I am a currently employed nuclear engineer (not at a power plant). I have an advanced degree in Nucl Engg and my current work focuses on reactor safety (thermal-hydraulics/neutronics/core and safety system design), accident consequence analyses, PRA and licensing support.....
Your best fit is with these guys:
http://orise.orau.gov/default.aspxYou do not want course work, you want employment at the advanced, professional level,...
Well, you may want course work, I cannot know what you really want, but presupposing you want gainful employment with an employer which can develop your skill set to include several facets of decommissioning plus, the networking that will avail you of opportunities to move onward and upward then, ORAU is a strong, if not the strongest, contender for your future mobility and lucrative compensation,...
You may have to get used to travelling to achieve that goal because every day that you are on a DnD project you are working yourself out of a job,...
DnD is no country for homesteaders,....
feel free to PM, Enjoy the Day,...