Yet he had time to post here... He had plenty of time to research
point conceded, I'll posit that folks do throw ideas against the thread wall just to see what others might have to contribute to their own musings,...
if it was me, looking back, I'd keep my options open, the Navy is always a livable last resort and a known devil,...
duty on the Nautilus could introduce the OP to a career possibility the typical nuke career path would not have revealed,...
as long as the OP makes E-7 before the twenty year mark he can stay in past 20 if the civilian nukes go extinct in his lifetime,...
as long as the OP stays fit and viable, his employment (including self-employment) options continue out into his 70s,...
particularly well founded with a Navy retirement under his belt should he navigate such options,...
plus some savvy financial work during the interim,...
it's all good baby, it's all good,...