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What is the Greatest Benefit (to the Employer) of Hiring Outage Personnel Directly?

High Returnee Rate
5 (20%)
Happy Workforce
2 (8%)
Harder Working Workforce
4 (16%)
Lower Costs (Since They Don't Have to Pay the Middle-Man)
9 (36%)
Other (Please Specify)
5 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 15

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Re: Benefits of Direct Hire
« Reply #25 on: Oct 24, 2008, 08:11 »
Thought of that.  It isn't catching on yet, but we'll see.
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Re: Benefits of Direct Hire
« Reply #26 on: Oct 25, 2008, 07:57 »
I heard that one of the midwest plants would possibly be going to direct hire, so when I saw that plant listed on a wish list for a contracting company, I called the company and asked them about it.  They told me that there is too much liability and 'crap' that the contrator takes care of and the plant doesn't want to take on.  The plant feels it's easier to just let the contracting company take care of it all.

Too bad.. I was looking forward to the higher wage and per diem.


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Re: Benefits of Direct Hire
« Reply #27 on: Oct 25, 2008, 05:21 »
The number one complaint I hear from techs is not about the money, or the company, or the shortage of work, or the lack of benefits.  It is about having to work with total no-loads for the same pay.

It's called sharing the wealth isn't it?  :P

Seriously, that is the number one complaint and I'll break it down a bit......
just a few years ago techs were paid for the experience i.e. Sr > 10, Sr > 7, Sr > 2 and 18.1's........ even Jr Techs were < 1 year and > than 1 year.......... at least you were paid for your experience........ didn't put a stop to the No-loads but you were compensated for your time and experience........

The no-loads are the fault of the coordinators not following through with complaints, house supervisors and house techs not bringing this to light when it is a problem....... etc. We've all seen it and have done nothing...................... we just deal with and try not to work with that person on the same crew next time around.

There's always the "one man lay off" to prove a point and it usually does - but we are under the belief we are so short staffed we can't afford that "one." What about the crew working with that person? Moral would go off if they were laid off and the techs could get back to business.

We could even hire a bum off the sreet to sit around and collect the money - I bet he would be happy enough to do 'something"...... back to the "sharing the wealth" theory...........   ;)
« Last Edit: Oct 25, 2008, 11:31 by justatech »

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Re: Benefits of Direct Hire
« Reply #28 on: Oct 25, 2008, 09:37 »
A Senior HP >10 years is the exact same thing as a SR. HP >7 years, as a Sr. HP>2 years, ... etc.

As long as the passage of time is considered an increased level of qualification, you are just going to see more of the same.  There are lots of ways to remedy this, but as long as the techs get rewarded for staying above ground for another couple of years, and their employer makes its profit based on the number of hours worked instead of the work done in those hours, things aren't going to change.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Benefits of Direct Hire
« Reply #29 on: Oct 26, 2008, 05:38 »

Your talking Quality vs. Quantity! 

I haven't seen a site staffed in over 20 years with a QUALITY objective, just numbers!


Hope you read between the lines on that one! 

We appreciate your help, but we really don't want to know your name and disassociate ourselves from any blame$$$$$!

I'll assume their talent pool is a little on the dry side also!



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Re: Benefits of Direct Hire
« Reply #30 on: Oct 26, 2008, 11:14 »
Exactly!  That is the benefit of direct hire.  It isn't money.  Diablo pays it's HP's MORE than they would have paid Bartlett for them.

But, it is the Golden Rule:  The One with the Gold makes the Rules.

Diablo does direct hire so they can get the techs they want.  Period.

If every plant did it, the pool would be too small for all of them to get the people they want on their jobs.  So, they will have to lower their standards, accept the lesser qualified people along with those whose work-ethic sucks, and the pay will go down accordingly.  It will get to a point where they see no benefit for taking on the problems of having employees when contractors will do as well on somebody else's insurance.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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