only been in the buisness since 2005, but they may have had the same job since then, giving them THREE actual years of 'experience'.  You don't get 'experience' credt for sitting on the couch at home.  If we did... I'd have 37 years of experience instead of 12 or 19 or whatever I have on the books.

Another option... the 'other' person might be related to some one more important... or people might not like you as much as you think.

(let the hate mail and smiting begin)

You hit it on the head. I was one of the lucky ones to start in a shipyard in 90, leave 2 years later as a 18.1 and make my first 3.1 job by 1994'ish. Time on the job is different than just time in the biz. And...I have said it a million times, like it or not, networking is king. Not only in the nuclear business is it important to get to know people, but it is true in any business. In my other life (1999 - 2005) I worked my way from a back shift production supervisor up to a plant manager then to a regional sales and marketing executive with a large advertising company. Not because I had the Masters degree that they wanted but because I was persistant and networked my A@@ off. Oh ya...then they canned me in a corporate restructure :) It is just the way of the world. Now I R A HP again...thank goodness cause that ride sucked!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RADBASTARD on Aug 23, 2008, 08:04
All those peco outages sorry about that and they are real short too.
As for getting into clinton you better walk on water to get into there and you have to work those comed plants too,and last time I knew they didnt take deconners.
That is the highest paid plant for you to work besides Diablo.
So you better have been in this since they pulled the rods on the sun or have some comprimising photos of someone high up at the plant.
Good luck my friend in the future.
Eric we have discussed this   and you have helped me   you gave me  2 months time  that no one else counted  a Harris outage and a Calvert Cliffs one.  My first outage was  in the fall of  03  at Peachbottom and haven't missed one there since then....have been faithful to the Excelon system  except for Oyster Creek,(and I will work at McDonalds before i go back there)  but have tried  for  3 outages  to get into clinton was always told  they only take Srs.   I know for a fact  4 or 5 people that were there this past spring with  2 yrs less than me  maybe even 3 yrs less.  and  this may help you  we share the same last name but we aren't related.  I have done  5 Peach outages  going back a 6th time next week, 4 Limerick  and 2 TMI....but can't get into clinton....i can't figure it out why maybe it isn't for me to know...but when i was always told lack of experience  then i see people with  less time  alot less time  don'tesn't sit well.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: sammoyers on Aug 24, 2008, 10:07
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech  and having only worked  for Bartlett,  still being concidered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

This September, I will have been in the business for 28 years. I have been there and done that, and got so many t-shirts(really) I can't even remember unless I review my 14 page resume. I still have to fight my way into jobs, this past spring, I couldn't get back into Oconee, despite being a returnee, and having an "A" evaluation there and all evals since leaving Oconee. I couldn't even get into VC Summer when my Coordinator(s) at DC Cook, could not make it to Summer and recommended me to office and Summer. It's always the same run around, " No reply yet from Utility, call back (insert day of week)", you call back on that day, you get response A.) "Still no word, call back again (Insert day of week)", or B.) "That job has been staffed." SAY WHAT!

I had to laugh last year, one of the Regional Managers made the statement, "I've been busy keeping our "A" techs in work and happy" after the meeting I asked what his definition of an "A" tech was and I was told a tech who has an overall score of "A" on their avaluations." I told him, "Well, I haven't heard from you, and I'm an "A" tech." He stuttered and then asked for my name, I have continued to be an "A" tech, but still have yet to here from him. Then a different Regional Manager came to Calvert Cliffs this past Spring and told us all, "If your having any problems, let us know, that's what we're here for." I let him know the situation, then called him back as he asked, then called again to make sure he had gotten the message.  Still no call, still having to fight for work, Couldn't get in Oconee, because everyone who was there this Spring is returning. Haven't heard about Brownsferry, or Dresden. Those have changed from, "We'll send your resume, call back on Monday (several weeks ago)", to "Well, we are waiting for returnees to fill in then we will submit more resumes after that." ?????

Did you send my resume or not! and what happened to keeping "A" techs happy? I GUESS IT'S A GOOD THING I DON'T TREAT THE CUSTOMER THE SAME WAY THE OFFICE TREATS THE TECHS....
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: biloxoi blues on Aug 24, 2008, 10:46
Take it from me, if your working at Calvert Cliffs your not an "A" tech.  I've worked there many of times, and I know my real ranking.  By the way, does anyone have the scoop on what happen to the regional cordinator of Brunswick, Harris, and that region?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Aug 24, 2008, 01:19
What I heard through the grapevine is Progress Energy had accounting irregularities, and like at all large companies, heads will roll.  I also heard that he wasn't the only one let go.  But that is just what I heard, nothing official.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HAIRDUDE on Aug 24, 2008, 02:27

Bartlett has the HP contract for the upcoming outage at Point Beach if I'm not mistaken. Who's the Site Coordinator going to be?

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 25, 2008, 10:11

Bartlett has the HP contract for the upcoming outage at Point Beach if I'm not mistaken. Who's the Site Coordinator going to be?


I do believe it'll be Rod Schena.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Dave Warren on Aug 25, 2008, 10:50
This September, I will have been in the business for 28 years.

PSST....I started 22 years ago and about 10 years ago, I started looking at them long-term gigs. Whether it be long-term nuclear power or DOE, it beats calling that number when you need a job, and knowing you are gonna get the run-around. Unless you can only do outages and stay near the house, I would start fishing in another pond, Brother....
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: retired nuke on Aug 25, 2008, 11:25
Hey Eric....
when you gonna go gold... :D

I know - the company is....
and you gotta be able to write it off.... ;)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Smart People on Aug 25, 2008, 12:11

If you've been in the business for 22years, why is the Recruiter Run-A-Round a new phenomenon for you?

it happens to everyone, even to the G.O.B.s sometimes.

I was once told a job was staffed when i new i was being asked for by name. i got the job.

I've even been called and asked if i was still in the business and wanted to work an outage for them when i was in the middle of one of their outages. (at least 3 times).

I once put in for a job thru and recieved an email asking if i was qualified. of course when i scrolled down, there was my resume with my quals on the first line.

don't just rely on recruiters to get the job. they obviously have alot on their plate when they are trying to staff an outage.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: hollywoodparke on Aug 25, 2008, 12:43
Are you sure that they didn't mistake you for TECH A instead of an A tech. Big difference.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RADBASTARD on Aug 25, 2008, 01:57
We all know that we were the A Techs at calvert thats why you were kept in the can the whole shift and got your 20 min lunch break remember that day.
They even had you and your brother covering my work in the pump bays because we had briefings to go to.

Silverback -I think you heard wrong it was the TECH A techs that they want to keep busy and happy.
Take it from me, if your working at Calvert Cliffs your not an "A" tech.  I've worked there many of times, and I know my real ranking.  By the way, does anyone have the scoop on what happen to the regional cordinator of Brunswick, Harris, and that region?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: glowinggirl2000 on Aug 25, 2008, 02:40
I've worked with both Radbastard and Silverback. Both are great techs.
I know they will watch my back. 

I've met great workers and lousy workers in my short twelve years in this business. I am always surprised to see the useless slug muffins at each new outage. Especially senior deconners who are only "seniors" because of time and not because they are qualified to do any deconning. While I understand Bartlett has an obligation to fill positions, I would think they would get rid of the  ones that do not represent Bartlett in a positive light.  I would rather have a dozen newbies who want to work and learn, than one senior who can't do anything for fear of breaking an acrylic nail.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HAIRDUDE on Aug 25, 2008, 03:08
Wow ... Guess I'm the outcast here. I worked for Bartlett for a great many years and don't recall getting the "run-around" a single time. They always had plenty of work for me and paid on time. Other than that, the rest is semantics. There will always be personality conflicts I guess, but as long as I had work and the check showed up when it was supposed to and didn't bounce, I was a happy camper.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HAIRDUDE on Aug 25, 2008, 04:56
Thanx Smart.

By the way ... I'm probably going to ruffle a feather or two in saying this ... but ... I think it's time for a little reality injection in here.

Take a look around. Do you know anyone else who has no degree (many in our business do not have degrees) and makes the kind of money we make? I have two ex-schoolmates who are Lawyers, and they still don't make what I make. No offense intended, but try picking up a newspaper and finding something in the want ads that you are qualified to do that pays what we make.

I gave some serious thought to getting out of the nuke biz a while back and started job shopping in the private sector. BIG awakening. You know I made more money last year as a nuke than they pay the city commissioner of St. Paul, MN? And I haven't got 1/5 the quals for his job. Nor would I want the headaches that come with it. I had a national company offer me a gig as the OPs Manager of an entire branch office/regional installation of their outfit and it paid ... wait for it ... $48k/year.

Look ... I know we work hard. I know what we do is highly specialized and the consequences of failure in the field can be a pretty awesome weight on the old shoulders when you stop to think about the responsibility we have. But at the end of the proverbial day, we turn a pretty darn good buck for it.

My wife is the General Manager of a nationally syndicated restaurant and has over 100 employees ... and she only pulls down $42k/year and puts in 60 hours a week, not to mention the 5+ phone calls she gets at home in the evening nearly every night. She has cradle to grave responsibility for the place and makes millions/year for the home office.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to down-play the legitimate gripes on this thread. I just think sometimes we all forget what a good gig we have ... myself included. I started out Waaaaayy back when making <$5/hr and no diem lugging a hydro-laser around in a cavity and I though I was getting over on somebody 'cause I was clearing $223/week. That was well over 20 years ago but my last outage paycheck was considerably over three grand net. And come the end of outage season, those of us who choose to can take a month or three off and collect unemployment and never miss a bill.

I like what I do. Yah ... I complain now and then, just like everyone else ... But it's a good livin' and the fringe benefits like working with friends, having a good time, seeing the country, not having to look at the price tags in the grocery store ... I think it's an all around good gig.

For those of you out there with a shortage of time in the biz ... I feel ya. It's hard. Been there. Lived it. It sucked. But it gets better. Hang in there. Do your time and move up. It goes more quickly if you take every opportunity to hone your craft. Ask the old farts the hard questions. Make lots of friends. Be proud of your contributions. Grow. With time, you won't have to worry about getting into the plants you want to get into in most cases and the money will be there. You are obviously good at what you do or you wouldn't have lasted THIS long doing it. Also ... Don't take business personally. Sometimes when it seems like you're getting screwed, it has nothing to do with you. It is just business.

Okay ... I'll put away my soapbox.

Just my humble opinion.

Floyd Flanigan
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: vikingfan on Aug 25, 2008, 05:13
Amen brother look around the want ads etc and if you wnt a local job etc your probably gonna take a 1/3 to 2/3 pay cut for that gig. i started out as a deconner with bartlett in 1990 making like $7 an hour. i worked with them and a couple other outfits for a number of years, i  listened to my pear bitch and grip about how bad they had it but it's nothing as bad as working your butt off for < 300$ a week. as for the work i now work as a reactor service tech making prett good maoney etc. also bartlett always treated me good and i was never out of work long if at all.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: justatech on Aug 25, 2008, 05:16
Thanx Smart.

By the way ... I'm probably going to ruffle a feather or two in saying this ... but ... I think it's time for a little reality injection in here.

Take a look around. Do you know anyone else who has no degree (many in our business do not have degrees) and makes the kind of money we make? I have two ex-schoolmates who are Lawyers, and they still don't make what I make. No offense intended, but try picking up a newspaper and finding something in the want ads that you are qualified to do that pays what we make.

Okay ... I'll put away my soapbox.
Just my humble opinion.
Floyd Flanigan

I was from a previous field (degreed) and from my perspective you are correct in your statements. Even after I got into this business I continuously checked other fields. I found I like this one better, pay is better and I don't have to wear a monkey suit to the office everyday 8).
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Smart People on Aug 25, 2008, 07:54
I was from a previous field (degreed) and from my perspective you are correct in your statements. Even after I got into this business I continuously checked other fields. I found I like this one better, pay is better and I don't have to wear a monkey suit to the office everyday 8).
Yep, you get to wear the banana suit instead.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Aug 25, 2008, 11:07

Hey even us old guys have feelings ( as in ask the old farts).  I have helped train a lot of techs over the last 30 + years and it is very difficult now to take the time to train the next generation. When you are working outages that are understaffed I find it is much easier (and prefered by the utility) to just handle the nasty jobs than it is to let someone who has not been there and done that cover the job. In 15 years in and out of the Bartlett system I have never been hired or paid to be a trainer at any job. Has anyone else met a trainer/job coverage technician ?  A lot of us still try to be nice and help others when we can, but in the last 10 years it has become very difficult.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Cathy on Aug 26, 2008, 12:02
Hey even us old guys have feelings ( as in ask the old farts).  I have helped train a lot of techs over the last 30 + years and it is very difficult now to take the time to train the next generation. When you are working outages that are understaffed I find it is much easier (and preferred by the utility) to just handle the nasty jobs than it is to let someone who has not been there and done that cover the job. In 15 years in and out of the Bartlett system I have never been hired or paid to be a trainer at any job. Has anyone else met a trainer/job coverage technician ?  A lot of us still try to be nice and help others when we can, but in the last 10 years it has become very difficult.
Over the past couple of years I have tried many, many times to get juniors involved in job coverage. Lately, just getting them in the can is difficult. Outages are understaffed and getting a junior in the can is nearly impossible. I have run across house that don't want to allow juniors in for big jobs like head lift or jumping generators etc... In the last couple of years I have run into juniors that haven't even been in the can and it wasn't their first outage!! I was never paid to be a job coverage trainer but I did work at one plant that paid me to tutor technicians on the NUF or Northeast Utilities Exam as it used to be called. When I can I try to teach decon to use meters, when possible I take the decon technician with me when I count the post decon smears (and teach them how to use a frisker) and I try to get any junior that shows interest some job coverage experience. It can be frustrating when you ask house to bring a junior in for an evolution and you get no for an answer.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Aug 26, 2008, 12:22
Old Hp and Cathy, karma to you both and thanks for reaching out a hand to those that are eager to learn if only given the chance. Times have changed over the past 3 decades since I've been been around and worked in this business; it is nice to know that there are still some out there that are willing to help the new generation of techs.
Title: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RDTroja on Aug 26, 2008, 09:01
I can agree with both Old HP (not the first time) and Cathy (ditto.) It is frustrating to find a junior that wants to learn and the utility steps in and limits the junior's chances. It is also very frustrating to have someone that wants to learn but the time just isn't there. But the most frustrating thing is not being able to find a junior that wants to learn... the I-will-just-sit-at-the-control-point-and-earn-my-time junior. There are way too many out there that don't have the ambition to go out and learn something.

Having said that, I am currently in a position that I get to teach new (sometimes BRAND new) juniors the fundamentals (classroom) they need to learn their profession. Some of them are very enthusiastic and make me feel good about the future HPs that will carry on after we (those of us from the 70s) leave. I wish I could take them into the field after their classroom training... but I have to admit that working in an air-conditioned building year-round has its advantages, too.

I also agree whole-heartedly with HAIRDUDE. I spent a lot of time playing the 'what if I wasn't an HP' game, and the only way to make this much money (legally) involved going back to college... and I like the position of teacher much better than student. Nuclear Power been berry, berry good to me. On topic, Bartlett has also been very good to me... I hope they think I have returned the favor. Do you always get what you want? Not in this life, no. In the balance is it worth the bad stuff to get to the good stuff? Well, after almost 35 years I am still here and that says enough to me.

It takes a very ummm... different type of person to enjoy this job and the headaches that come with it. I have been asked what a normal rent-a-tech is like and I just laugh... oxymoron (what kind of moron did you call me?) I happen to like working with (most of) the people I meet because we all have something in common despite being very different people.

There are lots of things to fix. But they are fixable and worth fixing.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HAIRDUDE on Aug 26, 2008, 11:35
Amen to all, brothers and sister. In this business, all kinds can be found. There are those so hungry for knowledge that they hound you to the point of great annoyance ... Those are the best kind. There are those who want to "skate" through and get their time in for the increase in pay, only to find themselves sorely ill prepared when they step out into the big, bad senior HP world and have to cover a s&@t storm. Trial by fire can be a rude awakening.

I was one of the former. I asked so many questions when I was a lad that I am sure I caused great grief to many a senior tech. But I was fortunate that, in those days, the necessary time for teaching was allowed. I owe a great debt of gratitude to a great many 'old farts' on this site. They took the time to give me the tools I needed to get pretty good at this gig.

As for the utilities not allowing juniors in the can, I know it, I've seen it, and I hate it. It detracts from the quality of future seniors, robbing them of the opportunity to learn what they need to know before the heat gets turned up and it's too late. I was told once by a Plant Manager, during a meeting, that Training is "core business" and should be treated as such. But by the time that message filters through the schedule and budget strainer, it comes out diluted to say the least. Fear of mishaps in the field plays heavily into this as well. Allowing an inexperienced junior out into the field for a high level evolution makes management a bit jumpy. ALARA considerations come into play as well. If you only send the seasoned techs out for such jobs, the number of bodies soaking up dose is minimized. But you gotta spend some to make some, as the saying goes. I firmly believe it's worth the expenditure of money and dose to get the wisdom passed on.

