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Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« on: Jun 16, 2009, 12:56 »
First off, I would like to thank this forum for all the information and advice that all the members give.  It has been a great help for me to throw my name in the pot so to speak.

So, I have been a long time site creeper, getting info and listening to others situations.  Now I am confronted with one of my own.  I have been actively applying since April for the NUPOC program.  Everything was going fine, small hiccups, until recently.  Last week I was supposed to be in DC for my interview, but was flagged as potentially reckless or something along those lines.  I now have to go see a head doctor later this month.

I have been arrested twice, once at 17 for trespassing and another at 20 for being drunk.  Neither were serious, just community service and a fine.  No other run ins with the law besides one speeding ticket.

My question is: What are they hoping to find in my appointment with the head doctor?  Anything I need to know before hand or should do or not do?

Offline Jimmykroffa

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #1 on: Jun 16, 2009, 01:01 »
Why are you going on a forum to ask us advice on what you should tell doctor? This is actually kind of absurd. Tell the truth and let the process decide what will lay ahead for you...


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #2 on: Jun 16, 2009, 01:30 »
That's really not what I am asking at all.  In the same way that people will ask for advice for the DC interview, I am asking for advice in my shrink interview.  Maybe someone else has gone through this process, maybe somebody knows what they are hoping to find.  In any situation there is a right way and a wrong way to proceed.  All I am trying to do is be prepared.  I have no intentions of lying about my history or my behavior.  I also have no intentions of shooting myself in the foot.  So I am asking if anyone has anything useful to contribute to my situation I would appreciate any and all.


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #3 on: Jun 16, 2009, 02:38 »
I'm an enlisted feller and I've never visited a shrink, but I can suggest that you don't try to BS 'em.  Approach it with an open mind (as with all things Navy) and you might learn a thing or two. 


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #4 on: Jun 16, 2009, 02:53 »
Maybe someone else has gone through this process, maybe somebody knows what they are hoping to find.

No, I haven't been through your proposed situation, but I have been to psych interviews on numerous occasions while seeking security clearances.  First, I'll say that it is pretty routine.  If you have certain things on your record, they're going to send you to a psych interview.  So, don't sweat it.  It won't be the last time you do this.

As to what they're looking for, they're looking to see whether you own the mistake.  It's really not enough that you simply admit to the offense.  You need to take responsibility for it.  Don't try to diminish its significance or shift the blame.  You did it.  It wasn't good.  It was all your fault.  It was a stupid mistake.  You've learned from it.  You hope to never blunder into something like that again.

Good luck,

« Last Edit: Jun 22, 2009, 08:08 by Khak-Hater »

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #5 on: Jun 16, 2009, 06:53 »
Crater, you didn't really say but were you flagged as potentially reckless because of the arrests or do you think it was something else? 

As to advice, I'd go along with Khak-Hater.  BS is just going to come across as deceptive and that probably won't work out for you.  I think you want you show that you're the kind of guy somebody can trust with a multi-billion dollar Navy asset.  I'm sure you'll do fine.

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #6 on: Jun 17, 2009, 12:45 »
Here at the Holiday In Express, we would suggest stating that you were young and stupid, but have since learned how to act as an adult. Good luck. 8)


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #7 on: Jun 17, 2009, 03:02 »
A psych asked me what I would do if he was in a boat and shooting at me .I told him I'd get in my plane and shoot back.He asked me where I got the plane and I told him the same place he got the boat. Interview was over.

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #8 on: Jun 17, 2009, 03:31 »
A psych asked me what I would do if he was in a boat and shooting at me .I told him I'd get in my plane and shoot back.He asked me where I got the plane and I told him the same place he got the boat. Interview was over.

Now that's quick thinkin'    ;)
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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #9 on: Jun 17, 2009, 04:32 »
A psych asked me what I would do if he was in a boat and shooting at me .I told him I'd get in my plane and shoot back.He asked me where I got the plane and I told him the same place he got the boat. Interview was over.

