Glad to see the sailor spirit still exists even in these turbulent times. Not all men like goats, let alone goatmen. Maybe this will be the catalyst for the formation of the newest group to be habitually downtrodden by the USA and all of its evil inhabitants. GLM - Goatmen Lives Matter.
tucked into the northeast corner of Saratoga Spring's Congress Park the Italian Gardens were designed for casino owner Richard Canfield in 1902,...
the reflecting pool, with Tritons ‘Spit and Spat,’ remains a focal point,...
in 2007 (expensive) reproductions of the original statues of Pan and the Meneads were placed around the restored sundial,...
the Pan statue was essentially rubbleized about ten nights ago,... ...It's the latest in a long line of vandalism to local artwork. In 2008 two men and a woman try to mount the horse statue in front of Roohan Realty on Broadway.
After several attempts, one guy does a face plant into the sidewalk and knocks over the statue. Last year, surveillance helped police catch the men who tried to mount the new horse statue at the top of Congress Park. In 2010, teens were caught after vandalizing another horse near the Auto Museum. And in 1999, police arrested teens who did thousands of dollars of damage to Spit and Spat...ergo: It is example time and two USN seawarriors just happened to draw the unlucky "example time card",...
ouch, double whammies all around for these two,...
civvy court, NJP, perhaps courts martial as I sorta suspect the USN will want to send a conciliatory message to the denizens of Saratoga County,...
plus the civvy court charges are felonies, not mere traffic or appearance tickets,...
plus these two are not nukes, they are (most likely by my surmise) fleet sailors who drew coveted golden shore duty (aka working vacation duty) billets in beautiful upstate New York, literally hundreds of miles from any Navy port and all the uptight "yes sir, no sir" military bearing for the sake of military bearing baggage that goes along with shore duty in a place such as Norfolk or Annapolis or Puget, etcetera,...
all that and nothing better to do than decapitate one of Mary Lou Whitney's favorite statues,...

and get caught on camera, ohhhhhh man, bad day (night) for those guys,...
PS - to any squids, sailors, seawarriors reading this I would proffer a word of advice:
should you ever do anything this assinine you would best be served to turn yourself in as soon as you remember you were a stupid drunk,...
better to beg forgiveness, invest some community service, and pay back the monetary damage than compel the cops to spend the overtime and coordination with the USN to track you down and haul your butt in,...
you will find that civilians can be fairly forgiving of such things, especially if the cost of fixing it comes out of your pocket and not ours,...
the USN is what it is, how the USN will deal with you is open to an awful lot of vagaries,...
(of course the accused and charged still have not had their day in court, I do surmise that if they were innocent, then Jethro Gibbs would have already relayed that result to local law enforcement
