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3 files, last one added on Jan 25, 2017
Album viewed 723 times



Bellefonte 1 & 2
Scottsboro, Ala., United States
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
Net Output: 1213 MWe

5 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 1725 times

Browns Ferry


The Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant is located on the Tennessee River near Decatur and Athens, Alabama, on the north side of Wheeler Lake. The nuclear power plant is named after a ferry that operated at the site until the middle of the 20th century. The site has three General Electric boiling water reactor (BWR) nuclear generating units and is owned entirely by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Browns Ferry was TVA's first nuclear power plant; its approval occurred on June 17, 1966 and construction began in September 1966. In 1974, the time of its initial operation, it was the largest nuclear plant in the world. It was the first nuclear plant in the world to generate more than 1 gigawatt of power.

In 2006, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) renewed the licenses for all three reactors, extending them for an additional twenty years.

37 files, last one added on Oct 29, 2006
Album viewed 2655 times



The Brunswick power plant, named for the county in which it is located, covers 1,200 acres. The site is adjacent to an agricultural area and to wetlands and woodlands.

6 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 1731 times



South Carolina is the third largest generator of nuclear electricity. The pair of light water reactors at the Catawba plant are the largest in the State (although, with three reactors, the Oconee plant has the most nuclear capacity in the southeastern United States). Catawba is located on a 391-acre peninsula.

65 files, last one added on Mar 16, 2010
Album viewed 2389 times

Crystal River


The Crystal River Energy Complex is located in Citrus County, Florida. The site consists of approximately 4,700 acres. The single nuclear unit shares the site with 4 fossil-fueled generators.

Crystal River Units 1&2 (Coal), Crystal River Unit 3 (Crystal River Nuclear Plant), and Crystal River Units 4&5 (Coal).

33 files, last one added on Mar 31, 2009
Album viewed 2326 times

BWXT Lynchburg Virginia


BWX Technologies, Inc. Lynchburg nuclear fuel plant (Virginia)
NRC License No. SNM-42, Docket No. 07000027

2 files, last one added on Jun 21, 2004
Album viewed 672 times


0 files
Album viewed 0 times

Elza Gate (Melton Lake Industrial Park)


The Elza Gate Site, located in Melton Lake Industrial Park , Oak Ridge , Tennessee , was used by the Manhattan Engineer District to store high-grade uranium ore and ore processing residues in the early 1940s. The site was transferred to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in 1946 and was used as an equipment storage area for Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In the 1970s, the site was vacated and decontaminated, transferred to the City of Oak Ridge, and later sold to a private metal fabrication company.

In 1988, the property was surveyed for contamination and was transferred to FUSRAP. In 1991 and 1992, DOE remediated radioactive contamination on concrete pads and in soils and removed polychlorinated biphenyl and lead contamination. The site was released for unrestricted use in 1993.

No supplemental limits or institutional controls are in effect at the site, and DOE does not require on-site monitoring or surveillance. Legacy management activities consist of managing site records and responding to stakeholder inquiries.

1 files, last one added on Oct 30, 2005
Album viewed 383 times

Joseph M. Farley


The Joseph M. Farley twin nuclear power station is located near Dothan, Alabama. Its 1,850-acre site in Houston County is largely wooded and agricultural.

11 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 1357 times

Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, North Carolina

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

Hartsville TN


3 files, last one added on Jul 28, 2006
Album viewed 745 times

Edwin I. Hatch


The Edwin I. Hatch nuclear power plant is near Baxley, Georgia, on a 2,244-acre site.

8 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2009
Album viewed 1031 times

HB Robinson


The 5,000-acre site near Hartsville, South Carolina, includes the source of cooling water for the reactor. The H.B. Robinson power plant does not rely on nuclear power alone. In fact, unit 1 is a coal-fired generator.

7 files, last one added on Mar 11, 2005
Album viewed 1516 times

Maxey Flats, Kentucky


Maxey Flats, Kentucky

1 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2006
Album viewed 338 times



This station is located about 17 miles northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina, on a 32,500-acre lake, created in 1963 by Duke Power for the Cowens Ford Hydroelectric Station. The McGuire units use the lake's water for cooling.

31 files, last one added on Nov 13, 2009
Album viewed 1852 times

North Anna


The North Anna nuclear power station is on a 1,075-acre site in Louisa County, Virginia.

27 files, last one added on Jul 13, 2014
Album viewed 1451 times

North Carolina State University

Research and Test Reactors

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS)


Nuclear Fuel Services Erwin plant (Tennessee, USA)
NRC License No. SNM-124, Docket No. 07000143

5 files, last one added on Jul 08, 2008
Album viewed 671 times

Oak Ridge K-25 (ETTP)


70 files, last one added on May 14, 2010
Album viewed 1420 times

Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) X-10


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a multi-disciplined science and technology complex located on a 58-square mile site near Oak Ridge, TN.

