....Maybe radiation is not 'the danger' because we are better at controlling the risk.
Because "we" are one of the chronic risks,...
The controls always become onerous and tight for the chronic risks for which the thresholds are ill defined,...
Falling out of a scissor lift is an acute danger with well defined thresholds for personal accountability and for cause and effect,...
Ergo, the administrative controls to prevent folks from falling out of a scissor lift are more readily definable and cost effectively implemented,...
Nobody comes back after 20 years and sues for post scissor lift traumatic disorder,...
Falling out of a scissor lift only needs to be mitigated to the point that a person does not fall out,...
Falling out of a scissor lift only needs to be mitigated to the point that when a person does fall out, it is the person's fault,...
An employee can smoke two packs of unfiltered cigarettes per day for 20 years and that smoking has no impact on their exposure to the dizzying heights of working on a scissor lift,...
Ionizing radiation, asbestos, cracking and fracking,...
not so much,....
although some of the powers that be do try to push the paradigm for "rad" safety towards the same paradigm as "scissor lift" safety,...
after all, "scissor lift" safety is recognized as being more cost effective,...
ergo, "self-monitoring",...
in a world of golden parachutes and frequent corporate turnovers the chronic illness class action lawsuit out on the 20 to 30 year horizon is not going to snatch one dollar from the golden parachute beneficiary of today,...
next weeks dead scissor lift operator will,...
do not they teach this stuff to those two year RCT whiz kids and stimulus spawn?!?!?!?