For those of you willing to teach, kudos to you. It is a noble pursuit. I only wish the time to do so was allowed more often. Over the years I have been witness to some awesome mentoring in the field and it warmed my heart each and every time I saw it. I've passed on a nugget or two myself and always felt like I'd made a meaningful contribution when it was all said and done. There is no reward greater than the one you get from giving of yourself to another.

As for the Bartlett issue ... It's good to see some of the people with good experiences come out of the proverbial woodwork and share their experiences. There are a lot of houses, cars, trucks and personal watercraft out there which were bought with Bartlett dollars, along with dollars from SEC, Numanco, GTS, PSESI etc. Working for one, two or all of the contracting companies has been of great benefit to all of us over the years and I believe will continue on for many years to come. Sometimes we dwell a bit too much on the down-side of things. I think that is just the nature of the beast. Being torqued at the boss from time to time is status quo in any business. But before any of us pull up stakes and give the old one-finger-salute to any of them, I think we need to mosey out to the garage and look over our toys ... maybe walk out to the curb and get a good look at the house we live in or look around at the family we've been able to provide a good life for ... and maybe, just maybe, come to the conclusion that it's all worth it.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Aug 27, 2008, 02:26
As for the Bartlett issue ... It's good to see some of the people with good experiences come out of the proverbial woodwork and share their experiences. There are a lot of houses, cars, trucks and personal watercraft out there which were bought with Bartlett dollars, along with dollars from SEC, Numanco, GTS, PSESI etc. Working for one, two or all of the contracting companies has been of great benefit to all of us over the years and I believe will continue on for many years to come. Sometimes we dwell a bit too much on the down-side of things. I think that is just the nature of the beast. Being torqued at the boss from time to time is status quo in any business. But before any of us pull up stakes and give the old one-finger-salute to any of them, I think we need to mosey out to the garage and look over our toys ... maybe walk out to the curb and get a good look at the house we live in or look around at the family we've been able to provide a good life for ... and maybe, just maybe, come to the conclusion that it's all worth it.

Right on! I do think we tend to look at the down side but you are correct in saying that Bartlett has bought a lot for many of us. It reminds me of growing up outside a paper mill in Florida, family would come to see us and they'd choke and gag at the smell and Brad and I would always say... smells like bacon and eggs to me... moral is you may think Bartlett stinks but they put food on my table and pay my bills.

I believe we also tend to forget how the changing industry has affected Bartlett and other companies. Not only do we not get to work 9 month jobs pulling in the big bucks (over time) but they don't get it either. Imagine a company going from working 60 - 80 techs for 1 job over a period of 9 months to only working half that many for 9 weeks?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Aug 27, 2008, 08:56
Okay,...Bartlett's refrigerator isn't working right?!?!?,... :P

Here's one on-topic..... how likely or unlikely is it to get picked up for only 2-3 weeks of outage?  I am thinking of taking vacation at my present job to get back in the business. I'd take decon or Jr. position, just want to get familiar with what has changed.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: justatech on Aug 27, 2008, 09:47
I'd take decon or Jr. position, just want to get familiar with what has changed.

I think your " outage" wardrobe would scare them.

Back on topic: I know of several house guys who take vacation and work an outage. Call Eric - see what he has. Also check out his post tonight about Outage Information - Bartlett has added information to their site concerning all the upcoming outages - what you need prior to going, places to stay - information on the are and contact numbers. They did a great job of setting this up - Karma for saving the trees too  8)

Here - - -  - I copied Eric's post - it's in the Career Path - Outages - Outage Reporting Information area (in case it disappears as we type on about the DummyCrats   :o )

This is more of an informational post than anything else - Its been brought to my attention that a lot of technicians are not aware of or failed to understand that Bartlett is not sending out "Welcome Packages" as a standard now-a-days.  Bartlett has set up Site Information Blogs on our website to furnish y'all with information y'all will need such as report time & place, directions, lodging listings, etc...  Upon confirmation each individual should have been made aware of these blogs and if they did not have access to a computer a welcome package should have been sent.  If for some reason you do not think that the recruiter who confirmed you this season informed you about this change please notify me so that I can get that recruiter recalibrated.  To view these blogs go to, click on Outage List or Employment Forms on the Bartlett Home Page, then click on the "Site Information Websites" link to the left.  This will bring you to a full listing of the outages that we are staffing for the Fall '08 season.  If anyone should have any questions or concerns regarding these blog sites please contact me at the Bartlett office x1289 or drop me an e-mail
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Aug 27, 2008, 10:11
I think your " outage" wardrobe would scare them.

Back on topic: I know of several house guys who take vacation and work an outage. Call Eric - see what he has. Also check out his post tonight about Outage Information - Bartlett has added information to their site concerning all the upcoming outages - what you need prior to going, places to stay - information on the are and contact numbers. They did a great job of setting this up - Karma for saving the trees too  8)

Here I copied Eric's post - it's in the Career Path - Outages - Outage Reporting Information area (in case it disappears as we type on about the DummyCrats   :o )

This is more of an informational post than anything else - Its been brought to my attention that a lot of technicians are not aware of or failed to understand that Bartlett is not sending out "Welcome Packages" as a standard now-a-days.  Bartlett has set up Site Information Blogs on our website to furnish y'all with information y'all will need such as report time & place, directions, lodging listings, etc...  Upon confirmation each individual should have been made aware of these blogs and if they did not have access to a computer a welcome package should have been sent.  If for some reason you do not think that the recruiter who confirmed you this season informed you about this change please notify me so that I can get that recruiter recalibrated.  To view these blogs go to, click on Outage List or Employment Forms on the Bartlett Home Page, then click on the "Site Information Websites" link to the left.  This will bring you to a full listing of the outages that we are staffing for the Fall '08 season.  If anyone should have any questions or concerns regarding these blog sites please contact me at the Bartlett office x1289 or drop me an e-mail

I commend Bartlett for the fine job they have done on the blog site, this in a great step forward for them and us; at the same time I hope that you nukeworkers will still visit the lodging section here to post your views and recommendations on lodging as your opinion and experience with local lodging is not only wanted but needed.  :)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: sammoyers on Aug 28, 2008, 12:26
I've worked with both Radbastard and Silverback. Both are great techs.
I know they will watch my back. 

I gotta stop that, my wife is the jealous type...  ;)

As for Bartlett, OF COURSE I'M USED TO THE RUN AROUND... It just gets tiresome after awhile.

Long term work is slow due to "Super Fund" money going to Afghanistan, and Iraq. (Not bitchin about that).

I was at Calvert Cliffs, because I was trying to get into Watts Bar, and after a month of "No Word yet" I was told the NEXT DAY, Watts Bar is staffed. EXCUSE ME, how did that happen OVERNIGHT! So I asked what outages there were BEFORE DC Cook, and the reply was AND I QUOTE!, "Oh, you want to work before, you go to Cook?" Despite what I was thinking, I said, "Yes, that's why I was trying to go to Watts Bar, but since that one is staffed now, is ther someplace else I can go like Calvert, or ..." That's how I went to Calvert.. AND BTW... I enjoyed the outage and the people.

And I have also been TECH "A", North Anna, 1992: Tech "A" was traveling to work on county highway, after crossing Lake Anna. As Tech "A" crested a hill, there was a gray pickup truck proceeding slowly. Teach "A", decided not to rear-end the pick up and went around the truck. Tech "A" was doing the posted speed limit of 55 mph. The occupants of the pick up didn't appreciate Tech "A"'s efforts to prevent an accident, and being the upstanding NA Security Officers they were, they reported the "Lunatic Camaro Driver" to the Plant Manager. The Plant Manager decided that if I (Tech A) didn't obey the rules on state roads, I OBVIOUSLY WOULDN'T FOLLOW THE RULES IN THE PLANT. And "Tech A" was tossed out on his back side.

I still get called "Tech A" by some techs that knew me back then... ;D
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Aug 28, 2008, 06:56
On a Positive Note......

Bartlett Impressed me this past week!

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Laundry Man on Aug 28, 2008, 08:31
Hear that the company is being sold to Areva  Any comment?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: justatech on Aug 28, 2008, 04:50
Hear that the company is being sold to Areva  Any comment?


Nothing against Areva - I like working with them but they can be cowboys. How would you control them if you're on their payroll? Talk about a conflict of interst................... :o

I guess instead of contractors assisting house with Refueling & SG's they'll be working in the Aux building doing surveys, smearing, clearing, ..........hmmm.....isn't it cheaper to train a bunch of Jr's to do the work with a few contract Sr's as oversight.................?  :-X
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: let-it-ride on Aug 28, 2008, 06:01
Having Jrs. doing the work and a SR. or two as oversite will be the next trend in Commercial.
In the DOE sites, the trend, already is to hire locals as Task Qualified Technicians. Instead of paying a Sr. $30/hr, they get a local and pay them $12-15/hr.
The DOE has allowed this to happen and condones it at many sites.
Remember, before TMI 1979,  HP/RCT was not an influential and necessary function.
Now it has returned to that time where HP means 'Holding Up Progress'.
What has been going on in the DOE/DOD world, is now catching up in the Commercial world.
Welcome to the New Age of Nuclear Power.

Now Bartlett, will supply people no matter what the circumstance. If a getting $30, Bartlett is charging $60. A TQT is getting $15, Bartlett is getting $30.
It has ALWAYS been that way. Does anyone REALLY think Bartlett or ANY company will give up anything for the techs when almost anyone can fill the job?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Aug 28, 2008, 10:50
Hear that the company is being sold to Areva  Any comment?

I know you asked Eric, but...

That rumor has been around since Bruce sold the company.  The information I have (and I have everything  that can be public) is that Bartlett has been for sale since it was bought.  The new owners had a 5 year plan, and the 5 years are up.  There are several interested parties, if you heard a rumor that company X might be buying Bartlett; they are probably one of the interested parties.  Bartlett isn’t ‘just for sale’; they are actively working on finding new owners.  There are many interested parties.  The deal should be finalized by the end of 2008.

Here is a short list of some of the 8 groups I have ‘heard’ are interested in buying Bartlett:

The Brock Group
The Shaw Group
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Aug 28, 2008, 11:11

Now Bartlett, will supply people no matter what the circumstance. If a getting $30, Bartlett is charging $60. A TQT is getting $15, Bartlett is getting $30.

I don't know which break room you got your information from, but you are dead wrong.  If ANY company could charge a 2.0 multiplier, I would start staffing outages tomorrow with a 1.5 multiplier (that’s $45 for a $30 tech).  The truth of the matter is that the multiplier is VERY VERY low, that is why there is no competition.

I write proposals for various nuclear companies.  I KNOW what I am talking about.  The cost to employ a person, with no benefits or minimum benefits is between 23 and 34%.  That is called a 1.23 or 1.34 multiplier.  Anything they charge past that would be profit, cost or more benefits for the employee.
MOST companies charge 1.3 to 1.45 for a technician. 

I don’t mean to jump on you, it’s just I keep seeing people post the same incorrect information all the time.  Bartlett (or any company for the matter) does not make much money off of a single technician.  The money comes in the volume.  The profit on a single tech is about $1-2/hr, depending on operating expenses.  If you have 1 million billable man hours… that’s a million dollars profit.  – If you have 4 guys working 40 hours a week, that’s $160  a week profit. – I can go to Michigan and make better money returning cans for the 10 cent deposit. – But get a project with 300 people working 40 hours a week… That’s $625k/yr profit.

You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth as I know it.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Laundry Man on Aug 29, 2008, 09:37

Nothing against Areva - I like working with them but they can be cowboys. How would you control them if you're on their payroll? Talk about a conflict of interst................... :o

I guess instead of contractors assisting house with Refueling & SG's they'll be working in the Aux building doing surveys, smearing, clearing, ..........hmmm.....isn't it cheaper to train a bunch of Jr's to do the work with a few contract Sr's as oversight.................?  :-X

This would not be much different than several years ago when Westinghouse bought NUMANCO from Charlie (God bless him).  If the big W needed support for one of the packaged outages, techs would be pulled from another site to fill the spots.  Sure did piss off some of the clients.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 29, 2008, 03:28
On a Positive Note......

Bartlett Impressed me this past week!


OK, I just picked myself up off the floor after reading that!  How did we manage that RG?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 29, 2008, 03:32
Eric, Hear that the company is being sold to Areva  Any comment?
Bartlett has met with a number of potential buyers, i do believe Areva was one of them. I truthfully haven't paid attention to who is looking at us, until its a done deal it doesn't affect me.  After i find out who makes an offer then I'll pay attention, until then i just try to get by day to day.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Aug 29, 2008, 03:40
Now Bartlett, will supply people no matter what the circumstance. If a getting $30, Bartlett is charging $60. A TQT is getting $15, Bartlett is getting $30. It has ALWAYS been that way. Does anyone REALLY think Bartlett or ANY company will give up anything for the techs when almost anyone can fill the job?

I wish we could charge twice what we pay like you state, but alas in the real world thats not the case...far, far from it in fact. In the 20 yrs I've been doing this I've never seen a mark-up at 100%, in fact I don't ever even recall seeing a mark-up as high as 50%, not in this business, not on the radiological side of things...

I don't know which break room you got your information from, but you are dead wrong.  If ANY company could charge a 2.0 multiplier, I would start staffing outages tomorrow with a 1.5 multiplier (that’s $45 for a $30 tech).  The truth of the matter is that the multiplier is VERY VERY low, that is why there is no competition.

I write proposals for various nuclear companies.  I KNOW what I am talking about.  The cost to employ a person, with no benefits or minimum benefits is between 23 and 34%.  That is called a 1.23 or 1.34 multiplier.  Anything they charge past that would be profit, cost or more benefits for the employee.
MOST companies charge 1.3 to 1.45 for a technician. 

I don’t mean to jump on you, it’s just I keep seeing people post the same incorrect information all the time.  Bartlett (or any company for the matter) does not make much money off of a single technician.  The money comes in the volume.  The profit on a single tech is about $1-2/hr, depending on operating expenses.  If you have 1 million billable man hours… that’s a million dollars profit.  – If you have 4 guys working 40 hours a week, that’s $160  a week profit. – I can go to Michigan and make better money returning cans for the 10 cent deposit. – But get a project with 300 people working 40 hours a week… That’s $625k/yr profit.

You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth as I know it.

Mike - Thanks for the explanation - you saved me some typing - the truth as you know it is as accurate as can be other than that a 45%mark-up is also extremely high - cut that in half brother and you'll still be above the industry average.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Aug 30, 2008, 08:57
Mike - Thanks for the explanation - you saved me some typing - the truth as you know it is as accurate as can be other than that a 45%mark-up is also extremely high - cut that in half brother and you'll still be above the industry average.

I've seen some DOE and other non-comercial contracts with 1.45 multiplier.  Small contracts mind you, nothing where there is much competition.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: NJ on Sep 18, 2008, 11:21
Just wondering when the 2009 Spring Outage Wishlist is coming out.  Two or Three weeks keeps going by.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 19, 2008, 09:55
Just wondering when the 2009 Spring Outage Wishlist is coming out.  Two or Three weeks keeps going by.

I should have it complete by the end of September - rough draft is done, just double check'n some shutdown dates, durations and needs.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Shawnee Man on Sep 19, 2008, 01:07
In the professional arena, I just worked a contract at Dresden and the multiplier was 2.0769. Sorry thats all I can tell ya. I would have to kill ya.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Sep 19, 2008, 10:14
shawnee man.... yinz dit da impreshun yer under payed?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: NJ on Sep 20, 2008, 12:44
Thanks Eric, I'll keep looking for it. :-*
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Sep 21, 2008, 03:23
OK, I just picked myself up off the floor after reading that!  How did we manage that RG?

I know the feeling, I had to do that TWICE!   :o

I'll have to keep you posted, I haven't eliminated Luck from the Equation......Time will Tell!

Later, RG!


Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Shawnee Man on Sep 21, 2008, 08:52
shawnee man.... yinz dit da impreshun yer under payed?

Slo Glo, Maybe I will make as much money as you when I grow up.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: PWHoppe on Sep 22, 2008, 05:41
I still get called "Tech A" by some techs that knew me back then... ;D

I've always considered you an "A Tech" ;)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Dec 15, 2008, 03:52
On a Positive Note......

Bartlett Impressed me this past week!


OK, I just picked myself up off the floor after reading that!  How did we manage that RG?


