Short and Sweet Resume Advice:
1. Have 2 Resumes, 1 Single Page Teaser and a 3-4 page in-depth resume. Basically the rule is 1 page per 5 years experience. plus/minus
2. Convert Navy Speak into civilian speak
3. GO TO TAP!!!! ASAP and they have all the things you need to develop a resume.
Your single page teaser resume should have your name, objective, education, and most recent experience focusing on SUPERVISORY and LEADERSHIP stuff and should have at least two good references. A 10-12 pt single-spaced resume. Don't get too wordy. If the HR likes you or the headhunter, etc, they will request more info and then, BAM, you hit em with the 3-4 pager.
4. Don't piss off your Master Chief or DH for the next 2 years because you will need good recent references.