+K to ya! Clearly the theoretical mind of an HP tech :) 

Many operators would have smirked, and comfortably replied "I'd take my Glock .40 out of the tackle box an' blast ya with some Winchester Silvertips" [not because they are so quickly imaginitive, but because they really do keep a Glock next to the wiggle lures ;)]

A sharp SWO(N) might reply "Since you didn't say how far away you are or what you are shooting, I'll assume you are a pirate surface contact at 2 nautical miles, and I'll return fire using the forward 5"/54 with a mix of PD and CVT-Frag rounds."

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #10 on: Jun 17, 2009, 04:46 »
What is wrong with keeping your Glock in your tackle box?  Some of those fish are big. 8)


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #11 on: Jun 18, 2009, 12:03 »
Thanks for all the advice.  Especially the airplane, that was pretty quick thinking.

As for if I was flagged solely because of my arrest I don't know for sure.  They were the only real incidents that stood out to me as something that could be.

We will see in about a week how everything goes.


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #12 on: Jun 18, 2009, 03:24 »
Good luck, son.  8)

Offline namlive

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #13 on: Jun 18, 2009, 09:33 »
Been there. Done that. It is just a matter of routine. Be semi-truthful, blame peer pressure, and never admit to using drugs.

When you really get in trouble, remember to deny everything, admit to nothing, and make counter accusations. It has kept me out of jail and my clearance.
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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #14 on: Jun 19, 2009, 10:52 »
Okay, before I state the obvious -- that namlive has given really bad advice ( I guess I stated it anyway, huh?) -- let me remind everyone that you can't always tell whose tongue is in his cheek while he's posting here.  Let's try to take things a little more seriously when the question is of a serious nature.  Okay?

Here's what you do.

Be honest.  Don't answer more than is asked.  The tendency to expound at length when answering a simple question is a clear tip-off that you are feeling guilty.  The first conclusion the shrink will draw is that the thing you feel guilty about is lying to him or her.

If you are going to be a nuke, you need to know this acronym anyway, so here it is:  ATFQ!  Answer The F***ing Question!

Answer each question.  Then stop talking.  A trained analyst will know exactly what questions to ask to get the information that he or she wants.  Answer them simply, quickly and honestly.  Don't explain - even though the shrink WILL PAUSE to see if you are going to explain.  Don't take pauses as an invitation to talk.  That would just be you digging yourself deeper.  If they want explanations, they will ask for them, but they can get that information more efficiently by asking pointed questions.  If he or she says, "go on," don't bite.  That is another little trap that anyone can fall into.
Don't read into the questions.  Nobody is accusing you or judging you, even though it will feel like they are.  to a point, they are judging you.  That is the reason for the whole exercise.

Accept the fact that they will find out all that they want to know about you, and that you are not perfect.  No big deal.  Nobody is perfect.  In fact, trying to appear as perfect will be a sign of a deeper problem.  Everybody makes mistakes, but the perrson who tries to rationalize them is a bigger danger than the one who knows they were wrong and admits it.  The person who tries to justify and rationalize wrong acts is not trustworthy.  Even the laying off of past misdeeds as youthful transgressions can be seen as rationalization.

Admit that you did wrong, admit that you regret doing those things.  Be humble and contrite but genuine in your answers.

Good luck.
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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #15 on: Jun 19, 2009, 01:41 »
what if you missrembered?

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #16 on: Jun 20, 2009, 11:33 »
Be honest.  Don't answer more than is asked.  The tendency to expound at length when answering a simple question is a clear tip-off that you are feeling guilty.  The first conclusion the shrink will draw is that the thing you feel guilty about is lying to him or her.

If you are going to be a nuke, you need to know this acronym anyway, so here it is:  ATFQ!  Answer The F***ing Question!

Answer each question.  Then stop talking.  A trained analyst will know exactly what questions to ask to get the information that he or she wants.  Answer them simply, quickly and honestly.  Don't explain - even though the shrink WILL PAUSE to see if you are going to explain.  Don't take pauses as an invitation to talk.  That would just be you digging yourself deeper.  If they want explanations, they will ask for them, but they can get that information more efficiently by asking pointed questions.  If he or she says, "go on," don't bite.  That is another little trap that anyone can fall into.
Don't read into the questions.  Nobody is accusing you or judging you, even though it will feel like they are.  to a point, they are judging you.  That is the reason for the whole exercise.

