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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #75 on: Apr 19, 2011, 05:54 »
Did Myrtle Beach die out? I know they tore down that one crappy hotel on the beach.

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #76 on: Apr 19, 2011, 06:14 »
Did Myrtle Beach die out? I know they tore down that one crappy hotel on the beach.

As of 2004, it was still pretty popular; when I was in NPS, I went up there at least once a month.  Someone a bit more recent than I will have to comment on it's current viability.


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #77 on: Apr 19, 2011, 06:21 »
Did Myrtle Beach die out? I know they tore down that one crappy hotel on the beach.

Myrtle beach die out...I don't believe it has, I still see people wearing shirts from there.

Man I'm starting to get really pumped up for all this. I'm even looking forward to RTC, though IDK all about that peanut butter shot they talk about. My mother told me not to let them give it to me, she's HIGHLY allergic to penicillin and so are my grandparents. Though she did tell me that getting a shot in the butt isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Been through a few operations herself so you know...I trust her. Although I am a little perturbed that we aren't allowed to have "something to drink" in our BEQs (I believe that's what they're called from reading all these posts :P). I understand that it is against the law (I believe state law controls the drinking age of persons) for a person under the age of 21 to drink, however I AM NOT under the age of 21 and feel that I should be allowed to possess "legal" substances within my room whether there persons under 21 present or not. That being said I also agree with accepting responsibilities for ones actions, so if I'm 21 and my roommate is 18 and he is caught drinking while in my presence then I will have to accept what is due. If he steals my drink (i.e. he drinks from my stores while I am NOT present/without my permission) then he alone should be held accountable. See whether everyone is "of age" to drink within the BEQs or not, EVERYONE is still 18 years or older (legal adults) so they must be held responsible for their actions accordingly. I believe the PERFECT solution to this issue would be for the States to drop their respective drinking ages back to 18 (age of maturity).

Well now I've made myself look like an alcoholic :P.


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #78 on: Apr 19, 2011, 08:48 »
You haven't taken the oath yet, if it bothers you that much, don't go 8)....

So that contract that I signed doesn't mean anything then? Pretty sure I took an oath before I left MEPs but maybe that wasn't the ACTUAL oath. I'm not sure because, like said, I haven't been through RTC yet.

Although I don't agree with it "not being a big deal", I can still see you're side of the story and I understand your points. I guess you aren't much of a drinker and so it doesn't really matter to you either way. I'm not much of a drinker either, it's not about being able to get my alcohol intake for the day just for the record. It's more about the freedom of being able to possess it. Again, I can understand how you can see it as not a big deal though.

     I think the whole rant about marriage was taking it just a little to far man. You don't have to insult me in two ways, first being that you said because I haven't BEEN there yet that I don't have the right to state my opinion on/NOT LIKE/discuss what rules I'm going to HAVE to abide by. Second, that entire spiel about marriage was nothing more then an attempt to degrade my opinion on the subject even further though in a "round the bush" type of way.

Also, I mean absolutely NO disrespect to anyone on here or to anyone that has or will reply to my post :).
« Last Edit: Apr 19, 2011, 08:49 by rcarlson21 »

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #79 on: Apr 19, 2011, 09:09 »
drayer has, alas, a point about the rubber-stamp nuke marriages.  It's relatively amusing to see how many broken marriages come out of NNPTC, every class has at least one.

And the alcohol thing is...  Well, frankly, I thought it was stupid when I went through, but them's the rules.  If you want to stick around in the nuclear world, you're going to have to get used to doing things a certain way, according to certain rules, without being able to do a thing about it.  I don't know the rationale behind it, to be honest, but I'm sure it's meant to be a leveling effect; barracks outside of NNPTC allow alcohol.  At least the ones at Subase Bangor do, as long as it's controlled in a responsible manner.

I'm sure you'll love things like 'no food in the engineroom' or 'no smoking at all (well, okay, you can smoke now, but they're phasing it out)' or any of the hundred-odd small rules that you just kinda get smacked with and have to follow.  That's the nature of our business.  No hands in your pockets.  That's another one I'm fond of.  Gotta present that military bearing, after all, nevermind the fact that you've frostbite on your fingers.

Offline JoshD1982

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #80 on: Apr 19, 2011, 09:17 »
Freedom? You'll get that when you are senior in rate and have your fish. Until then get qualified NUB!


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #81 on: Apr 19, 2011, 09:35 »
drayer has, alas, a point about the rubber-stamp nuke marriages.  It's relatively amusing to see how many broken marriages come out of NNPTC, every class has at least one.

And the alcohol thing is...  Well, frankly, I thought it was stupid when I went through, but them's the rules.  If you want to stick around in the nuclear world, you're going to have to get used to doing things a certain way, according to certain rules, without being able to do a thing about it.  I don't know the rationale behind it, to be honest, but I'm sure it's meant to be a leveling effect; barracks outside of NNPTC allow alcohol.  At least the ones at Subase Bangor do, as long as it's controlled in a responsible manner.