Now to worry, I don't see either of us, repeating the above statements this season..... :-X

Happy Holiday................RG.... ............. ;)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: scottt66 on May 15, 2009, 10:30

I used to work as a house employee for a utility and recently decided to go on the road to find a better utility to go house with more room for advancement. I always thought the contractors who complained about bartlett when they came in during outages were just the complaining type since my site doesnt pay well and the bottom of the barrel was all we ever got. Plus I live in williamsburg VA and had frequent contact with Ballard through mutual friends and thought he was a stand up enough guy.Well after working for bartlett for just one year I must admit I was wrong. From the lying by recruiters to the blatant disrespect by that idiot in per deim I now see this company cares nothing about the contractors. I just got off the phone with the per deim girl to fix a problem that MY SITE COORDINATOR caused and was totally treated like I was stupid and like I had caused the problem. Plus I have to pay money for their mistake! Its not the money but the principle. A BS MBA and Six Sigma Training and I'm dumb lol. The recruiters would straight lie over the phone to try and force me to go places I had no business going. Luckily I managed my money before I left my house job and repeatedly was in a position to tell the recruiter to stick it several times. I truly feel bad for the individuals who have to be treated like this to make a living. My "experiment" on the road has educated me on how one company, when too big, can mistreat the little guy time and time again.
I have recently taken the job of program RP training administrator at another utility starting in june. I will never forget how Bartlett treats its workers. Soon I will announce where I am so that contractors will come and I will help them get through the Northeast Exam and the NRRPT in the hopes that they can get out of the grip of this terrible company. My plan is to be an RPM in 5 to 9 years and by then I hope to have enough influence to rid our site and hopefully the utility of Bartlett all together. Is this holding a grudge, no not really, its more of doing the right thing to help others. Bartlett needs competition to be forced to recruit workers and not have workers beg them for work.
It really is a sad sad state of affairs concerning those who rely on Bartlett for work.   
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nowhereman on May 15, 2009, 12:14 scottt66
your post/rant almost left me speechless, but here goes, " at your site all you ever got was the bottom of the barrel" .....well thanks for slamming all your fellow technicians.....

plus I don't get how someone with a BS/MBA and six sigma  training with a house job could look at a bartlett wish list of outages and figure that the grass is greener on the Bartlett side. and to complain as vehemently as you have about the "per diem" issue, just shows you have an attitude problem.....( I can call the bartlett office and have an issue resolved  usually under a minute.)

either you have an attitude problem or this is a just another rant by a troll.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: hoghunter on May 15, 2009, 02:48
Amen brother!! You hit the nail on the head.This guy thinks he's all it.I started worked for Barttlet in "87".I've worked for a few others to,but the bottom line life is full of UPS and downs. I found out through the years this isn't my world it's our world and we have to work together.I have been treated pretty good overall by Bartlett,we all will complain about this or that (human nature).  I would like to comment on the statement about kicking Bartlett out.Over the years I've developed a habit to eat,watching TV,ECT and several others  that take money so if you don't like it just leave it, don't try to put yourself above everyone else.A friend in Mich. told me once " don't open your trap unless you are willing to pay and don't leave mad just leave.I see a pattern here,A person is house but feels he is above them, then he goes to Bartlett and was above them now he's landed somewhere else,now we ask how long before he's above this one.I know I shouldn't even state on this cause for every action there is a reaction,but I've just remarried and hope that maybe I can get out someday and spend it with the best thing that has came my way.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: IPREGEN on May 15, 2009, 02:52
I see some of the posts are based on a true story but are not really the truth. The multiplier is called the mark up. It is not anywhere near as high as what is seen above and it normally drops after the overtime kicks in. The company does not get all this mark up as cash for rolling around in because it goes to pay the cost of running the office with expenses and salaries. Feel free to start your own company. Also there is the cost of borrowing against the payroll billed to the utility. Banks do not lend it for free and the techs all want to get paid on time even though the utilities are notoriously slow payers.  As for as working for Bartlett. I did it from 1985 until 2000, 15 years and never was screwed over, lied to or cheated on pay. Then I went house, then I went to a non-nuke utility. The bottom line is
1. the company is entitled to charge more than they pay you, the mark up is reasonable and is also similar to non-utility technical field marks ups.
2. If you screw with your food chain (the contracting company) do not expect to be a priority placement for them. When I did the resume reviews and you were a returnee with no prior issues, you were golden, if you were a problem, you went to the bottom of the pile. If you had previously committed and did not show up, you were rejected, after all how did I know if you would do it again. I would overstaff by a couple of techs just in case we had no shows. If everybody did show then we were a little fat, and you know what that means, we could get rid of problem people ASAP. If I had never heard of you and nobody else at the station had either, I made calls to see if your previous sites would hire you again. That's what I did, who knows what happens now.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on May 15, 2009, 03:44

I used to work as a house employee for a utility and recently decided to go on the road to find a better utility to go house with more room for advancement. I always thought the contractors who complained about Bartlett when they came in during outages were just the complaining type since my site doesn't pay well and the bottom of the barrel was all we ever got. Plus I live in williamsburg VA and had frequent contact with Ballard through mutual friends and thought he was a stand up enough guy.Well after working for bartlett for just one year I must admit I was wrong. From the lying by recruiters to the blatant disrespect by that idiot in per deim I now see this company cares nothing about the contractors. I just got off the phone with the per deim girl to fix a problem that MY SITE COORDINATOR caused and was totally treated like I was stupid and like I had caused the problem. Plus I have to pay money for their mistake! Its not the money but the principle. A BS MBA and Six Sigma Training and I'm dumb lol. The recruiters would straight lie over the phone to try and force me to go places I had no business going. Luckily I managed my money before I left my house job and repeatedly was in a position to tell the recruiter to stick it several times. I truly feel bad for the individuals who have to be treated like this to make a living. My "experiment" on the road has educated me on how one company, when too big, can mistreat the little guy time and time again.
I have recently taken the job of program RP training administrator at another utility starting in june. I will never forget how Bartlett treats its workers. Soon I will announce where I am so that contractors will come and I will help them get through the Northeast Exam and the NRRPT in the hopes that they can get out of the grip of this terrible company. My plan is to be an RPM in 5 to 9 years and by then I hope to have enough influence to rid our site and hopefully the utility of Bartlett all together. Is this holding a grudge, no not really, its more of doing the right thing to help others. Bartlett needs competition to be forced to recruit workers and not have workers beg them for work.
It really is a sad sad state of affairs concerning those who rely on Bartlett for work.   

My first reaction is WOW! " I got to track down who ever pissed this one off and chew them a whole new _ _ _ !  because they obviously (per this post) did some low down dirty thing(s) to this individual to cause him to go on a tirade like this..." so i decided to look into things.

My second reaction is who is the guy that is so full of himself that he can knock down every contractor ever put to his site by stating "bottom of the barrel was all we ever got".  Thats pretty harsh to lash out at all your co-workers and I'm sure if you thought about it you'd acknowledge that that statement was a bit untrue as many capable, skilled and exemplary employees have funnelled thru your site over the years.

Scottt66 I am truly sorry you had a bad experience with our company, if I could rewind it all and make it a blissful experience I would, but alas I am unable to do that...what I can do is look into your allegations and address them with those individuals responsible for your unpleasant experience. 

Lets start by saying I know who you are and you know who i am so feel free to give me call anytime, if you cant get thru to me go to the operator and have me paged as I would love to address your concerns.  I will state what I know to be the truth, maybe not the whole truth as there are always 2 or more sides to a story, but at least the truth from the recruiting end of things. 
first off you are an x house tech
second we were contacted by a bni field mgr in charge of the site you were house at and asked to get you into a Plant A because you were considering going house there
so the recruiter pushed, made some calls and got you in
you weren't offered or you didn't take the house job at Plant A
do to the non existant house job you decided to go to plant C and asked recruiting to get you in
the recruiter cut a deal with ya to do plant B prior to C to help us out - tit for tat, scratch'n backs, etc...
you ended up working sites A, B & C  - with excellent evals I must say
2 weeks later this post pops up

now I'm not trying to be confrontational I'm just trying to figure out what happened so please bare with me...when or at what point did the recruiter(s) lie to you and about what?  You make the statement but don't explain it.  Whether you believe me or not I do care about the contractors and I will not tolerate anyone working in my department that doesn't place the welfare of the work force first and foremost on their priority lists.   But don't get me wrong, just because I genuinely care about the contractors doesn't mean I'm going to roll over and let some one dump on my recruiters without giving me hard core examples of their accusations.    Now with that said I am concerned that you felt you were lied too and I'd really like to know by whom and what the lie was so it can be addressed.   

As far as perdiem goes...alas I have no say there but I will raise the concern to the Director of Finance about how his people talk and treat field personnel.

Congratulations on your new position with your new employer - I hope it all works out for you. 

Question regarding the last paragraph of your statement how does helping technicians get thru the Northeast Exam and NRRPT enable them to "get out of the grip of this terrible company".   Doesn't it just make them more marketable for us to put to more and more positions. 

"My plan is to be an RPM in 5 to 9 years and by then I hope to have enough influence to rid our site and hopefully the utility of Bartlett all together."
You ask "is this holding a grudge" and you state you don't think so, I have to kinda disagree with you - your post seems more than a standard fly off the handle temper tantrum. 

"Bartlett needs competition to be forced to recruit workers and not have workers beg them for work."  I don't know what industry you've been working in but I can tell you I, we, Bartlett welcome all of the competition this industry can muster.  In fact we not only owe it to all of the technicians that helped us get to where we are today but we owe an especially big thanks to all of our competitors over the years for helping define and shape our company.  If it wasn't for the Numanco's (both old school and the one we bought), the IRM's, ARC's, PSESI's, Hydro's, the GTS's, the NSS's, etc, etc, etc competing against us all of these years we would have not been able to grow to the point we are at - sometimes the best promotional tool for us is our competitors failure...failure to staff a client, failure to provide continuous employment for their techs, failure to just be able to compete with us. 

Anyways I have gone on way to long as I just meant this to be a "hey Scottt66 give me a call so we can talk about your concerns and issues" type post.  I apologize to those that have had to suffer through my rants and tirades in the past and find yourselves doing so again.

As always should anyone have a problem with any person, department and/or policy at Bartlett please contact me with specifics so that I or another dept head can look into and address your concerns.  If you have a problem with me specifically then I can and would be more than happy to get you on the line with my immediate supervision.  Anyways, Scottt66 give me a shout when you have a free moment. 

Thank you all for your patience with my rant - hope y'all have a good weekend, a fun and safe summer and a productive & profitable Fall season.


Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: retired nuke on May 15, 2009, 04:05
Eric, as always, you are a class act. All that mud slung at you, and didn't even sling any back shaking it off yourself.

I worked for Bartlett off and on for about a decade. Sometimes well, sometimes not so well. But when I needed work, Bartlett was always there (remember getting me to RFETS when i needed to get out of town?...THAT was funny...)

I just wish my utility would open the bidding honestly, and bring Bartlett in here.

Scottt66 - remember the person you crap on today could be the a$$ you have to kiss tomorrow. Just glad (or hope) that you ain't at my plant, that attitude will not make for a team environment.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on May 15, 2009, 04:36
A BS MBA and Six Sigma Training and I'm dumb lol.

aye gotta axe da unspoken question, cause yinz obviously bin in da biz four more dan a cupla years....

why ya in hp 'n knot in da business whirled? 

eye could sea ya swinging a meter iffen yer company ya was pushing paper at went bust in da last few years.  butt dat don't look like yer case.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nukewood on May 15, 2009, 04:46
I , too, have worked for Bartlett off and on for over 25 years and have not run into the problems indicated in this scathing post earlier today.Eric and his recruiters have always gone out of their way to accommodate my whims and have been able to keep me as busy as I need to be, working nukes around an erratic lifestyle; failed businesses , divorce, etc. They also do not seem to hold a grudge when I find myself working for a competitor from time to time. I am hoping this outage season ,with its shortage of techs will work to our benefit, but that is another issue. I simply had to respond to this issue by adding a little balance.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: scottt66 on May 15, 2009, 07:58
i love it. rattle the cage and see who speaks out. Problems all fixed. Isnt the internet a great thing. If you guys really believe the person who wrote that post could really be a RPM one day then God help those working for that guy. I have about as much a chance at that as winning the lotto. Thanks to those who stepped up for handling the issues. Wish it didnt have to get to the point of a rant but sometimes a public rant breeds discussion.Take care all. As you can see from all the responses, while every problem cant be fixed enough complaining will get people to listen.

One last note. to those that don't like their site coordinators .... every single one that I worked for not only remembered my number but called within 3 hours of my post to see what the problem was. My last site coordinator offered to meet with me to see what a fix would be. That was a great "personal" response. i appreciate that.

i will never forget how I was treated over the phone with the office as I have NEVER talked down to or disrespected anyone ... things like this remind me not to that way.

Good luck next season

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 15, 2009, 08:30
Now Eric what about the Massachusetts Unemployment Question.   Even though Bartlett has been very good to me with no complaints, I would be willing to take a little more abuse if we could draw from Massachusetts with the main office loophole approach if available. Bring out the whip bring out the chain I would be willing to take some more Bartlett pain for the 625 a week unemployment Mass Gain!!!!!!   Less likely to have Bartlett Ranters too, LOL  Bartlett been Very Good to me, Keeping the Mass Unemployment Bartlett would be very very good to me. If I ever decided to road it again, this would be one of my main determining factor for a outage, also my loyalty factor would go up to Bartlett as I would believe most thinking Techs and I guess this would be good for their business !!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on May 17, 2009, 01:12
What do you say to Scottt66..You can take your degree and ram it up your butt,, cause it doesn't matter, end of the day you put all your fellows and ladies down. You just put all your coworkers down.I know Bartlett has always treated me right,,Scottt with three t's if you can't take the road life then go away,don't go away mad just go away..Scottt I'm sure you could land a good job at McDonalds..Just me
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Melrose on May 17, 2009, 05:06
Jr.....Ditto.... well said
MikeB, always a gentleman.
SloGo, didn't understand a word, but I'm sure it was 'right-on'

Scottt, you never posted where you were now.... ???
BTW, what a phukn cop out, your last post sounds like chicken shiite babblin', I'm pulling the bullshit flag on the 'ALL the SCs that called' to quell poor little Scottt's hurt feelwings comment.

I gotta say, I've only had one major issue since '87, and that was just a few years ago, I aired it on here, Mike (Bartlett) sent me a pm, I called, discussed it and he spoke to the person needing speaking to, saw Mike Ballard soon afterward and all was good. (problem was not with Ballard, but one of his counterparts)

I wonder..... if you're such an "upstanding", "intelligent" individual, why'd you leave the house ranks to fall into the pits of the contractor world?  You seem like such an easy fella to get along with.  Surely it wasn't your personality.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on May 17, 2009, 05:43
Jr.....Ditto.... well said
MikeB, always a gentleman.
SloGo, didn't understand a word, but I'm sure it was 'right-on'

Scottt, you never posted where you were now.... ???
BTW, what a phukn cop out, your last post sounds like chicken shiite babblin', I'm pulling the bullshit flag on the 'ALL the SCs that called' to quell poor little Scottt's hurt feelwings comment.

I gotta say, I've only had one major issue since '87, and that was just a few years ago, I aired it on here, Mike sent me a pm, I called, discussed it and he spoke to the person needing speaking to, saw Mike Ballard soon afterward and all was good. (problem was not with Ballard)

I wonder..... if you're such an upstanding, "intelligent" individual, why'd you leave the house ranks to fall into the pits of the contractor world?  You seem like such an easy fella to get along with.  Surely it wasn't your personality.

Flag on the play...some of us LIKE being contractors and/or HATE being stuck in house jobs...  :)

...okay...carry on with the Scott-bashing!  ;)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on May 17, 2009, 09:46
Uncle, I'm not here to bash anybody, trust me I could be hard on a fellow like that, he just needs the cold hard truth. If you don't like it you move on. Hey maybe the grass is greener on the other side, he needs to try it. I wish scottt66 luck.. I don't understand why in todays economy ect. somebody would leave a house job to become a contractor, and then whine and cry about it..Jeez he made his own destiny.. So Scottt66 gut it up and shut up,, your not a house mouse anymore,, Scottt you singled out Bartlett, go work for some others and I'm sure we will hear you whine somemore,, your like a 10 year old that can't have a ice cream...Spoiled little brat >:(...Scottt shut up and go to work!!...

For the rest of you don't let a few idiots ruin your day at work..:)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Melrose on May 18, 2009, 05:16
Roger that, UncaB,

No offense intended, I was more referencing what I took as Scottt's opinion of the contractor field, not at all mine.

I love ALL of us!!!   ;D
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: biloxoi blues on May 18, 2009, 01:20
Dont worry Unca I fallen out of the ranks of the contractor world and into the Arm Pits of the House world as of now.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on May 18, 2009, 07:51
Lets "Talk about Bartlett"...
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: azkidd on May 19, 2009, 01:10
I also went through an episode with Bartlett, similar.  I am a former House tech, a former Numanco tech prior to that.  In December last year, I confirmed for Hatch through Bartlett.  I also stated I would like to go to Farley, and then Browns Ferry.  Middle of January, I was lied to by a Very familiar recruiter from Bartlett that my release date did not match my report date to Farley.  I discussed the situation, and decided that Sequoyah and Browns Ferry would be best.  Up until Feb 1, I had no confirmation on work after Hatch, nor did Bartlett move on my wishes.  When I called to let them know I accepted work else where with their competitor, instead of reporting to Hatch, they had work for me else where, but still not for Sequoyah, nor Brownsferry.