5 files, last one added on Jul 13, 2006
Album viewed 813 times

Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex


The Y-12 National Security Complex is critical to the security of our nation. Its current focus is the production and refurbishment of weapons components, storage of nuclear material and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Y-12 is one of the nation’s premier nuclear materials facilities.

12 files, last one added on Dec 21, 2005
Album viewed 1178 times



The Oconee nuclear station is located neared Greenville, South Carolina. Oconee is the second nuclear power plant in the United States to have its license extended by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the application for the Calvert Cliffs plant in Maryland preceded it).

26 files, last one added on Dec 09, 2009
Album viewed 2049 times



16 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2006
Album viewed 723 times

Parkersburg, West Virginia

Parkersburg, West Virginia
NWPA Section 151 Site

0 files
Album viewed 0 times



Since 1956, the primary mission of Pinellas has been to develop and produce neutron generators for the nation's nuclear weapons program. These unique components consist of a miniaturized linear ion accelerator and pulsed electrical power supply. To produce these devices, the Plant has acquired facilities and expertise that have broader commercial applicability.

5 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2006
Album viewed 377 times

Saint Lucie


This power plant is located on a 1,130-acre site near Ft. Pierce, Florida. The plant operator is the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL).

36 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 2142 times

Savannah River Site (SRS)


The Savannah River Site is a key Department of Energy (DOE) industrial complex dedicated to the National Nuclear Security Administration program, that supports the DOE national security and non-proliferation programs, and the EM program that addresses the reduction of risks through safe stabilization, treatment, and disposition of legacy nuclear materials, spent nuclear fuel, and waste.

The Savannah River Site encompasses over 300 square miles with more than 1,000 facilities concentrated within only 10 percent of the total land area. As cleanup activities are completed, operations will be concentrated to the site central core area. The land surrounding the central core area provides a protective buffer. All EM facilities and inactive waste units are being deactivated, decommissioned, and remediated. Facility decommissioning alternatives include demolition and in-situ disposal. However, if a viable reuse is identified, the DOE Savannah River Operations Office will remove a facility or group of facilities from the decommissioning scope.

The Savannah River Site is divided into 18 site areas, according to the types of mission activities that occurred at each. All waste types will be treated, stored and disposed. All nuclear material will be stabilized and safely stored. Groundwater contaminant plumes will be remediated to meet drinking water standards.

23 files, last one added on Apr 27, 2006
Album viewed 1767 times



The Sequoyah nuclear power plant is located on 525 acres near Chattanooga, Tennessee.

91 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 2818 times

Shearon Harris


The Shearon Harris nuclear power plant is located near Raleigh, North Carolina on a 10,700-acre site in southwest Wake County.

25 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 1718 times



The Surry plant, named for the county in which it is located, is on an 840-acre site near historic Williamsburg, Virginia.

10 files, last one added on Oct 05, 2015
Album viewed 1114 times

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility


1 files, last one added on Sep 10, 2015
Album viewed 230 times

Turkey Point


The twin reactors at Turkey Point nuclear station are on a 3,300-acre site new Miami, Florida, in Dade County.

26 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 2084 times

Virgil C. Summer (VC Summer)


The Virgil C. Summer nuclear station occupies a site near Jenkinsville in Fairfield County, South Carolina. The site includes the decommissioned experimental CVTR unit. Monticello reservoir provides cooling water and feeds a pumped storage unit. In 2001, the Summer unit operated at 79.9 percent of capacity, producing 6.76 billion kilowatthours of electricity. About two-thirds (66.7 percent) of the Summer plant is owned by its operator, the South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. The remaining 33.3 percent is owned by the South Carolina Public Service Authority.

8 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2009
Album viewed 2073 times

University of Florida

Research and Test Reactors

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

University of Virginia

Research and Test Reactors

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

Alvin W Vogtle


Alvin W. Vogtle power plant is located in Burke County, near Augusta, Georgia. During Vogtle’s construction, costs skyrocketed from an estimated $660 million to $8.87 billion.

7 files, last one added on Jul 16, 2006
Album viewed 1354 times

Watts Bar


The Watts Bar 1 nuclear reactor is located between Chattanooga and Knoxville on a 1,770-acre site. The next-to-last reactor in alphabetical sequence, Watts Bar is the last reactor to come on line in the United States (as of December 31, 2002). Watts Bar supplies enough electricity for about 250,000 households in the Tennessee Valley. Unit 2 was about 80 percent complete when construction stopped in the early 1990s.

66 files, last one added on Nov 12, 2006
Album viewed 2335 times



38 albums on 1 page(s)

Last viewed - Region II (South East)
generator art1855 viewsOct 22, 2024 at 03:07 PM
Laura2661 viewsOct 22, 2024 at 10:06 AM
North Anna Workers3162 viewsOct 22, 2024 at 10:06 AM
North Anna Worker1529 viewsOct 22, 2024 at 10:06 AM

Last additions - Region II (South East)
Jan 25, 2017
1983 Outage t-shirtOct 05, 2015
1983 outage shirt...Oct 05, 2015
Roadway CleanupSep 10, 2015

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