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Career Path

No New Posts Navy Nuke

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to the Navy Program.

Moderator: Gamecock

29896 Posts
2070 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in MOVED: Leading Safety V...
on Oct 02, 2024, 10:17

Child Boards: Navy:Getting In, Navy:Staying In, Navy:Getting Out
No New Posts Getting in

Ask questions about how to get in to the nuclear industry.

5448 Posts
573 Topics

Last post by Reggie1
in Re: Job options that doe...
on Aug 28, 2024, 05:42

No New Posts Nuclear Operator

Talk about Reactor operator (RO/SRO), Aux Operator (AO) and non licensed operator (NLO) jobs.

4533 Posts
367 Topics

Last post by Rennhack
in Re: Operator with migrai...
on Sep 07, 2024, 01:43

No New Posts Radiation Safety

Questions about anything related to the career of Radiation Protection and Health physics, such as RP, HP, RCT, NRRPT & CHP questions.

3484 Posts
337 Topics

Last post by peteshonkwiler
in Re: CT scan
on Sep 20, 2024, 12:15

Child Boards: Online Practice Tests
No New Posts Security, FFD

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to Security, Fitness for Duty, and Physicals.

Moderator: a09518708

2411 Posts
323 Topics

Last post by peteshonkwiler
in Re: Bras that set off me...
on Aug 28, 2024, 06:47

No New Posts Training, Tests & Education

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to Training & Education.

2695 Posts
222 Topics

Last post by soundgal68
in Re: TVA I&C test for out...
on Jun 13, 2024, 08:23

Child Boards: EEI Tests
No New Posts Money Matters

Ask all of your Salary, Benefits, Per Diem, Unemployment and Tax questions here. If you are asking about a specific company, or facility, please post your question in that company/facility section.

Moderator: traveltax

2470 Posts
193 Topics

Last post by GLW
in Re: Work outages then co...
on Mar 17, 2024, 06:33

Child Boards: Salary Questions, Tax Q&A
No New Posts Outages

Post your outage questions here.

3347 Posts
180 Topics

Last post by josephmcgee489
in outage jobs
on Nov 05, 2023, 12:18

Child Boards: Outage Schedules
No New Posts General

Career Path discussions that do not fit in the other Career Path Categories.

1938 Posts
203 Topics

Last post by Ahlam1988
in American opportunities
on Sep 25, 2024, 09:21

No New Posts Resume & Interview

Tips and Questions about Resumes and Interviews

Moderator: Marlin

650 Posts
73 Topics

Last post by TylerDurden
in Re: TVA Interview
on Jul 15, 2023, 05:07

No New Posts Coming Back

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to 'Getting Back In'.

662 Posts
88 Topics

Last post by mad69dogg
in Re: looking for help
on Sep 09, 2024, 06:22

No New Posts Different Country

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to Starting Work in a Different Country.

390 Posts
50 Topics

Last post by BISCUITMAN
in Re: Working and living a...
on Jul 06, 2024, 01:03

No New Posts Safety

Moderator: Nuclear NASCAR

219 Posts
21 Topics

Last post by SloGlo
in Re: The Real-Life Murphy...
on Jun 14, 2022, 04:34

No New Posts NRC

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to NRC Licensed Facilities.

491 Posts
51 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in Re: psych evaluation
on Aug 15, 2023, 12:41

No New Posts DOE

Here we help newcomers with ideas of what options are there and offer up discussions by people who have been there. - Related to DOE Facilities.

295 Posts
36 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in Re: Oak Ridge Scientific...
on Aug 11, 2023, 10:12

News and Discussions

No New Posts Nuke News

Nuclear Industry news is posted here.

Moderator: Marlin

17883 Posts
8701 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in Making Nuclear Space Pro...
on Yesterday at 02:34 PM

Child Boards: NRC Event Reports, NRC News Releases, New NUREGs
No New Posts Nuke Community

News of illness, recovery, announcements that aren't already covered by another forum. A virtual Community Hall for Nukeworkers.

6838 Posts
999 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in Re: Andrea Warner
on Yesterday at 07:56 PM

Child Boards: Looking for:, Fallen:, Clean Humor, Illness & Injuries, Holiday Greetings
No New Posts Site News

Check here for whats new around the site.

Moderator: Nuclear NASCAR

2583 Posts
252 Topics

Last post by Rennhack
in Re: New Quiz Software
on Sep 29, 2024, 11:57

Child Boards: Rennhack's Blog
No New Posts History & Trivia

A place to share Nuclear History, Nuclear Trivia, and pass on some knowledge. Keep it clean please.

Moderator: Marlin

1805 Posts
364 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in The Curious History of N...
on Oct 03, 2024, 10:32

Child Boards: Nuclear Trivia Quizzes

Reference, Questions and Help

No New Posts Nuke Q&A

Post your nuclear related questions here that don't fit into other categories.

5871 Posts
1060 Topics

Last post by aphocks
in High Temperature Precisi...
on Jul 31, 2024, 10:02

Child Boards: Instrument Q&A, Lessons Learned, Definitions, Nuclear Software, MARSSIM, Transportation & Disposal
No New Posts Site Q&A

Post your questions here about how to use this web site. You can also post complaints, suggestions, tips/comments about the web site here as well.

1293 Posts
229 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in MOVED: San Luis Obispo R...
on Jul 29, 2024, 01:58

Child Boards: Job Board Help, Picture Help, Forum Help, Shopping Help, Quiz Help, Advertising, OSHA Training
No New Posts Calendar

This is where calendar events are posted.

