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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #50 on: Mar 16, 2011, 06:31 »
On topic - the body fat thing is a little ridiculous, the PRT standards for women are a little ridiculous, but all-in-all not too difficult to maintain weight and at least a good low if you try.  Deployments might be a different story, but at shore you should have no reason not to eat healthy.  Sure it might cost more than the galley, but it costs a lot less than a career.

And how many deployments have you done? My Experience has taught me that shipyards mean pack on the pounds and then you deploy and sweat them all off... Anything near a roach coach is bad, really bad.


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #51 on: Mar 16, 2011, 08:59 »
My point was on a deployment - unless I have been vastly misinformed - you do not have as many options for smart eating as you could on shore.  I highly doubt any number of deployments, or qualifications will persuade me that having a roach coach nearby is a bigger factor in weight than diet and exercise.


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #52 on: Mar 16, 2011, 09:15 »
My point was on a deployment - unless I have been vastly misinformed - you do not have as many options for smart eating as you could on shore.  I highly doubt any number of deployments, or qualifications will persuade me that having a roach coach nearby is a bigger factor in weight than diet and exercise.

tread lightly before making accusations about the fleet ;)

You will understand when you get there. Looking back... id rather redo my first deployment again then go through a 6 month shipyard O.o


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #53 on: Mar 16, 2011, 09:51 »
CM, do you an drayer reply to every thread on NW?

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #54 on: Mar 16, 2011, 10:12 »
CM, do you an drayer reply to every thread on NW?


I was having the same thought myself. Maybe they own stock in Nukeworker, Inc?
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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #55 on: Mar 16, 2011, 10:16 »
Mainly because Im still in A-school.  It's a pain to change into NSU/Civilian clothes to run to the store or get a haircut off base just to come back and change back into NWU's, finish the homework, change back into civilian clothes to sleep in...  Granted its a minor inconvienence but Im practicing the whole bitching sailor thing :-P

Efficient use of time can help a lot.  Doing homework on the breaks during class helps a lot.  That's how many people I know cut down on the time spent after school in the building.  It's not like you need to go to the store or get a haircut every day either.
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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #56 on: Mar 16, 2011, 10:31 »
CM, do you an drayer reply to every thread on NW?
I was having the same thought myself. Maybe they own stock in Nukeworker, Inc?

Totally agree!  I posted the same on another thread.  I really think they should just e-mail or pm each other to continue their argument as BZ suggested.  But, then again, maybe they are just trying to outpost everyone who has ever been here.


Notice the change in pictures in the view?
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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #57 on: Mar 16, 2011, 11:29 »
CM, do you an drayer reply to every thread on NW?

mutual boredom. Think "super troopers" :D


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #58 on: Mar 17, 2011, 12:43 »
Not every thread. I have been on here a lot lately due the fact that I have been following the Japan ordeal and I use this as a break when I am doing classes. I also have a job that allows for plenty of free time on here. I've been able to share some things and today for example, I learned some of the great things about Omaha... Who knew there was great things in Omaha? I would definitely say the increase in use is due to Japan though. My Post/Day # is still way low in comparison to you guys. No Stock, although I am anxiously awaiting the IPO, FB has nothing on this... "Charlie" on the other hand....
« Last Edit: Mar 17, 2011, 12:50 by drayer54 »

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #59 on: Mar 17, 2011, 08:05 »
So, is there anything bad about beings ad-sep'd from the Navy due to PRT failures as far as the civilian side of Nuke power is concerned?

Due to exceeding the Navy's standards, I was booted out in 1995. It is great; how many times are you asked in an interview about a time when you failed and how you responded? Or a time you determined a need to make a change due to feedback received?

Either get back in shape when you get out and use it to answer those awkward interview questionss, or have a great sense of humor about it and make sure they know you can do the job.
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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #60 on: Jun 05, 2011, 01:59 »
"wear it for short routine stops and even at restaurants out in town as long as it's during working hours."

That NAVADMIN has been out since 2009... the wear restrictions haven't changed at all since then and it is still a highly restrictive uniform to wear.  For example - living in the BEQ's I am not allowed to "stop by" the barber shop off base in my NWU's.  Unless I left early I guess and it was still during working hours...

The routine stops and working hours make it difficult to "show off" to the public.

I saw a lieutenant, ty spell check, in his NWUs at buffalo wild wings almost a year ago. Booyah. And it was definitely after working hours.