I'm sure you'll love things like 'no food in the engineroom' or 'no smoking at all (well, okay, you can smoke now, but they're phasing it out)' or any of the hundred-odd small rules that you just kinda get smacked with and have to follow.  That's the nature of our business.  No hands in your pockets.  That's another one I'm fond of.  Gotta present that military bearing, after all, nevermind the fact that you've frostbite on your fingers.

Yeah, well I don't plan on getting married to someone for quite a while. The fact that I'm going to be stuck in Nuke schools for close to 2 years means I wont get married while I'm in there. Though I do hope to find myself a nice southern girl :P. I do like me some mashed taters and cornbread :D!. I think the whole idea of getting married after a year and never living with one another is completely absurd!!!! However, I do understand the kinda person I am and how difficult I am to live with so maybe that's why :P.

Well I guess that mentality is sort of universal for the most part ("It's not for me to question why, just for me to do or die"); once you turn 21 and can legally drink, you don't seem to care about people that are under 21 not being "allowed" to drink anymore. I do though...some people may call me a NUB (pretty sure it's spelled noob btw) for thinking that way. Frankly, I don't care :P!

BTW, thanks for all of the RELATIVE feedback guys :). Even though things can get a little "heated" I still appreciate you guys taking the time to reply with more than a "one liner".

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #82 on: Apr 19, 2011, 09:54 »
Take NUB with a smile - noob isn't as respectful.

Ask google; it never lies.

1. The crux or central point of a matter.
2. A small lump or protuberance.  More » - - Merriam-Webster - The Free Dictionary

I meen - it makes you the CENTER of matters...  
$ yum grouplist FLAMEWAR
« Last Edit: Apr 19, 2011, 10:00 by GNowakowski »


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #83 on: Apr 19, 2011, 09:58 »
Take NUB with a smile - noob isn't as respectful.

Ask google; it never lies.

I meen - it makes you the CENTER of matters... 
$ yum grouplist FLAMEWAR

HEY! I dig that man :). So I'll take it as more of a compliment than a "dis".

Offline 730SMAG

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #84 on: Apr 19, 2011, 10:04 »
You were - jokingly - being called a NUB because you are one.  A Nearly Useless Body, fit only for taking up space, eating up stores, filling up sanitary tanks, sucking up oxygen, and generally useless for anything but being told to 'get your ass in the bilge and clean.'  Now, once you qualify stuff, you start becoming less of a NUB, but you're still something of a NUB until you qualify senior-in-rate (to get the nukes off your back) and (if you're on a submarine) earn your fish (to get the coners off your back).  

And yes, you'll be a NUB to anyone who's been there/done that; you are a liability until such time as you prove yourself not one.  You count for manning, but you can't stand a watch.  You take up a rack, but you can't do maintenance.  Basically, you're useless.  So clean.  But hey, I'm sure that with your attitude towards things, you'll have an awesome time in the fleet.  I suggest you go surface, myself.  Subs will eat you alive.

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #85 on: Apr 19, 2011, 10:31 »
HEY! I dig that man :). So I'll take it as more of a compliment than a "dis".

And keep in mind that once you've done your time, if you decide to stay nuke you will become a NUB again until you can show your stuff!
Humor is a wonderful way to prevent hardening of the attitudes! unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. Regan

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #86 on: Apr 20, 2011, 08:08 »
And keep in mind that once you've done your time, if you decide to stay nuke you will become a NUB again until you can show your stuff!

As far as I can tell, that's just the normal status of life for most people: Being the eternal NUB.


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #87 on: Apr 23, 2011, 01:25 »
Freedom? You'll get that when you are senior in rate and have your fish. Until then get qualified NUB!

Freedom? You'll have that when you get out of the navy boss. Not sure what planet you live on ;)

Remember, more quals = more responsibility. That's how it SHOULD work anyway.... -.-

JustplainLo -> why the hell do sub guys think life on a carrier is rainbows and sunshine and unicorns?..... I can vouch with DISTINCT CLARITY life on a carrier aint no picnic...

HEY! I dig that man :). So I'll take it as more of a compliment than a "dis".


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #88 on: Apr 23, 2011, 01:30 »
JustplainLo -> why the hell do sub guys think life on a carrier is rainbows and sunshine and unicorns?..... I can vouch with DISTINCT CLARITY life on a carrier aint no picnic...

Well, the there's two possible answers to that question.

One is that most of us sub guys don't have any idea what life on a carrier is like, aside from cross-exchanged sea stories.  So we just figure that it's gotta be full of rainbows and unicorns, because 'it can't be any worse than it is here.'  The sunshine is a given; you guys got to at least see the sun!  :P

The other answer goes back to the whole community pride argument; "We're better because we're submariners," etc.  Personally, I always figured that both had to be about the same, but people will say and do the strangest things for the sake of belonging.  Us vs. them, etc.


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #89 on: Apr 23, 2011, 01:34 »
The sunshine is a given; you guys got to at least see the sun!  :P

Lol, nope. Theres a reason all the nukes are pasty and pale when they come home from deployments ;) Except for one pretty boy EM me and drayer served with lol... somehow he came home with a golden bronze tan, every time...