Accept the fact that they will find out all that they want to know about you, and that you are not perfect.  No big deal.  Nobody is perfect.  In fact, trying to appear as perfect will be a sign of a deeper problem.  Everybody makes mistakes, but the perrson who tries to rationalize them is a bigger danger than the one who knows they were wrong and admits it.  The person who tries to justify and rationalize wrong acts is not trustworthy.  Even the laying off of past misdeeds as youthful transgressions can be seen as rationalization.

Admit that you did wrong, admit that you regret doing those things.  Be humble and contrite but genuine in your answers.

Good luck.

A good portion of BC's post can be applied to any checkout or Board for a nuke during his/her career.  There have been many a time that a young student has dug themselves into a hole by expounding on a simple question and giving the questioner some less than accurate information.  This usually leads to "pulling on loose threads" and "seeing how far it unravels".  However, really good nukes who are 100% sure of the knowledge that they have CAN drive their boards in the direction they want by continually discussing what they know and not letting the questioner get a new question in edgewise. 
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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #17 on: Jun 23, 2009, 09:59 »
Okay, before I state the obvious -- that namlive has given really bad advice ( I guess I stated it anyway, huh?) -- let me remind everyone that you can't always tell whose tongue is in his cheek while he's posting here.  Let's try to take things a little more seriously when the question is of a serious nature.  Okay?

Here's what you do.

Be honest.  Don't answer more than is asked.  The tendency to expound at length when answering a simple question is a clear tip-off that you are feeling guilty.  The first conclusion the shrink will draw is that the thing you feel guilty about is lying to him or her.

If you are going to be a nuke, you need to know this acronym anyway, so here it is:  ATFQ!  Answer The F***ing Question!

Answer each question.  Then stop talking.  A trained analyst will know exactly what questions to ask to get the information that he or she wants.  Answer them simply, quickly and honestly.  Don't explain - even though the shrink WILL PAUSE to see if you are going to explain.  Don't take pauses as an invitation to talk.  That would just be you digging yourself deeper.  If they want explanations, they will ask for them, but they can get that information more efficiently by asking pointed questions.  If he or she says, "go on," don't bite.  That is another little trap that anyone can fall into.
Don't read into the questions.  Nobody is accusing you or judging you, even though it will feel like they are.  to a point, they are judging you.  That is the reason for the whole exercise.

Accept the fact that they will find out all that they want to know about you, and that you are not perfect.  No big deal.  Nobody is perfect.  In fact, trying to appear as perfect will be a sign of a deeper problem.  Everybody makes mistakes, but the perrson who tries to rationalize them is a bigger danger than the one who knows they were wrong and admits it.  The person who tries to justify and rationalize wrong acts is not trustworthy.  Even the laying off of past misdeeds as youthful transgressions can be seen as rationalization.

Admit that you did wrong, admit that you regret doing those things.  Be humble and contrite but genuine in your answers.

Good luck.

BC is 100% on the money.  You want to join my playground then don't lie to me and don't do horseplay.  Be completely honest about your past otherwise some alphabet agency will be more than happy to provide us with all of your information.


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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #18 on: Jun 26, 2009, 07:16 »
Update: The psych eval went very well.  Much shorter then I thought that it would be but I'm not complaining.  The advice given was very useful.  Everything seems to be cleared up until the next hurdle, thanks again to everyone who contributed.

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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #19 on: Jun 26, 2009, 09:06 »
Update: The psych eval went very well.  Much shorter then I thought that it would be but I'm not complaining.  The advice given was very useful.  Everything seems to be cleared up until the next hurdle, thanks again to everyone who contributed.

You're welcome. I always give advice that works, even if the square-pants think it is unorthodox.
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Re: Flagged as reckless, have to see shrink
« Reply #20 on: Jun 27, 2009, 05:57 »
Don't bust my bubble Honeycomb-squarepants.
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