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This is not per se nuclear but with nuclear being the cleanest source of hydrogen with electrolysis you can project.

Hydrogen is transforming a tiny Utah coal town. Could its success hold lessons for similar communities?
Natrium ‘advanced nuclear’ power plant wins Wyoming permit
Chernobyl’s feral dogs are genetically unique, but not mutated
Holtec seeks NRC approval to use sleeving technique for Palisades steam generator repairs

Some, however, are calling for a replacement of the generators altogether.
The tubes in question are the S/G U tubes. Sleeving does reduce efficiency and there are magic numbers out there defining heat transfer eff. vs. reactor power limitations. Wouldnt want to be the lead RPT on Turbine inspection/refurb! Sea Lands full of posting supplies and anti-c's! Great work if you can get it!

“But what assurances can you give us that another one of the other 8,000 tubes won’t crack in the next operating cycle?” Blind said."[/i]

It's a PWR and not a BWR. There's no radioactivity because the tubes are part of the secondary loop.  Are they concerned that it will be inefficient?
Beaver Valley / Re: Beaver Valley
« Last post by hamsamich on Yesterday at 02:46 PM »
Hello yall.  Asking for a friend how it is to work at the Beaver.  I've never worked there.  He wants to live in the area and could get a job very easily in Ops, chem or RP.  If anybody has any info like working conditions there, and in any of those 3 departments, please post!  Quality of life, like what types of shifts people are working would be great.  If the plant is well maintained or hanging on by a thread...thanks for help.
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