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Offline Rennhack

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NUF Quiz Database Updated - AGAIN!
« on: Sep 08, 2010, 03:26 »
We just added 55 questions covering the NUF’s RP-3 “Detection and Instruments” section to our free online NUF practice test, a quiz covering just that section, and we have attached an abbreviated study guide for that section as well.  We are really excited about this addition, because this is the section that tends to give techs the most trouble. 

This section joins the 63 questions covering the RP-2 “Radiation & Contamination” portion of the study guide, and the 47 questions that cover RP-5 “Survey Techniques and Emergency Considerations” .   This increases our original NUF question database by 165%, which only had 100 un-categorized questions previously. We have almost tripled the number of questions in our database.  The other RP sections (RP-1 “The Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” & RP-4 “ALARA, and Shielding Calculations”) will be covered as well sometime in the near future.

This is the continuation of a significant improvement in our free online NUF quiz, which should be an immense help to everyone in the RP field.

Here are links to some abbreviated study guides I made to help you study for the quiz’s:
RP-2 “Radiation & Contamination” Abbreviated Study Guide
RP-3 “Detection and Instruments” Abbreviated Study Guide
RP-5 “Survey Techniques and Emergency Considerations” Abbreviated Study Guide

Please note that these abbreviated study guides and these quizzes alone are not enough to pass the tests.  They are meant as refreshers, and core items you should know for sure.  Please do not just memorize this information, and think that you can pass the exam, and adequately protect workers from radiation.  You need to read, study, and understand all of the information in the full NUF study guides at a minimum.  I would also suggest that you read the DOE Radiation Protection study guides as well because they tend to go deeper, and explain the topics better.

The full NUF study guides can be found here:
« Last Edit: Sep 08, 2010, 03:28 by Rennhack »

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Re: NUF Quiz Database Updated - AGAIN!
« Reply #1 on: Sep 09, 2010, 01:20 »
I just added the RP-1 “The Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” section.  It only has 20 questions, and they don't really cover 'Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation' in my opinion, but it was the only thing I could find that fit into the category, short of including questions from other 'Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation' data banks.  Study Guide Attached.

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Re: NUF Quiz Database Updated - AGAIN!
« Reply #2 on: Sep 09, 2010, 01:24 »
I also added "Trivia Challenge", which includes questions from all of our Trivia data banks, and "RP Challenge", which includes questions from all of our RP data banks.

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Re: NUF Quiz Database Updated - AGAIN!
« Reply #3 on: Nov 09, 2010, 01:20 »
I just added the final section to the NUF/NEU quiz Database, RP-4 Radiation Protection "ALARA, and Shielding Calculations".  This section contains 52 questions, and finishes our overhaul of the NUF/NEU free online practice test.

The 'old' database had 100 questions that were not sorted into categories.  Now we have 337 questions sorted into 5 categories.

I'm very excited to have this project finished, and to be able to help everyone study for their tests.

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Re: NUF Quiz Database Updated - AGAIN!
« Reply #4 on: Nov 27, 2011, 04:44 »
I just finished my first draft of the's Super Abbreviated Study Guide for our online practice test for Nuclear Utilities Fundamentals (NUF) Radiation Protection (RP) Exam.

Super Abbreviated Study Guide.pdf

Also available for 99 cents on your Kindle!

« Last Edit: Nov 27, 2011, 09:06 by Rennhack »


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