Bartlett has a habit for making sure theirs are taken care of first.  If you are not Bartlett Blue through and through, don't depend on them.  This season, will tell their true colors.  Not able to staff and potential to lose a nice gig.  Eric, you used to take care of me, but I do believe you have lost contact with what your recruiters are actually doing to people.  There was no reason for what SCOTT went through, and there is no reason for what I went through!!  Your recruiters are doing the staffing, not you.  Get in touch with what is actually happening with your company.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: hoghunter on May 19, 2009, 09:36
 I think you people that got the idea that this is your/perfect world need to take good look around. Banks are falling,car dealers that been around from the beginning of time (so to speak ) and to many company's across the nation are folding.I will say "azkidd" has some points. The recruiters do at times try to make deals,but there is always behind the scenes.I have seen the economic times as they are taking tolls even in the Nuke plants such as down sizing,having cut backs as never seen before.We all know times are bad and the last thing we need is to slam each other or the hands that feed us!! I've worked for Bartlett for years and seen how things has changed,but so has times.I have also worked for others and can say the same there to.I'm on a job now that started the 5th of Jan. and will see home maybe by Xmas. Those who knows me knows I never work Longterm or the summer if I can help it due to thats my time home with the Kidd's. So what I'm getting at is with times as they are we need to look out for each other ,take work as we get it  and maybe we can get through these trying times.Just remember don't judge the book until you read the whole content.The home office, personal are human with feelings to. All we can do is our best and with that may come mistakes.I to use to keep an attitude,but through the years some good people has shown me how respect,honesty and working together can make life so grand.I think maybe if you have a problem with a person/company go to them NOT TO THE PUBLIC it generally works itself out.Keep in mind Bartlett is a company out to make money just like me and you and we all know how hard that is now so work with them and I'll bet they will work with you if possible
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on May 21, 2009, 04:53
I also went through an episode with Bartlett, similar.  I am a former House tech, a former Numanco tech prior to that.  In December last year, I confirmed for Hatch through Bartlett.  I also stated I would like to go to Farley, and then Browns Ferry.  Middle of January, I was lied to by a Very familiar recruiter from Bartlett that my release date did not match my report date to Farley.  I discussed the situation, and decided that Sequoyah and Browns Ferry would be best.  Up until Feb 1, I had no confirmation on work after Hatch, nor did Bartlett move on my wishes.  When I called to let them know I accepted work else where with their competitor, instead of reporting to Hatch, they had work for me else where, but still not for Sequoyah, nor Brownsferry.

Bartlett has a habit for making sure theirs are taken care of first.  If you are not Bartlett Blue through and through, don't depend on them.  This season, will tell their true colors.  Not able to staff and potential to lose a nice gig.  Eric, you used to take care of me, but I do believe you have lost contact with what your recruiters are actually doing to people.  There was no reason for what SCOTT went through, and there is no reason for what I went through!!  Your recruiters are doing the staffing, not you.  Get in touch with what is actually happening with your company. Joe 

Hey Joe - Since ya called me out i gotta put in my 2 cents worth.   
Yes you were hired for Hatch. 
Yes we were trying to do the Farley gig after
Yes we were having difficulties trying to transfer everyone over to Farley
Yes it all worked out in the end, had you the patience to let us do our jobs
Yes you were submitted for the TVA sites and NO the recruiter you were dealing with did not drop the ball.  You were submitted and he pushed and pulled to try and get an answer but to no avail, the sites were not interested in you. 
You were offered other jobs and you were not interested in them
You waited until the week prior to start date and bagged Hatch giving us little or no time to replace you
Yes we reiterated we had work elsewhere and no it wasn't at TVA because as I stated earlier they didn't want you
Yes you still bailed on Hatch after sucking that slot up for several weeks thus blocking someone else out of an early slot somewhere
Yes I, we, will take care of what you call the "Bartlett Blue" and had you kept your word and gone to Hatch we would have taken care of you too

I do have a question for made this statement... "Bartlett has a habit for making sure theirs are taken care of first"  - isn't that only good business you take care of those that take care of you?  Maybe I'm missing something, maybe we should be taking care of all the people that bagged us on jobs, backed out last minute, no showed, or tested positive prior to taking care of those that honored their commitments, helped us out and did a good job.  We try to take care of everyone that works for us and does a good job, sometimes we can help everyone, sometimes we can't...but we do try...its our job.

One more thing and I'm sure you'll get some karma added to you by those that think this is blow to that damned "company" - not only did you back out the week prior to start after holding that slot so no one else could get an early job but you jumped on with our competitor at one of the sites we service to try and back us up - nothing like rubbing salt in the wound -

What kills me is that you have the audacity to yip and yammer, about people that bust thier _ _ _ just as much as anyone, and somehow blame them to justify your actions...sad.

so to reply to your final statement I am quite in touch with what is going on with my recruiters and the company.  I hold them accountable when they screw up, I let them go if it continues -

one last question before I end this rant - Do you know the difference between a recruiter and a tech? If I fire a recruiter or a recruiter quits I never have to deal with them again...

Its been fun


Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: NJ on May 21, 2009, 07:31

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: let-it-ride on May 22, 2009, 01:24
These Rants and Raves have been going on for "B" for 20 years!!
I was once one of the"golden boys". I have also been on the "double secret probation list"
Things pass and the company that still is there is "B". The others have come and gone!
But I have to say that the last 22 years have been what I would NOT change for 5 minutes. Good times, bad times, it was ALL something that helped me and I would do it all again the same way.
NOW, I am in a position that I do not have to put in the hours and travel, etc.
I live on a beach in Mexico and can stay here for as long as I like.
Guess what, "B" had alot to do with it!!
I did the DOE gigs. (don't do them unless you want your brain to shrivel.  OK, the money is good, but you will be a robot. So take the easy money and run)
Most of the people that post here, I know and have worked with many times.  My question to them is, What are you looking for in the future? Do you really want to do the hours for outages? Do you want to move to places to have a DOE job in the 'boondocks'
Maybe it is time to pass the meter to the ones coming up.

I have found that MOST of the OLD TECHS EXPECT that they are ENTITLED to a job and that all they have to do is SHOW UP because they are EXPERIENCED!!   BIG DEAL!!

I know that things are not the same as it was in the 80's. Those times can never be brought back. (I wish they could)

SOO, Try to give it a rest and stop saying that all problems can be fixed if "B" does what YOU want. It hasn't happened in the past. Now days, you go with the program, or get another career.  I did. Time to go and cook a kilo of shrimp. (cost $7)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on May 22, 2009, 05:13
EB, Nice Volley!

Let-it-ride, any extra rooms available?

RG..... ;D
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Laundry Man on May 22, 2009, 08:16
As I have stated probably 17 pages back, Bartlett was very good to me.  Of course it was a different company back then.  I could call Bruce, who would put me on hold, he would call CA, now a conference call with Jim and bingo, off to San Onofre I went.  I teched for years, crept up the ladder and now I'm back home in MA, living in the country working 40s.  Not a bad life but I do miss the summers off something terrible.  27 years as a contractor and I can say the only time I fell I got screwed was with NSS on the South Africa deal.  Bartlett is a great company who still has some very excellent people working for them.  Don't back out of a commitment at the last minute, show up on time, do your job well, life could be well.
Thanks Bartlett for working with me all those years.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 22, 2009, 08:24

Funny video Blame it on the Alcohol,  In this case just Subsitute Alcohol, Blame it on Bartlett,  Blame it on House Techs,  I guess Alcohol is already their for people who party too much when working outages, Blame it on the Site Coordinator, Blame it on the All  other techs are garbage except me.   Blame it on the Recruiter who does not get me everything I want, Blame it on the NUF, DOE Core, Blame it on Eric , Blame it on everything but me. Thats Right I am Perfect, Thats Right Everyone is after me,  I never took the NRRPT even though it gets me access to most nuke sites and DOE,I do not need to know that stuff any how,Thats Right I am Entitled because I am the best tech ever, as you can see.

I think Bartlett needs a whine line and if the tech starts whining too much  they should be put on hold and Bartlett should have this as the whine line background theme song.  LOL

I think this would be funny if the Bartlett site Coordinators all played this song at the opening meeting and had big posters  and the first said Blame it on, and others had  some of what I had above and  the last one said man or Woman up everything is not Perfect and this is a outage,get  to Work LOL
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 22, 2009, 09:38

The embedded is Active on this so you have to click here to get it to work directly!!!

Below wont work, Click Above

Kooler Version of Blame It!!!!!!! See above post for comment.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: LOKI RAD on May 24, 2009, 06:36
When they are the only choice (98 % of the time).

You definately have to pick your poison! ;D
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Smart People on May 24, 2009, 12:52
Body Farm.

That's what i like to call it anyway. Every staffing company's goal is to fill all available positions. Hopefully with highly qualified people.

Every utility or site has its own unique needs and requirements. i can see the juggling act that the recruiters have to put on every outage season. dealing with both finicky managements and pushy technicians and trying to please both. Sometimes they are not so successful.

I got to see this recently when the last plant i was at had to pull 15 people off the roster before the outage because the RPM started crying "budget!"

one tip to the recruiters from my experience with them; I know you're busy, but please try to read the resumes. I once sent in a resume for a job and received an email asking if i was qualified. when i scrolled down the email, there was my resume with my qualifications at the top. I felt like my recruiter wasn't paying attention.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Chimera on May 25, 2009, 05:29

Excellent response.  I have worked for Bartlett, off and on, over the past 25 years.  What you've stated agrees with my experience with the company, for the most part.  There are always exceptions and some of them have been doozies.

My only comment would be that our "perception" of our treatment by Bartlett is just as real as whatever the home office's perceptions are.  Sometimes it's just the silence that follows after we submit our resumes for a particular posting that can be worrisome.  We out here can't see the wheels grinding in the office as you guys attempt to fulfill our requests.  We only see the silence.

I don't know what the solution to the perceived silence is.  If you attempted to respond to every e-mail you receive from us, you would never get anything done but some sort of acknowledgement would be greatly appreciated.  I do know that it is galling, after so many years as a Tech, Lead Tech, and Site Coordinator for Bartlett, to be asked by the Recruiter if I'm a Tech or a Deconner.  Yeah, I know, it's only my ego that's been pricked and I get over it.

Having said all that, let me thank you, Eric, and all your recruiters for keeping me employed and making my children's and grandchildren's birthdays and Christmases (is that right?) much more fun than they might have been.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Dream Tar Heel on May 25, 2009, 07:14
OK, back to reality....

This is a business, plain and simple.

Body farm or meat factory, it's techs in and techs out.

Sometimes, yeah it seems like the company cares about you, and that is usually because the site coordinator just happens to be a real human being, and for those we all thank you.

Otherwise it's all business, nothing personal, so they say.

But there are those techs out there that have been screwed by a devious recruiter. All is not perfect and not all techs are perfect, but let the techs who have had problems tell their side of the story, hopefully with out "unjustified character assassination", cause that water downs your point. And that is where they attack your creditability, loosing sight of the truth you are trying to tell.

No company is perfect and no job is perfect. And anybody who quits a house job to see what the contractor life is all about isnt telling the whole truth about why they left, end of story.

But this forum is the perfect place to tell your story and look for advice from those who have worked the trenches, asked the questions and been lied to (from all directions), just dont make it personal. Or the Bartlett Blue Boys will come out in defense of their Sugar Daddy, and even the home office will slide in to work their "PR" magic, but its all after the fact. Where were these people when you needed them, when you were having the issues.

Where were they when they told you your favorite plant was staffed for their up coming outage and there was no slot for you. Then you call the plant and they never saw your resume and were wondering where you were, and you found out the plant was holding a slot for you and others. The fact is, trust but verify. It's not always what they are telling you, as much as what they are not telling you, just ask the "Boys from Brazil".

That is what happens. It's a business, the stories are true and they will happen again, hopefully not to you. 8)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on May 25, 2009, 11:55
The fact is, trust but verify.

Good advice.  There is nothing wrong with a little peer checking, and verification.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: LOKI RAD on May 26, 2009, 08:00
Agreed!  8)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on May 27, 2009, 01:02
OK, back to reality....

This is a business, plain and simple.

Body farm or meat factory, it's techs in and techs out.

Sometimes, yeah it seems like the company cares about you, and that is usually because the site coordinator just happens to be a real human being, and for those we all thank you.

Otherwise it's all business, nothing personal, so they say.

But there are those techs out there that have been screwed by a devious recruiter. All is not perfect and not all techs are perfect, but let the techs who have had problems tell their side of the story, hopefully with out "unjustified character assassination", cause that water downs your point. And that is where they attack your creditability, loosing sight of the truth you are trying to tell.

No company is perfect and no job is perfect. And anybody who quits a house job to see what the contractor life is all about isnt telling the whole truth about why they left, end of story.

But this forum is the perfect place to tell your story and look for advice from those who have worked the trenches, asked the questions and been lied to (from all directions), just dont make it personal. Or the Bartlett Blue Boys will come out in defense of their Sugar Daddy, and even the home office will slide in to work their "PR" magic, but its all after the fact. Where were these people when you needed them, when you were having the issues.

Where were they when they told you your favorite plant was staffed for their up coming outage and there was no slot for you. Then you call the plant and they never saw your resume and were wondering where you were, and you found out the plant was holding a slot for you and others. The fact is, trust but verify. It's not always what they are telling you, as much as what they are not telling you, just ask the "Boys from Brazil".

That is what happens. It's a business, the stories are true and they will happen again, hopefully not to you. 8)

Definitely one of my pet peeves.

Yes, Bartlett has the right to reward whoever they want to, but not at the expense of the utility.  Returnees are becoming more and more valuable as outages get are just getting the new guy up to speed on the site-specific stuff when it's time to lay everyone off.  So when Bartlett withholds the resume of a returnee, in favor of trying to get 'their' tech another outage, it hurts the utility.  This attitude of 'Bartlett-Knows-Best' is eroding some of the goodwill they had built up with sites during the 90's.

As far as the goodwill they had with myself, having my resume withheld at my 'home' plant (in favor of techs Bartlett was trying to reward for working 'their' set of plants) is exactly the scenario that ticked me off badly enough to sign on with one of their competitors.  This was esp. galling, because I had been 'Bartlett-Blue-Through-and-Through' (with the exception of Diablo...where I was when they didn't submit my resume at 'home'...but where Bartett had originally staffed me...) for 15+ years (minus time stuck in house jobs) at that point.  So, Eric, et al, you might examine whether the short-term expedience of rewarding techs who will go to the 'crappy sites' outweighs the long-term benefits of 'playing fair' with the utilities & returnees.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on May 27, 2009, 12:01
Unc, I almost always agree with you, but maybe you should have considered whether the short-term expedience of working Diablo was worth damaging your relationship with Bartlett.

My guess is a booming HellYeah it was! 

But the truth remains that you ditched them for Diablo, and were willing to pay the price for doing that.  So, don't complain that you actually had to pay it.

We can't have it both ways, bro.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on May 27, 2009, 04:53
Unc, I almost always agree with you, but maybe you should have considered whether the short-term expedience of working Diablo was worth damaging your relationship with Bartlett.

My guess is a booming HellYeah it was! 

But the truth remains that you ditched them for Diablo, and were willing to pay the price for doing that.  So, don't complain that you actually had to pay it.

We can't have it both ways, bro.

Actually, it wasn't 'short-term expedience' to work Diablo.  Bartlett staffed us in there in I recall, they got around $1000/head 'finder's fee'.  I guess in my view, Bartlett is the one that made the monetary decision that it was okay to send 'Bartlett-Blue-Through-And-Through' into Diablo-Land, so they shouldn't hold it against me that I kept going...?

