Facility & Company Information > VC Summer
VC Summer Units 2 & 3
--- Quote from: HeavyD on Dec 19, 2013, 03:45 ---As far as has been communicated to us, we will continue posting positions for Maintenance, Operators, Technical (Chemistry and maybe HP), and Security in the coming year.
No specifics on numbers or anything like that.
Keep checking the corporate site.
--- End quote ---
Trust me. I'm checking every week. I'm a VY casualty so I've got some time, but Summer would be ideal.
Here's the link to the briefs from NEI's RP Forum last month. Moses Coleman briefed the projected hiring plans and dates for VC Summers.
Hope it provides some helpful info.
All you guys looking to go to Summer for HP jobs better remember that the salaries in this part of the country are significantly, and I repeat, significantly lower than about 90% of the rest of the plants in the US. The area is not that great and it is the south.
Here's a short video WEC produced, showing one of Unit 2's Steam Generators on its trip from Charleston to the site.
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