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Vermont Yankee

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Offline Laundry Man

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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #126 on: Aug 30, 2013, 12:25 »
I'm sad to hear another plant goes down! I had my first then Jr. HP job there in 1987 at 5$ and 30 a day diem. I enjoyed working there and the area was nice to even though I feel that maybe Brattleboro missed it's calling and should have been in the state of California.LOL. Good luck to those who work there and remember the good times
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Offline Creeker

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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #127 on: Sep 05, 2013, 06:13 »
My biggest condolances for the workers at VY.  As I see the plants close, I can't help but think that any of us could be next.  Mismanagement, or a costly maintenance error, an unplanned reactivity excursion, a harsh political environment, an environmental hit...  Where I used to believe that we were all secure, and I'd have a job here until I retired, I now feel apprehension.  So, my heart goes out to you folks...  Best of luck in your futures!

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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #128 on: Nov 11, 2013, 03:55 »
Another one bites the dust - we are on our last cycle...
the last Yankee

Even running well can't compete with the current economy / power market...

With DnD looming,....

Did you guys ever find those missing fuel rod segments that were reported as being unaccounted for back in the Spring of 2004?

I'm getting flashbacks to one of those little "oddities" when we were DnDing Rowe's SFP,...

Just thought I'd ask,... :-\

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #129 on: Nov 11, 2013, 01:48 »
Yes, we found them shortly after notifying that they were "missing".
Currently inventoried, and all set...
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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #130 on: Dec 29, 2014, 12:18 »
« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2014, 12:46 by HouseDad »
Remember who you love. Remember what is sacred. Remember what is true.
Remember that you will die, and that this day is a gift. Remember how you wish to live, may the blessing of the Lord be with you

Offline Laundry Man

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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #131 on: Dec 30, 2014, 09:28 »
Must have been strange going in this morning knowing it will never be restarted.  Bobby still there?

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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #132 on: Jan 02, 2015, 01:17 »

What is wrong with this country  >:(
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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #133 on: Jan 02, 2015, 09:08 »

What is wrong with this country  >:(
The fact that Schumlin got reelected should tell you everything you need to know about Vermont! [BH] [oops] [lies] [train]
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Re: Vermont Yankee
« Reply #134 on: Feb 11, 2015, 10:43 »
Rates will keep going up...

Latest auction results show New England capacity market is not working, says municipal utility official

From the February 11, 2015 issue of Public Power Daily

By Jeannine Anderson
News Editor

Electricity consumers in New England are being hurt by the centralized capacity market being run by ISO New England, the head of Kennebunk Light and Power in Maine said Feb. 9.

The latest auction – Forward Capacity Auction 9, which began on Feb. 2 – will increase the region’s costs by $1 billion, said Sharon Staz, general manager and treasurer of Kennebunk Light and Power, and former chair of the Northeast Public Power Association’s Legislative Committee.

“Consumers we serve are alarmingly concerned about the increasing costs of the ISO New England capacity markets,” Staz said in her Feb. 9 statement. “The region saw a 300 percent cost increase in last year’s capacity auction [Forward Capacity Auction 8], and this week’s auction price will increase regional costs by $1 billion more.”

 These capacity costs “translate to real dollars on our customers’ utility bills, which are already 48 percent higher in New England than any other part of the country,” Staz explained.

“To put this in context: with capacity costs at $4 billion, New England ratepayers are paying the equivalent of running four Nuclear Regulatory Commissions,” she said. “Meanwhile, the market has little to show for these cost increases, and some areas of the region won’t even meet needed demand.”

“Some may say that this market is working, but we do not believe it is working for consumers,” Staz concluded.
On Jan. 29, more than a dozen  members of Congress from New England wrote to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), asking it to re-examine the results of ISO New England’s Forward Capacity Auction 8, which took place a year ago.

“We are writing to reiterate our concerns regarding electricity prices in the New England region,” said the lawmakers. “The continued increase of rates across the New England region is alarming.”

“Further, with Forward Capacity Auction 9 scheduled to take place on Feb. 2, 2015, we ask that the Commission closely monitor the upcoming auction and consider the impact of rate prices on consumers in deciding whether to certify the results later this year,” they added.

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