Just in case you don't buy that, let's do the math:  Union-Scale X More-Outages-Than-I've-Worked-Anywhere-Else =  (booming)HellYeah!   So you were right...I wouldn't change it for all the Bartlett outages I can eat!  ;)

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 27, 2009, 07:02
Yes we all got to make the decision best for us.  But we should not cry if a loyal true blue Bartlett gets first dibs on all Bartlett Jobs because they stayed loyal and continue to do what Bartlett wants.  I respect Anyone to include Bartlett who will help the Loyal people out first.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on May 28, 2009, 03:20
some of us "non-true-blue" people don't cry (some do).  we can also just see things how they are.  i can understand why bartlett plays that game with utilities (not submitting the resume of the utilities preferred tech because he didn't do what bartlett wanted). maybe it is the "better business decision".  but I think if the client is ultimately the final customer, and you don't give the customer what they want, or try not to in an underhanded way, things may change.  and it is just truly unprofessional to lie to people about the staffing situation just because you don't want to admit reality.  hey, tell me you're not submitting my name because I didn't do what was best for barttlet.  or just say "we are considering others at this point and may eventually submit your resume."  I don't understand why that is so hard instead of making something up like "we are only staffing with returnees right now".  I already knew people who were going to the outage who weren't returnees, so this was obviously a lie.  C'mon now, don't you true-blues believe this happens?  You don't have to bad-mouth bartlett, just don't get on here and state the opposite when you have no idea how it is on the other side of the coin.

and as far as diablo goes, for those of us who only want to work a few months a year, it is the best gig going to maximize money and minimize months on the road.  i've never had a problem getting a job after working there, although I don't have as much choice as true-bluers.  that is ok.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on May 28, 2009, 09:53
You are 100% correct.
It is not professional to lie, either to a customer or an employee.
It is not necessarily the case, though, that anyone has lied just because an outage was staffed without inviting all the returnees.
It would take a lot of unnecessary effort to do what most people suspect that the office is doing.
More likely, the recruiter stacked a pile of resumes together for some outage and submitted them.  When they are approved, they probably don't get sent out again to other outages happening at the same time.
In the current climate, Bartlett et. al. have to package outages in a way that ensures all the bases are covered.  So, a lot of names submitted to the plant where you thought you were going are the names of techs who are going there directly from another job.
So, you can't go to Clinton after having been there for 8 straight outages.  Why?  Because it was staffed with the people who worked Byron or LaSalle right before.  There is no subterfuge there.  It is simple resource management.  A recruiter had to staff both jobs.  The are scheduled in sequence.  It is simple.  The customer buys off on it, the techs agree to it.
Then, along comes someone who can't understand why his name isn't on the list for Clinton, although he flat-out refused to do Byron, Dresden, LaSalle, Braidwood, and Quad Cities.  No, nobody lied to him or to Exelon.  They just put together a staff of techs who could do all the jobs in order and he wasn't one of them.
You really have to stretch the imagination to think that someone in the office is trying to reward or punish you.  They, like anybody else, just want to do their jobs with as little effort as possible.  If you can staff two, or three, or four outages in a row with one list, it saves you a lot of work.  Once we can see that, it is easier for us to understand why things are the way they are and it is easier for us to get with the program, so to speak.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 28, 2009, 07:35
I put in for 2 outages, I got 1 I wanted and 1 I did not want.  I at first was a little upset, but as always went by my 2 rules,  Rule 1 cool is the rule and 2 is do not forget rule 1.  The recruiter explained that I would make more money this way.   I figured it out and he was right, I made about 3000 dollars more in about 5 weeks of my second outage.  But I bet you have some hard heads that will get mad because they did not get what they wanted and wonder why they were picked on.  Bartlett is out to make money and if they can make more money with you and you make more money so much the better.  Another Blame it>. Blame it on the hard headed tech who can not see the forest for the trees!!!!  Blame it on Bartlett helping true blue people with common sense first!!!
 Blame it below!!! LOL
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: hamsamich on May 28, 2009, 10:40
Bartlett told me the outage was only staffing returnees, but that wasn't true, because friends who I trusted were going, and they were not returnees.  No problem, just don't tell me you are only staffing returnees, because that is just not the case.  I ended up going to the outage anyway, that's why I say I am not crying, no harm was done to me.  I'm just talking about the mechanics of the whole process.  I mean what else do you call it?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: longbow55 on May 28, 2009, 10:57
They call it doing business. Bartlett will look out for Bartlett, no matter who they step on. After several years of working for them and recruiting over a dozen professionals to come to work for them what did I get at the end of the project?  You guessed it Johnny, a kick to the curb and stuck with some medical bills I was promised would be covered. Then they find out I'm working for the competition and I can't get the time of day. They look out for Bartlett and I look out for me, it's an arrangement I can live with and have done quite well for myself.

Beercourt do please tell us who you work for so we can avoid that company. 
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: NJ on May 28, 2009, 11:19

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on May 29, 2009, 10:13
Thanks M,
It's true.  The guys who work for us love it. 
Longbow, if you don't want to work for us, I won't force you to.  There is a long line of others awaiting their turn.  Don't worry about avoiding us.  It's not really like it is your choice anyway.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on May 30, 2009, 05:25
BC, Obviously you hit a sore spot..... :'(

I'm running with Marssim on this one, "A reasonable post until the last statement"!  Which, by the way, was drafted incorrectly!

US = ME and WE = I ......... :-X

Have a Great Day....RG.. ;) 
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: gammaman30 on May 30, 2009, 09:50
To all the crybabies :'(

If you are a good tech and not a crybaby you will not have a problem going to any plant you want.(99% of the time)

I get so tired of these people talk about how they get mistreated or always having a problem with the office not submitting them to the plants they want to go.

Most of you guys are slugs that is lucky anybody will give you a job anyway.
Think about it. You are a returnee and you still can not get a slot? You call and they say we never saw your resume. HELLO What did you want them to say to you. WHEN YOU CALL THEM BUGGING THE SH-- OUT OF THEM. Of course they say they did not see your resume.

So get a clue and MAN UP. Stop crying!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Content1 on May 30, 2009, 11:02
How do you define a "slug" tech.  When asked to do a survey, they say, "I don't know how?"  For one, it does not take an Einstein to be a Rad tech.  Somehow, even this "slug" manages to travel across the country, shows up to work, forwards up to a $1000 out of their pocket to get the room, food, etc.  before the outage begins.  I say most "slugs" in our field are better than a lot of pro's in another.  Some are better, faster, or after 20 returns to the same place know the routine.  Even our lowest slug may  catch that unposted Hi rad area preventing an NRC fine.  If any one of us are such a "slug" the plants do not mince words and tells them so.   I am tired of all this infighting tech on tech, we should be united.  We do a hard job, work under difficult conditions, and sometimes are not rewarded with outages that allow us to survive.   Our obtaining work is everything to us and if we are being played around with we have a right to complain or we finally leave the field.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on May 30, 2009, 11:06
How do you define a "slug" tech.  When asked to do a survey, they say, "I don't know how?"  For one, it does not take an Einstein to be a Rad tech.  Somehow, even this "slug" manages to travel across the country, shows up to work, forwards up to a $1000 out of their pocket to get the room, food, etc.  before the outage begins.  I say most "slugs" in our field are better than a lot of pro's in another.  Some are better, faster, or after 20 returns to the same place know the routine.  Even our lowest slug may  catch that unposted Hi rad area preventing an NRC fine.  If any one of us are such a "slug" the plants do not mince words and tells them so.   I am tired of all this infighting tech on tech, we should be united.  We do a hard job, work under difficult conditions, and sometimes are not rewarded with outages that allow us to survive.   Our obtaining work is everything to us and if we are being played around with we have a right to complain or we finally leave the field.

Well stated and right on target.  :)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 30, 2009, 04:20
Some People deserve to be put on the bottom of the pile.  Most I see are justified in that position.  Bartlett will as a good business pick from the best and S*** can the rest when submitting for a outage and rightfully so, So if you are a bottom of the Barrell returnee>  My opinion you are worse than a rookie with no experience.  Bartlett should treat you as such especially if you have been bottom of the Barrel more than once, Second time or more I think Bartlett has to look at the tech as a bottom feeder and do their best not to place that tech anywhere to make the rest look of the techs look good, their company and utility look good.  I would try to place new juniors who want to work  before I place a professional bottom of the barrel senior.  And again,  Blame it on the bottom of the barrel more than once senior,   LOL Give me a rookie with a good senior to watch over him or her before a slug!!!  Get rid of all the slugs is what needs to be done!!!   LOL  BLAME IT>>

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on May 30, 2009, 07:51
Some People deserve to be put on the bottom of the pile.  Most I see are justified in that position.  Bartlett will as a good business pick from the best and S*** can the rest when submitting for a outage and rightfully so, So if you are a bottom of the Barrell returnee>  My opinion you are worse than a rookie with no experience.  Bartlett should treat you as such especially if you have been bottom of the Barrel more than once, ...

Fast forward to 2015, at a plant where TheNorthKoreaMan is the Site Coordinator...

And told him he did not act right no food for you. 
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on May 30, 2009, 09:36
HydroDave LOL, Karma for You,  No returnee status if you are a bum or Dum, Rookie Meat is more Sweet!! Yum  !! Than Dum or Bum returnee!!!  No Burn mee For A Scum Returnee.  I will cook my Rookie meat the way I like and if that burns me I will throw it in the fire and ask for another new hire.  So many Fire and new hire, we will keep only the ones that turn out Well, No burnt, No rare idiot. Problem solved!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Hasher on May 31, 2009, 02:39
I gotta say, I started in '88 working for PSESI and the Hammer at San Onofre.  I worked for a whack of companies and spanned 26 sites from commercial to DOD.  It would be incredibly niave to say I expected anything special from any of them since I openly pursued the best pay for the longest duration regardless of who signed the check. 

Looking back, all of them had ups, downs, perks and drawbacks.  We all knew Bartlett paid per diem up front when a lot of people didn't.  Yes, it was a few years before I actually showed up to any job WITH money.  Jerry was there with an interest free loan when ARC went under.  I received a call from a Bartlett VP once when a job had gone particularly well. 

I do not recall anything remotely close to that from any other "Body Farm" I had worked through.  I have had some amazing jobs with some very small companies however, for a company the size of Bartlett I never felt like I was taken for granted or disrespected.  Quite the opposite. 

I am now fat dumb and happy tucked away in the great white north now, but even this oppurtunity all started when Bartlett asked if I would be interested in a small contract working in Canada ten years ago.  Thanks Eric.  It changed my life.  Cheers to you Bud.

Beercourt, let me know what you are up to....  it may be that there are some oppurtunities to place some staters up here.  Nothing concrete, just buzz and I know you understand the unique challenges of CANDU.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: pappy on May 31, 2009, 06:07
To all the crybabies :'(

If you are a good tech and not a crybaby you will not have a problem going to any plant you want.(99% of the time)

I get so tired of these people talk about how they get mistreated or always having a problem with the office not submitting them to the plants they want to go.

Most of you guys are slugs that is lucky anybody will give you a job anyway.
Think about it. You are a returnee and you still can not get a slot? You call and they say we never saw your resume. HELLO What did you want them to say to you. WHEN YOU CALL THEM BUGGING THE SH-- OUT OF THEM. Of course they say they did not see your resume.

So get a clue and MAN UP. Stop crying!

Ok, so what do you say about the house calling you and asking why you didn't get submitted when they thought you wanted to work an outage there? Or you feel arm twisted to go to an outage you don't want to go to, then are told your resume was not accepted, even we you are a former house tech that has returned a number of times. Then with less than 36hrs left to start date, asked to jump thru hoops to go? So NOW I am accepted?
I Have had better luck overall with Bartlett, and have a great gig with them now. However there are times I would rather chew on broken glass than deal with some people thru the office. And as far as not getting work when working for another company? I have had great luck when I needed to have a change getting back to work for Bartlett.
So what am I saying? It works both ways sometimes. Some people in the office will mis-inform you, intentional or not. Some of us (me included at times) can be grumpy old farts that are hard to deal with. That really want to go to a certain place, or have a real hard spot with a Site coordinator or site for what ever reason. Still comes down to us accepting or not and living with that decision. Then doing our job when there.
Having real problems? Call Eric. He may not really solve a problem, but I know first hand he will talk to you and will try to figure out what is going on. Some problems cannot be solved. That's called life, deal with it. I am just happy to still be alive & able to work, and at a site that has gone out of it's way to work with me as I finish recovering from my accident. I'm a little slower, but still going....
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Already Gone on May 31, 2009, 08:26
Cough!  Cough!
Man! A lot of smoke in here.

The question still is: Who wants to make money?

Best way to do that is to play the game - like it or not.

Sometimes, the old "didn't get your resume" happens to even the best techs who are very well liked at a plant.  There is a new business model in the nuke industry.  Even the best are going to have to play by the new rules.  It is going to be short outages, package deals, and going to places where you'd rather not go if you wan to maximize your income.

Hasher, I'd love to place a couple of techs in your neck of the woods.  You hear anything, let me know.  But this is Bartlett's thread, so let's discuss that by PM, OK?

Everyone else, keep your chin up.  Brighter days are coming.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: gammaman30 on May 31, 2009, 09:14

Ok, so what do you say about the house calling you and asking why you didn't get submitted when they thought you wanted to work an outage there? Or you feel arm twisted to go to an outage you don't want to go to, then are told your resume was not accepted, even we you are a former house tech that has returned a number of times. Then with less than 36hrs left to start date, asked to jump thru hoops to go? So NOW I am accepted?
I Have had better luck overall with Bartlett, and have a great gig with them now. However there are times I would rather chew on broken glass than deal with some people thru the office. And as far as not getting work when working for another company? I have had great luck when I needed to have a change getting back to work for Bartlett.
So what am I saying? It works both ways sometimes. Some people in the office will mis-inform you, intentional or not. Some of us (me included at times) can be grumpy old farts that are hard to deal with. That really want to go to a certain place, or have a real hard spot with a Site coordinator or site for what ever reason. Still comes down to us accepting or not and living with that decision. Then doing our job when there.
Having real problems? Call Eric. He may not really solve a problem, but I know first hand he will talk to you and will try to figure out what is going on. Some problems cannot be solved. That's called life, deal with it. I am just happy to still be alive & able to work, and at a site that has gone out of it's way to work with me as I finish recovering from my accident. I'm a little slower, but still going....


Are you Crying? It really did not sound like you were crying! It sounds like you do not have problem with getting a job you want. Its not a perfect system in the home office but how many times you hear a tech complain about how unfair it is and he/she is always looking for a reason to stop a job so they will not have to cover it. the same person usually in the break room when most others are working or relieving you late all the time.

The point is at times the office will make a mistake and not submitt someone but if you do not get excepted back to a plant you are a returnee then you might be the problem not Bartlett!

I work with a lot of good techs and I do not hear them complain about not getting into a job they want! (99%) of time.
If you do not work Bartlett all the time why get upset when you do not get the job you want and a "true blue" Bartlett tech gets it instead. All I know is Bartlett been good to me so I will work for them until they give me a reason not to. 8)

I want to give a shout out to the drywell tech at Columbia some of the best techs I have worked with!
You Know they have to be if they are working there. :o
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: pappy on May 31, 2009, 10:09
   Not crying, just a little vent. But the point is we can still decide to take it or leave it. I have passed on some situations & paid short term for it. But I still get work. We still have recruiters or site coordinators that will misinform u for whatever reason, lack of proper info or just playing by the framework they are stuck with. Or just a jerk. Hard to tell the difference sometimes. Right now we make the final decision to show up for Bartlett, or any other company. And we still have the right to pass working at certain places or with certain people. Tough on the wallet sometimes, but we make our decisions & live with them.
   I like where I am now, happy not to have to hunt work all the time. But still see & hear both sides. And wonder when (not if) I will have to deal with the staffing process again. I think all of us, office & techs, have a LOT of heartburn from the process. And I don't believe there is really a cure for that part of it....
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Smart People on Jun 01, 2009, 08:35
HydroDave LOL, Karma for You,  No returnee status if you are a bum or Dum, Rookie Meat is more Sweet!! Yum  !! Than Dum or Bum returnee!!!  No Burn mee For A Scum Returnee.  I will cook my Rookie meat the way I like and if that burns me I will throw it in the fire and ask for another new hire.  So many Fire and new hire, we will keep only the ones that turn out Well, No burnt, No rare idiot. Problem solved!!

DUM DUM bring me GUM GUM?

Sorry, Just saw "Night at the Museum"

Personally I have very few issues with old Blue. I usually have a good idea where i'm going with them. Checks are usually right and on time (the most important issue of all in my opinion). Even if i don't get exactly what I want, I still find myself in a good situation(usually). Some times I've been told that an outage is staffed and i know i can make some calls and still get in. Sometimes I do, Sometimes I don't.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on Jun 01, 2009, 08:57
Dum Dum Bring me Gum Gum, Yes My 6 year old son has this head in his Happy meal.  Insert card and it says Dum Dum Bring me Gum Gum.   

I think Bartlett and other contractors need to get this head  to say DUM DUM you get no Gum Gum and give it to their techs that fail the NUF, DOE core and Drug tests.  Also  have a note saying no mileage, no diem, no money for failing your obligation. If you wonder why insert your card in your head that we are giving you in your going away package. 

DUM DUM you get no Gum Gum,  Hilarious!!!!!  I bet people would really man up not to get the DUM DUM head!!! LOL  This should be in all prejob papers before people get onsite so they know the  consequenses and throw a blame it on someone!!! 

Blame it see below!!

Man word gets out on the DUM DUM head and I bet you would have a big drop in failures when it is coupled with no diem, no mileage and money!!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on Jun 02, 2009, 05:03
Dum Dum Gum Gum you tube,

Then there should be a letter stating you failed your self,  You failed the Company giving you a Job,  and you failed your fellow tech who could have gotten a job here but you bumped him, and the techs left behind because they have to pull your dead weight, so no Diem, No mileage and good riddance.  Hopefully one day you will man or woman up!!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Jun 03, 2009, 08:38
yinz no sum thing?  after reeding alla post hear, aye yam farely confident eye cood substitue enny companies name dat ever place hp tex inna power plant four bartlett 'n it wood all ring true.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Content1 on Jun 03, 2009, 11:14
First, give Bartlett a break.  If it were not for them, most of us could not find a Job.  Yea, Bartlett! 