5 Posts
2 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in Re: June 30, 2011
on Jul 01, 2011, 03:22

No New Posts Polls

Rate anything Nuclear Related. However, keep it legal, no slander, no libel, and no attitudes.

2882 Posts
87 Topics

Last post by cmumess
in Re: Favorite Site Coordi...
on Dec 05, 2023, 11:39

No New Posts Computer Help

If you have a computer problem, or solution, and want to share it with the world, this is the place to do it.

199 Posts
34 Topics

Last post by gnuvirus
in Thermo/Eberline Alpha7L ...
on Aug 21, 2024, 01:00

Facility & Company Information

No New Posts Region I (North East)

Find and post North East (Region I) facility information in this area. It includes Lodging and Contract information, as well as information about the Local Flavor, how NukeWorkers Rate the facilities and general Talk About the facilities.

2248 Posts
95 Topics

Last post by J.Archer
in Need Lodging for the Mil...
on Aug 08, 2024, 03:48

Child Boards: Beaver Valley, Bettis, Brookhaven National Lab, Calvert Cliffs, Connecticut Yankee, Fitzpatrick, Ginna, Hope Creek, Indian Point, Knolls (KAPL), Limerick, Maine Yankee, Millstone, Nine Mile, Oyster Creek, Peach Bottom, Pilgrim, Princeton, Salem, Saxton, Seabrook, Shoreham, Susquehanna, Three Mile Island (TMI), Vermont Yankee, West Valley, Yankee Rowe, Waltz Mill
No New Posts Region II (South East)

Find and post South East (Region II) facility information in this area. It includes Lodging and Contract information, as well as information about the Local Flavor, how NukeWorkers Rate the facilities and general Talk About the facilities.

4367 Posts
162 Topics

Last post by Swashington
in Re: Turkey Point - Lodgi...
on Sep 30, 2024, 01:14

Child Boards: Bellefonte, Browns Ferry, Brunswick, Catawba, Crystal River, Farley, Hatch, HB Robinson, Lee, McGuire, North Anna, Oak Ridge, Oconee, Paducah, Savannah River, Sequoyah, Shearon Harris, St. Lucie, Surry, Turkey Point, VC Summer, Vogtle, Watts Bar
No New Posts Region III (Mid West)

Find and post Mid West (Region III) facility information in this area. It includes Lodging and Contract information, as well as information about the Local Flavor, how NukeWorkers Rate the facilities and general Talk About the facilities.

2800 Posts
122 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in MOVED: Discounts at all ...
on Aug 13, 2024, 03:30

Child Boards: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) , Ashtabula, Battelle, Big Rock, Braidwood, Byron, Clinton, Davis-Besse, DC Cook, Dresden, Duane Arnold, Fermi Lab, Fermi NPP, Fernald, Kewaunee, LaSalle, Monticello, Mound, Palisades, Perry, Plum Brook, Point Beach, Portsmouth, Prarie Island, Quad Cities, Zion
No New Posts Region IV (Western)

Find and post Western (Region IV) facility information in this area. It includes Lodging and Contract information, as well as information about the Local Flavor, how NukeWorkers Rate the facilities and general Talk About the facilities.

3833 Posts
142 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in MOVED: Room for rent in ...
on Sep 22, 2024, 02:01

Child Boards: ANO (Arkansas Nuclear One), Berkeley, Callaway, Columbia (WNP2), Comanche Peak, Cooper, Diablo Canyon, Envirocare Utah, Fort Calhoun, Fort St Vrain, Grand Gulf, Hanford, Hematite, Humboldt Bay, Idaho National Lab (INEL) , Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL), Los Alamos National Lab (LANL), Moab, National Enrichment Facility, Nevada Test Site (NTS), Palo Verde, Rancho Seco, River Bend, Rocky Flats, San Onofre (SONGS), Sandia National Lab, South Texas Project (STP) , Trojan, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), Waterford, Wolf Creek, Yucca Mountain
No New Posts Canada

Find and post Canadian facility information in this area. It includes Lodging and Contract information, as well as information about the Local Flavor, how NukeWorkers Rate the facilities and general Talk About the facilities.

270 Posts
30 Topics

Last post by qwerty6621
in Re: NOIT with Bruce Powe...
on Dec 22, 2016, 05:59

No New Posts UK

Find and post UK facility information in this area. It includes Lodging and Contract information, as well as information about the Local Flavor, how NukeWorkers Rate the facilities and general Talk About the facilities.

Moderator: Nuclear NASCAR

92 Posts
20 Topics

Last post by Blacksnake66
in Re: UK Per Diem- Work in...
on Jan 26, 2024, 11:45

No New Posts Company Information

Find and post Company information in this area. It includes how NukeWorkers Rate the Company as well as general Talk About Companies. This is the place for general company related discussions, please find the specific company you are interested in. Vote for your favorite Company, and discuss your vote. Keep it positive and civil. Use your head when posting a comment; you don't want to get the corporate lawyers after either of us. If this section gets abused, it will be removed. If your topic is not listed, ask a Moderator to start it.

Please review the Rules before posting here.

Moderator: Nuclear NASCAR

2664 Posts
168 Topics

Last post by Marlin
in MOVED: Danni Leathers
on Aug 02, 2024, 09:06

Child Boards: Bartlett, Duke, Entergy
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