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Cars at A-School?
« on: Nov 21, 2006, 03:43 »
This might seem like an odd question for this forum but I figure it's as good a place as any to ask. At what point are you allowed to keep a vehicle while going through the Nuke pipeline? Do you really have any time to justify owning one? I'm hoping that once I'm out of bootcamp I'll be able to purchase one of the older model Wranglers before the lots all dry up.

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 21, 2006, 04:18 »
It's not odd at all.  I don't have the time to look for it right now but I do recall this question being asked sometime earlier this year.  I believe it's in the Navy Nuke>Getting In forum.  Thanks in advance for your service to our country and welcome to Nukeworker.

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 21, 2006, 09:24 »
aight, I'm not going to say anything set in stone, but this is what I remember.  If married, you will likely (I'm not saying absolute, because I'm not married.  but I don't see why they won't do this) be able to move wife and/or kids down to base.  Look, car.  Not, wait till after A-school.  I wouldn't buy from any of the dealerships down that way.  They will rip you off.  You will get leave after A-school, and you can fly home and get a car then.  That's what I did anyway (well, mom and dad used my money to buy a car.  I got it when I got home).  I'm very sure you can think of other ways, such as having a relative bring one down/up to you.  They had busing to and from certain areas for free when I was down there (7 years ago).  I know busses suck, but ya can't beat free.

edit to add:  as far as the married bit, that was how it was explained to me.  I'm not just pulling stuff out of my wazoo.  although, I am not sure just how accurate it is.
« Last Edit: Nov 21, 2006, 09:26 by ender17 »

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 21, 2006, 11:35 »,3341.0.html

This is the thread I was thinking of when I posted my first reply.  It might answer some of your questions. 
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #4 on: Nov 22, 2006, 10:33 »
Proceed with caution on getting a car early in your A school @ GC. It will only serve as a distraction to your primary duties- hitting the books hard and often. In addition, nice guy that you are, some fellow sailors will take advantage of you and use your free shuttle service WAY too often.

When you do get one ( certainly before you finish Power ), ask around to guys nearing the end of Prototype. Often they have a beater that they won't take along to their first boat. In this method, you get a cheap car (and cheap insurance ) to use to get from your apartment to Prototype.

Good luck!


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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #5 on: Dec 30, 2006, 09:03 »
Your first month there, you're still a "yellow badge," so you can't wear civilian clothing (on-base or off) or have a private vehicle on base.


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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 09, 2007, 06:16 »
From what I understand the Navy will not transport your vehicle from your home to South Carolina. Now I live in Washington State so that would be a very long drive and to be honest I dont want to spend half of my 2 week vacation driving. I'd rather be spending time with my family. What have most of you done about the car situation at prototype or NPS?  I've got a car here where I live and I'd assume everyone else did before they shipped as well.

I'm considering selling the car I have here (older truck) and buying one later on down the road in SC.


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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 09, 2007, 09:26 »
contrary to what some of the others have wrote, a car is a great thing to have during a school(after the 1st month) and into power school. it allows you to get the hell off that place and vent some. ive seen too many people just stay on base nearly their entire tenure at nnptc and they werent the most well adjusted individuals.


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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #8 on: Jan 09, 2007, 10:20 »
I'm pretty bad at handling distractions so I think its best I wait to get a car until prototype.

Charles U Farley

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #9 on: Jan 10, 2007, 06:15 »
There is something to be said about having a car.  Yes, they can be more trouble than they are worht, but, that is part of adulthood.  Something I struggle with everyday is students who are incapable of managing there own affairs.  Longball, I don't know you, so don't take anyof this personnal.  I have seen too many students roll through prototype without a license, without a car, who don't know how to balance a checkbook.  Do you need a car to be a successfull nuke?  Not necessarilly, however, it gives me, your friendly prototype advisor, an insight to how you manage your personnal life.  I have seen students who get rolled back, which is another completely different thread, and break down in tears because there support structure is graduating without them.  Their Mommy still gives them an allowance.  Their ride to work is shipping out to Guam.  Their roommate is shipping out to Norfolk.  They don't know how to pay the rent or utilities on their own.  They come to work and say, 'I had this taped to my front door last week,  EVICTION, what does that mean?'.  Sorry, kind of a side tangent.

Longball, like I said, I don't know you.  It's not really important when, but, by the time you check into prototype, you need to have a phone (cellphone or not) and a car.  Again, not that they are military requirements, but they speak volumes to your ability to function as an adult.


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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #10 on: Jan 10, 2007, 10:53 »
" I have witnessed more drops due to the involvement of a car at A school or NNPS than most other types of drops. " Amen!

There are plenty of guys leaving Prototype who will gladly sell you their old beater. Drive it for 6 months and sell it to someone nearing the end of Power school.

Good luck!


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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #11 on: Jan 10, 2007, 11:51 »
Charles U Farley,

First of all I'll say a little bit about myself. Before I moved out it was just my mom and I so we decided to both move out at the same time. Now my family isn't rich and I had a job for a while so I actually gave my mom $400 to move out instead of the other way around. Sure....I ate eggs and chicken noodle soup for two weeks, but I managed it.

On the other hand I did say I wont be having a car until I get to prototype. Deciding not to have a car throughout A-school and NNPS will most likely be my best decision during a-school and NNPS from what I have read.
« Last Edit: Jan 10, 2007, 11:53 by longball4414 »

Charles U Farley

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #12 on: Jan 10, 2007, 05:06 »
It's cool.  Like I said, I don't know you.  I don't mean to sound condescending, I'm just telling you the way I see it. 