Yea, Eric, the Obi Wan Kenobi of Bartlett.

"The jobs were startled easily, like in the Spring, but they will be back this Fall in greater numbers"

Don't be so hard on fellow techs.   We are an aging workforce who are what we got until the next generation gets off the video games and takes over.   

I would trust age and treachery over youth and inexperience anytime.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: mohavejoe on Jun 04, 2009, 08:43
First, give Bartlett a break.  If it were not for them, most of us could not find a Job.  Yea, Bartlett! 

Yea, Eric, the Obi Wan Kenobi of Bartlett.

"The jobs were startled easily, like in the Spring, but they will be back this Fall in greater numbers"

Don't be so hard on fellow techs.   We are an aging workforce who are what we got until the next generation gets off the video games and takes over.   

I would trust age and treachery over youth and inexperience anytime.

First, I love Bartlett!

I would not work for any other company...
Second, You sound like you are one of the one's people have been talking about.
you think just because you are getting old it gives you a reason to be a slug!
I work with a lot of old people who still carry their own weight. They relieve on time they do their fair share of work and do not whine about it.
Just because you been around for a long time do not mean anybody owes you a job. I do not have a problem with you guys getting work with the rest of us hard working tech's somebody has to do control points but do not think you should get your pick of plants and stay until the end of the outage. you should be last in and first out. Thats what bartlett should do with you guys.

So be happy that you still get jobs. Stop the whining about how wrong bartlett is doing you.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HydroDave63 on Jun 04, 2009, 11:15
you should be last in and first out. Thats what bartlett should do with you guys.

So be happy that you still get jobs. Stop the whining about how wrong bartlett is doing you.

you might be surprised at who reads these, and may not want YOU as the corporate spokesmodel  :P
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: mohavejoe on Jun 04, 2009, 11:31
you might be surprised at who reads these, and may not want YOU as the corporate spokesmodel  :P


What part of my post ever seem like I was speaking for bartlett? Maybe you should put down your donuts and get back to work.Im sure you are not getting paid to surf the web at work. :D and thanks for the - karma :-*
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: curtis on Jun 04, 2009, 01:31
First, I love Bartlett!

 You sound like you are one of the one's people have been talking about.
you think just because you are getting old it gives you a reason to be a slug!

I do not have a problem with you guys getting work with the rest of us hard working tech's somebody has to do control points but do not think you should get your pick of plants and stay until the end of the outage.

  I usually do not jump into these since I have not worked for Bartlett since '86 but, Do you even know Content1? If not where do you get off accusing him of being a slug? Just because some of us have been around the block and gained more than a few grey hairs in the process does not constitue being a slug.
Second, most of the time I hear someone speak of "us hard working tech's" usually means they are trying to inflate thier own ego or try to get everyone else to see how good they are. The ones that are usually the hard working tech's do not need to say they are, it is noticed by others.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Content1 on Jun 04, 2009, 03:46
Very true, he likes to argumentum ad hominem someone if you defend Techs.  I never said a tech gets a free ride, only that most all are good hard working people.  One who lashes out and does not even know to whom he/she is speaking is the true slug here. 
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Nuclear NASCAR on Jun 04, 2009, 07:34
Lets "Talk about Bartlett"...

That sounds like a great idea Mike!  8)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: justatech on Jun 05, 2009, 06:25
The ones that are usually the hard working tech's do not need to say they are, it is noticed by others.

and there it is.........................

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: jasper on Jul 28, 2009, 02:12

       Does your company have any entry level jobs left or do you expect to be getting anymore , anytime soon ?
Have a great day everyone  :)

Thank you,
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 28, 2009, 04:16

       Does your company have any entry level jobs left or do you expect to be getting anymore , anytime soon ?
Have a great day everyone  :)

Thank you,

I believe that we have some Firewatch slots at Calhoun, possibly some utility worker or laborer slots at Mcguire, Oconee and Catawba, also i think we just had a handful more Decon Helper slots open at Palo.  Other than that I think everything else either is staffed or fell thru as far as entry level slots go.  Best bet is to contact Joey or Kelli regarding McGuiire, Oconee, Catawba and Calhoun.  Contact Tricia or Mike for Palo. 

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: St Raphael on Jul 29, 2009, 01:29
Does your company hire Registered Nurses for outages?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: xobxdoc on Jul 29, 2009, 08:16
HPTS brought in a proctologist for the 88 outage at Beaver Valley. At least he said he was a proctologist. We were all scratching our heads over that one. I'm thinking that was just a nice welcome from the hose techs to the contractors. :o
Some plants will bring in medical personnel when there is some major work going on where a lot of contractors are onsite. Calvert used some EMT's during the SGR
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RDTroja on Jul 29, 2009, 10:13
HPTS brought in a proctologist for the 88 outage at Beaver Valley. At least he said he was a proctologist. We were all scratching our heads over that one. I'm thinking that was just a nice welcome from the hose techs to the contractors. :o
Some plants will bring in medical personnel when there is some major work going on where a lot of contractors are onsite. Calvert used some EMT's during the SGR

Excellent typo.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: stownsend on Jul 29, 2009, 10:52
HPTS brought in a proctologist for the 88 outage at Beaver Valley. At least he said he was a proctologist.
He was really close to to becoming a gynecologist but Marty was the only person I knew that saw him professionally.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: iiiisx349 on Jul 29, 2009, 11:11
i loved working for bartlett! 8)
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 29, 2009, 12:19
Does your company hire Registered Nurses for outages?

Nope - back in the early 90's we had paramedics and emt's at plant Vogtle, maybe a medical professional or 2 out at Sandia (they would have rolled over to us from the previous vendor) - nothing other than that.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Lorrie Henson on Jul 29, 2009, 01:59
Eric, what are the chances of long term positions for Jr HPs or procedure writers?

Thanks for answering everyone's questions in here!!  K to ya!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Jul 29, 2009, 03:40
Eric, what are the chances of long term positions for Jr HPs or procedure writers?

Thanks for answering everyone's questions in here!!  K to ya!

we've had a few Jr RCT's taken at INL, none at Hanford or SRS yet - I think its only a matter of time but then again thats just my thoughts and as most know what I think and what actually happens is normally 2 differant things - The way I look at it is the DOE was given a gazillion dollars to "create" new jobs - asking for nothing but Sr RCT's does not create new jobs it just moves the existing work force around.  Asking for Jr RCT's especially if they are brandy spank'n new out of the colleges or the various programs out there is creating new jobs and bringing people into the industry that weren't in it prior or at least in an RP capacity.  As far as procedure writing goes, we have had a plethora of requests for the "Prof" types such as engineering, qa, Health Physicists, etc... nothing yet for procedure writers - if any thing breaks on that end I will let you know.

Y'all take it slow and enjoy the rest of the summer,

Title: Re: Rent-a-tech company improvements?
Post by: deicide666 on Oct 25, 2009, 07:46
If you notice the sites with B running everything from H.P. to lawn mowing have low rates. The sites that just bring B in for just outages with H.P. and decon have the higher rates. Is this due to non billable employees???
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 28, 2009, 09:24
eye herd a rumor dat bartlett has 200 permanent hp tech employees.  tru or faulse?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: seahawk on Oct 29, 2009, 12:36
Bartlett? bartlett who,..
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: johnnyreb on Oct 29, 2009, 03:12
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Chimera on Oct 29, 2009, 03:35

Don't work for them.  Then you won't have anything to whine about. 

Speaking only for myself, I don't choose my jobs based on who has them but, rather, on where they are, which ones they are, and whatever experiences I' may have had there in the past.  If it happens to be Bartlett, and the wages are acceptable, then that's where I go.  But I don't whine about it afterwards since that only reflects on me and whatever poor choices I may have made.  Admittedly, I have discovered that more slightly smaller paychecks results in a larger bank account than a few large paychecks.  That's part of what goes into deciding if the pay scale at a given job is worth accepting.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 29, 2009, 10:12
butt dew day have 200 permanent hp tech employees?  knot talking long term assignment.  eye mean permanent employees.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Oct 29, 2009, 10:56
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 30, 2009, 09:34
tanks jr8lback3.   knot two dis on yew, butt i'd reely like to have a bartlett office type person respond too this.  duz bartlett have 200 permanent hp tech employees?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: seahawk on Oct 30, 2009, 10:51
I really have to laugh at the posts i read throughout these forums, people complaining about their wages,who they work for,who they work with, ect. please look around at others that make a 3rd of what you make and see if they are complaining? just happy that they can make a living and support their families!

just a thought
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Oct 30, 2009, 02:44
I really have to laugh at the posts i read throughout these forums, people complaining about their wages,who they work for,who they work with, ect. please look around at others that make a 3rd of what you make and see if they are complaining? just happy that they can make a living and support their families!

just a thought

If they are making a 3rd of what a typical rent-a-tech makes, they are probably flipping burgers ;D. Not picking on you, I get your point. But in my mind, it isn't a valid arguement for what our pay is or is not. It's kind of like being made to feel guilty for being an American when so many people in other countries live a 3rd world life. One is not related to the other, the other is not my fault and is my choice to be concerned or not. There was an extraordandary price paid at some point for me (and you) to be an American, that's why I do not feel guilty about it. Likewise, I pay a personal price (although I am not putting it in the same category as the previous example, just using it to make the point) to do this job and it should be compensated fairly. Just like the people that flip burgers are compensated fairly for their job. We are unique in the fact that it takes (X)training, (X) amount of years, ability to obtain unescorted access, pass the tests, travel sometimes thousands of miles from home, leaving the family for weeks or months at a time etc. The burger flipper just has to show up on time and follow directions, and he gets to go home every day.

I am one of the few with a RP job that I am satified with, both financially and work scope. While on the road (up to 6 months ago) I appreciated the fact that I had a job, I know what it is like to dig for change to put gas in the car (and that wasn't too long ago for me). That alone doesn't make up for the fact that we are generally undercompensated for the job as compared to permanent folks doing the same job. There is a tremendous need in the industry right now for RP techs, there is also a tremendous amount of money that has been injected (talking DOE here) and still I see temporary jobs posted that do not offer perdiem and have a wage that is just the same as it has been for several years, too low.

If we are "guilted" into believing that we should just be happy that we have jobs, the 30% difference in pay will become 50% difference. Bad economic times and many people just trying to get by makes me feel bad for them, and I have made the decision to help some people that are close to me over the past couple of years. But none of that will make me feel satisfied about making a low wage for the industry just because I am happy to have a job.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Oct 30, 2009, 03:00
eye herd a rumor dat bartlett has 200 permanent hp tech employees.  tru or faulse?

"ohhhh really ..."
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: UncaBuffalo on Oct 30, 2009, 03:14
eye herd a rumor dat bartlett has 200 permanent hp tech employees.  tru or faulse?

Could that be the DOE techs?  Or the techs that are swapping back & forth from DOE-land to outages...?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Oct 30, 2009, 04:07
Or the core techs at Duke site, and the like....
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Oct 30, 2009, 05:45
core techs @ duke, d.o.e. techs, those ain't permanent employees, r they?  aye mean, iffen they are, den dey are.  iffen they ain't, they ain't.
of coarse, i'm thinking dat since theirs no official denial, then bartlett is employing hp techs as permanent employees.  some wear.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Oct 30, 2009, 09:11
Define "Permanent" in this day and age.   :-\
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: deicide666 on Oct 31, 2009, 08:43
Core techs at Duke sites get shafted!! I would never see any benefit of ever being one!! It is funny to watch them. They run around like a bunch of retards. Then they see collage kids that have no clue what so ever get the house slots that the core people have slaved for how many ever years trying to get!! The funniest part about it is some of these people don't realize is that Duke is not the only utility out there!!

Funny Funny Stuff!!
Title: Re: Bartlett
Post by: deicide666 on Oct 31, 2009, 08:45
I have had more problems with Bartlett than any other company that i have worked for. The last time i work for Bartlett i was at Trukey Pt. When i got my first check it was short several hundred dollars, there was a deduction for court ordered child support.I don't have any kids on this earth. I called and was told that i would have to go through the courts to get it back and that i needed to step up the plate and be a real parent and do my duty. After several weeks and threat of litigation they gave me my money back, when they realized that they was another rad worker with my name. Even though they knew that the social security #'s didn't match they were convinced that i was the dead beat dad. Hey Bartlett "I DON'T HAVE AND CHILDREN" maybe this is why they won't hire me today. Bartlett can NOT claim to be an Equal Opportunity Employer when they won't even submit your resume. And every time i have worked for them i have always done my job and got a good review. Just this year i submitted my resume for approval at Turkey and BARTLETT didn't even return my calls or e-mails. Well theres no shame in welfare.Remo

I remember that outage!! That sucks!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: johnnyreb on Oct 31, 2009, 03:54
I really have to laugh at the posts i read throughout these forums, people complaining about their wages,who they work for,who they work with, ect. please look around at others that make a 3rd of what you make and see if they are complaining? just happy that they can make a living and support their families!

just a thought
                    stockholm syndrone
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Nov 03, 2009, 01:02
core techs @ duke, d.o.e. techs, those ain't permanent employees, r they?  aye mean, iffen they are, den dey are.  iffen they ain't, they ain't.
of coarse, i'm thinking dat since theirs no official denial, then bartlett is employing hp techs as permanent employees.  some wear.

If by permanent employee you mean someone that is non-billable and not hired under a specific "site contract", basically some one paid out of overhead such as myself then the answer is no, we do not have 200 techs "permanently" employed. 

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nowhereman on Nov 05, 2009, 11:28
sounds like the running arguement is that you need to negotiate in good faith, and  from a point of leverage.....
so, stay home until they raise the pay rates. Then again for the two or three weeks you wait, you really don't gain
anything from the raised pay rates because of the weeks of work you lost.

bottom line is to go house or go back to school, you can't eek out a living wage from Bartlett.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: SloGlo on Nov 06, 2009, 02:29
If by permanent employee you mean someone that is non-billable and not hired under a specific "site contract", basically some one paid out of overhead such as myself then the answer is no, we do not have 200 techs "permanently" employed. 

tanks eric.  aye mean, iffen dare was such a position, eye wood be glad to bee billabull as often as possible.   ;)  butt, i yam guessing dat aisle hafta keep my resume two myself now.  dang. ;D
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Nov 06, 2009, 02:42
Don't get me started slo..
Title: Re: Rent-a-tech company improvements?
Post by: JeffHawk on Dec 11, 2009, 01:40
I'd be happier if Bartlett recruiters would just stop lying to us.
Title: Re: Rent-a-tech company improvements?
Post by: JeffHawk on Dec 11, 2009, 03:11
I will outside this forum. I don't won't to waste time on the details. But I'll bet I'm not the first RP that the recruiters have misled or outright lied to. If the recruiters simply laid out the details of the compensation package and those were accurate when we arrive on site, I believe there would be less room for complaint. I take a job based on what I'm offered either now or for some consideration in the future. Those of us that work unhappily want something out of Bartlett later. If that turns out to be untrue as well then there is a pattern of lies. If the company can't be trusted to deliver what they offer then we'll stop working for them. If they deliver what on the promises made then our acceptance is a statement that the deal was good enough.
Title: Re: Rent-a-tech company improvements?
Post by: SloGlo on Dec 11, 2009, 08:27
I will outside this forum. I don't won't to waste time on the details. But I'll bet I'm not the first RP that the recruiters have misled or outright lied to. If the recruiters simply laid out the details of the compensation package and those were accurate when we arrive on site, I believe there would be less room for complaint. I take a job based on what I'm offered either now or for some consideration in the future. Those of us that work unhappily want something out of Bartlett later. If that turns out to be untrue as well then there is a pattern of lies. If the company can't be trusted to deliver what they offer then we'll stop working for them. If they deliver what on the promises made then our acceptance is a statement that the deal was good enough.
iffen yinz feel like ya get lyed to alot, simply write down yer version of the phone call, send a copy to the office for their comments, read what they right back, 'n get across that s.o.p.
Title: Re: Rent-a-tech company improvements?
Post by: MeterSwangin on Dec 13, 2009, 01:24
I suggest that you contact Eric Bartlett directly with the details and get your issues resolved.

But K-Mutant, you refuse to work for Bartlett yourself.  'sup?
Title: Re: Rent-a-tech company improvements?
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Dec 14, 2009, 05:27
I'd be happier if Bartlett recruiters would just stop lying to us.

There have probably been isolated cases of this practice, but it wouldn't benefit any recruiter to practice the venue.  I've heard a lot of Techs assign the "LIAR" title to some recruiters, but in the long run it was the Techs failure to ask the proper questions! 

How Much: 

It's not only reasonable, but also responsible to ask how much you will compensated!  Hourly Rate, Per-Diem, Travel and Bonuses are all numbers you should know BEFORE showing up!


