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Author Topic: Does anyone know what's going on at NPTU Charleston right now?  (Read 35503 times)

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Offline SpeedOften

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Guess how many drinks you can have prior to operating a naval reactor? Why should operating a motor vehicle and endangering other people's lives be any different?

You're taking it to the extreme.  How it was described to me was that if you have one drink, you are not allowed to drive even if it's 6 hours after you've had that drink - the CoC will still write you up for it.

Offline goobs22xx

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Draconian rules imposed on behaviors are often the result of poor decisions made by the masses when given the freedom to choose.  Perhaps too many folks decided that they could drive after having a drink or two just to find out they were wrong.  Now you all are paying the price with a zero tolerance policy.  Many commercial sites now require hardhats and safety glasses to be worn gate-to-gate and gloves to be worn when performing any manual task, whether there is a risk of injury or not.  This came about because when we were entrusted to make wise choices regarding our PPE, too many of us failed. 

Affectionately referred to as the "knee jerk", or at least one of its applications.

Good to know that it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


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Hey, I'm a student(MM3) on the MTS-635 and it seems like this place is a mess. Almost my entire junior class on-crew is dink, the MTS has been shut down for over a month, and I think just now starting up and steaming again. It seems like there aren't enough staff to get students qualified and everyone is pissed off. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX I guess the real question is, will the rest of my experience in the navy be similar to this? An undermanned and disgruntled crew on an old submarine that doesn't want to work anymore?

Statement edited to remove inappropriate material

Allow me to make this PERFECTLY CLEAR FOR YOU....


Yup :) My division is 43% manned, people are dink, and everyone's pissed off. Your staff is just mad because they thought they'd get a super sweet deal, and see  their buddies over at nnptc going home early every day :)

Offline Neutron Whisperer

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Allow me to make this PERFECTLY CLEAR FOR YOU....


Yup :) My division is 43% manned, people are dink, and everyone's pissed off. Your staff is just mad because they thought they'd get a super sweet deal, and see  their buddies over at nnptc going home early every day :)

The staff are working for incompetent leaders with inadequate resources to meet ill-defined goals...they're mad because they let that get to them.
Disclaimer: there is no "tone" to my post.

Offline HydroDave63

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Feeding the trolls....tsk tsk!


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OK, so maybe I was a little upset when I started this discussion. I've had to eat my words a couple of times cause of that. It's becoming clear to me that my job isn't really all that bad, actually I like what I do.  Definitely though, it has taken a toll on every other aspect of my life. For instance, I skip sleeping so I can date. I know that I'm going to spend 12 or more hours at work, so to make anything else happen I have to basically run myself into the ground every week. I have fun at work, but I also want to have fun at home. I'm sure when I (finally) hit the fleet life will get more intense, but also way more fun than school, right?

Offline Neutron Whisperer

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OK, so maybe I was a little upset when I started this discussion. I've had to eat my words a couple of times cause of that. It's becoming clear to me that my job isn't really all that bad, actually I like what I do.  Definitely though, it has taken a toll on every other aspect of my life. For instance, I skip sleeping so I can date. I know that I'm going to spend 12 or more hours at work, so to make anything else happen I have to basically run myself into the ground every week. I have fun at work, but I also want to have fun at home. I'm sure when I (finally) hit the fleet life will get more intense, but also way more fun than school, right?

So much depends on your attitude.  If you have the wrong outlook, it doesn't matter where you are you'll be miserable.
Disclaimer: there is no "tone" to my post.


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i have an add on question to this.  my little brother is at, or more accurately, was at charleston prototype on the 626.  He was recently masted for underage drinking (righfully so) on the word of an underage female civilian living in his house.  Know he thinks that not only is he not going to be a nuke any more, but is going to get kicked out of the navy.  I recently seperated after 10 years in the program and this is totally different than anything I have ever heard of.  I realize and am not ignorant enough to believe he is telling me the whole story, but he also said a couple of kids are being kicked out for being late too many times.  Is something going on down there, or is the navy finally going back to the old way of doing things in the program just when fleet manning is at an all time low?  

Captain has taken a very strict stance on underage drinking around these parts since one student negligently discharged a .40 handgun into the skull of another student. Many people at the part were underage, as was the victim.  Things 'round these parts are changing. quickly.

We had all hands training today, because a SPU got into a car accident, it was discovered that he had a loaded and chambered 9mm under his driver seat on base. A week after the whole Ft. hood thing. He's been banned from all naval installations. His goose is cooked.

Any changes around here are all the doing of the personnel attached here. Capt. is a very reasonable man, but he's got to do what he's got to do.

Edited to remove actual name.
« Last Edit: Nov 13, 2009, 09:39 by Lorrie Henson »


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Captain has taken a very strict stance on underage drinking around these parts since one student negligently discharged a .40 handgun into the skull of another student. Many people at the part were underage, as was the victim.  Things 'round these parts are changing. quickly.

We had all hands training today, because a SPU got into a car accident, it was discovered that he had a loaded and chambered 9mm under his driver seat on base. A week after the whole Ft. hood thing. He's been banned from all naval installations. His goose is cooked.

Any changes around here are all the doing of the personnel attached here. Capt. is a very reasonable man, but he's got to do what he's got to do.

Edited to remove actual name.

Started a while ago, had a LT Staff drive off the 526 to 26 ramp and kill himself while wasted.  Couple months later, had two students racing on bushy park rd, wrapped his BMW around a tree.  then finally, after numerous DUI's and such, it was zero tolerance at that point, and then the students drinking with guns just pushed it even further over the edge.  Hell, we give out Free Cab ride cards, there's no where you can live around here where a cab couldn't get you home from downtown charleston for more than $40.  It's just stupid to drink and drive, no sympathy for underage drinking and dui's.

Offline Jechtm

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Sad but true. I have been baffled since I was younger about drinking and driving. If the videos don't stop people from doing it, nothing will.
I don't drink and I don't have to.
If my shipmates need a ride home, I'd rather them call me at 3am then my SLPO give horrific news the next morning.
I am glad capt. Bailey is being strict.

Just wish people made more concious decisions, yet these things happens everyday.

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