It sounds like your on the right track.  Keep your priorities straight, and good luck.

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #13 on: Apr 03, 2007, 09:06 »
I bought a car the day after I got my green badge (approx 3 weeks) yes it can be a distraction, and here is the simple solution DON'T GO OUT DURING THE WEEK! cabs in Charlston cost too much and are unreliable at best. If you don't get out on the weekends and relax you will ge nuts. You also have to consider that many of the people on this board are from the age when NNPTC had a 60+% failure rate now it's nearly imposible to fail out if you try. The nuke navy is so undermaned right now we are taking people that never would have been considered in the past. I truly worked with some of the dumbest people I have ever met in the past couple of years. The school says we haven't lowered the standard we just made the minimum acceptable easier to obtain (isn't that the same thing)

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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #14 on: Apr 04, 2007, 07:25 »
...we haven't lowered the standard we just made the minimum acceptable easier to obtain...

There are a lot of politicians that would be very proud of that one.
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Re: Cars at A-School?
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2007, 06:58 »
Ever consider a motorcycle?  I know it sucks when its raining, and hard to haul groceries on, but its cheaper on gas and insurance. 

The only real drawback is that you will have to attend the safety course (most likely on a day off).


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Another car question
« Reply #16 on: Sep 10, 2007, 04:45 »
hey my names Thomas i just got in and am going nuke i leave the day after christmas

but anyways i have a drag car the i was wondering if i could take and possibly store it up there and does anyone know if there are any drag stips around nuke school

secondly i own two cars for daily drivers a new truck and my boosted eclipse (i worked my ass off in high school 50+ hours at walmart and american eagle lol) but will i be able to bring both?

also out of curiosity does anyone know the emmision laws or laws on nitrous in SC


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Re: Another car question
« Reply #17 on: Sep 10, 2007, 06:20 »
Please tell me they have you slated to be a mechanic and not an ET???

As for the cars, emission laws, and drag strips...did you recruiter mention anything about a school and the possibility of having to study?

As for being new to the forum, welcome.  There is a search function, but I'm guessing you are safe in posting your questions.  I don't think there is anything on this forum that would address your nitrous questions and drag strip concerns.

Sorry I can't answer your automobile related questions...I'm too busy running a prototype.  :)


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Re: Another car question
« Reply #18 on: Sep 10, 2007, 07:49 »
Yes, I agree with you NaVLI4. Please beg your recruiter to slate you as a Machinist Mate. You will fit in just fine with that crowd.

I have a few recommendations:
-Sell your cars that use nitrous or are only used for drag racing
-Buy some notebooks and pens for studying

I would also begin to do some research about your actual job in the Navy vice things like emission laws and drag strips in SC. Being a nuke is nothing like working at Walmart or American Eagle.


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Re: Another car question
« Reply #19 on: Sep 10, 2007, 08:01 »
lol no i know whats coming i've read nearly every forum on this site and i've sat at hastings for hours upon hours studying chem and physics books, because how i scored well enough to be a nuke baffles me I mean i didn't pass algebra the first 2 times i took it. but now i think i'm finally ready i can work my way through a calc book finally

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Re: Another car question
« Reply #20 on: Sep 10, 2007, 09:46 »
leave the nitrous at home most of those southern states will bury you under the jail if youre caught going too fast (20 over) 


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Re: Another car question
« Reply #21 on: Sep 10, 2007, 09:57 »
Yes, I agree with you NaVLI4. Please beg your recruiter to slate you as a Machinist Mate. You will fit in just fine with that crowd.

I don't know, Moored Training Shipmate, remember that poor fool on C who cracked the head on that Z3 of his?  He was running the juice in it.  He was a mechanic, and look how well that did him.

And, you can table any and all BMW comments, too.

*edit* Oh, and do you no longer recommend investing in a white board?  I heard a lot of good things about guys who bought one.
« Last Edit: Sep 10, 2007, 10:04 by ddklbl »


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Re: Another car question
« Reply #22 on: Sep 10, 2007, 10:14 »
Do So,

Those buggies will only get dusty sitting while you put in 18 hour days at school in Goose Creek. If this is news to you, perhaps you better rethink the program and the time required to complete it. Good luck, son!  8)


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Re: Another car question
« Reply #23 on: Sep 10, 2007, 11:08 »
I agreee with everyone!! When my sons were doing well in both A and Power School it was a treat to get to go to the mall for a few hours once or twice a month...or catch a movie. When they were not doing well...lets just say the inside of the class room was all they saw most weekends

And it is not all about the study have to clean your room...take care of your l your family.

If you really want to know about emmisions and things do a search on google for South Carolina has all the infomation you need.

PS welcome to!!

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Re: Another car question
« Reply #24 on: Sep 10, 2007, 12:58 »
SC has no emisions or safty inspections. That being said don't bring the track car to SC you wont have time to use it plus if its not street legal you can't store it in the paring lot unless its on a trailer all the time. The simple answer to your first question is no there will be no secure storage for a track car. Pick one street legal (or at least one you can get registered) car to take to SC after boot camp. Realise that you will not get leave to do this so if you live more than a 1.5 day drive from SC then you will either have to ship the car $$$$$$$$ or have family or friend deliver it. Race on just don't get caught.


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