Is there any?  If there are, what are they and how much are you compensated?  DOE and some government contracts have a Health & Welfare value and Vacation or PTO is usually offered!


In only, Out, or Both? How Much?

Length of Assignment:

YEP, You have a right to ask how long you will be there.  Maybe you have some plans that will require you to leave before the an anticipated end date.  Usually a recruiter can make arrangements up front for an early release.

Site Atmosphere:

YES, You have a right to know what your getting into!  Most sites are getting in tune with how they treat their contract staff.  Those who haven't quite figured it out are paying the price $$$!  Most recruiters will politically polish the answer to this question, but if it's not as they say, there's no reason to stay!

If you wait to ask these question on show up day, expect the worst!  The coordinator only has a list of name and asking these questions on day one, will probably put you on the special list!

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Dec 15, 2009, 09:56
On a lighter note, did anyone else recieve their Christmas bonus from Big Blue this year? Okay, before you riot or call up and demand yours... I'm talking about the beautiful Christmas card that came in the mail this year.

So many people are giving up this time honored tradition that it nice to see that Bartlett still sends out seasonings greetings.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 15, 2009, 11:17
I didn't get one.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: LaFeet on Dec 15, 2009, 11:50
All this complaining seems spread out over a long time.   I guess you can not please all of the people all of the time.  I have had a GREAT run with Bartlett with just one exception (someone told me my resume was sent to Calhoun... funny thing when the RPM called me for my resume instead of the recruiter..).

All said and done, I'd go back to work for Bartlett again when my current gig is up...... although it looks like I mught be here for a long time.

All you whiners get off your butts and take care of yourself... I am a perfect example of someone screwing up and still learning from my mistakes.  I know that I could easily walk into any plant I have been to and be welcomed back, and hope to do that again someday.  Until my current position/climb is up I wish all those of you I have worked with and for continued success..... and a safe and HAPPY Holidays......

P.S.  Thanks Eric for tryinig to get me into Calhoun that one time,  I was a little bitter when it did not come to pass, but I was able to do good work for you guys at DC Cook..... peace
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Dec 15, 2009, 12:27
I didn't get one.

Neither did I....

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nukewood on Dec 15, 2009, 11:50
Have worked as an HP for nearly 30 years now, mostly as a contactor, both DOE and utilities and many different employers. My memories are mostly positive. I have had minor disagreements or misunderstandings with all of them occasionally. I have most consistently worked for Bartlett. Eric and his staff have treated me well. That said ,please put more pressure on the utilities to raise the travel pay up to where it needs to be for a boy living on the west coast!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Dec 16, 2009, 02:05
Have worked as an HP for nearly 30 years now, mostly as a contactor, both DOE and utilities and many different employers. My memories are mostly positive. I have had minor disagreements or misunderstandings with all of them occasionally. I have most consistently worked for Bartlett. Eric and his staff have treated me well. That said ,please put more pressure on the utilities to raise the travel pay up to where it needs to be for a boy living on the west coast!

I appreciate your comments - as far as putting pressure on the utilities for increase in travel reimbursements, we do.  We are constantly pushing for travel that actually reimburses your costs, higher diem that will actually allow you to hold down 2 addresses while on the road, and better wages and bonus incentives.  There are those out there that try and spread the falsehoods and lies that Bartlett is trying to keep wages and com,pensation packages down.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Bartlett has always striven to get our clients to increase compensation packages especially when it comes to expense reimbursement and wages.  It only makes sense.  The more we can pay the more likely we can staff a project or outage.  The more we pay, the more y'all in the field make and the more you make the more likely you will stay in the business whereas if you cant make a living at this then why stay in.  Anyways, I'm starting to to rant and I am late for a meeting so for now I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday or whatever floats your boat.

Take it slow,


Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: nowhereman on Dec 17, 2009, 07:16
just got home to open my bartlett christmas card, but alas something was missing. there was no AmEx gift card in there....long gone are the days when the recruiter sent you to where they needed  you to go, instead of where you wanted to go  and then they got caught....but sent an amex card as a peace offering.   Merry christmas and happy holidays to E.B. and all...
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: HeatherB. on Dec 19, 2009, 11:44
Anyone know why Bartlett's website is down??? Has been for a few days...
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Dec 19, 2009, 11:57
Good who cares
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: klsas on Dec 19, 2009, 12:46
Their website isn't down and hasn't been as far as I know. I don't have any troubles bringing their site up. Check your address.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 19, 2009, 01:24
Anyone know why Bartlett's website is down??? Has been for a few days...

I can confirm that when I try to go to their website, I get redirected to a network solutions default page that is displayed when they can't find the website you are looking for.  My guess is that they are switching servers, and the DNS isn't pointing to the right place.  There are many DNS servers, some haven't updated yet.  That is why SOME people go to the right place, and some people don't.  This happened to us when we transferred to the new server a few years ago.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Old HP on Dec 19, 2009, 08:08
Gee you guys getting Christmas cards are really lucky. I have worked for them for 15+ years and have gotten 2 pens, 0 shirts, and of course 0 Christmas cards. But I did meet a regional director one time and I get an employees handbook at every outage and that really is better than a card.
                                Happy Holidays to All !!!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Jr8black3 on Dec 20, 2009, 10:08
I had some issues with Bartlett, and I contacted Eric,,, I will say this much he tried to help.. So whatever thats worth to ya brother,, lol Eric dont get  big head now.. I might need ya someday..

Merry Christmas to all
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Dec 20, 2009, 11:36
The Bartlett webpage is working for me again.  Looks like the DNS server I have is pointed to the right place now.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 23, 2010, 02:39
Over the years I have seen and heard almost every conceivable story that has tried to vilify Bartlett Nuclear, Inc. from the conspiracy theories and double secret probation to Bruce determines the outage shutdown schedule to best benefit Bartlett.   Well a new one has surfaced that I decided that I needed to address.  It has been brought to my attention that Bartlett Nuclear, Inc., has been accused of being a “shell game specialist” when it comes to staffing, technicians and how many/who we have committed to our job sites.  I’ve seen it done by other vendors and have always taken pride that this company has not and will not play that game. Those of you that know me or have dealt with me should know by now I try not to mince words, I try not to play games and I try to call it as it is and what it is.  So I’ll call it as I see it, the quote below is pure unadulterated BS designed to mislead and misinform those that read it.  It is designed to drive a wedge between those individuals that make up the road tech population and Bartlett.  It is full of falsehoods and lies because the author has nothing valid to say about Bartlett, so he/she had to come up with lies that, if taken at face value, the uniformed could find believable. 

The following is an excerpt taken from a statement made on one of the industry websites as relayed to me from a concerned source…

“Several power plants again experienced shortages of Senior RP Technicians this spring. DC Cook began their outage assuming they were only going to be three to four Senior RPs short. That was due to Bartlett using the shell game of fluffing the staffing numbers. The RPM was notified just days before the outage began that they were going to be 14 Senior RPs short for the outage. It’s the ole ‘no-show’ answer from Bartlett. When will the industry grow tired of this worn out scenario? How many outages has your name been used? Prairie Island is 15 Senior RPs short. North Anna faired even worse with 20 Senior RPs missing on the first day of training. Vermont Yankee, had two house techs quit and go to 9 Mile before the ship starts to sink. They are also 18 Senior RPs short for the outage. Bartlett and DZ Atlantic continue to post ads needing Senior RPs. Hanford is still looking for 30 Senior RCTs through several companies. Idaho National Labs, Savannah River, and Portsmouth continue to have openings.”

I am going to address each and every one of these claims in this statement in order to show what the truth is and what amounts to blatant lies and half truths that are being used to deceive and manipulate you, the nuclear power industry’s contractor work force.

First off there is the claim that “…DC Cook began their outage assuming they were only going to be three to four Senior RPs short.  That was due to Bartlett using the shell game of fluffing the staffing numbers. The RPM was notified just days before the outage began that they were going to be 14 Senior RPs short for the outage. It’s the ole ‘no-show’ answer from Bartlett."
In response to this I can only say the Cook was continuously kept up to speed as far as how many techs were hired and how many we were short.  They were well aware of how short they were prior to the commencement of their outage, 6 Senior Health Physics Technicians short in fact, not the 14 the author claims. There were 8 back outs – no not the type of back outs that the author of the above quote would have you believe, you know, the theory that Bartlett had names on the roster of techs that were never hired for the job, but actual 8 SHP techs that had confirmed and for one reason or another had to back out of the job.  So the site ended up 6 SHP short, not 14 that the author would have you believe. 

Secondly there is this quote “It’s the ole ‘no-show’ answer from Bartlett. When will the industry grow tired of this worn out scenario? How many outages has your name been used?” 
Now some vendors may have done this in the past and some may do this in the present, but I can tell you, and take this with a grain of salt if you would like, that in the 40+ staffing seasons I have been doing this, Bartlett has never and I repeat never placed a name on a roster as being confirmed unless that name was actually confirmed.  We have however placed names on rosters to hold spots. When we have done this those names were identified on the roster(s) as not being confirmed and that they were on there to hold a slot while the individual checked on a myriad of things prior to officially confirming, normally at the bequest of the individual tech themselves so that they would not lose the slot while they were trying to decide what to do.   This practice of holding slots for individuals by placing their name on the roster & noting that it was a “hold slot” deal was abandoned after the spring 2008 season.  On a side note, because we stopped that practice, we now are accused of strong arming techs to confirm for jobs by telling them that we can’t guarantee their slot will be there next time they call in if they don’t want to confirm at this time.

Third there is this part of their statement “Prairie Island is 15 Senior RPs short”

That may have been true for either the last outage or possibly outages prior to last falls outage, as for this season’s outage, S2010, Prairie Island is 100% staffed for all requested positions. 

Fourth is this portion of the statement “North Anna faired even worse with 20 Senior RPs missing on the first day of training.”  
Nothing like distorting the truth to serve you own agenda.  North Anna, when they realized that they were not going to get the full contingent of road tech SHP’s that they had originally requested Bartlett to supply, revised their request to Bartlett dropping just under half of the slots from their request stating they would get internal support from Dominion to make up for those slots.  After our crew arrived on site, 2 individuals came up with a story about having to leave for “DOE” work only to have us find out they lied and went to another outage. 

Fifth is the following portion of the statement – “Vermont Yankee, had two house techs quit and go to 9 Mile before the ship starts to sink. They are also 18 Senior RPs short for the outage. “
I don’t know about two VY House techs, we did however hire one and I have heard no rumors of VY being 18  SHP’s short

This last portion of the statement of course has truth in it “Bartlett and DZ Atlantic continue to post ads needing Senior RPs. Hanford is still looking for 30 Senior RCTs through several companies. Idaho National Labs, Savannah River, and Portsmouth continue to have openings.”  
I can’t speak for DZA, but yes BNI continues to run ads for SHP, it is what we’ve always done when we have openings for any discipline.  Look at nukeworker’s stats, Bartlett is one of, if not, the top job advertiser(s) in the industry, at least thru   

Now I understand that BNI has a target on its back because it is the “big boy” on the block, the one that others feel they need to take a piece of to prove themselves.  I can tell you BNI did not get to the size we are at or make the relationships we have with our clients by playing the games that this absurd statement accuses us of playing.  The only thing to be achieved by playing a game like the one that the author accuses us of is to lose contracts.  And yes we do have SHP slots at Hanford & INL, Portsmouth happens to be staffed and Savannah River is still trying to sort out their needs.   

So to wrap things up all I wish to say is believe what you will and who you will.  You can believe the company that for over 30 years has continued to champion better compensation packages for the contractor work force or you can believe the ranting of a blatant liar that the only way he/she can drum up support is to mislead those that he/she is looking for support from, either way it’s your call.

I wish you all a productive and prosperous year. 

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Mar 23, 2010, 04:11
It is a sad day when a “professional” organization acts in this way… rather than promote their own accomplishments and what they have to offer they negative and misleading statements about their competition.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Mar 23, 2010, 09:28

Secondly there is this quote “It’s the ole ‘no-show’ answer from Bartlett. When will the industry grow tired of this worn out scenario? How many outages has your name been used?” 
Now some vendors may have done this in the past and some may do this in the present, but I can tell you, and take this with a grain of salt if you would like, that in the 40+ staffing seasons I have been doing this, Bartlett has never and I repeat never placed a name on a roster as being confirmed unless that name was actually confirmed.  We have however placed names on rosters to hold spots. When we have done this those names were identified on the roster(s) as not being confirmed and that they were on there to hold a slot while the individual checked on a myriad of things prior to officially confirming, normally at the bequest of the individual tech themselves so that they would not lose the slot while they were trying to decide what to do.   This practice of holding slots for individuals by placing their name on the roster & noting that it was a “hold slot” deal was abandoned after the spring 2008 season.  On a side note, because we stopped that practice, we now are accused of strong arming techs to confirm for jobs by telling them that we can’t guarantee their slot will be there next time they call in if they don’t want to confirm at this time.

I have a short story I'd like to share about an outage I worked a couple of years ago in Nebraska (I am not going to name plants or people in a public forum). Sorry for the length.

I was working a steam generator outage on the west coast, non-Bartlett. Toward the end of that outage I got a call from Bartlett along with several of my other co-RP's. The request was that when we get done with our current job, could we support an outage in Nebraska. The timing was ok and Bartlett had always treated me good so I confirmed. Several of my co-workers, for what ever reason decided not to accept the offer. When those of us that did confirm, arrived to the site for training there was a roster of the techs that were scheduled to work the outage. The different areas of the plant had already divided up many of the names and put them on schedules for the outage, plant supervisors told us that they were expecting those people to show up. Only one problem, not one of the dozen or so people that were missing had ever confirmed for the outage. I had personal conversations with techs that told me they had turned it down when they were called wanting the summer off. They didn't "tenatively" accept anything. There was much conversation about this, I am kind of suprised that it never bubbled up to your level.

I am sure that many things happen in the field under the corporate radar screen, it happens with all companies that have many layers of management. I am sure that you (Eric) would not condone this type of behaviour, but as management, you inherit the responsibility of being accountable for the actions of the folks below you. Or better yet, accountable for managing these problems with the folks below you. From my personal perspective, it seems to me that this is a problem or at least has been a problem at some time. Based on your statement I felt I owed you the information.

Peace :)

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: PWHoppe on Mar 23, 2010, 10:47
What Eric wrote regarding the status of staffing at DC Cook is fact. I'm curious what industry publication this was posted on, and who/where the original information came from. :-\
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Camella Black on Mar 23, 2010, 10:56
What Eric wrote regarding the status of staffing at DC Cook is fact. I'm curious what industry publication this was posted on, and who/where the original information came from. :-\

It is posted on the NPUA website.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on Mar 23, 2010, 11:04
Bartlett, Gave me a job when I needed it, did what they said they would do always, answered my questions, treated me professionally, and when offered a outage I did not want explained that it would be more money, They were right!! Only problem is the Bartlett whiners, thinking they are owed something,or always bad mouthing them when I never saw anything they were talking about, for the most part these people needed to man or woman up and get the job done, thats what we are for, Now I could describe a typical Bartlett Whiner, but I would be banished to PolySci. so thats enough.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Bonds 25 on Mar 24, 2010, 02:15
Eric Bartlett


Always has been.....and always will be THE MAN !!!!!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: vinman on Mar 24, 2010, 05:00
I dont make many posts but I think I should respond to this one.  I worked for Bartlett for about 10yrs.  Both as a long term contractor and a road tech.  I can think only once that I ever had a problem with an assignment and we worked it out.  When you are on the road the only things that you have is your work ethic and your word.  If  you are a keep your word, you work.  Whenever I wanted to go to a plant I was usually able to get there.  Once I gave my word I did not complain.  Bartlett was always up front on pay and hours.  Very rarely did I ever work for another contract company.

 In the current climate it is hard to staff any outage completely.  Even when I was on the road they would try to skip you from outage to outage  . Leaving outages early to make sure you made a staff date for another outage.  We all remember those days.  Its harder to staff now with shorter outages and they all run together.  You are lucky to get three outages a season because of the overlaps. So I guess what I am trying to say is that Techs have more opportunities to be selective  They wait for the last minute to commit to any outage.  This is one of the biggest issues with staffing right now I believe.  I may have missed the point but I feel better
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Mar 24, 2010, 09:40
Only one problem, not one of the dozen or so people that were missing had ever confirmed for the outage. I had personal conversations with techs that told me they had turned it down when they were called wanting the summer off. They didn't "tenatively" accept anything. There was much conversation about this, I am kind of suprised that it never bubbled up to your level.

I am sure that many things happen in the field under the corporate radar screen, it happens with all companies that have many layers of management. I am sure that you (Eric) would not condone this type of behaviour, but as management, you inherit the responsibility of being accountable for the actions of the folks below you. Or better yet, accountable for managing these problems with the folks below you. From my personal perspective, it seems to me that this is a problem or at least has been a problem at some time. Based on your statement I felt I owed you the information.