EDIT: After submitting my response, I noticed that my last post was in a topic about PRT failures... then I realized I posted something about something that wasn't even on topic. Now I want to delete it but I'd like to share my story... so

Edit2:On topic.. basically if the Navy has standards to meet, just like anything else, just meet them. If a sailor is fat, they should fix themselves. I hate working out, but when I'm done, I feel great. Arguing with something bigger than us is just a waste of time, we signed that stupid stack of papers (contract), right?. Do what you need to do, ask someone for help if you really need it. Like everyone else said, do you really want to have an ad-sep cause you can't stay in shape?
« Last Edit: Jun 05, 2011, 02:14 by Jechtm »
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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #61 on: Jun 05, 2011, 01:08 »
The Navy does NOT foster an environment of health and fitness, as some throughout our chain-of-command would have the world believe.  And the CoC I am talking about is up to the CNO.

If we, the Navy, wanted to foster an environment of health and fitness, the first thing we would do is get rid of the soda and junk food machines everywhere.  When walking into the gym at Gate 5 on NOB, the first thing you pass is a Coke machine.  In the gym!

The PRT program has become another "force shaping tool" during the latest in a long line of drawdowns.  We can train sailors to operate a multi-million dollar nuclear power plant but we can't train some SOB to use a pair of f**king calipers!  WTF?!?!

Point being, the Navy now is looking to get rid of sailors, and this is merely another way to do it.  Good and bad, both are getting the hook.

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« Last Edit: Jun 05, 2011, 02:03 by Marlin »

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #62 on: Jun 05, 2011, 03:56 »
The PRT program has become another "force shaping tool" during the latest in a long line of drawdowns.  We can train sailors to operate a multi-million dollar nuclear power plant but we can't train some SOB to use a pair of f**king calipers!  WTF?!?!

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #63 on: Jun 11, 2011, 03:49 »
If you are discharged for BCA failures you will get 25,000 dollars.

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #64 on: Jun 11, 2011, 04:45 »
If you are discharged for BCA failures you will get 25,000 dollars.

Any link or source on that?


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #65 on: Jun 11, 2011, 11:16 »
I would bet that he is making a reference to an individual who did that. That is by no means in every case. They just reduced the amount for PRT failures and you still have to pass the physical portion to collect any of that. I have seen firsthand a guy get 18 and change for getting out at this 8 year mark with 4 prt fails. That would likely be an example.

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #66 on: Jun 11, 2011, 11:47 »
I believe it's involuntary separation pay, since you're not breaking any laws, but still getting kicked out before your EAOS. I could be wrong though.


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #67 on: Jun 11, 2011, 11:49 »
I believe it's involuntary separation pay, since you're not breaking any laws, but still getting kicked out before your EAOS. I could be wrong though.

That is correct.

PTS fails get it, PRT fails, High Year Tenure, and others of that type


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #68 on: Jun 13, 2011, 08:33 »
Update on the involuntary sep pay.  the Navy recently changed the rules on this.  If you are being separated due to body fat issues, then you are entitled to 1/2 of the separation pay you would normally be entitled to.  However, if you are being separated due to actually failing the physical portion of the PRT, you are entitles to zero, zip, nada.

One thing to keep in mind as well.  In order to qualify for separation pay, for those personnel being separated for an issue not involving some type of medical retirement/disability, a service member must have served at least 6 years and must be discharged under honorable conditions.

In the next year, another startling change that is being pushed is that those personnel with greater than 18 years of service would no longer be protected from this early separation. 

The bottom line, once again, is cost savings.  For those still serving on active duty, find a way to stay in decent enough shape to avoid this axe.  It cuts deeply and painfully.


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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #69 on: Jun 14, 2011, 11:04 »
Below is the calculation for full Involuntary Separation Pay.

Monthly Base Pay X 12 X YOS (years of service) X 10% = ISP

Full ISP is for PTS, Enlisted Retention Board, and others not limited by half-pay.

Half ISP is for PFA failures (BCA only, if you can't pass the actual PR, you get squat), HYT and some oher scenarios.

Example:  E-5 over 6 years, less than 8  Base pay $2620.20 per month

($2620.20)(12)(6)(0.1)(0.5 cause you only get 1/2 ISP for being fat) = $9,432.72 (before taxes)  rough estimate of 28% for taxes

$6,791.56 after taxes. 