The other answer goes back to the whole community pride argument; "We're better because we're submariners," etc.  Personally, I always figured that both had to be about the same, but people will say and do the strangest things for the sake of belonging.  Us vs. them, etc.

Submariner elitism is a bit tiring TBH, but I do understand somewhat of your point. I will not say, across the board anyway, that carrier folks have an easier time, when in reality its probably more work for you sub guys, but at the same time, targets have their own unique problems. When's the last time your cold work chit got declined because some airdale moron couldnt read causing your entire work day to go down the drain?  Separate but equal in my opinion :)

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #90 on: Apr 23, 2011, 01:42 »
Lol, nope. Theres a reason all the nukes are pasty and pale when they come home from deployments ;) Except for one pretty boy EM me and drayer served with lol... somehow he came home with a golden bronze tan, every time...
Fine, fine...  You had the opportunity to see the sun, at least.  Can we settle for that?

...speaking of electricians, though.  Is it something to do with the EM rate that drives them to crave a tan?  We had one that would slather the fake-tanning stuff on himself right before the end of underway.  So he'd be a slightly orange shade as we pulled into the middle of the pouring rain...when nobody had seen the sun in months regardless.

Submariner elitism is a bit tiring TBH, but I do understand somewhat of your point. I will not say, across the board anyway, that carrier folks have an easier time, when in reality its probably more work for you sub guys, but at the same time, targets have their own unique problems. When's the last time your cold work chit got declined because some airdale moron couldnt read causing your entire work day to go down the drain?  Separate but equal in my opinion :)
I think, ultimately, the community elitism thing is something meant to instill pride.  It was pretty heavily emphasized, with the "threat" of being sent to the surface fleet if you couldn't hack it during quals used as a nasty beating stick.  Another aspect is that it's an all-volunteer force, so to be aboard a submarine, you had to want it, on top of already wanting to be a nuke, on top of already wanting to be in the Navy.

I mean, even within a specific community, you have internal pride.  Nuke vs. Coner (or Airdale), ELT vs. MM, ETs vs. everyone else, etc, etc.  

Now that you mention it, though...  I don't really remember much in the way of 'surface elitism,' I guess you'd call it, along the lines of what submariners do.  
« Last Edit: Apr 23, 2011, 01:49 by JustPlainLo »


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #91 on: Apr 23, 2011, 02:01 »
I meant for nukes doofus lol


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #92 on: Apr 23, 2011, 02:21 »
Ohh we might of showed up for one or two.....

You dont count.  And you know why you dont count ;)

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #93 on: Apr 23, 2011, 02:22 »
And to think the most fun we had was stuff like this:

That being, coincidentally, the biggest 'open space' in the entire damned boat.  :P
« Last Edit: Apr 23, 2011, 02:23 by JustPlainLo »


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #94 on: Apr 23, 2011, 12:27 »
And to think the most fun we had was stuff like this:

That being, coincidentally, the biggest 'open space' in the entire damned boat.  :P

Fixed it for you.  You're welcome.   ;)

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #95 on: Apr 23, 2011, 03:14 »
Okay, I'll admit the seating arrangements were pretty decent.  :P

Fixed it for you.  You're welcome.   ;)
Note to self, RTFM and find out about the video embedding capability.


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #96 on: Apr 24, 2011, 03:50 »
I was thinking something similar to that about those galley conditions. We didn't even have chairs on the carrier. We had middle school cafeteria seats where every 3rd seat was missing or wobbly. Those living accomodations look pretty decent. The only submarine that I waked was a SSN and it wasn't as nice as this. It also had scaffolding everywhere to be fair.

You never got to go into the chiefs mess did you? lol. With our weekly meetings held in there, I would be geeked every time I walked in there.

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #97 on: Apr 28, 2011, 04:18 »
That's a T-hull mess decks. ISTR that 688 mess decks had chairs too. I wasn't on one of those, just went down onto tended units.
Airplanes and submarines... they are similar it's just the density of the fluid that separates them

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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #98 on: Apr 28, 2011, 06:10 »
That's a T-hull mess decks. ISTR that 688 mess decks had chairs too. I wasn't on one of those, just went down onto tended units.

They did, but it was like, half the width.  You could shove a 688 into a 726, with room to spare.


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Re: "Nerdy" Nukes
« Reply #99 on: Apr 30, 2011, 03:11 »
24 years later and nothing has changed.  Two SSBNs, One SSN and One Tender (all razor blades by now except the Michigan).  Bubble Heads versus Surface Pukes.  I recall being PO'd when I learned that Skimlant Nukes earned more Pro Pay than I did to make up for the Sub Pay...  drifty nuc's galore.  Either way you look at it, a Sh*t Sandwhich and we all had (and still do) have to take our bite.  Civlant vets though still stick together - Once a bubblehead - always a bubblehead and we still F**K with the Skimmer Vets.

MMC/ss ELT, EWS, yada yada yada

NPS 7706 Orlando


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