If you are an older white male, add that to your dilemma. It is a hard decision to make. I have been trying to make a career shift sideways myself. I recently got bachelors and masters in IT. So far, here is what it has done for me: "diddley squat!" I am experienced in both nuclear and IT now, but getting a job in it is a whole nuther story. The Human Resources people like young, inexperienced people for some reason. It may be because they are cheaper and moldable. You would think that business minded people would realize that experienced people with a degree would be more productive and more creative than a recent young graduate.
I say do it for yourself. If you want to learn electronics, then do it. Forget the career path. Do it because you love it. I love IT, and I use it not only at work now, but at home, every day. The degrees don't matter to me, but the knowledge gained from the studies is a part of my life now. I hope this advice helped you make your decision.
BTW, one of my specialties is nuclear electronics.