Now, that is still better than nothing, but it is basically chump change to get by on while job hunting or until you get into college and teh 9-11 GI Bill kicks in.  If you have wife and kids, well, it just gets better from there.

E-6 over 15 years - ($3441.00)

($3441.00)(12)(15)(0.10)(0.5) = $30,969.00 before Unlce Sam's take, $22,297.68 take home.

Again, basically nothing after 15 years of service.

A simple truth is that the days of the Nuke Navy not playing according to Big Navy's rules (for the most part) are over.  We have kicked 5 Nukes to the curb in the last 9 months here.

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #70 on: Jun 22, 2011, 01:27 »
The Navy does NOT foster an environment of health and fitness, as some throughout our chain-of-command would have the world believe.  And the CoC I am talking about is up to the CNO.

If we, the Navy, wanted to foster an environment of health and fitness, the first thing we would do is get rid of the soda and junk food machines everywhere.  When walking into the gym at Gate 5 on NOB, the first thing you pass is a Coke machine.  In the gym!

The PRT program has become another "force shaping tool" during the latest in a long line of drawdowns.  We can train sailors to operate a multi-million dollar nuclear power plant but we can't train some SOB to use a pair of f**king calipers!  WTF?!?!

Point being, the Navy now is looking to get rid of sailors, and this is merely another way to do it.  Good and bad, both are getting the hook.

Latest and greatest from the inside, only 6 more months till 20 :)

Yes, but how many times do you pass a water fountain (scuttlebutt <_<), you  should bring food in from home, and then you make the decision to have water or a soda. If some sailors can stay in shape how come not all sailors can?? It comes down to determination and personal choice. I think that is exactly how the big navy sees it.

Sure, I have a problem being in shape, but that's because I decide to play video games instead of going doing something active, I eat pizza instead of eating a salad, those are choices. If you know you won't be doing anything active because your going to be away for awhile, watch what you eat and you should be fine. We all know its not hard to understand that by having calories in=out you shouldn't gain weight. You may lose some muscle mass, but you better believe its a lot easier to get back into shape when your not overweight...

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #71 on: Jun 23, 2011, 02:20 »
Yes, but how many times do you pass a water fountain (scuttlebutt <_<), you  should bring food in from home, and then you make the decision to have water or a soda. If some sailors can stay in shape how come not all sailors can?? It comes down to determination and personal choice. I think that is exactly how the big navy sees it.

Sure, I have a problem being in shape, but that's because I decide to play video games instead of going doing something active, I eat pizza instead of eating a salad, those are choices. If you know you won't be doing anything active because your going to be away for awhile, watch what you eat and you should be fine. We all know its not hard to understand that by having calories in=out you shouldn't gain weight. You may lose some muscle mass, but you better believe its a lot easier to get back into shape when your not overweight...


Big navy could care less about your physical fitness.  PRT as iti is today is a force shaping tool, nothing more.  We need to cut sailors.... we enforce PRT rules...been that way for years.
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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #72 on: Jul 01, 2011, 10:22 »
Big navy could care less about your physical fitness.  PRT as iti is today is a force shaping tool, nothing more.  We need to cut sailors.... we enforce PRT rules...been that way for years.

Whose we? Are you saying that you are big navy? I'm looking from the bottom up, and that's my opinion =/

And I never said that enforcing PRT rules was wrong, I encourage it.... are they a good tool to summarize a persons PF? Summarize, I guess.
"Truth is the Daughter of Inspiration;... It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #73 on: Jul 01, 2011, 10:35 »

Whose we? Are you saying that you are big navy? I'm looking from the bottom up, and that's my opinion =/

And I never said that enforcing PRT rules was wrong, I encourage it.... are they a good tool to summarize a persons PF? Summarize, I guess.

 I think GC has a pretty good feel for big navy as he's spent a lot of time in it and done pretty well for himself. I also think he is right on this issue.

Now go find that scuttlebutt and enjoy a salad. 8)
« Last Edit: Jul 01, 2011, 10:36 by Drayer »

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Re: PRT Failures?
« Reply #74 on: Jul 01, 2011, 10:26 »
Big navy could care less about your physical fitness.  PRT as iti is today is a force shaping tool, nothing more.  We need to cut sailors.... we enforce PRT rules...been that way for years.

Yes, but how much less could it care? :P

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