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Author Topic: Looking to get more certifications under my belt  (Read 19605 times)

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Offline mars88

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Re: Looking to get more certifications under my belt
« Reply #25 on: Jan 07, 2014, 03:53 »
Forget all of these posts.

What you need to certify in is stuff beyond mere rad--there are a lot of opportunities both in the real world and the rad world that require other certs.  

Center on things such as 0SHA construction safety, DOT hazmat, dangerous goods shipping (which includes rad), haz waste operator, and industrial hygiene.  Many of these are required to perform both nuke and non-nuke work outside of commercial plants and DOE facilities (environmental remediation, laboratories, manufacturing plants, etc.).  Some are computer-based and inexpensive, and some are classroom-based and cost up to $1500--but you might be able to get a union or a veteran's group to pay for these.

You mentioned in another post that you have a bachelor's degree.  If so, and you end up working at least 900 h/y in some safety capacity, you can apply to become a CSP (Certified Safety Professional) thru the Board of Safety Professionals.

The worlds of safety and IH are the way to go--not rad.
« Last Edit: Jan 07, 2014, 08:42 by mars88 »


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