Something along those lines happened to my wife and I a few years back.  We were at Palo Verde's SGRP and were asking about Salem's SGRP in the spring.  When someone who hadn't been there before was accepted and we were still waiting, I asked about it (we had been at the previous Salem outage) and was told that SGT was doing the tech assignments.  We asked what else was available and we confirmed for Brunswick.  This was in November.  Two weeks before we were to show up at Brunswick in February, MA unemployment cancelled our claims, saying Bartlett told them we were back at work.  When we called Bartlett, Frank Cohen took care of the situation and appologized for the problem, but our unemployment claim didn't get up to date for about two weeks.  Since we had to come up with the money for the rental, we called up the per Diem office to see if we could pick up our advances a day early.  We were told that was against policy.  I asked to speak to the department head and asked why we couldn't get our advance early since it was Bartlett's fault.  He said it wasn't their fault we didn't show up at Salem.  We have worked for Bartlett only since 2001 and this is the biggest problem we have had, but it goes to point.  Enough said.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: btkeele on Mar 24, 2010, 12:34
Brett.. I don't have all the facts, but, I can tell you what I know about the situation in Neb.    I also saw a plant schedule when I arrived that had names of technicians who had declined the offer of employment that outage, I know those names were not on the Excel Spreadsheet sent
and updated by the Bartlett recruiters.  At some point early in the
spring myself and others working at DCPP were asked to help
in staffing the Neb outage, which we did (some more agressive than others)...but, the uncertainty of the end date at DCPP made for a lot of
last minute decisions.  At some point the Neb plant got a list of available
technicians (I don't know from whom) and I believe they (Neb) assumed
they were all coming.  As soon as I saw the list I told the Neb HP Supv
that it was not accurate, they then received the official list from RN.
That is all I remember, but, just wanted to confirm Brett's account.
From my experience I can tell you it is not how business is conducted
by Bartlett, I have some theories as to where the un-official list came from, but, do not want to speculate.  btw, the Neb plant was very happy with the
quality of technicians that outage (even the self-proclaimed "greatest tech in the world").(JF)  LOL
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 24, 2010, 02:13
I have a short story I'd like to share about an outage I worked a couple of years ago in Nebraska (I am not going to name plants or people in a public forum). Sorry for the length.

I was working a steam generator outage on the west coast, non-Bartlett. Toward the end of that outage I got a call from Bartlett along with several of my other co-RP's. The request was that when we get done with our current job, could we support an outage in Nebraska. The timing was ok and Bartlett had always treated me good so I confirmed. Several of my co-workers, for what ever reason decided not to accept the offer. When those of us that did confirm, arrived to the site for training there was a roster of the techs that were scheduled to work the outage. The different areas of the plant had already divided up many of the names and put them on schedules for the outage, plant supervisors told us that they were expecting those people to show up. Only one problem, not one of the dozen or so people that were missing had ever confirmed for the outage. I had personal conversations with techs that told me they had turned it down when they were called wanting the summer off. They didn't "tenatively" accept anything. There was much conversation about this, I am kind of suprised that it never bubbled up to your level.

I am sure that many things happen in the field under the corporate radar screen, it happens with all companies that have many layers of management. I am sure that you (Eric) would not condone this type of behaviour, but as management, you inherit the responsibility of being accountable for the actions of the folks below you. Or better yet, accountable for managing these problems with the folks below you. From my personal perspective, it seems to me that this is a problem or at least has been a problem at some time. Based on your statement I felt I owed you the information.

Peace :)


Hey Brett - I appreciate your input as always, hope life is treat'n ya good.  Anyways what happened that season was the reason we no longer use the practice of "holding slots" on rosters for individuals.  Our representative at the site that all of these techs were coming from relayed some bad info to our office as far as who was interested, who wanted to confirm, who wanted a slot on hold, who was thinking on it, etc...I don't believe it was done intentionally or with any malice but it happened, a simple failure of communication that happened between our rep and our office.  The roster in question when it was sent to the receiving site was misinterpreted, basically i don't think it was explained clearly enough to the client that tech names A, B, C, D & E, etc... were on the roster to hold them a slot while they decided what they wanted to do.  Because of that episode i stopped the practice of letting the recruiters put a name on a roster to hold that individual a slot.   Anyways, once again thanks for the input and if you see or experience anything that seems shady in the future please notify me so i can look into it and explain it or fix it.

Take it slow,

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: johnnyreb on Mar 24, 2010, 10:16
  your shure to have problems with; pay, perdiem, travel or insurance. funny how every "mistake" is in bartletts favor. if you work for them you must watch them as you would a thief
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Mar 24, 2010, 10:39
I appreciate Barry chiming in, I certainly was not trying to out any one person. The roster on the wall at Cooper (now that we all know) had names on it that had never shown interest in the job. It was an obvious BS play by a Bartlett supervisor level person. It was the wrong thing to do misleading a utility about the staffing numbers and I am sure we all agree with that. My point is happened, and it probably happened without the knowledge of corporate management (AKA Eric). So should we as technicians (employee's) hold Bartlett nuclear (AKA Eric or other manager at similar level of responsibility) responsible for those actions of one person who's integrity may be compromised? Unfortunately, yes we should. That is the way chain of command works in a professional business. In my life as a plant manager, I was held responsible for the actions of the people that reported to me...all 250 of them. It can be an uncomfortable position but it is exactally what I signed on for as a manager. I wasn't measured against the poor actions of a back shift hourly employee, I was measured against how well I managed that problem employee and if the behaviour continued going forward with that person or any other person. As a manager, it was my responsibility to break the chain of reoccurring operational and administrative problems.

What you are seeing on this forum is Bartlett employee's or people who have worked for Bartlett holding the company responsible for the BS of field level managers. I have long thought that Bartlett (like many other companies) has weaknesses with recruiting field level managers. Typically I see seasoned RP techs get these jobs, and no real thought  is given to the idea that these folks need to be not only qualified to make RP type decisions, but they also need to be seasoned managers and possess the skills needed to interface with the plant management, Bartlett management, the people working for them and act with integrity balancing the needs of Bartlett as well as the utility, openly and honestly.

I have always tried to give honest opinions about Bartlett on these forums without going so far as to demonize them for malfunctions in their system. That makes some of my RP buddies angry that I don't hate big blue. Bartlett is not operationally excellent, and that is ok. The bigger and more appropriate issue is...Do they really have a handle on the things going on in the field? Do they really know how they are being represented by lower level management to the utility? Are they managing problem employee's when they identify a problem? Do they have a designated change agent that is constantly working on improving the system with the help of ALL levels of employee's? Do you have a robust recruiting process that actively goes after current qualified employee's with experience in both Rad Protection, managing customers and their expectations, managing people and their expectations and acting in the best interest of the company even when the conversation is going to be difficult. If the answer to these questions is no, and I am sure that no is the answer to at least a couple of those questions. Then you, as a corporate manager, do not have your thumb on the pulse of the company.

One last thought, sorry. When trying to get to the root a a problem, we need to ask the question "Why?" more than once or twice. My opinion of the root cause leads back to recruiting. I don't mean recruiting techs for an outage, I mean recruiting managers for the field. If the field level employee's (folks on this forum) are telling you there is a problem with your process or operation, then the only thing you as a manager need to do is BELIEVE that there is a problem. Understand that the actual problem might only be an employee's PERCEPTION of what is going on and not what really is going on, it's still an operational problem. There is a reason they think there is a problem and that is what you need to focus on so the perception can be adjusted to match what is actually occurring. And, of course, be humble enough to know that you can't possibly know the actions of all employee's and give some initial merit to the complaint until it can be weeded through. Pretty sure Eric is that guy, I just think a closer look at the issues raised by many is fair. Something is driving those poor opinions.

That was way too much...sorry for the length and thanks if you read it all the way through.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 25, 2010, 06:59

I do have one question:

Two weeks before we were to show up at Brunswick in February, MA unemployment cancelled our claims, saying Bartlett told them we were back at work.  When we called Bartlett, Frank Cohen took care of the situation and appologized for the problem, but our unemployment claim didn't get up to date for about two weeks.

Is this situation real, or just a fabricated story?

No Answer, is an Answer.......... ;)

RG..... 8)

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Mar 25, 2010, 08:41
this is NOT a made up story.  Pissed us off.  Finally got the money straight, and no one will confirm whether or not we were on any list at Salem, but that was the answer the per Diem office manager gave me.  PM me if you don't believe me, and we'll talk.
                                                            Bill Dowdy
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Mar 26, 2010, 10:16
I do have one question:
Is this situation real, or just a fabricated story?
No Answer, is an Answer.......... ;)
RG..... 8)

Hey RG - I believe Bill when he says it happened - I have looked into the data base and old work orders and I cant find anywhere thet he or his wife were ever denoted as being scheduled to go to Salem back in Spring '08 - I do know our recruiting operating system was brand new - just implemented in late October 2007 and was only about 4 mo's old, most of the non recruiting folk here in the office were not used to it and didnt know how to utilize it - that could've been the problem, I really dont know...its the only plausible explanation I can come up with only because I have no record of them ever being on the work order as confrmed, or even as a no show - the only notes I have is that they were unavailable due to confirming in for Brunswick...

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Mar 26, 2010, 12:44
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Eric.  If possible, would you please for my critics confirm the part about us having an unemployment problem.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 27, 2010, 05:52

That wasn't a challenge question for you!  I hate to be the critic, but usually when a posting starts out with a unique identified, such as "EB", it is addressed to a specific individual.... >:( 

I'm having a flashback from the court scene in my Cousin Vinny.... :o


Is it a practice of Bartlett to contact the various state UCI agencies and intervene in an individual’s claim?

I'm probably the only one who wants to know that......RG.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: thenukeman on Mar 27, 2010, 07:55
Have to give Bartlett credit.  They at least have one member ( Eric Bartlett) from their company who will come on the Nukeworker Forum and explain what happened in situations and how they conduct business,   Such as loyal to them they are loyal to you, Just common sense  in that case, and trying to do better in cases  where a tech may have had a problem and explaining how they are correcting it.  Thanks, I have to respect Bartlett for that.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Chimera on Mar 27, 2010, 01:19
As a 'seasoned" road tech, I must come to Bartlett's defense.  Do problems happen?  Sure they do.  Even back in the days of ANEFCO, Rad Services, the original NUMANCO, Vikem, NSS, IRM,, problems have occured.  They are always catastrophic to the individuals to whom they have occured.

I've worked for Bartlett (more "on" than "off") since 1984.  Other than one outage where the Site Manager had no idea who I was or why I was there - although he did have an advance perdiem check for me - Bartlett has always delivered what I wanted and when I wanted it (within reason, of course).  Virtually all problems I've had have been caused by faulty information between site managers - not the office.  And, to be honest, those problems have been rather small.

So, Eric, kudos to you and your staff (even the ones I might disagree with from time to time).  Thanks for keeping me employed at the sites I've requested (and a few that I just needed to keep that old paycheck flowing).

I get so tired of reading all the complaints, however justified they may be, leveled at Bartlett, that I felt you should hear from at least one satisfied customer . . . er, I mean "employee" . . . or whatever it is that I am when I'm getting a Bartlett paycheck every week.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: johnnyreb on Mar 27, 2010, 04:30
  i wish joey would take the time to contribute. im sure he has many friends who would love him to weigh in
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 27, 2010, 06:29
Not just Bartlett, many companies will and do, sometimes case by case, sometimes every case,....

I can understand the practive, but I fail to understand the intervention process!  I'm fairly certain that the protocal isn't a blind call saying shut them down!  I'll go out on a limb and say the company representative probably gets a status from the state on the claim, such as "the claim is open"!  If they decide to pull the plug on the claim, without some form of logical verification, I believe that would be considered a false statement.  Sometimes people just don't understand, a 10 second event can cause two weeks of grief!

Trust, but Verify.... ;)

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Mar 27, 2010, 10:14

I do have one question:

Is this situation real, or just a fabricated story?

No Answer, is an Answer.......... ;)

RG..... 8)


That wasn't a challenge question for you!  I hate to be the critic, but usually when a posting starts out with a unique identified, such as "EB", it is addressed to a specific individual.... >:( 

I'm having a flashback from the court scene in my Cousin Vinny.... :o


Is it a practice of Bartlett to contact the various state UCI agencies and intervene in an individual’s claim?

I'm probably the only one who wants to know that......RG.


Reguardless of whether or not it is addressed to EB or anybody else, you quoted me and then asked if I was a liar.  I have the right to defend myself.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 28, 2010, 06:16

So, what’s the answer?  What do you want?  Is there an answer?  How can satisfaction be achieved?  You’re on a mission based on perception and reassigning the wording as you like!  An excerpt was taken from one of your posting and addressed to a specific member on the thread for clarification, an individual directly involved with the company in question. Somehow you reassigned that to a personal attack on your integrity!  I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the only individual offering questions on your integrity and amplifying that venue, is Y-O-U!  Another notation to bear in mind, starting any statement with the word reguardless, which is correctly spelled regardless, sort of sets the tone for what will follow!

YES, you have the right to defend yourself, but is it a full time job........ :o

Have a Great Day.....RG

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Mar 28, 2010, 09:07
Roadhp and RAD-GHOST, please take your conversation to PM message land.  You are off topic.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: RAD-GHOST on Mar 29, 2010, 08:12
Thanks for the info..

I’m thinking there may be a subliminal message included here..... ::)

The process does tend to separate the employers who are basically decent people from the employers who are basically jerks.

Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Apr 01, 2010, 01:57
The initial Fall 2010 Bartlett Outage Listing (Wish List) has been posted on the Bartlett website - - please note that the schedule is subject to change and as we receive the changes from our clients we will be making changes to the schedule.  A new feature of this list is that if you have already worked for Bartlett in the past or have already supplied us with your ss#, you the technician will be able to automatically populate your personnel file with your outage preferences.   Please note that if you should choose 4-5 sites 1 week, and then 2 weeks later you choose 4-5 differant sites, the original choices will be over written.  

All of us here at Bartlett would like to thank all of you that have supported us this spring and look forward to doing business with you this fall.

Eric Bartlett
Personnel/Recruiting Manager
Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.  
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Apr 01, 2010, 03:43
Thats cool!
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: azkidd on Apr 01, 2010, 10:51
Hey Eric,

I have worked for Bartlett in the past and within the past year, submitted my SSN through PHQ's.  I recently went to the website to try and populate my personnel profile.....but couldn't even see my personnel profile.  Can you walk us through this new method, perhaps?
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Rennhack on Apr 02, 2010, 10:05
I have worked for Bartlett in the past and within the past year, submitted my SSN through PHQ's.  I recently went to the website to try and populate my personnel profile.....but couldn't even see my personnel profile.  Can you walk us through this new method, perhaps?

From what I saw, you just enter your SSN in the spot at the bottom of the page, that's all there is to it, no profile. which is a shortcut to


Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Brett LaVigne on Apr 03, 2010, 01:10

why its dumb at this point..

Eric will never see this

What makes you say that? Eric is on here quite frequently to his credit, sharing info.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: roadhp on Jan 19, 2011, 01:56
Quote from Job Posting today:  "Senior Health Physics Technicians looking to work more than one outages this season. Please the Bartlett home office  and speak to any of the recruiters to see the different options that are still available."

Just thought that was interesting.
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: jasper on Jan 19, 2011, 04:33
I have tried and tried to get on with them as a Jr Hp or Decon and .......nothing. I will admit it has been sometime since I was a Nuclear Plant. But, It hasnt been 100 years.   Good Luck to you all. :-[
Title: Re: Talk about Bartlett
Post by: Eric_Bartlett on Sep 23, 2013, 02:55

a potential job with an immediate report date...interesting

submit copy of core card with resume...interesting

i worked for bartlett at a particular place, took the core test, passed it and never got a "card". i asked about this and was basically told to mind my own business

typical BS

big blue has gotten too big...for it's britches...they contribute to stagnating wages, they have some of the worst recruiters i've worked with (mainly because of lying), they practice nepotism (on a grand scale at one plant i worked at and was told it was like that at all plants in the fleet, which i partially verified), they routinely hire people that can't qualify slowing those that can down, etc etc

i only work for bartlett when i have to, and that isn't going to change

Wow, how do you really feel?  

Well I've taken the bait - you throw it out there that my recruiters are the worst because of lying - what did they lie to you about?  Talk to me, call me, shoot me an email, shoot me a message thru the nukeworker messaging system.  If my people are out there lying I need to know about it, unless you are just blaming them for your own shortcomings as I have learned over the years that most of the ranting and raving posters do.  if you contact me thru the nukeworker messaging system you will stay anonymous so you wont have to fear retaliation for the vitriol you are spewing.  If you seriously have actual examples I want to know, I need to know so I can address the issue and your concerns.  If I don't hear from you I will figure you are just another individual trying to make themselves feel better by trashing others. Hope thats not the case and you have some legit concerns I can address.  By the nature of your rant I highly doubt it.  Contact me.  Ball is in your court.

As always,